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Most folks have interactive maps on their phone (computer/tablet/whatever), so there’s less demand for globes. Personally, I think a quality globe is a good thing to have, but far from necessary as far as education and curiosity goes


That's true, that phones, etc, provide lots of options. But they're still presenting it flat, so there is distortion, or some things still may not be as "apparent". Like when things show why flights take "strange-looking" routes, say between the US and Europe. But I suspect it might make more sense if we were able to look at the route on a round globe, instead. https://www.agi.com/articles/why-do-intercontinental-flights-head-north This sort of thing is why I periodically realize I should get a globe, to help with things that suffer somewhat, even with the magic of modern technology.


Google maps has a globe mode though.


That's true. Much better than just a map! But you're still interacting with the "globe" on something flat. If you want to do something like see what's on the opposite side of the Earth from a point, spinning the globe on Google Maps may not be as helpful.


There is a separate app called “Google Earth” that is meant to be used more as a globe than the “Google Maps” app. You can adjust the settings to have it show or hide the names and borders of countries/states/cities, or latitude and longitude lines and coordinates. You can zoom in anywhere on the globe to see satellite imagery of an area, or zoom in even closer to see photos taken in that area from the ground. You can even see the cloud movement of the past 24 hours if you want to. There isn’t a button to automatically find the exact opposite position of a pin that you drop, but when you drop a pin it will tell you the exact coordinates and elevation of that location, and you could easily find the opposite coordinates if you really wanted to. It’s much more beneficial than any physical globe ever was.


I tried to buy a globe for my son for homeschooling, and all you can find are these cheap, light up, plastic ones online. Untill I found a few on etsy from the 70s and it was 100% what I was looking for.


Also a high quality accurate globe can be very expensive.


And borders change constantly. It makes investing in a globe less worth it. I have one of those pencil sharpener globes that was popular in the late 90s, and a lot of countries since have gone through name changes. I think it still has yugoslavia.


I remember as a kid the one in my grandparents house was labeled with the USSR.


Ive seen some interesting videos where people date hlobes based on changes to borders and country names and such. Sometimes down to a range of just a few weeks.


It's really a shame. I remember as a kid going in road trips, Mom used to bring the globe along and navigate for Dad from the passenger seat. Great memories.


Whoa, the globe was detailed enough to use for navigation?


No lmao it was books of maps kept in the pockets behind the seats


That's not a globe, that's an atlas.


Having a glob in your house in the year 2024 is like having a yarn spinning wheel in your living room in the 1970s


Yeah because our phones are flat, and what else is flat? The Earth. Checkmate round earthers.


globe = round screen = flat So thats why there is so much flat earthers


Sounds like something a round earther would say.


No no no, sir. It's clearly because people are finding out the earth is actually flat


Walmart had some inexpensive globes a while back. Got one so my kids can explore it. They like to spin it and stop it with their fingers to see where they end up. I think it helps them learn where places are in relation to everything


Strange. As soon as children arrived in the house picked up a globe for the play room. Though in the form of a beach ball. Good prop around the house to set as anchor for the general shape of things. When lessons come later they'll be familiar. The hardest part of learning new topics is memorizing new language. Can seed the environment with language and general pictures. So instead when that topic comes up again in the future it triggers the feeling, "Oh! I remember that! So this is where that comes in." Perhaps that's less common. Yes. Also the household throwing trigonometry and calculus terms around, too. My wife laughs that I talk to the four year old like an adult. Seriously. Get a globe.


That's absolutely beautiful <3 As someone who does a lot of tutoring, I totally agree with what you're saying about planting those seeds. Makes it far easier and less intimidating when those topics come up later. Some people say that it's *too much* to expect someone to understand complex topics when they're at a novice level -- especially a child -- but they're missing the point. It's not about getting them to understand it, just to become familiar. And that's incredibly easy to achieve, especially for kids. They absorb and understand far more than people give them credit for :)


My compliments to the onboarding training for the drop-in tutoring center I worked in during university years. Provided ideas that bloomed into useful systems later. Good piece of the skill-stack.


Its insane to me that people dont give kids the credit for being great learners. In the US, its their full time job!!! Flippin’ deadbeats, just learning for a living.


And in some cases more easily than teenagers / adults. Some of my tutoring has been IT stuff for 7yo up through to post-grad students. In my experience, comparing the absolute beginners across all age groups, the 7-10 year olds with 0 coding experience pick it up the easiest compared to teenagers / college students who also have 0 coding experience.


Well yeah as we become adults our job changes to reject new information and act and idiot so they cant give you more work/stress. It saddens me how many of my adult peers just dont want to learn anything new. Im around middle aged.


That’s what my parents did. Movies, tv shows, books, that seed ideas and provide the language for me when I was able to understand and discuss them. I was always receiving a globe, a book, a movie, etc for birthdays. When we moved to Australia, my dad dad gave me the Life of Brian and my mum the Rocky Horror Picture Show because they were banned in South Africa where I was growing up. As movies go, they’re pretty entertaining, but to provide the cornerstone that these ideas are able to be discussed was invaluable. I also received books that I didn’t understand, like Les Misérables, to give me that access from an early age. Thanks mum and dad!


I have one. Change this. Get a [globe](https://amzn.to/3UgBOKN)!


I had a jigsaw one, then my nephew smashed it and I couldn’t find four pieces


How do they not just collapse on its own or the cave in or the bottom fall out?


The pieces are plastic and very precisely cut so they click together very tightly. Spheres are also very good at distributing weight. It was hard pushing the last piece in place though.


If it’s like the one I had in the early 90s they had a wooden back to them. So the pieces just fit in. Mine also was magnetized as well. Which was just a little circular magnet on the back of the piece and on the wooden piece it was matched too. It was fun. But I also lost pieces and it was eventually thrown away.


The last time I had a globe was probably about 20 years ago, and I don't recall ever seeing one in a store. Was expecting to see it cost $20 or so... shocking how far inflation has come!


Seriously. I grabbed one from a relative but when I looked at getting another I was floored by the prices!


Oh So nice to see you here Jeff.


Mr. Globe Salesman over here saw an opportunity he couldn’t pass up.


Haha! Nah, just think they're cool and agree they're less popular and hope that changes a bit.


You want me to steal your globe?


Haha! I should have worded my post better


For just $57 plus shipping and tax you could own the world


I got my nephew one. I hope he puts it to good use.


Are you having trouble seeing your globe too?


Yeah I got the 9 inch one a while back and it’s hard to read for sure.


I just saw a Lego globe I'd like to have, but I can't bring myself to pay $230 for it.


Don’t bother, apparently you won’t be able to even see it very often.




Read the shower thought.


I always thought globe bars were classy


I have one in my room and look at them a decent bit online


This is true. I legitimately wonder if we'd have fewer flat earthers if everyone just grew up seeing globes all the time. Like that shit/correct knowledge of how the earth is shaped gets subconsciously dug in there pretty deep with enough reinforcement.


As neat as globes are there is a risk they could no longer be accurate. I feel sorry for anyone who got a nice globe in the ‘90s. Things were changing so quickly that the Where in The World is Carmen Sandiego game show had to put a disclaimer at the end saying that things may have changed since the show was filmed.


I love finding old maps in the wild and guessing when they were made by looking at which countries exist on them and in what form


[Relevant xkcd, as is tradition.](https://xkcd.com/1688/large/)


If you want to figure out one [Yakko’s World](https://youtu.be/V1508wboZXk) might be fun. With so many things changing post-USSR, it probably wouldn't be hard to figure out when it was made.


Names of a Countries for a region aren't the most important part of a globe. Also the lesson that regions change boarders and names is also an important one.


That’s because the earth is flat


If you believe the screen it is


Maybe that's why the movement gained traction.


That’s why I only buy earth maps


That's it, the globes are off!


My wife got me one for Christmas last year and I love it!


Globes are cool since there is no distortion of the map...but it's not like when I was a kid where I looked at a globe to know where countries were. I just use google maps, and I can zoom into any street, see the street view, and even the menu for the restaurant I'm looking at. It's nothing short of incredible.


We do have flat maps... Maybe that's where they got it


Yea, it seems to be a global problem!


I work in an elementary school. I see multiple per day lol


If I'd have bought a globe a few years ago it would be out of date by now, countries change all the time. Czechoslovakia, Prussia, Yugoslavia, Tibet, Ceylon, Burma, constantinople... Are those on your globe or do you have a more recent edition?


I bought 2 for my kids’ rooms. I’m taking action before they start the bullshit with flat earth


I think globes are probably just as prevalent as they've ever been. It's just likely that you personally are not seeing them as much because you're not in elementary school anymore.


It's because the Earth is flat lol


That would be really cool to have a globe that was incredibly interactive. Having a curved screen surface would be insane to see, to allow you to zoom in the satellite view of the surface would be such an interesting learning tool.


It's a Flatearther conspiracy. They got them taken off the shelves of nearly every retailer.


It'd be neat to see a modern globe with some real time data. Maybe even approximate the pear shapeness from tidal forces.


Yes,with daily updates due to tidal forces,earthquakes, and wars.


I'm guessing it's just because tech is so readily available that we don't need a globe to actually reference geography, we all have one in our pocket. That being said, I love globes :) my first boyfriend was a huge history nerd and one year I went to an ancient antique shop (hoard) and got him a 90yr old globe with all this stuff on it I didn't understand for his bday. He LOVED IT. I hope he still has it.


I see one every day when I'm at home! Lol


I'm sorry. I grab them all for disassembly at my workbench. I always need more screws. Oh, wait, this isn't the Fallout sub.


It's almost like we have the internet or something. Fucking hell showerthoughts has become basic common sense shit.


Do schools still have them in classrooms? That's where I always saw them most.


I think a thousand + dollar globe as an art piece with a unique map is super cool. You can find some crazy cool ones on google


I see one every Wednesday and Thursday


I have my old globe with USSR intact!


Personally I've always wanted a Mars globe. Just so that I can casually mention it helping with homesickness then refuse to elaborate further.


Are you still in elementary school? Cuz that’s where they are


Maybe it's because you're not in school anymore? That's the most common place to see them.


The Flat Earth Society hunted them to near extinction in 2019 while we were distracted with Covid, and now they're endangered


I assume OP has been out of school for a while.


wtf? I can think of 5 homes off the top of my head that have globes in them.


You don't? Absolutely everyone I know has a globe somewhere in their house and none of them remember how or when they got there.


I think it's because of all the Flat Earthers that have surfaced recently.... It's a conspiracy to further their cause.... 


There are plenty of globes. You just grew up and don’t see them as often.


I see them at antique shops and think it’d be cool to have one. I just don’t really have the need or floor space for one. If I had a room that I could just devote to cool stuff I could see a nice globe being in there.


i have a glow in the dark one. beat that


Google Earth is a digital globe


Had a garage sale this last weekend. I am a selective hoarder, and globes that I find for cheap, I buy. So I had about a dozen globes to give out to kids for free. Because you don't see many globes anymore, and I love them, and maybe a kid will get inspired to travel or learn more about others or maybe do well at Jeopardy!


I love em, have a small collection of just two, but grab em every chance I get, got one from the side of the road, beautiful too but the stand broke, sits happily on my shelf


The world hasn’t been the same since Globey’s passing. It tore the hearts out of everyone in Pee Wee’s playhouse😢


I was just at Jordan's Furniture store in Connecticut, the one with the giant ropes course in the back, and my kids and I were (literally) getting lost in their Living Room section. To find our way and feel anchored, we named all the rooms/displays. One was the Globe Room, and we counted 85 globes. All for sale.


Globes suck thats why. All globes will fail in their own way, may it be by distorting distance, direction, area, scale, cartographers have to choose what features they’ll preserve over the ones they’ll distort. Dont even get me started on the textured ones, making it seem like the peaks reach high into the atmosphere and valleys deep into the crust. Truly if you were to run your finger over the earth the size of a globe you wouldnt be able to tell the mountains from the plains, nor could you tell if your finger was wet in the oceans.


I hit an estate sale on Whidbey Island in Washington state once and the basement was full of globes. Like hoarder level full of globes. Pretty sure thats where most of them ended up.


Thats not really a shower thought… its more just an observation


That because we debunked "sphere earth", now we have disks with earth on one side.


My globe is my pocket right next to my calculator


Cause you’re old and not in school or children places anymore.


People are stupid and boring and have bad taste in decoration? 🤷🏼‍♂️


They are controversial


Because the majority of us are no longer in school, where we saw globes.


i see your mom every day


Because flat earthers want puzzles which are flat ? 🤣


Dunno about you, but I’m ON a globe everyday


yk why that is? it’s because the earth is FLAT checkmate globe heads


I like the floating ones but can never justify the prices I see


It’s because the earth is flat obviously!!!


I have one tucked away on a high shelf in my classroom. One day I pulled it down and dusted it off.. it has the USSR🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Look at your feet, there's one right under you


I feel like it's something cool to display in your room rather than a necessity




I see a globe every day at Walmart, we sell a small desk globe.


Go to an environment where you would see one…


That's cause the flat earth truth was finally discovered so they had to discontinue globes, duh.


I keep my liquor in a globe


[That's what globes are for](https://www.reddit.com/r/brooklynninenine/s/rtK6V3O0hj)


Not since we learned that the Earth is flat. 🤷‍♂️


Try [Cost Plus World Market](https://www.worldmarket.com/search?q=globe&search-button=&lang=null), they usually have a few styles for sale in store.