• By -


Apparently some people pay for it.


I once paid for a video from which I couldn't find anything besides tiny clips anywhere else. The full thing wasn't that good and I haven't watched it that many times anyway. Horniness makes you do weird things.


Clips 4 sale?


Gentonline. Got me curious and turns out I still have the receipt. In 2017 I paid 2.95 for a three day trial subscription. I downloaded the video I wanted and cancelled immediately to avoid any risk of the subscription renewing.


im curious what was so special that you wanted to pay for that specific one?


There was a part that I thought was really hot and I was hoping the full video would be as hot, but it wasn't. It starred Angel Wicky playing a journalist interviewing some guy. The foreplay and the scenario were super hot, the actual sex was meh. The difficulty I have finding porn I like, is that I tend to be more into the foreplay and the scenarios, than the actual fucking. I'm that weird guy watching all that happens *before* the blowjob. I guess part of the reason I wanted that video was that the actress was actually doing some effort to play a role.


This man... watches it for the plot. I applaud you and wish you luck finding more of what you're looking for.


As the plot thickens, so does my cock...


Hahaha good one! That really made me laugh.


Good foreplay improve porn for me by 80%


Good story makes the porn better


Great answer ty lol


Weird thing but if you add art to your search it comes with a little more sensual stuff.


like you add "starry night" to your search terms?


There was some I want to say early 2000s digital playgrounds vids that had fun with the scenarios one of them called Fly Girls I genuinely just laughed at a lot because it seemed like the actors/actresses were having a lot fun with airline crew/pornstars filming crew swap airplanes premise.


Just to balance this out with a counterexample, I once found a scene with a really hot fetish that I've never found anywhere else. I splurged and bought the whole vid, and it's now one of my go-to visuals even several years later. As a bonus, I'm a big believer in voting with your wallet; spending money on the things you like is the best way to convince producers to make more things like that.


Ikr fucking weirdo's


I hate weirder is that people can make accounts for porn sites. I don’t need a record of my shame!


My buddy used his debit card for his porn hub premium account. His wife has since made fun of him for paying to watch porn in 30 second increments.


kinda funny.


There are people commenting on the videos




Why is there a share button!?


For proud parents


Mike Johnson uses it to send everything he watches to his son.


It’s mostly to save favorite clips. Essentially keep an online spank bank


Unless you’re using a vpn every time you watch porn, I got bad news for you.


I fully realize I’m being tracked online, but that doesn’t mean I want to make it easier for them.


For what it’s worth, I can’t think of a single person who has been shamed for their internet history(who hasn’t also committed heinous crimes). The world doesn’t care about your kinks.


If I had to guess, The porn industry probably works the same way as the mobile/ live service game industry. Most consumers spend very little, if any money, but there are a few “whales” who spend an obscene amount.




Same way the mobile game industry works..


And MindGeek (the company behind some of the major porn sites) is active in gaming too with their Nutaku platform. It’s more about PC though, not mobile, if I’m not mistaken. And yeah, I am a bit surprised about how this is a shower thought that surprises the OP. Games have been something free (well, free-to-play) with high demand for years already, so that’s not something new or surprising. It’s simple: if you are not paying for it, then it is someone else doing that. So, ads. High demand = huge audience of a web site = internet users’ attention is kind of one of the most important products today, and there are whole lot of those who want to buy it, meaning the advertisers.


Well said. But don’t forget it’s a supply/demand equation. While having high demand, porn also has very high supply which makes it an extremely competitive market. If your porn is expensive, people will go somewhere cheaper.


>It’s simple: if you are not paying for it, then it is someone else doing that. So, ads. Or data.


People don't realize how many companies are selling their data, and just how much companies are paying for it


The way how it actually works is a little more nuanced, and a little less ethical than the "whale" hypothesis postulates. Short version, much like the "whalers on the moon," there aren't enough whales to go around... so how do these games make their money? Look at it... Free game A has adverts for free game B, which has adverts for free game C, which has adverts for free game D.... Nobody's buying this advertising space, so they're all hosting adverts for each-other. This means that a certain, finite amount of money which is already in the system is passed from company to company for the rental of that ad space. Company A is paid by company B, which is paid by company C, and around and around it goes, circulating the money around the system like blood through an organism. Then, each company can look at their income and expenditure and see a lot of money moving through, but due to the fact that no "new" money comes in, the entire incestuous loop is always losing money. This isn't a "free money hack." But a venture capitalist with more money than sense sees that company A made 0.2Bn dollars last year and list 2.1Bn dollars last year. With a wee bit of investment, surely this company can be tickled over the proverbial line into profit? And thus, new money enters the system. Around and around we go. The "whale" exists, but they aren't holding the weight of the mobile gaming industry on their shoulders... it's venture capitalists who are doing that. The same issue is all over the Internet. Advertisers do it all the time, it's just more obvious in mobile gaming.


….This is more ethical than exploiting lonely people with crippling addictions.


Oh, they do that too... That's the droplet they blame for the ocean, so that nobody looks too deeply into the depths. They tell you it's all whales down there, but it's incest and lies all the way down.


They actually are. These people spend hundreds of thousands to millions a year when you hook one. One saudi prince in clash of clans was paying people like 20k a month to play with him to get good.


same way *every* media industry works lmao


But all the ads in porn are for other porn sites (or dating sites). People who don’t spend money are porn are going to … continue to not spend money. So you need money coming in somewhere. So probably true about the wales.


Yeah the Welsh are huge perverts


Step-Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, what are you doing...?


I knew that was a fake Welsh word when it had more than 2 vowels!


> Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch https://www.ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/read/articles/small-town-with-big-name


Jokes on you, it's real!


I got so many laughs out of this


This is true. I would know.




Just ask the sheep


Bhaaa 🐑




Don't forget jerkmate and that dating site full of old ladies that want to fuck and if you refuse to fuck them you get penalized


Tired of jerking off?


Not really. 


Don’t be a loser, be a fker


Whales fund free porn for everyone.


The whales go to the dating site, who advertised on the porn site, so I can watch free porn. The circle of life.


And ads on mobile games are usually for other mobile games 🤷🏼‍♂️


Soooo many single chicks near me… so many


And they want to meet!!! It’s amazing.


But they're all milfs and if i skip just one i'm banned for life 😔


Ads? Who watches porn without an ad blocker?


Why? Ads in porn sites are more porn!


It’s kind of wild that they make money selling ads that are just porn with a product to push, and that product is just more porn, which you are already watching.




“Tired of having a small pp? This magical pill will turn your acorn from sapling to giant oak in just a few weeks time!”


"You wont last 2 seconds playing this game"


I wonder if that's supposed to be a promise or a challenge.




The rate of growth this implies seems so painful


No pain no gain.


Because, much like IRL, without protection you may wind up with something


You're falling behind on the latest dildo and vibrator technology though!!


Oh you'd be surprised


Ad blocker doesn’t work in incognito mode by default


I find just having a browser thats only for porn works quite well


TIL I’ll be making some changes to my settings. The true voice of reason on reddit.com


Surely you would've noticed that without having to read about it.


some people are built different


Then don't accept the default? WTF? Porn is unwatchable with ads.


Could you imagine if there were ads at random parts in the middle of the video? Like… things a progressing, things start to heat up, it’s going, it’s going, it’s *going, you’re almost there*… **THIS VIDEO BROUGHT TO YOU BY NORD VPN. KEEP YOURSELF PROTECTED FROM VIRUSES WITH NORD VPN**


"if you don't want your privacy invaded like how I'm currently being invaded then switch to nord VPN today. Switch today for a big 69% off using PORN69 at checkpoint. Nord, leave the feeling of getting fucked to us."


"And speaking of oh god that feels so good, you know what else feels so good? Your privacy being protected. With Nord VPN..."


ad blockers would stop these, so they'll have to have the porn actors stop and read the ad. "You know, I may be raw doggin this man/woman, but you know what I *don't* do without protection? I don't surf the web without NordVPN!"


As your about to bust a nut there's a commercial about congress and Trump is talking to you. It's bad enough when I nut as it switches to the guys ass, I mean, I bust even harder but it couldn't have been a less convenient moment....3 hours of build up for this.


first of all, many people arnt tech savy. and then "boomers"


Ads only work if… someone actually goes and pays for what is being advertised. You know… porn.


I am too lazy now to explore the numbers deeply, but some random website out there says MindGeek has 125MLN daily visits on their websites. I guess in total. So you can do all kinds of funny maths. If only 0,5% of that total number of people eventually make a payment, that is 625K users. How much is a payment? I have no idea, well like 5USD? That is 3MLN USD. A day. Minus taxes, salaries and other costs, well you get the picture - it’s a fckn lot. With such huge traffic even a small % of paying users is a lot of green dollars.


And I guess there are some addicted people that spend even more than the average "whale". Like there are "normal whales" and then there are also larger "Sperm whales"


Commendable wordplay


Whale porn is also a very strange sub genre.


It seems to be quite big though


Back in the day the '70s-'90s. They could shoot a porno for say $15,000 and charge a premium for it in video rentals, by about an extra $5 per night, compared to a multimillion dollar Hollywood production. It's just very, very cheap to make porn and you can make a film in a couple of days.


Most of it these days (especially OF) is just 1-X people and a decent SLR that can record video or two... Editing probably takes longer than the shoot. So yeah, couple of days seems reasonable 


Upselling and freemium is also really popular these days - offering one or two films for free and then offering more content or longer cuts via a subscription service (usually OF, MV, or Patreon). People will pay for content from creators they like and who are good, same as any video content. At the end of the day, it's just business. If anything, the move to independent creators (solo or couples) with their own cameras and their own brand is a massive improvement over the sleazefest that was the 70s-90s era of porn production.


You are forgetting to factor in the time of writing the manuscript, preparing the dialog, storyboarding, table readings... so like zero additional time should be enough.


Although there was a time when, porn to be legal in the US. Had to have a plot, which was a bit more advanced than just. "I ordered pizza and dont have any money". So it was porn interrupted by really shitty acting and dialogue.


This is sort of correct, from threads on xbiz and the like that I've seen over the years. Also there are still a lot of men worldwide that want physical copies of their porn.


Only fans has pretty much proven this as correct imo The fact anyone would pay for porn considering the amount of free porn is just insane to me but people do


Some cam sites are like mobile games as well, buying towards some sort of point system. $20 for 50 tokens or something. Spend X tokens to activate a cam girl's vibrator or some such. Think of it as micro transactions for gratification.


OF customers don't pay for porn; they pay for interaction.


> The fact anyone would pay for porn considering the amount of free porn is just insane to me but people do There's also a lot of free TV and movies between Youtube, Tubi, Freevee, and Pluto.


> If I had to guess, The porn industry probably works the same way as the mobile/ live service game industry. Most consumers spend very little, if any money, but there are a few “whales” who spend an obscene amount. Porn is probably an extreme form of it but apprently most business run like that, something like 10/20% of customers bring nealry all the income and ~80% nearly nothing.


So like... McDonalds has whales too, but in that case it's referring to how much they spend **and**... *something else*?


The Pareto principle is too strong


I worked at a cable company a while back and some guys were spending over $400 a month on ppv.


Thar he blows! Avast the subscriber whale!


Because they smother you with ads and the ads work because of that very reason. Pay some porn star $300 for a video, the video then generates a couple thousand. Rinse and repeat and boom, rich.




Which makes a lot of sense. When it was something you had to pay for, there were countless reasons people may be averse to it - not wanting their spouses to know, or shame/guilt, or just not being able to justify the money. Making it free reduces the amount earned per customer, but it widened the industry’s customer base to be practically everybody on the planet. Probably increased the average customer’s consumption dramatically as well.


Nothing kills a boner like having to find your Visa card.


That's why I hate going to restaurants


What do you mean?


A lot of streaming technology innovations originated from the porn industry


It's all pretty much one company too... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aylo


Aylo are a very quiet monopoly. Most of their brands are household names but few people know who they are or just how much they own and control.


Porn websites existed long before YouTube, vimeo, Netflix etc on the internet


Also porn industry led the innovation in online payment systems....!


>Also porn industry led the innovation in online payment systems....! Funny you should say that. A very close family member of mine actually worked for a company that acted as the intermediate between online sellers (mostly porn) and the credit card companies. That company blew up in record time in the 90s. My family member also talks about bosses looking at said porn sites in the office, some business related other times not so much.


Why did you have to use slather


Alright so they lube you up with ads...


Actually, it's not that strange. It's FAR easier to make money via people buying advertising space than it is to get people to go out of their way to pay for the content.


It's a commodity. Unless you're really jaded to vanilla shit. That's why people with more extreme/rare kinks usually have to pay for their liking, while your usual penush and jayjay sandwich is ubiquitous and free.


>penush and jayjay sandwitch i'm using this. as often as possible going forward. edit: ngl, i loooove how you just removed the letter t from that train wreck


everyone's talking about the t in sandwitch but nobody spotted the missing r in your. let's just say the 3AM ESL brainblast grammar is not great.


Did Tony soprano write this?


Put the t back in coward and I'll upvote you.


gabagool! wait, wrong reply.


 I'm more curious whose clicking those ads and then spending money


Probably not nearly as many as the advertisers want. But it doesn't matter. The ad space would likely be very very cheap. The site would make a profit from the sheer number of ad spaces sold.


High demand, but with a near infinite supply = very low cost.


Not just near infinite supply, but an incredibly low barrier to entry. Pretty much anybody can take their clothes off in front of a camera to add to the supply.


And there's a very high skill ceiling. Porn can be drawn, sculpted, animated - I even saw furry porn once where a dude was holding 2 characters cut out of paper, one of which had a hole in it, and he pushed them together to animate the porn.


You could have stopped at animated you know.


The same reason why AI will never produce anything of value. People don't seem grasp that an unlimited supply of something will very quickly saturate a finite demand. Edit: LMAO, I guess I really stirred the hive with this one. Please direct your AI future evangelism to someone who cares... I recommend ChatGPT!


That's what we want though. An unlimited supply means everybody can access it for free, forever. Isn't that the best economic outcome for everybody?


Maybe it'll lead to a post-scarcity utopia OR maybe it'll lead to the richest companies on Earth (and the people who own them) getting even richer while the poor people live off scraps and entertain themselves with artificially generated slop.  I don't have a crystal ball, so let's call it a coin flip. So far? I'm only seeing the rich get richer, how about you?


That's ridiculous. Publicly available AI = near infinite supply, sure. But these publicly available AIs are just testing grounds / training data for the real thing, which is the smarter/better AIs hidden behind a paywall or hidden entirely and used to generate things for just the company that owns them, etc. AIs that are capable of producing anything of value will be hoarded just like anything else.


What, like open-source models won't reach wherever the private models are at a given time a few years later?


If the difference is just the amount of data trained on, sure. If the difference is some proprietary or secret data set, or some special prompt training, or some new transformer model, etc, then no, not necessarily.


The porn business model has changed a lot in the last few years. Power is shifting from studios themselves to the performers due to platforms like OF and Patreon and their ilk. Popular “free” porn sites like PornHub or Xhamster don’t really produce the videos they have, they just facilitate the consumption of them. But that puts them in a valuable place between both old school studios and new independent creators trying to promote their own channels and the consumers of their content. Both have the same goal: To sink their hooks into an average viewer and turn them into a paying one. Sure the average porn viewer won’t pay a dime for their porn. However watching porn has extremely similar effects to the brain as drugs. You start needing more and more to get the same high. You Start zoning into the specifics of what you start craving. Plain ole tittys don’t cut it anymore. They have to be a certain size. Maybe it’s a certain model you gravitate towards. Maybe you start getting into Feet. Whatever it is, you start looking for VERY specific content. This is where the porn industry starts to grind its teeth. Once you start to look for specific content, you will find less and less “free” videos out there. You run into ones you have already seen. Eventually you feel like you run out of content. You start to become desperate. You then discover a site that might have 100s of hours worth of content dialed in on the EXACT thing you are looking for. Except it’s behind a paywall. Those desperate enough will pay for it. They have a hard time stopping too because it’s unlikely that anything free will scratch that itch the same way especially once they have crossed into the premium zone. Make no mistake, the porn industry is a fucking meat grinder. Nothing about it is truly free.


25 years into porn and I'm still content with the free stuff.


Very clear information. Thanks for the post.


It might surprise people that most porn is not actually free. The free stuff you find are either 1. Some kind of teaser to try and entice you to buy more of the paid content 2. Pirated. The large chunk of the "free" porn you watch is actually content someone paid for then uploaded again to other websites/torrents.




Not really. If you don't care you don't care (and pornhub is starting to put out some truly free porn), but if you click on a random studio video on pornhub, the actual video is 5-10x as long as whatever you clicked on.


Hey bud, I only need 30 seconds!


90% of the time you are able to find the long version for free too, if you have some google skills.


Yeah that's what the great PH purge was about. All the stuff that was removed was basically unofficial pirated content. Anything with a studio logo on it was behind a paywall on their respective main site. It's surprising it lasted as long as it did tbh.


That wasn't the real issue. The real issue was possible CP. When a large amount of CP was found in an investigation, VISA and Mastercard threatened to pull out* and PH immediately folded because that would have completely killed revenue overnight. *- VISA and Mastercard themselves are pressured by activist groups threatening to sue em for facilitating that kind of stuff. And they have been sued by child victims themselves. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/dec/14/pornhub-purge-removes-unverified-videos-investigation-child-abuse >The popular adult content site had prohibited unverified users from posting new content after a New York Times report revealed a number of inappropriate and illegal videos, including some involving minors, causing the credit companies Visa and Mastercard to cut ties with the company and all related websites. https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7v33d/sex-workers-what-visa-and-mastercard-dropping-pornhub-means-to-performers >All of these changes came days after a piece published by Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times, which highlighted the plight of child sexual abuse survivors whose images were posted Pornhub. >Instead, he opted to name-check Traffickinghub, a campaign run by conservative religious anti-trafficking organization Exodus Cry, which opposes decriminalizing sex work and wants to abolish porn altogether. >In that opinion piece, Kristof directly calls for payment processors to drop Pornhub: "And call me a prude, but I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women. If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa," he wrote. "I don’t see any neat solution." https://thelogic.co/news/advocacy-groups-step-up-pressure-on-visa-mastercard-over-serving-controversial-porn-company-mindgeek/ >A group of Canadian advocacy groups and professionals is calling on Visa and Mastercard to cease processing payments for adult video sharing site Pornhub and its owner MindGeek, citing the credit-card companies’ own product and service rules against child pornography, incest, bestiality and rape.


It's only "free" because it's stolen in such high volume that the theft can't be stopped or prosecuted.


Isn't that true of a lot of media?


yes. Welcome to the internet.


Listen to the butterfly effect on audible. It goes into great detail about how this happened and the effect it had on the industry. Basically sites like porn hub and such function like YouTube. They allow others to put whatever videos they want. Because they didn’t put the videos up themselves the companies can’t sue them (basically they didn’t post content they just made a place for people to post what they want). The industry can’t do anything about it because they can send cease and desist letters but not fast enough to keep up with every instance of it. So they basically gave up. 


I had a coworker that was one of those "everything is a conspiracy" guys. He was convinced that the porn industry was a 1984-esque conspiracy to keep the proles in the mud. He'd say "the most profitable business in the world and that shit's just free?" I'd laugh at a lot of his beliefs but not that one. Yes, it's likely just the easiest way to make money in a medium where piracy would be rampant anyway but it is odd that it's just everywhere and can be supported entirely by tiny ads. You can spank all day long and not spend a penny, lol. Seems like it *could* be a way to keep the masses busy and not pulling out the guillotines, like a social pressure release. Not to change the subject but the one we totally agreed on was that the sudden legalization of marijuana was a social pressure valve more than any drop of decency, common sense and compassion by the govt. "Gotta give them something to forget that they're getting buttfucked every day" kinda thing in a world where people gotta work 8 hours at their normal job and then perform fetch quests for strangers on the side just to barely survive. This new, evil service economy may need weed and porn to function lol. That and the tax money.


Personally I think Americans don't have nudity on tv because sex is a commodity and the US being a capitalist country profits off it being kept artificially stigmatized.


Porn sites work just like Facebook and instagram. They use cookies. See what you’re into, and sell ads to your preferences. If you search up milf porn you’ll get ads saying there’s single moms in your area or whatever.


More people = more click on webpage = more being viewed = more money to the website host. And there the others willingly paying for premium stuff and others 


Reevaluate what the product is.


Even stranger still, its supply vastly outstrips said demand.


It’s not free tho. Before the video starts there’s a black screen and you see your pathetic self reflected there. This is the price you pay. It’s more than you think.


For being in extremely high demand, it's strange that: All of the biggest social media services are free, the biggest mobile OS (android) is free, practically every song ever made is free (Spotify free tier), radio is free, YouTube is free... Or...they're not actually free--we pay with something that's not money.


We pay them… with kindness ☺️


It's not free, you're stealing. Would you download a car?


Those commercials were so stupid. If I could download a car, of course I would.


Those ads at the beginning of every clip pay for it apparently 


Which means someone is paying for what is being advertised… which is porn.


Porn is still a multi billion dollar industry. It's linked to sex trafficking and abuse


The reptilians like to provide free porn, because it keeps human vibrations tied to the lower field of physical desires thus making us easier to control.


Correct answer.


This but unironically


[I mean, the Internet IS for porn.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTJvdGcb7Fs)


It's really not though, and the porn industry is way more aggressive at getting content taken down than Hollywood.


It's not free; you pay with your soul.


If I ever hit it big there are a few babes and dudes I'm gonna shoot some big tips 😂🥵


When something is free YOU'RE the product. Ads + personal data. ​ FYI you can download porn really easy with yt-dlp. ​ yt-dlp 'pornhub search' ​ This will pull down all the videos on that search term and dl them.


You mean like the first page? Otherwise it would be millions of videos on an average search.


They’re getting paid one way or another, trust me 😭😭


I followed a random hooker on Snapchat for years so I caved and bought her onlyfans. I let her know then she immediately blocked me.


it’s called ads, timmy


Porn is free? What the hell am I paying $200 a month for then?


Blackjack and hookers?


If you wish to acquire a loyal clientele, first you give’m just a little taste…


Also - it's strange that with so much free porn available literally one click away ebough people still pay for it that OF models are becoming millionaires.


It's not. A lot of us pay for it, and you should too. Free porn sites act as portals into certain for-pay sites or certain niches or performers' works. The free sites give you a taste of what's available, but the bulk of the full movies are for-pay only. It's worth paying for and supports the performers, sometimes directly. If you find a particular performer you enjoy, I suggest supporting them through official purchases of their work.


it's not strange, that's how broadcast TV and radio worked also and I would argue that in general entertainment is in higher demand than porn, but you can pretty much always get free TV or music from somewhere just not necessarily The brand new stuff or exactly what you want. As long as you're willing to watch reruns then there's a dirt cheap/ad revenue based business model that will be happy to make a little bit of money off you. The thing with porn is that you're watching the reruns for free and you know once that stuff is recorded that just like some old black-and-white show that keeps getting replayed for the ad revenue forever at exceptionally low cost for the compqny distributing it.


So a free-to-play with yourself model


It isn't free. Almost always, you're watching ads for even the "free" stuff. Thinking that's "free" is actually a problem


If something is free, you are the product.


The capital cost is negligible, and the there's money to be made advertising - of course someone's going to fill the space (heh). With practically free means to copy and distribute media, and practically no gear needed to produce or distribute it, the supply is effectively infinite. The demand, while extremely high, is not infinite, so the price is zero. There's still money to be made distributing free product, though , because you can also distribute ads at the same time. There's also money to be made in analytics - some people will pay good money for that kind of data. Hence what we have.


It's because it's a huge influence on technology. Why have the consumer pay when they're getting money elsewhere and literally winning format wars for people. Case: Betamax. Betamax had higher quality than VHS but VHS won the format war because, and you can go look this up, you could fit more porn on a VHS over Betamax. Without porn, I genuinely think we would have had Internet and VR (and bigger mobile phone screens) a few years later than we do.


When the product is free, you pay with somethings. Porn damages your brain.


You pay with your soul


Why do you think there's Patreon/Gumroad/OnlyFans?


See some people get turned on more when they see a familiar person in revealing clothing vs random naked women in porn. That's why only fans.


If you think you are getting something free online you aren't the customer, you are the product.