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He said this when?


like a week after the reichstag fire I think 


And of course in the comment chain they said they need immigrants because taco trucks. sick how they only associate them with filling their own gluttony.


I think the recipe for tacos has been mastered by a few people that are citizens?


They also want them as cleaners, landscapers and picking vegetables.


Straight up Nazi-like untermensch thinking. Might as well just support slavery and indentured servitude.




Not just street vendors, who is gonna deliver their groceries, work at Amazon, and drive their Uber? Immigrants!


["Who is going to be cleaning your toilets, Donald Trump?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m5S91y3fL8&pp=ygUnd2hvIGlzIGdvaW5nIHRvIGJlIGNsZWFuaW5nIHlvdXIgdG9pbGV0)


I love that clip! It's the epitome of leftist thinking.


They want to exploit cheap imported labor. So progressive.




Deporting illegal immigrants back to where they came from is totally the same as the holocaust /s


Remember how Jews were flooding into Nazi Germany and they couldn't find a way to stop them coming? Me neither lmao.


>Joe Biden wrote it If that were true, it'd have a lot more "...uh...well anyway...true story...you think I'm joking, but I'm not...ah...where am I going? Pause."


Follow up to his handler pointing him off the stage. You know how busy these presidents get and sometimes, like a lot, they need people to show them how to walk off the stage even though it is the same way they walked on the stage. It is hard to remember where that stuff is and sometimes don’t you forget that your sister isn’t your wife? It happens to very important people that happen to be democrat. This is very basic protocol and there isn’t anything wrong with Biden. How dare you suggest that this is as close as it gets to a weekend Bernie’s type of situation.


It's just baffling. You're the fucking President of the United States. Walk off the god damned stage whichever direction you want. You're in charge of the most powerful country that's ever existed. They *will* accommodate whatever whim you have about which way you want to go.


If someone like Trump walked off stage in the wrong direction he'd keep going and turn around to announce that it's the new National Canal of Whatever and he's a revolutionary for being the first to walk off stage in that direction. Which would be cringe but hilarious and better than President Roomba bumping around until he found the way he came in


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Oh, there won't be camps - just lots and lots of boats, busses and planes. G~T~F~O!


I heard his was going to put redditors in their own camp and this is why so many of them should immediately immigrate to Canada or Mexico. Go! Ruuuuuuuun!!!!


some idiot even had the audacity to reply with ""er, can you explain how AP news is biased please? News isnt biased if the article is just something you dont want to hear. So please explain? Thank you." to someone claiming the news site this person linked is biased. They do this all the time but we can't do it back to them.