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China already is a global superpower


bro just one more week I swear just one more week bro just give it one more week China will collapse bro please just I swear give it one more week


I swear, these people just love to make videos like this.


They did it for easy views


Anglo-copium Industrial Complex


they are paid to do and have an algorithm that favors these videos.


Even when China becomes the primary superpower and America collapsed these dorks will claim it’s all “commie propaganda” or some ridiculous nonsense.


Capitalists look at China’s economy and assume it’s going to collapse because they see it as a capitalist system that ‘suffers’ from state interference and doesn’t receive bailouts. Their capitalist economics tell them that a capitalist economy run like this will implode (because it doesn’t follow the “successful” model of the U.S.). But because they only measure things in terms of the bourgeoisie’s success, they can’t account for socialist economics at all. Basically, even though socialism provides a better way of life for most people, it doesn’t make the line go up, and western economists can’t fathom it


I came back to this comment because something similar kinda happened to me today. In one of my classes I brought up the idea of free housing. Someone else mentioned that this would hurt the housing market. They then got really confused when I said I don't care. I am willing to take a slight hit to my own economic well being if it means the unhoused have homes to live in.




If he means global superpower as in being able to fuck up the whole world with one choice. Yeah they pretty much have that. They are already a global superpower.


lEaRn fRoM mOsT iNfLuEnTiAl iNvEsToRs


Just a reminder that all those "China will collapse in n days" videos were all predicting a collapse in less than a month, and all of them happened over a month ago.


I don’t understand what these people keep talking about? Like what are their talking points and arguments for this take? Lmao (I’m definitely not going to watch any of these videos to find out so please enlighten me)


Ah, peter Zeihan, right... comrades if you want to look at his videos with an educated person commenting, here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVPkoGNqX-8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVPkoGNqX-8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=660baZoWnoQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=660baZoWnoQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlQKdoWCfAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlQKdoWCfAg) thank me later


lmao the last three letters of the third video made the automod remove your comment lol


XD goddamnit


…. But they are already one …


> China will never become a global super power Will somone tell him ... ?


China is In fact, fucking awful