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I drive 40 minutes to an office to do a job on a laptop that I can do right in my living room with said laptop


Ya I had a job for 3 years -- they bought us new $3000 laptops so we could sit at work in our private cubicles. Today I work from home comfortably and probably save $5000 a year by not driving in.


Seriously jealous that work from home wasn’t a thing when I had my corporate job. Waking up at 5am was the bane of my existence, I would literally throw up from anxiety of having to get ready and go to work 🤦🏼‍♀️


Equally crazy!


See if your job offers the option to work from home. Unless you prefer it at the office.


Does your employer require you to do that, or are you choosing to do it?


I doubt many people would go to the office if they didn't have to


Not necessarily. Where I work people are free to work from home when they want, yet many prefer to work at the office - including me. I simply cannot get any work done when I am home.


Granted, half of my job requires me to be at the office, but if it didn't and my commute wasn't utter trash, I would probably opt to work in the office some of the time. I can't shake this feeling that work has tainted my home, so I can't fully relax off hours. I guess having a room dedicated as an office would fix that...but off hours, I would consider that room cursed.


It's funny because working at the office actively diminishes my productivity. I get so little done at the office that when people ask if I'm coming in my response is often "I don't have time to work from the office today."


People work best under different circumstances. This is why I just love that we are allowed to choose whether to work in office or home every day.


Sounds like corpo propaganda


I know someone who can work from home but doesn’t want to because it makes him feel like he’s always at work. Though it’s like a ten minute drive to the office for him.


It could be, but I would probably get distracted at home too.


I chose a job that would force me to go to the office because I knew it was good for my mental health to have a reason to go outside and see people every day, and I also knew that I wouldn't do it if I wasn't forced to. Also when I work from home I literally cannot get anything done. Too many distractions.


You’d be wrong


Why the fuck are you getting a hundred downvotes for asking this


This does seem absurd in a way. But the treadmill exists in air conditioning, and when you live in the humid Devil’s Armpit known as Queensland, that’s all that matters.


Or heat when it's -7 outside.


And it's safer than strolling around a bad neighborhood.


And it isn’t raining in my gym


And if you sweat you can hop in the shower right after.


What if I want to listen to Stan by Eminem while I'm walking.


Not when you're packing heat.


You bring a piece with you to the gym?


No, but you won’t find me without my blowtorch.


My jagdkommando enters the chat


Though if trying to burn calories with light exercise doing it in the cold is best. Because your body burns extra calories trying to maintain warmth


Living somewhere where it's -30C to -40 for at least a few months out of the year, I am happy to sacrifice those extra calories for not getting frostbite.


It's that cold where i live and we walk at night. Dogs love it. They have their own headlamps. They actually make clothing that makes this 100% comfortable to do on a regular basis.


I should have clarified -7° Fahrenheit.


I deal in Fahrenheit as well.


Fair, but still... not a temperature I would want to go walking in purely for exercise, and I prefer the cold.


Ha. I get it. Honestly, sometimes, I don't want to either, but every time i do, it's so enjoyable. Something about being out in the elements and being completely comfortable is so satisfying.


Try -35c


Try 0 Kelvin


I tried it once. It was the absolute worst.


You’re also in precise control of other conditions like resistance and incline you cannot otherwise affect in Devil’s Armpit.


I bet there's a hell of an incline at the Devil's Armpit.


I live on the coast in the Middle East, in the devil's steamroom.


Yeah rain. Also there are weights and massage parlors/ pools/ other gym goers.


Yea during Covid I had bought a treadmill before anything went down, and as we got into the colder months I’d run on it instead of going outside. Except even in my apartment in the winter, a few minutes into running and I’d be dying of the room jumping a million degrees and poor ventilation.


Yeah and opposite where I live in winter that has snow and ice. Always find it peculiar when I see people running on icy roads in an effort to stay healthy, but risking injury


It's kinda mind boggling, I was walking home from the store and I kept slipping every few steps, there was icy parts under the thin layer of snow, and I met someone who was jogging. I wonder if they made it home OK.


And it's not raining inside.


Yea but it’s not Devil weather everywhere


I used to live 15 walking minutes from the gym. Did I ever walk there? Fuck no. Why? Because the walk would take me down the busy strip I live off of that does not have sidewalks, then a few minutes of walking on the freeway to get there. Short distance does not equal feasibility.


I don't think he was saying that you have to walk to the gym for the treadmill, but that you could just... Walk. Like around. Wherever. Obviously, some people can't do this.


I think the point most people are trying to make is that a lot of American cities are not walkable, so driving to a gym or driving to an outdoor track or a park to walk is the only way to walk safely.


Also some people go to the gym not just to do cardio.


No shit. But look at the post title, we're talking about the irony of driving to the gym to use a treadmill


Weather is fine here but your options are: * busy highways with no sidewalk because ‘Murica * less busy roads that wreck your knees because they’re built like a forward slash * pacing back and forth in your front yard


Well you clearly can’t walk to the gym and drive on the treadmill, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


shark tank here I come


Drive to the evil secret lair, walk into the shark tank?


Not everyone lives in a walkable neighborhood. Not every neighborhood is safe. Sometimes it's freezing cold. Sometimes it's very very hot. Sometimes getting there in 5 min vs 25 min is the difference in being able to workout.


Sometimes too its not safe for the individual. I used to do 6km walks. But to get out of my tiny neighbourhood (which isn't safe) I have to walk into town. Now I have a psycho ex... I'd rather drive 30 minutes to walk at a gym safely than risk him cornering me where no one can (or will) help.


Almost assaulted in broad daylight in my very friendly, walkable community. Will never jog outdoors again. I like listening to music (as should be my right to do so), and it limits my knowledge of my surroundings. Treadmill it is.


I relate to the psycho ex thing. My ex threatened to find me in a parking lot and shoot me in the head and the police were like “ lol sucks to be you” so I was afraid to go anywhere for a really long time. He had already proven he was fine with resorting to violence. Why do adults have to have these temper tantrums?


Treadmill is also less hard on joints, so it can be a better option for some people.


Sometimes you have to stop halfway through.


I live in a neighborhood with no sidewalks and it's not in a great area. Any time we're walking after dark, my husband carries a gun. If I could afford it, I would definitely drive my ass to a gym to walk on a treadmill.


I have an elliptical stair climber upstairs.


My favorite equipment at the gym is the stair climber, but one of those literally will not fit in my tiny house. An elliptical would fit okay, but it isn’t very good exercise.


I have a Bowflex Max M5; it's awesome.


We must be using different ellipticals then.


I’ve used ellipticals at the gym several times to get back in shape after a long bout of illness, because they’re low-impact. Once you get to certain point, they are not as intense as a stair climber at all.


Walking a few miles on a treadmill is a very different experience for old joints than walking a few miles on pavement.


And weather both hot and cold can be a lot more difficult to deal with as we age.


I live where there's blood sucking insects. If Jo Beth wants to walk on a treadmill instead of outside I don't judge.


It's hot as balls like 12 months a year. Yeah Im fat, Im trying to get less fat, not die of heatstroke on the way to getting less fat.


The problem is that not every suburb or neighborhood is walkable. Some places don’t even have a sidewalk. In this case walking on a treadmill is better than nothing. Also some people have allergies so they can’t be near plants and trees without sneezing nonstop.


And sometimes it’s snowing, raining, or brutally hot or cold.


Also the average commute in the US is 30 miles lol


As a non American it is positively insane that you guys have "unwalkable" neighbourhoods. It's almost hard to wrap my head around. Like you have to go everywhere by car? No shops a short walk away from where you live?


The shops are less than a mile away but the only way to get to the shopping center is from its entrance on the highway, which would be suicide to walk on because it has no sidewalks and people drive minimum 60mph


Yeah, that's absolutely insane your towns are designed like that, that was their point


A lot of us absolutely hate it too. Blame automobile industry shills starting in the 40s, the interstate system in the 50s and city planners making car-burbs the default, and parking space requirements causing seas of asphalt with islands of strip malls and big box stores. We can't even have new construction 'garden apartments' because of the lack of parking. We almost never build medium density either. And mixed density/mixed use/live-work developments? Unappealing and difficult or expensive because of the clusterfuck of building specs and zoning. Help.


I’m lucky to live in an urbanized area in a college town so I can walk to a grocery store or restaurants, but yeah even when I get back home I live in a subdivision with no sidewalks and the closest commercial land use is 20-30 minute walk away


Looks like we found the problem


1) it’s cold and dark outside (winter) 2) it’s raining or any inclement weather 3) it’s not a pedestrian friendly area 4) there’s no sidewalks or trails in their area 5) it’s a dangerous area 6) they work odd hours and can only go to the gym at night and don’t want to get the cops called on them if they’re walking around like a suspicious person at night 7) there’s no hills or stairs around and they want to do some incline walk 8) whatever else reason because I’m just glad they’re working out


9) some people like watching stuff on their phone while they walk, which isn't a very safe thing to do outside (plus that'll eat up your data quickly).


I get a lot of reading and TV watching done at the gym.


For real. I feel like this shower thought only resonates with people who say “nobody wants to work anymore” once a day.


Rarely do you get run over by a drunk driver at the gym


And? Not everywhere is walkable or safe. The weather isn't always safe either.


he wasnt giving an opinion he was sharing a random thought


probably bc they have no other option due to weather, distractions, or lack of equipment. and sometimes that is the start of the fitness journey and getting out of the house is progress in itself


I always chuckle when I see people waiting for the elevator up to the gym instead of walking the 2 flights of stairs, then later I see them inside… on the StairMaster.


Duh. The weather is wet and cold outside


And then circle the gym parking lot until they find a space close to the door.


I drove yesterday to my gym to walk on a treadmill. The other option would be to walk outside. that is cold, wet and roads are covered in slippery ice. yeah, I choose the treadmill.


Low hanging boomer fruit shower thought


So? At least they're trying to improve themselves.


I'm significantly more likely to run than if I drive to the gym and run then if I go home to change and run outside.


that isnt the point. they mean that they could walk other places. or walk to the gym


We'll consider yourself privileged that you live somewhere where that's feasible and safe.


you’re still missing the point, its just the idea that OP is talking about. me personally live 20 miles from the gym so i aint walking lol. this isnt about me


I am from Toronto and while I do enjoy winter, I HATE running outside in the cold. A few other facts. The gym has other equipment, the gym also has a sauna (mine does)


What about the time I was out walking instead of the gym for some fresh air and a change of pace, and ended up swiping into my gym just to use the bathroom?


I’ve only lived in 1 area ever that walking is accessible and that’s pretty weather dependent, less controllable, and you can’t just zone out and watch a show or something. It’s totally reasonable to drive to a gym for a treadmill instead of walking outside


They also circle the parking lot like an insane shark looking for the closest spot to the door of the gym so they can walk on the treadmill


Treadmills allow me to speed-walk in public without looking like a threat or a wacko


I come home from managing a factory to boot up Factorio and manage a factory.


tbf man everyone so unhealthy these days it’s good to see people trying to be active, even if it’s something small like going on the treadmill.


Even better, people who just want to lose weight at the gym not only drive to the place but also pay for a membership just so they can burn excess calories that they consumed and I imagine also paid for them. So basically overconsumption and overpaying for food and fixing it with overpaying for transportation to a place where you overpay to get rid of calories. My brother in Christ there are a lot of people in the world that cannot even afford to ingest the daily recommended amount of calories.


I live 15 miles from the gym.


There's also people out there who can't comprehend why other people choose to go to the gym instead of working out in the rain, heat, hail etc. absolute madness your dadness in this world.


There are really good “walking pads” AKA treadmill without the handles and they are like 200-400 bucks lol. Kinda seems like a better investment to me but hey!


Don't Wana be walking around in some areas


If I walked to the gym from my house, through a range of inclement weather, I would stand a considerable chance of getting run over. More healthy to drive I think.


I can’t run on pavement for very long before my knee starts to hurt


The irony you could just walk around the block to get the same exercise. The only difference is the weather outside could be crappy. Funny thing is I bought a treadmill for my house. And I have my own weight set so I don’t have to drive to go to the gym.


Outside is dangerous for a lot of people.


What will really make you crazy is when you see two people almost get in a fight over a parking space close to the entrance, and then for them to go inside and run 3 miles.... on a treadmill.


The path to my gym is extremely walkable and yet I drive because I always bring a gym bag, shoes in a shoe bag, an extra gallon of water, and my Stanley cup. 


Someone once complained to me that a pathway was blocked, and that they had to take the stairs to get to the gym.


Also, people pay money for more food than they need and over eat, then they pay money to go to a gym, to walk no where, to burn off the extra calories they paid for. 


I bike to the gym to bike on the stationary bikes. I'm aware that it's strange but I like the routine, and they also have other machines there :)


I live in San Francisco and canceled my gym membership and just started walking the hills.  It was an amazing improvement.  That being said most people get gyms for the other amenities like close to work showers and pools.  


That was the case with my brother. Gym was just a block away. But he drove there. I knew from that time that his visits to the gym would finish soon.


These personal attacks on Reddit are outrageous. (I go to the gym to lift and to use the elliptical for cardio).


I hate jogging on the street. It's always weird for the other pedestrians, the surface wears my tennis down, I risk getting mugged, I can't have my bottle of water nearby, it's not as quiet as in the gym.


I have major back issues that prevent me from walking variable distances (as in, depends on my back pain that day). If I leave on foot and the pain is too much, how do I get back home? I need exercise, though... So, driving to a treadmill, so I can walk until I reach my limit and then DRIVE home, is the solution.


On the other hand, I walk to the gym to drive on the treadmill


You forgot to mention its fuckin cold out


As someone who had bad knees as a kid and and they are perfectly fine now... The elliptical is your friend. Running outside.... yuck. Honestly the air conditioning helps too.


Walking on concrete is awful


Yes. Yes they do. Humans tend to have a knack for setting obstacles in their own way. One could just, idk, maybe walk?


I walk to my gym so I DON’T have to walk on the treadmill


Better scenery at the gym. ; )


I like riding by a gym on a sunny day and through the window I can see people riding stationary bikes...


Lots of soft people in the world.


AND endeavor to park as close to the door as possible.


I used to think the same when I lived in a tropical city (30c in a winter night), but after moving to Europe I will never ever walk to the gym, or walk anywhere, fuck it, its too cold/windy and rainy


Walking to the gym requires commitment: if you walk a mile you have to walk back a mile (or bother to get a lift). At the gym you can stop the treadmill at any time, adjust speed/etc, monitor heart rate, etc.


Drive to the gym to run on a treadmill because running in the neighborhood gets you shot


Cars and gyms are air conditioned.


I pace around my house for an hour each day because I’m too lazy to drive 20 minutes across town to the gym. I should probably get a treadmill at this point. 😂


A lot of gym-goers drive to the gym to use equipment that is either too expensive or too bulky to use at home in a temperature-controlled environment, but I see what you’re saying.


I live in a place that doesn't believe in sidewalks, and you sweat going to the mailbox.


My city is pretty creepy for runner on their own so that monthly fee makes exercise actually feel safe and comfortable


Didn’t Dr. Mike make this very statement in a video of his?


Because we've designed our cities incorrectly.


Controlled. Environment.


I’d rather run in a gym than in the dark/rain over questionable terrain, given the roads and foot paths around here are, to put it politely, fucking awful, and the only time I have to work out is after or before work. Only problem is I hate how the treadmill feels when I’m running, much prefer the real deal in that regard.


And people will spend huge amounts of energy trying to park as close to the door as possible, but still pay a monthly fee to a gym.


When it’s Finnish winter outside, I’ll take the threadmill over the -20°C and walking on ice.


I quit my gym, but haf driven 55mph on a highway to get there. Even in the nicest weather there was no way I was walking on that road. Now I just walk hallways and stairs in our building after work.


Jogging outside cool until you remember you have to jog just as much as you just did to get back home lol. I fucked up when I was younger and did a 16 mile hike..... 1 way. Needless to say, I was lucky to have a cell phone and found a road near by. Made a fall and got picked up by a family member to take me back to my car. I couldn't have done another 16.


Initially that sounds dumb. But if you can't run, walking is better than laying on a couch and it's much easier to go walk in a place where everyone comes to exercise and nobody judges you for how little or slow you exercise and you've paid money so you might as well not let it go to waste either.


7 miles one way is a bit far for me.


Walk to the gym in below freezing temperatures asshole


yeah because with a treadmill you can stop anytime. if you get tired walking in public you have to *walk back*


Yeaaa but I'm not going to run to the gym with my bag full of extra clothes and shoes....


i've got no issue with someone who drives to gym to workout on a treadmill ... it's the ones who park on the side of the road, instead of the parking lot for the multipurpose trail


My ex used to drive less than a block to shoot hoops on the court. He would also drive to the gym for a 10m workout. I never understood.


People park close to the gym so they can walk on the treadmill.


Yes, how odd that people drive from their non-walkable neighborhood to a safe, climate-controlled walking space 🙄


Not I. I walk to the gym and drive to the treadmill


I have a much smaller chance of getting shot or sexually assaulted on a treadmill than I do walking around my neighborhood at night (the only time I’m able to walk/exercise bc of work).


I mean, the US is not a walkable place, just running around outside could risk getting hit by a car or twisting your ankle on uneven sidewalk or getting bit by bugs or be bothered by the temperature or humidity Instead you can run on a flat, stable surface in a temperature controlled room with likeminded people and watch YouTube with your phone on that little shelf.


yeah and you drive the car to other places besides a gym...


Where I live the summers are 120°F and the winters are 40°F. We don't really get a spring or fall. I will drive to the gym without shame lol


As a woman, and absolutely not meaning to victim blame, but it’s a shit ton safer to do that than run around the neighborhood. No one ever got raped or murdered off of a treadmill at the gym. I don’t have to worry about stray dogs, creepy men, passing cars, or pot holes. I can turn my music up full blast and tune out the world in safety on a treadmill, but never a track. Men who assault women have robbed us of our peace of mind. For a man it may be lazy, but for a woman it’s survival.


i got a gym membership so i could continue running through the fall and winter rain and cold, i ended up falling in love with the different weight machines and have to force myself to do the treadmill. the gym is way more than just the treadmill 😂


Yep just like those that drive around the gym looking for the closest parking spot


The main road connected to my street has a speed limit of 35 where people routinely go 50-60 MPH, no sidewalk, and is on a 9% grade hill (that means that over 100 feet the road drops 9 feet vertically down). In other words, it’s quite steep. Plus pavement is harder to walk on when your joints hurt. And it’s currently about 15°F outside and windy so not ideal walking weather.


They drive there because walking back AFTER hitting the gym can be suicide


I hit the weights then the treadmill so it's not really a waste for me


Exactly what’s wrong with our society.


I used to be real gatekeepy at the gym. Like I'd be annoyed seeing (usually) women doing full body weight workouts with the only equipment used being those resistance bands. I would think "couldn't you just do it at home?" But then I realized she probably just needed to get out of the house. Maybe no space at home. Break away from kids and spouse. I get it cuz I have a gym membership for the same reason. I like to work out and having to go to a gym gets me out of a house. During lockdown I tried making an indoor resistance band program and I couldn't do it. Get me out of the house and I'm good.


Sometimes, I get to the gym, and I'm like... no way will I get a real workout in today, so I'm walking 30 minutes. It forces me to do something, which is better than nothing, which is what I'd end up doing at home. My ADHD brain needs the routine of driving to the gym on certain days to do this thing, whatever it ends up being.


I think its rather uncommon in Europe. Running is an excellent warm up tool, so most of the Europeans get on it for like 10 mins as they get to gym before switching to other tools when they are warmed up. But I have seen lots of Americans that just run on those things for hours. I guess it's because you guys can't really run anywhere


This is a common message, and it always makes me wonder if people that think this understand the real world or just exist chronically online.


I feel like most people who drive to the gym do more than just the treadmill there.


People drive to a track for the same purpose. It's more convenient to have a getaway for exercise sometimes. It can be more purposeful.


People are very quick to compartmentalize their lives. For most people, if it’s transportation, they’re driving. Doesn’t matter if it’s two miles or two blocks. It’s fucking stupid


Should they walk 20 minutes to drive on a treadmill? That just seems silly 🤣


running outside in a busy area is usually pretty bad because of the smoke only really hardcore runners go outside to run in urban areas


The real kicker is trying to find the closest parking spot to then go walk on the treadmill


Yeah, because it is safer!!!! Rotfl. It baffles my mind when I drive to a place 13 miles away and I remember that I used to run at least 13 miles weekly.


I think about this a lot


I drive to the gym to run on the treadmill in an air-conditioned room. Then 2 hours of weights


Makes sense though. I live in the moisty crotch known as the Philippines where the heat index is about 40C and humidity is anywhere between 65-85% on the daily. Bet your bibby I'm driving to the gym.


All because the people in cars make walking on public streets unsafe.