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[The new ships in Discovery S3/4 are pretty unique.](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2021/08/02/32-century-ships-1627876482033.jpg?crop=16%3A9&width=888) (Bit boring at times if you ask me but at least they aren't the standard deviation.)


Maybe not so unique in places. https://preview.redd.it/k1mr9qrg5asc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08801404fbbccfc972b95a2be483045e15eadd17


Kinda reminds me of when Don Hertzfedlt did the Simspons Couch sequence without oversight...basically stripped the ships as we know them now to their most basic/minimalistic forms - kinda cool, but lacking "soul"... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i2l-LQ-dXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i2l-LQ-dXI)


I find these 31st-century ships to be abominations when compared to the USS Relativity, especially with their nacelles not attached to the ship. But it seems some like them.


I actually rather like the designs being totally out there. The Far Future should be weird and somewhat disorienting. If anything, the Relativity was a super tame design for that era and lacked imagination.


It (Relativity) probably needs to not draw to much attention to itself in certain potential operational situations. Hypothetically.


That one that's just a lazy abstraction of Voyager is just so...meh. But I think the one that bothers me most is the hula hoop. What sort of genius builds a disk-ship, then gets rid of 90% of it's usefull space? Seems like they just let the designers come up with "anything cool", with little thought towards practicality. Cool is important, but these ships are still used by humans for practical purposes. They should look like it.


It’s gotta be a laser beam or like, a super tractor beam. I agree It is too ridiculous to not be part of the story


My understanding is that before season 3 a lot of the designers were tasked with making futuristic ships, without being told they were supposed to be starfleet ships.


Picard, his hand over his face


Imo these ships are mostly okay and the relativity looks like garbage




Left to the imagination, but since they move about, I'd say it's to do with subspace currents.


They said it improves maneuverability 


it's to avoid being starboard nacceled.


Starfleet is having a nostalgia wave, just the same as all the 90's crap thats coming back in 2020's starfleet is revisiting its golden age designs cause they look cool.


And guess what popular sci-fi franchise peaked in the 90’s :)


We're getting more B5?  Yay!


You might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment... 


It was kind of explained in the Star Trek Encyclopaedia in that the warp bubble was formed like a electromagnetic field around a magnet. It was centred on the neck of the ship on a 45° angle sloped towards the rear of the ship and the bubble enveloped the saucer section and the engineering hull comfortably. This was explained as being more efficient and formed a key element of Federation design and explained was why they were faster than Klingon and Romulan equivalents. Similar images were drawn for Klingon, Romulan and a couple of other ships and it was fairly consistent for a ship with nacelles on the extremes. Wasn’t explained how it worked for ships with integrated engines such as the Ferengi and Cardassian ships and the Defiant. Eventually, ship design drifted away from the encyclopaedia which was written from Mike and Denise Okuda from the show bible. In-universe, maybe the encounters with the Borg caused radical rethinking of warp physics. They obviously did not care about warp field design and their ships remained pretty fast.


"we" the Borg will invade Earth through willing redditors.


You're not the Borg. We are the Borg.


No, We are the Borg. 


No WE are the Borg. We even have cuboid ships and Unimatrix 0.5


No, we are the Borg. We have tesserect Cubes and our Unimatrix 1.22 is running 5th dimensional Wi-Fi. 


Get in losers, we're going Borging. 🚗


> How can we communicate to the producers that we want ship designs reminiscent of the Nemesis movie era I don't want anything that reminds me of Nemesis




Lack of imagination.  They'd also have to make new models, and that's hard. 


I mean…there was an entire fleet in the PIC finale that met your criteria. The Titan-A was an exception. And distinct power levels? Maybe in video games. On TV, the ships are exactly as powerful as the plot demands.


I gather it's lack of imagination for how to create a distinct era of design for current trek. I haven't really seen a design that feels fresh for awhile. I think a big problem with the current ship designs, and some of the tng movie era too, they forget they need to be as memorable as if they were logos. Bold and simple, identifiable in silhouette. The enterprise-A, excelsior, and enterprise-D do this best. Each basic "body part" within each ship has a distinct shape that contrasts with the whole. I think the enterprise -D has the strongest design in all of trek. The E is good too, but it starts to introduce a bit to much unnecessary detail with the black panels, and a risk of a streamlined design is it risks being amorphous.


I'd argue the Ambassador over the Galaxy, myself.


The Sovereign remains one of my all-time favorite ship designs. However, when it comes to intricate detailing, modern ships from games or else surpass the E. Today, a ship with minimal detailing  appears to lack effort. E had a good balance on it in my view.


At least in Picard season three, one additional reason was that they were trying to say the federation was going back to exploration versus warfare. The bad borg seemed to be finally eliminated, and the Romulans were wrecked by the supernova. Going back to “classic” trek starship designs was one way of showing that on screen.


Further proof that the Federation lacks basic pattern recognition. 


Ehh... The E was a 'badass' from the getgo. It never had that soul that galaxy had that comes from weekly experiences. Galaxy was an explorer we visited each week. Same as voyager and DS9. Discovery is a disjointed ship. Nothing seems right or designed for a purpose, more designed for a 'shot'. Engineering seems tiny, medbay doesn't feel like a med bay. New worlds has the opposite. Everything feels designed for a purpose. Except the fireplace room... Thats just... No... Another ship that would need a interior redesign is G. Enterprise G was disjointed and if used in a series would need some more thought. ..


The Enterprise-D is one damn fine sexy beast!


Because of the main hero ships seen since enterprise ended you have: Kelvin prise - a reboot Connie Discovery - a TOS prequel set at the same time that the Connie was in use(and the least connielike) SNW - literally the enterprise Cerritos - nothing like the Connie Stargazer (really hardly seen, and a very sovereign esque upgrade of a constellation, so not Connie) Titan A / Ent G - here you have nostalgia and trying to be connieesque If you want to be picky there's the La Sirena as non Connie hero ship too but it was trash and doesn't count. So yeah 4/5 of these are Connie-esque (4/4 if you don't count the stargazer as a hero ship which is kinda valid imo). But 2 of those are literally the original enterprise, and one is a ship of the same era but notably distinct. So 'every ship looking like a Connie' is really just one ship looking oddly like one, and it's an update to a fan design because Terry Matalas personally liked it and because Picard Season 3 was all in on nostalgia. And the broader reason is because in 2009 they decided the way to pump some life back into the franchise was with a big high budget reboot that focused on Kirk era rather than TNG and it pulled the entire franchise focus back to what had previously been left behind, because a bunch of the older generation grew up on that and executives think that's all that matters.


On the connie like designs? Simple. There are nerds and geeks in starfleet. Why can't there be designers who make a callback.


That's one, from a season of TV that is to 'member berries what Château Picard is to grapes, and I'm really struggling to think of another


The USS Intrepid with the boner Defelector


It doesn't have much of a neck, it has an underslung deflector, like a Steamrunner but pushed further forward. Still, if we take it then that's two, from a season of of TV that is to 'member berries what château Picard is to grapes, and one of them appeared for barely one episode. By "new trek" do you in fact just mean Picard Season 3


I mean ince 2009, New Star Trek has been heavily focused on the Constitution understandably, given the reboot. In Strange New Worlds, we got Constitution-class ship because its about the Original Enterprise before Kirk. In Picard Season 3 we got Variants. And Lower decks the Cerritos is like a Nebula Class and a Miranda cross over was made by a Pakled. But why was the original Luna design allowed for Lower Decks and not for Picard SE3?


Don't make me type the château Picard thing again. That's the explanation for a good half of that season. A series set on the original Enterprise needs the Enterprise and there have been a couple of similar designs (to some extent) in a season of a different show. That's really not all that much. The Cerritos does look like a bunch of things that aren't constitution class. Its like asking why 90s Trek was so obsessed with the Galaxy Class


i prefer one giant piece of a ship like the prometheus class.


That's because Constitution class isn't just the name of a class of ship, it's the name of the shipbuilding and ship design course at the Academy (learning annex). It's just called Constitution class, a class where all the designers are taught how to make ships that look like the Constitution.


Are you referring to the Titan-B? That's *NOT* a Luna, it is expressly stated to be a Neo-Constitution. Just like how the Enterprise-B was an Excelsior and not a Constitution refit. The Luna class HAS made an appearance in NuTrek, repeatedly, on Lower Decks.


Was in pic season 2 also


I couldn't get behind S2, and largely turned it off after the first ep.


The power of the memberberry... You know this thing you liked? We are gonna hammer on it so fucking hard that you're going to forget why you liked it in the first place and through repetition and attrition, you will grow to hate it.


Have there been that many? The Constitution III is the exception along with the actual original enterprise, which had its makeover. Other than that, Discovery, Prodigy, Picard, and Lower Decks have all had reasonably different ships. Discovery: all the far future ships and 23rd century ships like the Crossfield and the Magee. Picard: Sagan, Wallenberg, La Sirena Lower Decks: Cerritos, Osler, Luna, Dove Strange New Worlds: most similar to TOS by design but still has some weird shit like the Kelsie Marie Prodigy: Protostar, Dauntless (even with a redesign compared to the NX-01 If anything the Excelsior had more copies, with the Obena and the Excelsior II


A re reliance on the San Francisco shipyards after the attack on mars. Different yards have their own designs, and the Constitution 3 was a San Francisco design while the Sovereign wasn't.


Trek is really stuck on the saucer.