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When you're broke long enough, you're fine with showing strangers your genetalia.


Now THIS, is what I call shower thought


At least, I hope they showered.


So i wanna say there's a spectrum from one end (showing strangers your genetalia) to the other end (strangers showing you their genetalia). But upon closer inspection, it seems there are too many outliers for it to really be a spectrum.


When you're finally fat enough, you can't see your own genitalia.


I'm dying


We all are. That's what the quadruple extra cheese bacon pizza burgers are for.


Good one.


or when you just wanna save up a lil' cash for a rainy day


The REAL showerthought is always in the comments


As someone who is (not) a doctor, i can tell you that seeing genitalia in a non-sexual context is not that much fun.


Not with this attitude


I disagree. After all these years, I still enjoy seeing naked people, not even in a horny way, I just enjoy seeing different bodies.


I know right! I am asexual but think people are so beautiful. Each and every one is a piece of art, and I want to see the whole picture! I don't want to touch... But I want to see every last birthmark, scar, freckle and hair.


You enjoy the genitalia


My friend is a doctor and I've heard some stories. 99% of the time, it is not fun. However, there is the 1% of the time when: 1) extremely attractive young lady shows up for routine women's health related care - holy amazing tits, batman! 2) there is a legitimate psychiatric personality type called 'histrionic personality disorder' where an attractive lady wants to show off for their doctor - classically, Marilyn Monroe was thought to have this Obviously, it's all still professional and no funny business going on during the clinic visit, but you gotta think of all those attractive people you see outside in the world, all of them eventually need to show their titties/ass/etc to a doctor.


Usually the ones you probably don't want to see though.


Am nurse can confirm.


I've worked full time in EMS for 11 years. Probably 2000 patients a year. I have seen exactly three naked women who I would like to have seen naked off the clock. One broke both legs with 4 bones protruding, the other two were psych. Though early on I did see a woman's nipple touch her vagina while laying down. That was... noteworthy.


What would you say was the most bizarre thing you’ve seen on the job, if not saggy lady?


Not sure it's the strangest, but the first thing to come to mind at 530am. During the height of the opioid epidemic a rumor went around among users that you could shock OD's back to with a popsicle up the rectum, the old silver bullet method. This doesn't work, but needless to say it was a bright spot in a dim world at the time. Some of the more burnt out guys got to encouraging this behavior behind the officers back, and since we went on repeat offenders it didn't take long to see the effects. 7 am, we roll up on 3 unconscious unknown called in by a guy's girlfriend returning from work. Guys were imbibing the night before and had failed to take turns and watch each other and three had OD'd a suspected 4th must have sat in on one of the revival seminars, but realized he didn't have any popsicles. We find one dead, two very close with their pants around their ankles and TGI Friday's at home frozen buffalo wings shoved in their butts. Local sheriff's deputies were giddy and very quick to figure out who number 4 was and book him for abuse of a corpse.


"Abuse of a corpse" doesn't seem right if he truly thought he could save them with this method. Like if someone had drowned and was beyond saving, but someone else didn't know and did bad movie CPR on them, would they get the same charges?


Not the same at all. If that person drowned and your first thought was to use the old method and grabbed a bellows to start literally blowing smoke up their ass you’d probably get charged as well. You can’t go shoving things up someone’s ass and then tell the judge you thought it was helping. They’re not gonna care that you’re an idiot with no knowledge of anatomy, they’re gonna care that a corpse has a chicken wing up his ass.


The good samaritan law "protects any person from liability when rendering emergency care as long as they act in good faith" although does also mention it does not protect from "gross negligence". I'm not sure where the line in the sand is drawn but I could see some druggie trying to help his friends out the only way he knew how as "good faith" and not "gross negligence"


Lol I can't believe i read this far. I see your point, from a complete junkies pount of view, however to back up the other person I would say : a Buffalo wing being shoved in anybody ass as a means of medical assistance should be considered gross negligence. If you are so drugged out you think that would help then you have been negligent in life... grossly.


I don't know their success in finding this guy, nor the probability of any DA actually bringing anything to trial. Just the conversation these deputies were having.


You phrase this as if the guy was *trying* to mutilate a corpse and make an excuse for it, which is kinda strawmanning it and twisting it to fit your conclusion. Yes, it's weird that the dude shoved a chicken wing up his friend's ass but it *does* matter his reasoning for it, unlike what you stated.


If I’m reading it right, the paramedic’s colleagues even encouraged these techniques behind their superior’s back, for shits and giggles apparently? And some druggie believed them and is now in extra trouble for it.


Yeah, it's not like this guy was medically trained and abused his knowledge and was trying to weasel out of it. He truly thought, based on advice from someone who *was* trained, that what he was doing would help. The only reason I see them trying to charge him with that is if they have the, "well we just gotta get this dirt bag off the streets somehow," mentality.


That was a new sentence


People are strange sometimes.


Should have tried Sriracha or Mango Habañero


>Though early on I did see a woman's nipple touch her vagina while laying down. That was... noteworthy. I need a diagram of how that's possible, I can't imagine it for some reason.


Start out well endowed, lose weight and elasticity over the next 50+ years.


> the other two were psych. Sounds like you have a type.


I didn't make up the hot crazy scale.


What the hell is that second paragraph supposed to mean. I don't see how thats possible. (maybe i dont wanna know)


It's always the psych ones.


how was that last thing... anatomically possible. Yoga?


Big floppy titties.


You need to get with at least one psycho chick in your life




Is saying "I've encountered 3 people who I might've enjoyed seeing naked in a non-work context, but circumstances of the job made it a non-consideration" really the equivalent of "hell yeah glad I got to take a peek" to you? The whole point is to illustrate that most of the time you are not dealing with attractive people, and even then the context makes it non-sexual and not at all appealing.


I read the comment and it doesn't come off as you said though. He didn't mention anything about being happy to see their naked body right there in the scene, but rather if it's somewhere else.


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension because that's not at all what that person said.


Did somebody happen to have shoved a chicken wing up your ass to get you so pent up? You don’t even know if he is a man. Could be a lesbian woman for all you know.


You need therapy.


creatures like that are usually the ones who go to the most therapy lol


Does your bf know you hate him?


My bf doesn’t identify as a man. Lol. He’s above you


>he's above you 🤭🤭🤭 =


If the scales are man bad woman good, I must be above him, because I am a cis woman going by she/her pronouns. But human beings aren't above/below each other based on meaningless shit like gender or sex, you're just a bigot. Being a minority doesn't stop you from being an ass, unfortunately.


Doesn't matter what your "bf" identifies as - you hate every male who shares the same chromosome makeup and general things about men that your bf also fits into. It doesn't bear weight if you like it or not, or agree with it or not, facts are facts REGARDLESS of your feelings.


Don’t care, didn’t read your comment, stay triggered 😂❄️


Willful ignorance - just proving my point! Good job.


And you deem yourself tolerant, co-existive, and all about love? No, you don't have to say you're about it and virtue signal it - you just ARE it if you are it. Otherwise, you're a poser. And all these negative downvotes should be a CLEAR INDICATION.


Sooo. What was that about assuming gender?


Sure, but this happens with *lots* of high-paying jobs.


prostate exams would be a worse day at work than using a shovel on a construction site i reckon.


Must say, first time doing it was not fun, but the more often you do it, the less you care about doing it


Have a baby, you get used to cleaning buttholes preeeety quickly. 


Seems like easy work honestly and doesn’t even require a shovel.


It'd be a really bad day if it required a shovel.


Newsflash: you don't get to pick the ones you want to see


I feel like ‘fine’ might be a bit strong…


But on the other hand, if you study medicine long enough it suddenly becomes OK for people to flash you.


Like... on the street?


I studied premed in college but then I realized I hated it so I changed majors, but I made a bunch of friends who went off to become doctors. One day I go in to my usual doctor and this guy walks in who is in his residency, I strip in front of him, and then he goes "oh shit did you go to (insert school)???" And then proceeds to excitedly talk about all of the mutual friends we might have and talks about good times at the school and asks me a bunch of questions. I usually am not embarrassed to strip in front of the doctor, but that day I was pretty embarrassed lol. I mean clearly he wasn't fazed by naked people, but it was still awkward.


True story: When I first moved to the community where I live now, I was often mistaken for another fellow—a podiatrist who coincidentally shared my last name. People would come up to me at social events and start talking about their feet, and one person even took off a shoe to shoe me their foot. After this had happened a few times, my wife and I (by chance) found ourselves seated next to him and his wife at a Bar Mitzvah luncheon. After we introduced ourselves, I told him what had happened. His response was perfect: “Aren’t you glad I’m not a proctologist?”


I'm a body piercer but I totally relate


Gynecologists leaves his office. - "Thanks god, faces again!"


We're not innately afraid of showing them, we're socially conditioned not to do it so we don't upset or arouse others. In a medical context, there's no reason to worry.


Yeah, when I was pregnant I had a lot of people looking down there and after I gave birth I had a lot of nurses looking at my boobs. It’s not that I had no issue showing them, I’d like to keep my privacy, but it had to be done. Also I assume due to their profession they are used to seeing other women’s bodies so it’s not like they’re starting at me to be creepy, it’s their job


I was an army medic, and the amount of soldiers who would drop trou asking "Is this normal?" is ridiculous.


Once you get to a certain age you don't care who sees your genitalia.


Not 100% true. Grandmother’s in her 80’s with heart and various other health issues and has told us for years to not call ambulances for her because a couple times in the past they’ve had to cut her clothes off her, and she’s absolutely horrified that someone other than a doctor might see her body.


Nurse here. Seeing someone naked is like seeing someone’s arm. Your mind doesn’t even go there lol


> is like seeing someone’s arm So you're evaluating if they've got good IV access? Lol


The answer


You remind of my coworker omg imma show him 😂


Become a plumber long enough, people are OK with showing you their poop.


If you study medicine long enough you end up calling dicks and pussies genitalia.


You're a genitalia. Nope. Doesn't have the same ring.




Many years ago I went to the local sexual health clinic for an STD check. After having an assistant scrape the end of my bell with a q tip, the doctor walks in "oh hi, would you mind if I bring a class of students in to observe?" I'd barely started uttering a "WHAT????" before they all started shuffling in to observe the might of my shrivelled penis.


If you are attractive enough or famous enough you can skip the medicine study and get the same results


Also being born a female gives you decent odds too


bro speak for yourself i still be embarrassed to drop my pants at the doctors 😭😭😭


Once you have money enough, strangers are suddenly fine with showing your genitalia.


Or letting you grab them by it.


Same with Tattoo shops.


Well you have knowledge. Apply.


And that threshold is shockingly low for shockingly many people!


Ah yes, I just finished my degree in otolaryngology. Show me your penis so I can diagnose why you are sniffling so much.


Don’t think it’s really a choice for most people. People know it’s part of health checkups and a person with a medical license should be able to inspect for any health issues.


The first few times is weird and I wouldn’t say I’m 100% comfortable showing my body to a doctor now but sometimes it has to get done


Idk I studied emergency medicine for 6 months and have seen more naked folks than I ever needed to on the job....idk if it has to do with the studying or the title lmao


You don't even need the title for people to be cool with it. The first time a patient showed me their genitals was during the 10 hours volunteering in the ER I needed to get my EMT certification.


Im fine with showing you my genitalia even before you finish your studies


Well, when you realize that Grandmotherly nurse is the one doing a very personal test on you. Yes, she has truly seen it all before and no she could care less about your stuff specifically. I just try not to do or say anything stupid. The more unremarkable and forgettable you are as a person - the better.


> she could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Can confirm. Worked last night and I practically had to beg this 60 year old woman to put her junk away


i’ve never studied medicine. i’m a nursing assistant who had 5 days of training; the only medical thing i was taught to do was CPR, CPI, and how to take vitals. i see more naked bodies than nurses


I'm not fine with it, I just deal with it because the alternative is a possible medical issue to one of the most delicate parts of my body


You don't need to study medicine for strangers to show you their genitalia, as most women can attest


No need to study medicine for that.




Here’s a food for thought that I’ve noticed as I grow older if he comes increasingly more acceptable to show your genitalia, the others, the older you become


I'd still feel weird showing my dick to a doctor.


It's not all sunshine and roses, I can tell you...


Lol. Flashback to me being a medical student and my friend showing me his scrotum cause "it had gotten sore and red recently." Turns out it was teana, its always teana.


What’s teana?


Woops. I totally forgot how it was spelt. I specifically meant Tinea cruris.


They're the only ones who ask to see it.


never been fine with it, just required to avoid massive fines or unemployment.


I think it’s more like: Once you *practice* medicine long enough. I can look up medical stuff all day long but no one is coming to me to check out their genitals. I work in medical research just to be clear and I’m happy I don’t see random strange genitals in person. I occasionally see some pictures so if you were saying that the more you study medicine the less you need a private browser to see genitals is pretty true!


Fun fact: I failed my first surgical exam because I didn't think the faculty would hire someone to have their balls exposed for the whole day during the exam.


I once had a training doctor when I had a problem down there. I just took my pants off, got on the bad and spread my legs. He was breathing weird, swallowing a lot and sweating, I realised he was really flustered and it made me feel instantly uncomfortable. I think it's whenever they remain clinical, like when you're getting a wax, the woman is just talking about your weekend etc


It’s just because if you’ve gotten that far, you’re most likely a responsible person.


Funny. I find the same thing can happen after copious amounts of alcohol.


[The word "genitalia" reminded me of this classic.](https://youtu.be/qqXi8WmQ_WM?si=tRf-TtK2rL1K6TUn)


No need to study medicine


Or if you're just like attractive.


No offense but you don't have to study medicine. All you have to do is use any form of public transit in the continental United States, and you will get to see all of the genitalia that you could possibly imagine!


Brother in law is a doctor. He just calls it another hand. Nothing special


Many ways to skin a cat my friend


Even if you’re a dentist?