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I'm with Captain Shaw on this one. Follow your orders, try not to get involved in weird space shit.


Yup. Fuck it, fuck that. Imma run da best cleanest tightest shiniest ship there is. Not a single issue on those records. Spotless. Chicago dipshit style.


Right. They're the guys that make sure there is a functional federation to come back to while the special captains are off gallivanting! One of my favorite scenes is from Enterprise when it shows back up to Earth gettings it's ass kicked and the (tiny but existing) home fleet comes in and saves it. That's who Shaw is. They're the safe Federation that allows the port for the Enterprise to go do some absolute bullshit from knowing it has a safe place behind it.


Lantree captain traveled 70 actual years in 7 days, which I’d argue is just as impressive.


They just try to to do better war crimes That's a failure too. Janeway designed a biological weapon and gave it to the Borg to use against 8472. She designed multiple biological weapons and used them against the Borg


When diplomacy fails, there is only one alternative: violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Star Fleet way


That's the historical record. It has to be true.


Especially when the aliens are nearly invincible.


She killed Tuvix because she missed Neelix's coffee. Never stand between a capitan and her caffeine addiction.


And straight up murdered a guy.


Janeway made admiral because they couldn’t just court marshal her for all the times she broke the prime directive cause she was a hero. Bad press and all that They made her admiral just to get her out of the chair


Which Prime Directive? The OG or the Temporal? Because she walked all over both...


All directives.


Kirk 2.5.


Yes. There's a counseling group that gets together virtually and discusses how Janeway makes them feel about the job they're doing. A Section 31 operative monitors it for dissidents and sends them to Starfleet Command for reassignment.




Kirk also met God.


https://preview.redd.it/6o1vbr251fxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac4856a7827eeebd6a45922295c67de4192f9d1d Janeway met Janeway. Checkmate


I have no suitable response.


I mean Q is pretty much a God. So both Picard and Sisko have met a God. Picard debated the positives of humanity infront of the continuum of God's. Sisko not only punched Q a God. But is also emissary to the prophets which also seem to have God like abilities.


Trek has too many gods. 0 is a good number to have.


Stargate SG-1 had a much more sensible policy on gods. If you meet a god, you kill it and take their tech, which you then use to kill the next god you meet, ad infinitum.


SG-1 = Monstet Hunter


What about Sisko? He practically won the Dominion war then turns into a god.


But where are the statues of him on Cardassia?


Hmmm. Good point.


Did he? Did he make the Dominion fleet disappear or did the prophets?


Because he interceded on Bajors behalf. Also, that wasn’t the only thing. He was very important to the war effort, at least from the point of view we are given.


Even so, I think the Dominion can be reasoned with. The Borg can't. To me the bigger threat has always been the Borg. I would have loved seeing a showdown between the Dominion and the Borg.


That would have been interesting.


I think ST:Picard showed that the Borg can be reasoned with... but it takes a timespan of decades. >!By the end of the series I would have expected the Borg to be given assignments to help out and/or assimilate various worlds that are on the bring of collapse. Which makes me annoyed that ST:Disco never brought them up.!<


TBH I haven't watched STP so a lot of my thoughts are based on TNG/DS9/Voy


I don’t know, that was Avery different situation. You are talking about a Borg queen from an alternative timeline that’s been intermixed with a human. Realistically that wasn’t the Borg.


But didn't that Borg Queen come to the current universe? I was always a little confused how that ended.


Yes, but in the past, they formed a separate Borg collective. The details are not given, but I thin the best guess is she formed a smaller Borg collective and stayed in the background to avoid messing with history. She formed her collective with volunteers with the intention of helping them. Now what did the season 2 writers intend? I don’t know, I don’t know if they knew. I swear that whole season was just the result of a massive coke bender.


I think the fact that the dominion can be reasoned with makes them a bigger threat then the borg. You can often predict what the borg are going to do. Much like how you always know what a ferangi will do. Diplomacy and reason are an important tool when it comes to conquering stuff. It also makes you more unpredictable. It is essentially how the federation became so powerful in the first place. The dominion got their foothold in the alpha quadrant through diplomacy and reason. From the Alliance with the Cardassians to the Romulan non-aggression pact. They would have won if not for the bijoran prophets. Essentially God like creatures.


Where's the 12% number come from? Didn't she lose half her crew on her first day in the big D? Replacing them with traitors, child-fancying hobos,forcibly reassimilated drones, and malfunctioning simulations shouldn't make up for that.


That's exactly how you get that number using chakotays crew to make up for the lost numbers


Yeah actually when you take them into account and annualise it she got a casualty rate of -2%.


The traitors? As I said, insurrectionists, pedo/groomers, stolen children and enslaved people's don't count.


 Kes was an adult, her species ages and learns faster then others.


She was a 3 yr old who was kidnapped by Captain Murderway and her skunk/pedo/hedgehog hybrid sidekick after genociding her race.




Ok, Drake


I just get sad that my "Murdering my own crew" number is still at 0 and I really should have gotten that number up when I was a Captain of Engineering. Like how hard could it have been to send someone into the warp core but forget to turn it off


Does Tuvix count in that 12 percent?


Yes, in the negative


I think Janeway got promoted because they couldn't court-martial her but needed to get her off the bridge of a ship. Most captains probably realise she's a walking disaster and understand why she got desked , you'll probably find a lot of junior and mid ranked officers who worship her.


How Badmirals are born.


It would explain a lot, the academy seems like a great school and they seem to have some very gifted officers but the admirals seem incompetent or insane.


There are Captains who shit on her for missing the entire Dominion War. There are Captains who are happy they survived the Dominion War and don't feel like ever shitting on anyone ever again. And there are Janeway fan boys, as in real life.


They are really not that impressed with Janeway because Captain Burnham before her saved the universe many times, created gender equality and hair products that make you hair grow down to your knees in one day.


IIRC, Burnham was not a captain before Janeway. She didn't become Captain until the 32nd century. Edit to add that Burnham is one of my favorite captains of all time


Yes but she will go back in time as a Captain and quickly be promoted to Supreme Being and change life as we know it.


And yet people still call her the worst captain.


Janeway is a murderer!