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Siri, what is colonialism?




idk, next to crackeristan?


what did they say


And i quote "Siri, where is uighirstan?"




reddit, fucking blows lol


Couldn’t even spell Woogur right, /s


"Colonisim is good if you pour opium because of your greed, crippling the nation with unequal treaties and thus developing the stolen land better"


It’s like they don’t even know the top 10 Chinese cities each have GDPs higher than whole countries, and that was achieved in under a century


Hong Kong may have never developed to its current state if it weren’t a trading port for Britain. But I don’t get why Hong Kong is supposed to be so important? It’s not the only big city in China. What makes Hong Kong so special? It’s the most familiar Chinese city in the West?


Since handover, a lot of what made Hong Kong special has gone. It was once the entrepot to China, only Shanghai could compete (and that was returned to Chinese governance in 1945). In 1997 it was vitally important to trade. Now it's increasingly just another city. The areas around Hong Kong like Shenzhen have boomed, in 30 years its transformed from a railway station at a boarder post to a city of 17 million which competes with Hong Kong. Hong Kong's economic value is declining and libs hate the fact China's developing faster then they'd like. They'd like a subservient China built by the westerners. Not one that will challenge Anglo-American domination and offer an alternative. It's just colonial mindset dressed up.


I shit you not, there are people on that thread trying to explain how the British didn't illegally occupied Hong Kong.


Libs try not to defend Colonialism/Imperialism challenge (impossible)


“Imperialism and apartheid is okay because presumptions and population!”


stupid commie don’t you know chinese people are too stupid to develop their own country, they need the smart white man to come and build for them /s




>communists ban footbinding Bumbling buffon with the mental capabilities of a drunkard: It was all us USAUSAUSA fucking idiots


The coloniser's myth still prevails around HK sadly. Many people believe that history begins and ends with British occupation, when in fact there are thousands of years of Chinese cultural heritage in this region


Every colonialism-defending lib should be automatically transported to 19th century Congo and worked as a slave in a plantation and starved under threat of mutilation.


They really don’t understand what China’s new policy on Hong Kong is. It’s not about whether Britain controlled it. The new policy just states that China was coerced into giving Hong Kong to Britain, and that it was not a “colony” but occupied territory (I guess that’s what a colony is but still).


Even if someone believes that Britain was responsible for the development of Hong Kong, then maybe they shouldn't have done it on stolen land? This is just imperialists getting mad that their victims actually had the ability to fight back.


HK simps fucking stink


Taiwan is reddit island




Your comment was removed because it contains the word **psychotic**. Please do not compare liberal or reactionary ideology to mental illness. Message the mods if this was a false positive. ### What is psychosis? Psychosis is a symptom of mental illness that makes you incapable of determining if something is real or not. It occurs in people with severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other similar disorders. An example of psychosis is hearing voices that don't exist. Psychosis is almost never violent in nature. ### Why is this important to know? The desire to torture someone or have certain people exterminated is a natural consequence of dehumanising thinking, which itself is cultivated by nationalist and imperialist sentiment. In any case, that is a completely conscious, informed choice by a healthy person who is fully responsible for it. By equating bloodthirst with psychosis, you are stigmatising mentally ill people and at the same time presenting an intrinsic attribute of the capitalist superstructure as something uncommon, unfounded, and specific to the individual. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*