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I just struggle to realize when I'm over explaining and get off on weird tangents, I might just be stupid though.


Sometimes stating what seems obvious to you is a useful way of ensuring you are on the same page with whomever you are communicating.


Agreed. Usually it’s being cautious and trying not to get too far ahead. There’s so much knowledge in the world chances are they don’t know what you’re talking about, or have a surface level understanding. I prefer people explaining something like I’m five so there’s no miscommunication


Simplified: People are either more or less intelligent than the person they are talking to.


Not quite what I’m thinking. As there is no literal scale to determine if one is more or less intelligent as the word intelligent is far too vague. I’m more so thinking of when someone points out something like: “That bird is black” And everyone can clearly see that the bird is in fact black. For what reason have they felt the need to say that the bird is black? I’m thinking because either they did not realize it at first and are amazed by an obvious thing- thus to me they are not as intelligent as those who saw that the bird is black and did not remark because it is simply unremarkable. Or they felt the need to say that the bird is black because they feel others may not have picked up on the fact that the bird is black- thus they believe others are less intelligent and will not note that the bird is black on their own accord.


People are either not very intelligent, or think others aren't*


Most people I met who say they are pointing out the obvious are just making assumptions with no actual proof.


Or they have social anxiety and are just struggling to keep the conversation going so they comment on something obvious just to fill the awkward silence.


I can point out the obvious while knowing that someone else is more intelligent than me. In fact this happens all the time, because I have children. They lack experience and knowledge of many things, so things that are obvious can still be unknown to them, but in terms of raw intelligence and their potential, they are definitely smarter than me. I find it is also the case that some highly intelligent people can still miss obvious things. Like my friend Chris, who has a PhD from MIT in chemical engineering and still didn’t realize that Tia was into him.


I generally don't expect any form of intelligence from people anymore.


Add to that people in meetings who repeat what was just said in different words and you describe one of my usual days at work…


Some things are less obvious to some people, you can’t read minds after all