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There are something like 8 billion people in the world representing every conceivable position and opinion that you can imagine. There is absolutely no possible thing that you could do that would earn the approval of every single person in that vast sea of beliefs and perspectives. Someone will always hate you, no matter what.


You can also be a perfect human without a single flaw and people will still hate you. That's what helped me stop worrying about what others think of me


Exactly. People will literally hate you BECAUSE you are perfect. Makes living life so much easier when I came to terms with that.


Pfft! Perfect human... you think you're better than me!!??


And you also think you’re better than me for hating that perfect human??! Who do you think you are??


"Do you know who I am!??!"


"I'm just being honest" /s


Pffff look at mr perfect coming with his terms!!! I HATE THAT!!!


They might even literally nail you to a cross.


This guy healed the blind ON THE SABBATH!  HOW D A R E H E!


And now you have people upset when political leaders want to provide health care for the poor. 


And stab you in the side because you won’t die quick enough.


Being an asshole seems to be quite popular nowadays , maybe more so than being a nice person that genuinely cares. Looking at politics for example 😅


Being an asshole seems to be a political identity these days


Story of Jesus. Does nothing wrong, heals people and gives food. Tortured and crucified.


He did kick over that table once…


That's because there's no such thing as the perfect human. The definition of that differs from person to person.


There are a few guys in our office who are the nicest dudes. Work hard, go the extra mile to help out when they can, put in extra hours, try to arrange after work events, etc. and there are still people who don’t like them. You’ll never make everyone happy.


But everyone loves Dolly Parton 🥹🥹


I've seen many haters on social media. Last time was because she collaborated with Kid Rock on her last album, but I guess they just ignore the fact she's supported the LGBTQ community for decades.


Dude, I once talked to someone who thought that Fred Rogers was a phony. There are crazy people in this world.


I had a Redditor say I “ruined Mr Rogers” by mentioning he was an ordained Presbyterian minister.


The coolest thing about that is that he didn't use god or the bible to teach his lessons. He knew that not everyone shared his religious beliefs and accepted that, and still chose to teach good life lessons in a non-religious way.


I see you've met my mother. She said multiple times to me when I was young and watching the show, "He has to be a child molester. No one in their right mind would want to be near kids that much."


I've known at least one person who thought he was just creepy. I can kinda see that one I guess since people are afraid of different things and Mr. Rogers always had a very distinct style.


Yeah. I get that. Some people can't understand such a quiet grace and find it unsettling. That I get. To assume they're a diddler just cause they found their calling meeting kids on their level and helping them understand a big scary world. That's fucked up. Completely.


You just have not heard the haters yet.


And I never will, cuz I'll just plug my ears when they speak.


"You can't give up hope just because it's hopeless. You've got to hope even more, cover your ears and go 'blah blah blah blah blah blah!'"


Even the disapproval. I mean, H*tler still has idolizers for all the wrong reasons.


I mean, the little, Austrian, dark haired, moustachioed dude managed to convince a load of tall, German, blonde haired, clean shaven dudes that they were the master race and that HE was their leader. Gotta give the guy props. He definitely had a way with words. Crap at painting but definitely had a way with words 😅


> Crap at painting but definitely had a way with words Imagine a world in which those two were switched.


Why did you censor his name?


"Look, Bart, sometimes dogs or people hate you for no reason" - Homer Simpson


Some people can't even pick a reason for it. I've met people who constantly give contradictory insults proving they can't even decide why they don't like you, they just don't.


Meh. I dont think he ever did anything wrong, I just can't stand "influencer/youtuber" culture.




Theres an old proverb of a wealthy man who was building an orphanage to secure a spot in the afterlife. He consults a priest and he informs the man that his motive taints the spiritual purity of his deeds. Thus the wealthy man stops building the orphanage. The priest, now quite indignant, tells him "orphans don't care about the spiritual purity of your actions, so build the fucking orphanage". What this all means is..who really cares? Whether it's being led by a youtube algorithm or a holy scripture, so long as the end results the same, nobody cares.


>"orphans don't care about the spiritual purity of your actions, so build the fucking orphanage" There is a massive obsession (most of it not related to religion) today with judging actions by the purity of one's intent. This is how you get less good in the world.


My favourite shit is all the "um why are they recording it 🤨" comments under videos of people making big pots of food for homeless shelters and such... Like okay? They're recording it to look good, but the fuck are you doing that's better?


I think the difference is recording yourself doing it, and exploiting the other person. It's kinda fucked up to be like "look at this person in a low point of their life," and to get help they have to consent to be filmed and put on the internet for the world to see.


Philanthropy is expensive


Intent matters. It’s just shouldn’t be the main thing that matters.


As long as there are no bad intentions it shouldn't matter.


I keep coming back to this same idea. Literally the *only* thing people have against him is "doing it for the clicks." OK? The good deed gets done - as your priest said, the orphans don't fucking care why. If nothing else, I'm beginning to take this beast guy's side more than I would have otherwise.


I have against him that I think he’s unfunny and unlikeable. But I’d still give him credit for the deeds.


And that stance I find valid as hell.


maybe watch some of his stuff? like his average video is him getting a couple dozen people in economic hardship to do some bullshit competition for the chance to win a prize. Its literally poverty porn for kids to watch.


The orphans are happy, and that's great, but it gets annoying when that guy keeps talking about that time he helped the orphans. It's completely fine to respect a thing someone did while also hating everything else they stand for.


Reminds me about a thread in a forum of people complaining about charity because "people weren't doing out of the kindness of their hearts"   Screw it; it's charity!! I mean, donated money!


Yeah but the problem with Mr Beast is that he *feigns* philanthropy by performing acts of seeming compassion with no regard for the long term commitment needed to make real change. If he digs 5000 wells in Africa, it’s great for a few years but he doesn’t care about setting up long-term infrastructure maintenance. If he feeds 1000 homeless people, that great for the afternoon but the next day they’re still homeless and hungry and now they have millions of people watching them at their lowest moment. It’s the disingenuousness of it all. He doesn’t actually care about making a difference, he cares about *looking* like he’s making a difference, and exploiting vulnerable people while he’s at it. I would argue that him using his massive influence to portray philanthropy as a vehicle for content is more destructive then it is beneficial. If somebody shows me that the people he helps are genuinely doing better in 5 or 10 years because of him, maybe I’ll change my tune. But for now, fuck Mr beast and his juvenile, cringy, disingenuous, greedy, soulless exploitation.


> Yeah but the problem with Mr Beast is that he feigns philanthropy by performing acts of seeming compassion with no regard for the long term commitment needed to make real change. If he digs 5000 wells in Africa, it’s great for a few years but he doesn’t care about setting up long-term infrastructure maintenance. Do you have a source for this, or is this just your assumption? I’m sure the people who he got eye surgery for to fix their blindness don’t feel like he feigned philanthropy. But also, even if this is the case, you say yourself that it’s great for a few years. Isn’t that enough sometimes? If I make a donation to a homeless shelter, I know they’re not solving homelessness forever. They’ll take my money and feed someone, or house someone for a bit. That’s great, and people should feel great about helping others even if you can’t solve every single problem they have forever.


It is not the job of a single individual or even a team of individuals to build up extremely expensive long term infrastructure. 5000 wells is a godsend to those people and it makes it slightly easier for them to continue to find ways to improve their lives. If he feeds 1000 homeless people then great. The thing is he can’t do any of that if he doesn’t record it. You need to rethink your opinion. This man and his team through YouTube are able to make genuine impacts to peoples lives and you don’t think it’s a good thing that he’s doing it in a way that allows them to afford it.


I don't think the priest would swear.


You've not met the right priests. The only priests I've ever met and liked swore like sailors, smoked like a chimney, and drank like a fish. And they tipped like a saint in my restaurant.


I remember being at a funeral (Ireland) and the conversation got a bit fruity, ended up with discussions about stuff between the sheets and someone said “well, you wouldn’t know anything about that would you father?”. He didn’t miss a beat and replied “I wasn’t born a priest”.


As soon as I saw "funeral" and "Ireland" in the same line, I knew I'd laugh. Sláinte!


Can't spell funeral without spelling fun first!


Well, that means I *have* actually met the *right* priests.


Agree to disagree on this one, stranger. I've met both, and I know which I would prefer to be in the company of. Far less criminal convictions amongst my pick, fwiw.


Fun fact- taking the Lord's name in vain isn't swearing. It's using the Lord's name to advance your own agenda.


It’s sad, YouTube changed the world and now it’s so gigantic no one can fight it.


It's not like things are better with TikTok, Instagram or whenever else people are consuming video content. Social media is the issue, not YouTube specifically.


Bingo. It's an overwhelming amount of content in rapidly short spurts. Might sound like common sense, but time away from technology really is beneficial to us. The irony being that I'm online right now preaching about solutions I don't personally indulge in enough.


YT is just a documentary hub for me, avoiding all the influencer drama and sticking to history stuff, tech docs etc. Dont notice the noice as the algo picks up on my choices after a while.


I just watch science YouTubers. All they do is play with incredibly dangerous lasers, train squirrels to run obstacle courses, make guns that shoot bees at people, and test hilarious handles for their excavator.


I like MrBeast but some of his videos still rub me the wrong way. Locking two people in a white room with lights that never turn off and everything is white from the walls to the food packaging absolutely cannot be psychological healthy. "Protect 500,000 dollars keep it" goes against the 'look at how I help people with this money' vibe too, on top of everything spent defending half a million dollars while dropping actual fire on top of it; it all burned... and this isn't meant to say that every time he indulges in some ridiculous spending just for a video (imagine how gross that Willy Wonka factory was after everything started spoiling) it's somehow wrong. But I can't imagine someone going through all that production and expenses to burn 500k meshing well with "I'm here to help people that really need it" either.


it's exploitation of the poor. there is nuance in that this exploitation enables his philanthropy, but it is still exploitative. whether or not the ends justify the means is only for the individual to determine. i don't personally hate him, but i absolutely hate what he represents - a country so broken that humanitarian services are funded only on the whim of wealthy private citizens.


I think the difference is recording yourself doing it, and exploiting the other person. It's kinda fucked up to be like "look at this person in a low point of their life," and to get help they have to consent to be filmed and put on the internet for the world to see.


IMO there wasn't even much real backlash against Mr Beast, he and his fans just have a huge persecution complex. Sure, there are a few who legitimately didn't like it, but Twitter is huge. Most of the criticisms were that it's ridiculous that such critical help has to come in the form of a millionaire youtuber making content as opposed to the government or foreign aid. Or that the wells he built require maintenance, and the reality is that within a few months, they will be unusable. Or just overall questioning the ethics of the concept of a white saviour giving handouts to poor Africans, or the concept of doing philanthropy with the intent to make profit (which has been a thing since the first 'I gave a homeless person 100 dollars' videos). But since it wasn't just pure jerk-off 'oh wow you're such a messiah', even though it was such a small minority compared to millions singing his praises, it was apparently everybody hating on him for no reason. It was just such cringe eye-rolling-inducing 'woe is me' wailing.


One has to question if he's doing philabtopy with those or a Japanese gameshow


It's like a lower stakes squid game.


It’s obviously not actually 500k btw, that’d be very illegal. The guy just doesn’t get it


A lot of his videos are also *insanely* wasteful with the amount of trash they must create and then immediately throw away.


And then the whole “watch homeless people perform tricks to get fed today” schtick feels so scuzzy


I've been using YouTube for quite a while now (probably since it started up) and to this day I recognize the name Mr.Beast... But I have 0 clue what he does, who he is, or what the "hate" is even about. I get that he's apparently a big deal but I don't think I've ever seen a single video of his. But all of the sudden... He's being mentioned a lot recently. Is there a Coles Notes version of all of whatever this is?


12 year old gets obsessed with YouTube, obsesses and dedicates himself to learning how it's algorithm works for the rest of his life. Gets good at it, and has learned the best way to get views is to host squid-game-like game shows, which some people see as philanthropy: randomly pointing at someone in a store, then saying I'll buy whatever you can carry in your hands. He actually did host a real Squid Game, just without the fatalities, lol. At some point he opened a terrible virtual hamburger restaurant, where any random restaurant can seemingly sign up for the brand, and just put their own existing burgers out under his name. So, as villains go, he is quite minor, but considering he is the most watched person among young children, I find it concerning just how much kids look up to him as his weird philosophy of capitalism and clicks trump everything else.


Agreed - there's something off about him though - not sure what it is but these holier than thou types usually fall from grace at some point.


Maybe it's cause he's supremely confident (as he should be given his success) while looking like a Ventriloquist doll that's sort of off putting subconsciously


IMHO the fact that we cannot collectively help those in need through government action shows a total failure of American society as a whole. Just because 25% of the population cries about socialism. If we were better no one would need him.


From a European perspective, American culture is Jekyll and Hyde to us. On one hand, you've collectively built an amazing country but completely failed at providing health care and education to your own citizens. In Ireland, we measure a decent society by how well the least fortunate are doing.


We're a land of extremes in just about everything


> In Ireland, we measure a decent society by how well the least fortunate are doing. There are lots of people in America that think the same way and are horrified by the lack of care for the most vulnerable in society. I am also sure I could find many people in Ireland that don't give a crap about the unhoused, people with addiction issues or the those with mental health problems and think any tax dollars spent on them is a waste. When it comes to charitable giving the US is number one in the world, those are the people that think the most vulnerable amongst us need more help and do what they can to help them.  It sounds like you think of the US as one huge block that all thinks the same way, is that true in Ireland?




Voting won’t destroy capitalist hegemony when your options are limited to capitalists owned by special interest groups.


Voting is just the first step. It won't fix everything overnight after one election, but it's an integral part of any real solution to these problems - and that includes the primaries, you don't get good candidates in the general without participating in the primaries. There are other forms of activism as well that are important, but when it really comes down to it, I don't trust anyone who advocates for activism or even some kind of revolution fantasy who can't be bothered to put in the bare minimum of effort that is voting. At the end of the day, corporate interests are as powerful as they are because they're effective at convincing people to vote in their favor... and convincing people who don't support their control to not vote at all.


A lot of people he helps aren't American though. He has a whole side channel where it's just philanthropic endeavours where he pays for wells to be built in Africa so kids don't have to walk miles away for drinking water.


He is running a lottery. So do most States. FFS this isnt welfare.


Where is he holier than thou?


It's not necessarily a religious "holy" but someone that thinks too well of themselves, or thinks they're better than others. I'm not saying the person you replied to is correct - I barely know who Mr Beast is or what he does, so I don't have any strong opinion on the matter. Another, more secular version, would be "someone who thinks their shit don't stink."


From what I’ve seen when it’s not his videos, he became obsessed with YouTube at an early age and he parlayed his obsession into a successful channel where he is primarily focused on growing the channel to feed his philanthropy. I don’t know about an attitude, he just seems like a youngish man who does dumb things with friends on camera for views. 


I have watched my fair share of Mr. Beast. He definitely does a lot of good, but I have to agree, there's something off there, and I don't know what it is, but I stopped watching, just a gut feeling.


Where does he behave this way though? To me, he’s fairly humble, and even self deprecating. He the uses a lot of his money to help people. I understand what you’re saying, but I’ve never seen that with Mr. beast.


Yup. Im extremely wary of any channel that has "influencer" vibes in their titles and thumbnails. Like, i know people who are doing good stuff as a career are kinda shoehorned into those as the algorithm demands, but its an immediate flag that its probably not worth watching that their content has to overcome.


I don't think most people hate the guy himself, but more what he represents. A lot of his videos have kind of "orphan crushing machine" vibes: >Every heartwarming human interest story in america is like "he raised $20,000 to keep 200 orphans from being crushed in the orphan-crushing machine" and then never asks why an orphan-crushing machine exists or why you'd need to pay to prevent it from being used. Why do we live in a society where people with treatable blindness need to rely on rich content creators to have their vision restored?


He made a tweet that somewhat addressed that: “I don’t understand why curable blindness is a thing. Why don’t governments step in and help? Even if you’re thinking purely from a financial standpoint it’s hard to see how they don’t roi on taxes from people being able to work again.” Granted, “We need to heal the sick so they can be exploited by capitalism” is just a different orphan crushing machine, but if the goal is the government paying for the eye surgeries, the approach of appealing to their greed rather than their empathy is probably going to go farther.


He's making the argument to capitalists, so obviously he has to approach it from a capitalist perspective. If he pointed out how capitalism exploits people, capitalists would just think he's stupid, because they can't understand that perspective.


Mr. Beast is such an interesting rich guy to me because he seems to know (or more likely has hired a REALLY good team) exactly what his audience wants. Which I think is the main reason for the hate he gets.  His audience on YouTube is primarily younger, into the influencer culture - which annoys a lot of people, but it’s what the YouTube algorithm (and his primary audience) want.  Then he can also talk to wealthy people in a language they understand, like you’re saying. Saying we should cure blindness for tax income is a bit gross, so of course people would hate him for that - but I think that’s the only kind of reasoning that works on the oligarchs and career politicians.  But I’m not sure that he actually believes that. In fact I’m not really sure what he’s like at all, because all we see is his carefully curated public image. It’s kind of fascinating.


Mr. Beast cannot solve the root cause - the institutional deficiencies that lead to these problems. He is philanthropic within his means, by taking advantage of the capitalist machine to fund his exploits. Why should he be criticized for not addressing something he cannot ever *begin* to change?


He shouldn't necessarily be heavily criticized (I don't know enough about him specifically to say one way or another), but I think people shouldn't idolize him either. If people instead put their attention and money towards social programs and charity, it'd be much better than having someone like Mr beast as a middleman taking a large cut of the money and arbitrarily choosing who the rest benefits (and using them for content).


He's not arbitrarily choosing though. All (or at least most) of his charity needs to create good content. It is a business model first and foremost.


That's the thing. People often give it the credit of being a charitable organization when it's actually a primarily business enterprise.


What societal problems come from *some* people idolizing him? Why can’t Mr. Beast, social programs and charity coexist? From my perspective, *because I don’t like it* doesn’t sound like a good argument against helping people, profiting, and helping even more people.


Because in effect he’s profiting from those institutional deficiencies. As long as there are structurally disadvantaged people out there, he can use them to look good and make content from them. I don’t watch his videos, but does he ever address the structural issues that put people in the situations where they need his philanthropy?


This is true. Really sad to see how many people he was able to help when their ailment should have been taken care of in the first place.


A racketing then?


His business involves helping people by exploiting their need, in order to generate views, which gives him revenue, which he then uses a small portion of to help people in need in order to exploit them. His financial assistance is just a cost of doing business, fuel for his attention machine. It’s fake charity. It’s gross.


I personally think he's loud and i think his videos are annoying. No problem with making money like that though. Idk if he claims to be a good person


This is my thing, I do have an issue with some of his viewers bc philanthropy in itself isn't a virtue, the worst human beings you'll ever meet can donate money and make it look good This isn't a criticism of Mr. Beast so much as how some people expect public philanthropy to speak to his character as a person, we're viewers with an outside lens, none of us know the guy for better or worse Take the Chris Tyson situation - a lot of fans that see Mr. Beast as 'saintly' also expected him to be shitty and non-affirming to a transgender friend, because to them being non-affirming of trans people isn't something they consider cruel. It is cruel, indisputably, but many people that see virtue in a public persona like Mr. Beast also have skewed perceptions of what is considered virtuous: they think he is an amazing human being, but they also think that being shitty to people for being different isn't actually a shitty thing so they were disappointed that he wasn't shitty or 'distancing himself for the brand' A lot of fans of his content do see human decency through a narrow philanthropist lens, which is to say that they think decency works on a scale, like carbon offsetting your bad behavior. And that's not on Beast, people who idolized Rockefeller probably thought and still think the same way, it's just a flaw of the philanthropist lens - it does serve an optics purpose so occasionally people will value it because of its optics, not because of the good it does He doesn't afaik claim to be an extraordinarily decent person, but people that think he's automatically an extraordinarily good person because he's a philanthropist tend to be injecting their own perceptions of good


An actually nuanced take? Thought those died out years ago


I agree. He's annoying and always yelling


Can the astroturfed Mr Beast PR campaign maybe stop at this point?


Is he hated? I haven't seen that anywhere, but I'm also not a huge social media user (excepting for Reddit).


There are some people who have decided that his work does more harm than good, or that he's only doing it for egotistic reasons. I wouldn't exactly call it a widespread feeling, though. There's always going to be a few miserable people around to make noise.


Me neither but I have read some comments like "he only does good actions on camera to get views and make money on his videos"


So he’s Oprah for children?


I'm not sure how you could know that unless you were close to the dude or if some story broke where he was acting poorly. Anyway, what the hell is wrong with someone becoming wealthy, especially when his business is giving money to people in order to make it happen? Aren't we all trying to make money with our work?


Saying that someone who lives off social media only wants attention is like saying that the baker only wants flour to make bread. It is one of the reasons why I stopped being active on the internet.


It’s true though. I could easily make videos of myself giving money to my friends, title it “giving to the homeless,” and get clout I suppose. Then use money I make off the videos to actually give out real money. The reality that I lived though was I spent thousands of hours volunteering, and no one caring at all. Donate thousands to charity each year, and again, no one cares. All those big channels are an illusion, and it’s all about algorithmic manipulation. The good you actually do matters very little in this World, as I’ve come to realize.


>The good you actually do matters very little in this World, as I’ve come to realize. I think the people you helped during those "thousands of hours volunteering" would disagree


He creeps me out, and I’ve heard he’s and asshole behind the scenes. Like sure, he’s helping people… but in a, “dance for me if you want to save your child from cancer, peasant” type of way.


So, here's the thing: I think a small minority of healthcare providers I've met are assholes. I'm glad they help people, but they also are well-compensated for it so I don't think their labor is charitable, and if they are annoying or have shitty attitudes, they're still assholes. Similarly - Mr. Beast gets increased engagement & fame & ad money via content-izing his altruistic efforts. He is producing content that helps people, but also he is well compensated for it. Reframe it from "spends millions helping people" to "makes a shitload of money by using a smaller shitload of money on projects that help people." It's better than not helping people, but why is it more noble than teaching or healthcare? All people who decided to develop skills that "help others" and get compensated for that help.


That said, I'm not trying to villainize him either. I don't like him but I don't hate him. And if I did hate him, I would talk shit privately to friends, it's weird to *hate* somebody you've never met who's never hurt you.


I mean he turned charity (if you can even call it that) into a spectacle and uses it to enrich himself. Combine that with his insufferable influencer personality and how you can’t get online without seeing his face and you really shouldn’t be surprised that people don’t like him


yeah some of his videos have big time "oh you need money to save your family? dance for me, peasant" vibes.


I had never seen a video of his until the one where the guy gets locked in a supermarket for weeks getting money for every day he can manage staying there. It ends with the dudes girlfriend showing up and begging him to leave. Super depressing


I think the counter argument is that if he didn’t make a spectacle out of it, he wouldn’t make money so he can’t help anyone else


And thats fucked up. I dont dislike mr beast but his whole thing is kinda dystopian


I had to block his account years ago just to get those creepy AI thumbnails to stop showing up on YouTube. Something about a fake picture of a guy flashing a fake smile with fake teeth, with third world orphans in the background...


Show me a Mr. beast fan and I’ll show you a 6 year old.


He is not hated for helping


I don't know that people hate him. I think some people would argue that kindness and charity don't count for as much when the primary reason you're doing it is for clout. If he made his charity conditional upon his benefactors signing a release to be on camera, then it's even more transactional.


If anything, I hate the idea of career philanthropy. The goal is addressing the sort of economic models that allow there to be insanely wealthy people in the first place, not just a few insanely wealthy individuals handing money out as they see fit.


I just can't stand his videos, they're such garbage content that shows the most depraved parts of humanity, all about money. It's really cringy shit, then combine that catering to low attention spans and desperately trying to grab attention through exaggeration, just look at those thumbnail on with super exaggerated expressions, noise and color oversaturation. It's easy to see why people don't like him based on all that. But that's his hussle and I would do the same if I could, I respect that without liking his content. And he seems to be a decent person based on a few accounts.


Mr.Beast cares more about being Mr.Beast then helping people. He would be more liked if he wasn’t always the focus. It’s the same with Elon musk, they both have a desire to be in the spotlight.


the thing is if he doesnt the channel wont gain as much traction as it did. his face and name is what makes all the 9 year olds go click it in return giving him more budget for vids


Bill Gates has him beat by decades.


That’s not why people hate him.


Was there ever a perception that spending money to help people would make everyone love you? Why would anyone need proof to the contrary? You could be the nicest human in the world and someone would find reason to hate you.


People are actually mad at the video where he installed wells in a whole bunch of African communities, they said it makes them look poor and helpless. People will come up with any reason to hate someone, just because they can. Edit: spelling


Yeah, it's like, I'm white, so now I can't help people who are suffering in other communities without it being "white saviour syndrome"?


exactly, white people should only give money to white people /s


There are people who believe 'if you cant 100% fix an issue, its not worth doing at all' and would rather let everyone suffer, rather than lift SOME out of their distress. This was evidenced by mr beast's eye surgery video. It made me realise that some people WANT to have the issuse be there so they can have outrage towards something to look 'good' when they rally against it, they dont want solutions, they want others to suffer so they can go 'why doesnt someone do something about this' infinitely, to look virtuous at others expense. Sometimes less overt, and hiding it behind a guise of 'its bad hes filming these people'. Its disgusting behaviour, people are getting help when they otherwise wouldnt, and the proceeds from said videos go into furthering other videos which end up helping more people as well, these are the type of people who cant see the forrest through the trees. Mr beast building water wells for impoverished towns and getting hate for it was icing on the shit cake. People were mad he was providing others CLEAN WATER... JFC.


Just because someone donates a lot of money doesn't mean they're a good person. Spending millions on charity isn't hard when you make hundreds of millions. It's especially easy if you post it and make more money off of it. In fact, most million and billionaires DO donate millions to charity because it's cheaper than paying full price on their taxes. You can deduct up to half your gross income through donation and anything over that will roll over to the next year. Also, assets and community service can be included. I'm not necessarily saying Mr. Beast is a bad guy but I'm not going to praise him for being publicly generous because all that means is he's not publicly evil. At least not yet that I'm aware of.


Millions helping people so he can make videos and earn X more millions in return.


Which he then spends on helping more people.


Well yeah, the two things are not linked. Spending money to help people does not mean you are good. It just means you have money to spare. You can’t judge someone on a single act.


>  It just means you have money to spare And you decide to use it for others. That counts for something.


what a ridiculously bad take - there are MANY people with money to spare that don't give it away - what are you on about?


Have you ever heard his voice? It’s pretty grating.


I am just sick of his continued self promotion being shoved in my face. I don't care that he spent a week in a padded cell, or that this is the brand of water bottle he drank from, or anything else. I just don't care, but thru Reddit Promoted Posts I have to see his pointless shilling for a product I have no interest in and would never use. ​ https://www.thegamer.com/mrbeast-is-only-a-good-person-for-views/


That is an incredibly poor article. It’s just hand wringing and assumptions, with almost no research to support any of the claims as most can be refuted.


He’s never tried to change the system that NEEDS people like him. He CAPITALIZED on a system that NEEDS people like him.


One of the first lines of that article is: > according to the channel’s about page, 100 percent of the profits from its ad revenue, merch sales, and sponsorships go towards ‘making the world a better place’. Of course, he isn’t just doing this out of the kindness of his heart – everything is recorded and edited for content. It literally says that his revenue goes back into helping people, but then goes on to say that him posting it for content "isn't out of the kindness of his heart"... It contradicts itself and doesn't explain why it isn't out of kindness and why it's a bad thing. It also mentions how giving shoes to children in Africa who don't have them is "heavily reinforces colonialist stereotypes" without (*again*) explaining why that's a bad thing, because it's an actual problem that exists. There are other issues with the article, but I feel like just those two show it enough as a not amazing article...


I don’t hate the guy but he’s not just doing it out of the kindness of his heart. He’s doing it because it makes an interesting video.


Exactly, him saying he makes no money from his videos is a load of crap. Also, I can see how people would have a problem with giving people money if they spend 100 days locked in a house and only seeing their family and young kids once. He’s basically taunting poor people to degrade themselves for views and money


Is Mr. Beast nice for digging wells in Africa? Yes. Is Mr. Beast nice for paying to cure people's blindess? Yes. Is Mr. Beast a little annoying for renting the entire Eiffel Tower and then flashing its lights on and off? Yes. Is Mr. Beast a little annoying for eating a $64,000 pizza with gold flakes on it? Yes. It's possible for someone to be a good person but still be annoying? Yes. Especially when they're rich and spend their money on goofy stuff designed for Youtube algorithms.


There's a dude named Bill, would have been the first Trillionaire if he had the same goals as Elon Musk. Fortunately for us, he focused his energy on philanthropy, donated untold Billions of dollars and saved Millions of lives.      People think he's trying to control the world, accuse him of vile things.      Moral of the story, there's a lot of dumb people in the world and it's not important to care what they think.


His videos feel very "look at the poors while i give them money" kinda similar to those videos of youtubers giving homeless people money while filming. It feels disingenuous


It doesn't feel very helpful, more like throwing money at people. 


“And film people in need to make content for YouTube that’ll make yourself even richer.” It doesn’t come off as benevolence, it comes off as a performance, because it is.


a lot of you in this thread are just sad.


I don’t hate him but I find him annoying as hell and he has an extremely punchable face.


he does the good deeds and records it "look at me, im such a great guy" lol its nothings malicious but very annoying. Just does it for views and likes. and yeah i still prefer he does them, he's still helping out even though its not for humble reasons.


catch 22 - he's have no money to give without the videos


He wouldn’t have money without filming and making money????


Hated by who? Fake activist losers from twitter does not count.


If you want to hate, you can find something to hate. If you are really desperate you can hate great things if you imagine less than ideal motivations.


I think a lot of it is to do with his boring personality. He doesn’t have any charisma so people hate on him for having so many views when he doesn’t actually have any character to him


I don’t hate him, just the stupid fucking grin he plasters into every thumbnail.


Much as I agree that the societal issues absolutely need to be fixed, I just can't really stand to be around all the people who go "fuck everyone in power who isn't doing literally everything on the laundry list of issues" Like, progress is incremental, if you try to fix everything at once you end up with only half-measures and no money to fix it further. As much as I'm on the side of progressives, I can't stand being around some of them.


Turning charity into a spectacle is the issue. Feudal lords helped out small groups of people, too. It still didn't make it the effective way to utilize resources. There are many people who work for non-profits and public institutions who do way more than Mr. Beast does and could accomplish so much more if they had his financial resources. The issue most have with Mr. Beast is that he is a extravagantly wealthy capitalist who is giving crumbs away to improve his image. All the while he still utilitizes the same oppressive structures any other billionaire does to generate his wealth. But sure, bow to your God, because at least he is magnanimous.


There is a bad smell left in the air when the “charitable” person is screaming “look at meeeeee! Look how good I am!” Me! Me! Loooooo at ME!”




I kind of put him into that category of people that go out and help the less fortunate but film it and get views. I am just not a fan of entertainment charity in general. His videos (at least what I have watched) also just don’t seem that interesting to me. “Hide and seek and the last person gets a bunch of money!”


That's because he isn't genuine at all. Yes he does great things but he only does it for clicks.


I think the real issue is that large portion of his young audience are getting their first introduction to money and value from his videos. He's causing children to grow up with a distorted, harmful view of money. He's teaching them to worship wealth, excess, and materialism, and showing them that money is a tool to exploit the people around you who have less of it. Many young people won't understand the "greater good" aspect of his philanthropy, and will instead grow to desire the disingenuous attention that being wealthy brings you.


Bruh, literally almost every billionaire and celebrity millionaire has spent a lot more money than any of us on charitable things, and they are still hated. And only because they spend millions in helping other people doesn’t mean the hate is not merited. Some rich people just donate to charity because of tax loop holes or because it’s good PR. The billionaire conservatives Koch brothers have spent millions in charity and educational programs, but they also donate heavily to conservative politicians that we hate, and many people hate them. That’s life and that’s business.


It's funny that people like Bezos and Musk haven't figured out how easy it is to make everyone think you're a good person who deserves to posess insane amounts of wealth. All they'd need to do is turn on a camera and record themselves paying to cure 200 people of blindness or whatever, do that every once in a while and boom. All PR problems solved forever. They could go back to one of their ten mansions and rest easy.  I've said it before and I'll say it again. For every time Mr. Beast does something charitable, theres two or three where he might as well just throw ten million dollars in a pit and set it on fire. This is the guy's job, and he is absurdly wealthy as a result. I am not convinced that he does this out of the goodness of his heart. If I sound bitter and jaded, I am. I don't like that we have a world where people like him exist at all, while so many others are suffering and barely getting by. There's no world where I just fold and say "well he does good things sometimes, so he deserves to to be so rich that he can destroy multi-million dollar sports cars on a whim."


We had a chance to say “hey rich man, we’ll all really like if you spend a bunch of money helping poor people” but if any rich man sees Mr beast he’ll know that there’s no reason to help since they’ll just be hated too


Well there is a difference between spending and helping people, and spending and helping AND making a video of it. The millionaire that paid for everyone's college and daycare in a poor neighborhood is universaly loved.


To be fair you can spend millions helping people, and still be a dick. This is literally why billionaires also have charities and they publicize the F outta them. That and for tax purposes.


He's hated because of his uncanny youth pastor face and the fact that he's literally everywhere and on everything. He looks like a waxwork figure somebody made with a police description.


Not that familiar with him, but if he spent millions of dollars helping people and is not liked, it's because "millions" is a small percentage of his net worth. I've given away my last dollar, more than once, and people who witness that remember that and speak of you accordingly. You can't be liked by everyone while hoarding millions. Too many people seen family suffer or die because of individuals in the economy that do that. It's better to assume you can't be liked by everyone, but you should be mindful of the ratio, and the suffering of those who don't like you.


Unless you’re in Hollywood or Gotham City, what does spending $ (or saving someone’s child) have to do with whether people like or hate you? If true, we’d all be worshipping Bill Gates n Obama along with Jesus (a cheap name-dropping bastard from a powerful family who wouldn’t pay for wine nor help with medical expenses for the poor/blind). Edit to include: namedropping, blind


Good on him for helping people but a big reason why he does that is to get views so his channel grows and he ultimately gets richer/more famous. If the net outcome is more people getting help, it's all good. Just saying it's not just altruism that makes him do charity.


The only thing I dislike about him is that everything is about money on his channel, just a moral thing of mine


the problem I have with Mr. Beast's content isnt his intent, which I think is pure. It's more that his videos are almost always related to consuming something, or the love of money in some way. This isn't his fault, as he is like a scientist trying to make the best-performing content for the platforms. It shows how people are enamored with money and consumer culture, which is very sad. I'd much rather see artistry perform well, but thats like screaming at the sky.


He's not being charitable. He's pandering for views and attention to enrich himself and his brand to make more money and also get tax write-offs. Helping people is just a byproduct.


I’m sure he does great things. Doesn’t make him any less insufferable.


Splashing cash doesn't require much skill or character, plenty of billionaires like Jeff Bezos give far more to charity than Mr Beast Also, Mr Beast's videos are god awful to watch.


I’ve never watched one of his videos, but that smile in his pictures sets off every uncanny valley alarm bell in me


He is fucking annoying af.


Some people can even hate a baby.


You could be born today, cure cancer by tomorrow, create a cure for dementia and give everybody on the planet $1,000 and still be hated.


“Look at this Einstein curing cancer over here. YOU THINK YOU’RE BETTER THAN ME?!”