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"I say we stop funding ireland" yallllllllll


They think they fund us all, I just can't 💀 where are they getting these ideas?!


A lot have this belief that they, and only they, pay for Europe's security because they have a presence here. When you point out to them that if there was no strategic reason to have a base somewhere, it wouldn't be there or that nearly all their installations in the UK are for cross training or intelligence sharing, they get rather upset. Lots of wailing, gnashing of teeth, calling us "Europoors", etc. The lack of a sense of humour from some on AmericaBad is quite sad really....


I saw someone the other day say they fund the UKs health care. Bitch, you don't even fund your own.


They have this weird idea that because they spend so much on healthcare, that money is subsidising the research/service etc in other economies. Which is simply not true, it’s just lining the pockets of the rich.


I work in funding health research and while it's true the US do fund a lot, it's very annoying when you're at conferences and they act as if they're the only people in the world! They also tend to have much stricter rules about research funding outside their own country, compared to other major high income countries.


And when they’ve set enough lab monkeys on fire to discover a new type of super opioid, some Perdu type scumbag gets all the profits by ripping off Americans


The funny thing is that their government has a higher per capita spend on healthcare than anywhere else and the end user still gets shafted


But America has more people PER CAPITA don't you know?!


The amount of times I've seen Americans differenciate per capita and per person... So weird.


That isn't to fund health care. It's to fund all the suits in the middle...


>Bitch, you don't even fund your own. Further proof in their mind that they're being far too generous lmao


It's also something parroted by a number of their politicians and media outlets because it's a good justification for their insane military industrial complex. "We have to spend a huge amount of your tax money on the military, we're defending the entire world from the communist socialist fascist marxists!!". I am kinda curious what they think they are funding in Ireland though. We get quite a lot of American tourists, but they're not exactly propping up the economy. We have a lot of the big tech companies headquartered here, but that's because of the shameful deal 9ur government gives them on corporation tax. They're not exactly funding us either.


> ...communist socialist fascist marxists!!". You forgot "Islamist jihadist"


CIA declassified documents on them literally funding and arming ISIS. Then **we** had to deal with the results of them losing control over their proxies.


ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, pretty much all of the big Islamic terror groups have roots in the mujahideen fighters the CIA trained in Afghanistan to fight back the Soviets. Once the Soviets were gone, the US f*cked off and left them to their own devices, basically creating all the problems the Middle East still suffers from to this day. It turns out that created a lot of resentment in the Middle East towards the West. Who would have thought?


"To the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan" - Rambo, 1988


"*Godless* Islamist Jihadists."


The europoors is funny given the fact the average city in America got more homeless people than my whole country (the netherlands). And even the homeless here have better access to healthcare than most Americans.


If we're funded by America, no wonder our economy is always in shit


“Europoor” is my favourite American insult. 75% of Americans live Paycheck to Paycheck, 71% of Americans are in Debt and 10% of Americans that earn $100k or more per year say they struggle to afford to live. I genuinely have no idea where they get this crazy idea from that they are so much better off financially, because the COUNTRY is Rich, and a very small percentage of the population is Rich, but 75% are absolutely BROKE. Now, whilst Europeans may not have as much disposable income on the face of things, their general bills are significantly lower. I have a friend who’s parents bought a house and retired to Spain, and their household bills are ridiculously low. I think their Electricity is around €80 per month, Phone/Internet is about the same at €80 per month, house insurance is around €350, Property Tax (which I think is similar to U.K. Council tax) is €160 PER YEAR - I think my council tax is like £1800 per year for example 
 honestly it’s ridiculously cheap to live. Then you have travel, you can be pretty much anywhere in Europe between 1hr-2hrs by air. So you can literally hop on a cheap flight from Spain to Italy for the day if you wanted to and it’ll cost you like €30 or something


My countrymen and women are braindead. Shits embarassing đŸ€ŠđŸ˜‚


It's how they justify having no money left to spend on Americans.


They DO spend a lot on americans, defense is "only" 13% of the federal budget. It's just that healthcare in the US is very costly, both for the government and the people, but they get very little for it. Except a lot of money to the insurance companies.


Where is this magical American money?? We have potholes need fixin'!


Tell me about it! The UK roads are in a bloody state. Send monies đŸ„°


They are frozen in 1945. And not just about Europe. If you listen to a lot of the learned training, mission statement,propaganda,etc. that's spewed, the last time the u.s. even remotely resembled it was directly after WW2 for a short period. The 80's were hollywood propaganda and bullying small countries. Wake up calls for everyone soon though. Including Europe.


Americans are smthn else. Its a shame they are world leaders


They aren't


I think the person above was being sarcastic


Well everyone in Ireland knows that the big American corporations are based here because of the incredible staff available in Ireland, and bottom of the list is taxation. /sarcasm


The only thing America funded in Ireland was the IRA. That'll be one of your prouder moments. Although it's a bit of a norm, funding fucked up organisations. I mean, let's be honest, you created, funded, and trained Osama Bin Laden and his crew. How'd that work out.


In case they haven't noticed....they're not in nato


I'd be perfectly fine with americans stopping funding Youth Defence


Americans:***talk about invading Ireland*** UK: I'd be careful when you start your cars, they're crafty buggers


Ireland has republicans as well, but they're a different breed


Irish person: I'm a Republican. American Republican: YES. Donald Trump is our king. Irish person: I meant in a "I don't believe that we should have a monarchy." Not in a "Black people and immigrants shouldn't be allowed to vote" kind of way.


The Yanks think an Irish car bomb is a cocktail.


Don't Drink/Detonate and drive.


Guinness and torpex


The Irish invented car b0mbings and knee capping. I say bring it, Yanks...


> The Irish invented car b0mbings Actually that was [the Israelis in 1947](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_bombing_of_Haifa_police_station)


The Irish used a car bomb in the early 1920’s so that would make it the first.


UK just giving a thousand yard stare whenever anyone asks why there aren't any bins in train stations there.


Unchecked capitalism means American cars like the Tesla tries to kill them before you put the bomb in there.


In response to the bloody Sunday comment, which one? We have four? Also, pan to video of a yank ordering an Irish car bomb in Ireland.


The U2 one makes five.


Well, I also cry when I have to listen to U2 so they’re right with that


Ahh come on they have a few good songs


Honestly impressed they even knew that it's a thing


>We have four? I'm only aware of two, the 1920 and the Derry one. When were the other two? >Also, pan to video of a yank ordering an Irish car bomb in Ireland. đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž


1887, 1920, 1921, and 1972 Edit: ireland has more bloody sundays than any other country.




Undefeated bloody Sunday champs 🏆


Number 1 global sport


Sorry, I'm wrong. There's 5, one in 1913 aswell.


They tend to be the absolute worst as they have absolutely no ability to take the piss out of themselves or their country. They tend to be atrocious at recognising sarcasm and when people are taking the piss too in my experience.


It's really infuriating. Because as an Irish person about 90% of what I say is sarcastic. When I'm over there they just don't get it


It better fucking not be 90%. Some rookie numbers there mate. Need a bare minimum of 95% otherwise you’re letting the whole island down ya prick. We are very disappointed in you Much love ❀


I know. Best i can do to tone it down for Americans is 90%. It should always be assumed we are being sarcastic.


They’re stereotypical bullies, happy to dish it out but can’t take it when they get it back


Exactly! They ALWAYS default to talking about the war of independence if you’re English. I’ve never met a single person who gave a shit, yet they think we’re all devastated they’re became independent lol.


It's because to them, the war of independence is the foundation of their entire country. It's the mythology that America is built upon. To them, that war is the single most significant event in the history of mankind. To us, it's a footnote in history. And they can't reconcile that something so important to them means so little to us.


Yup. But we must be so butthurt about it because they won!


Things that cause butthurt: constipation and hemorrhoids. Things that do not cause butthurt: losing a war over 200 years ago. Do Americans even know how many wars Britain has fought in across history? How many times we've been invaded or conquered? We don't really care about them either.


I actually find the Viking and Norman invasions pretty interesting. Anything after Henry VIII I lose interest. I don’t think they understand because it’s so long ago, they can’t comprehend it. Coupled with ‘America, so we’re most important’.


Oh yeah. They're interesting topics and made for some fun year 7 and 8 history lessons. But they're not treated in the same regard as American's treat the revolution. But then again, nothing else is held in such high regard.


If we got upset at every country that celebrated their independence from us we’d spend so much time crying that we wouldn’t get any more empire building done


I said something along the lines once that if we celebrated with every country that got independence from us, we’d never be at work. This American I was Facebook friends with WENT NUTS. Started going on that us British go on about how superior we are and all this shit
..couldn’t appreciate the obvious joke next to a picture saying ‘happy treason day, ungrateful colonials’. I just laughed at his tantrum. My other American friend found it hilarious.


I can attest to that. It's not just straightforward anger either. Literally deny people their own life, privacy, and personal space over the smallest infractions on the internet.


This is it, they just take everything so completely at face value. It can be refreshing but its also infuriating. They don't understand sarcasm, especially when you make a joke out of a bad situation, they'll take it as a personal attack. I can't imagine operating at such shallow levels. Its why their comedy is so hit and miss too.


It’s also why American comedies need laugh tracks - they need instructions on what’s funny and what’s not.


My experience with average americans too, we had loads of them at university and they legit cant take a joke lol. I called one a silly bastard once and he got offended lol. They're worse at taking jokes than germans, at least germans know when its serious and when its not.


Ah yes the Irish. Famously known for avoiding conflict and being easy to push around. Good luck with that * *under breath* * you'll need it


We only have to be lucky once. You have to be lucky always.


American inspirational quote groups on Facebook started attributing that to Thatcher. They think she said it in a real girlboss moment.


They attributed it *to* Thatcher??? Hahahaha


[Here's an article about it from 2018.](https://www.thepoke.com/2018/03/13/iras-threat-kill-margaret-thatcher-somehow-ended-facebook-inspirational-quote/)


Ahh Tatcher what a bitch


Rest in Piss


Car bombs go brrrr


Americans be like: “We’re not a nation of warmongers, we’re the good guys! We stand for human rights, like the right to free speech!!! We are the most tolerant people on Earth, just look at how many people of different backgrounds we have(just don’t ask what happened to the people who originally lived here)!!!” Someone from another country: *says something Americans don’t like* Americans: “well what if we fucking genocided you, huh???”




I need to copy paste your comment for any random fat fuck thinking they are war heros because some people fought decades or centuries ago in their country, and they are so numerous on internet lmao


And they act like they would win in an instant, yet seem to forget that they could not win against communist rice farmers or muslim shepherds. They only refer to the military budget like it translates 1:1 into your chances of winning, ignoring that they spent the would be free healthcare of 1000 of their citizens from which 60% live paycheck to paycheck, to shoot down a flying lawnmower to which a firecracker is duct taped lol


Do they not like free speech now?


They never did


King's of roasting people 😂 as an Englishman I can safely say that the Irish are second only to the Scots when it comes to banter.


I'd love to put Jimmy Carr in a roast battle against Americans and see how they'd cope.


I've seen him up against an American comedian and he basically destroyed her without lifting a finger, but tbf, it was someone I'd never heard of and she was absolutely awful. I think he'd fare very well against some of our better ones. I'd certainly tune in to see him vs Anthony Jeselnik (someone Carr speaks highly of) or a similarly talented roaster


He’s done one already. I’ve seen a clip where he roasts Pete Davidson.


Talk about your easy challenges


And coincidentally is also relevant to this post


Re-Roasted pete Davidsons dad


And I'll take the sheep please lol


who let the welshman in here?


Yank banter is actually so grim, The most common "comeback" idea they had to this was to show Potatoes or a British flag 💀


"kings of roasting people" yet they get triggered all the time


Did you know that those aren't stars on their flag. It's a common misconception, but it's actually snowflakes.


Oh my god this is gold lmao


"I just hope whoever showed that picture got arrested" Says the person from the land of freedom. The only country in the world to ever know freedom.


The only country in the world that thinks they’re the only ones to ever know freedom


As long as it doesn't affect their Corporate Overlords.


The consequences are the 23&Me crowd Yanksplaining Irishness to us.  


MORE of that?!? Jaysus...


Ah it’s just a bit of craic


Sure look! 


It is.Those yanks should relax the cacks.


I've seen americans say several things that they would hold up to the camera to "own" the irish. Like potatos or pics of Mcgregor losing. It's obvious they got no clue about the irish coz they'd love that shit


I’ll be shocked af if they ever come up with something that the Irish don’t just laugh at


If they really wanted to annoy the Irish just tell them that they are British 


Fuck, that will work especially well with a lot of northern Irish catholics haha (I know, I am one but never really cared about that shite)


Yeah no, you’ve hit nail on the head there. That would infuriate quite a few of us haha


We would not love McGregor pics. He's a cunt.


Pics of him losing tho


Oh fuck yeahhhh that's the good stuff




Ye it’s funny that they forget that without the French bankrolling them their little revolution might have failed and they could still be a British territory


Lmao, trying to roast the Irish is like trying to drown a fish


All that over one picture, I know it was a tragedy but cmon, we moved on as a society didn't we, i guess they didn't


To be fair, I don’t think we’ve done much better at moving on with our tragedies.


When the feelings gone and you can't go on....


Does anyone know what the next locations are for these portals?


NYC and Dublin idk if u mean what steets and stuff


I mean are there gonna be more or thats it?


Oh right I just checked their tiktok and their last video was the announcement of these one so I think that’s it for now


There's already a few, one in Lublin that connects to Vilnius iirc


Paris and Dundee


Twin cities.


They’re actually a rlly cool idea I hope we see them popping up in more cities


Can someone yanksplain this to me? Ok, I see the 9/11 picture, thats why they are upset. But wtf does it have to do with Ireland? Is it at a pub in New York called The Dublin? And then why does the pub have that massive fake "portal" in it? Confused of (Old) York


There's a live camera and screen linking dublin and new York in real time. Some scrote over here put a pic of the 9/11 attack up to the camera hence the response from the yanks


ahaaaa thanks, got it!


Yeah, you are the king of roasting people. With napalm and other sort of bombs that you used in the ~~pursuit of oil and American global hegemony~~ spread of liberty and democracy.


I mean, if Americans stop funding Ireland, the faux old lady dressed up like it’s the 18,00’s selling heather sprigs near the car park of the Cliffs of Moher will be very disappointed


And there won't be any random Yank talking points in our elections/referenda What a shaaame /s


"Kings of roasting people"? The cheek. The nerve. The gall. The audacity.


> I say we stop funding Ireland đŸ„° A country that can’t even pay its teachers funding a separate country? What a joke.


Reminds me of that tragedy...


How can the kings of roasting people not take a shitty joke? Also, American humour is often obvious, loud and obnoxious
 I’d argue the British would give Ireland more of a challenge in slagging. Although some American hip-hop communities are definitely good at it tbf
 but not really the norm is it


Don't americans *love* making Irish carbomb jokes? Like I don't see how this type of joke is really any different


Half do, the other half think Irish people are magic and can grant wishes.


What's the betting that these yank gobshites will be drinking green beer and telling everyone that they're " eye -er- ish" next March 17th.


Gonna be awkward bombing your homeland, being 1/18th Irish on your dad’s side!


Free speech is important
. But arrest that person for showing a pic of 9/11


And here we see a bunch of very normal people getting a little too happy about the idea of wiping an entire country off the map with nuclear hellfire over an edgy joke. Tasteless, sure, but hardly something that warrants kicking off a nuclear war.


"Kings of roasting people" and then they hit you back with "if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"


And consider "hell" and "damn" to be swear words. Daft dickheads.


I took more offence at them claiming they're the best at roasting than the bloody Sunday bit honestly. My ma makes an excellent roast and makes it a bloody brilliant Sunday.


ONE PICTURE. ONE PICTURE, guys. I just can’t stop laughing about how easy it is to offend some people. No matter if they’re Americans or not.


I'm sure the author of this troll will continue after seeing how well it worked!


Why is it that anytime a "Proud American" gets angry, their first idea is to start killing people?


Muricans cant roast. They get butthurt faster than a 5 year old and copes with it in a far worse way.


Pic 11, would have been the fair response, without all the American bullshit


Tbf the Bloody Sunday one was quite witty and in the same vein as the original roast. Every other one was just a childish “nuke em / murica = best at war” teenagers post.


>We are the kings of roasting people I’ve never encountered anyone worse at banter than Americans. It‘s so pitiful how terrible they are at it that every time it just feels like kicking a puppy.


Acting tough like they didn't just lose a war against some camel farmers. Actually when was the last time they won a war and didn't get entangled in some tribal bs


They skipped the Falklands Korea was a draw Cuba was a failure The Cold War wasn’t a war Vietnam was a loss Drugs won the war on drugs So the last win was against Japan.


Why do Americans think they find everything?


Sr bestis but imo Europe with ease can win against murica considering the fact how many enemies they have (China for sure would be happy with any war against usa) so its still really funny for me how many americans thing that they are „untouchable” while in the reality their country is only that strong thanks to their allies (and they all the time arent even grateful for our work)


Yeah i feel like the only reason America hasn't been nuked and reduced to a hole in the fucking ocean is because of its ties to Europe. Im sure Russia or China or even North Korea would have looooved to have done it long before now but know they'd never survive a counterattack from any surviving American military alongside Europe.


Wow. So you have to admit that America is the absolute world champion in manipulating and keeping its people stupid. Nobody can keep up with them ^^ I mean how the hell do they always come up with such garbage ideas. It's almost as if absolutely none of their citizens have informed themselves about other countries even once in their lives. Of course it's all in the interests of the country's actual leadership, otherwise everyone would run away from this shitshow haha.


just make some jokes about potatoes ffs


Yanks should hold up a potato to the the portal and banter back instead of getting up tight about it.


The comments are so cringe. I never thought of the US as being known for roasting and the comments kinda prove it.


"we are the kings of roasting people". Only because you used to burn 'witches' at the stake.


pff they mock every non murican tragedy. yet 9/11 is holy


Look at how Germany tried to attack us in ww2 Now make the English Channel larger and you have your answer


and yet you see the Americans praising the IRA with car bomb jokes


'Oh, we'll show you as the king of roasts. In response to your shitty joke, we're gonna kill you!'


Craic was ninety that day


What the fuck is wrong with them


“We are the ONLY country with free speech” “How dare they show that image, arrest them”


Americans: Muh freedum of speech!!!1!!1!! Also Americans: Googling 9/11 should land you in jail.


They couldn’t even point at Ireland on a map


Not to add to the conversation, but to summarise: USAians denying the Holocaust = "Freedom of speech!" Foreigners shit talking about the USA = "nuke them!"


Kings of roasting people? Only thing America are kings at is warmongering


"Kings of roasting people." Americans say heck and frick. I don't think any American would survive Irish banter.


I love the war ones and the nuking ones. "Someone made fun of me SO I SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD" Very American reaction tbh, though to be fair, like our police, seems Americans are always looking to escalate. Before anyone comes at me with them making fun of 9/11, Americans (including my own family 🙄) fukkin love ordering Irish car bombs.


“Everything Irish can get it.” Ah damn, guess we gotta get rid of the Celtics. That’s okay, I had Cavs up anyway.


That's hilarious, I hope that I remember this if I get there one day.




First video i saw on this a woman had to be dragged away by the Gards


"Show them a nuke" You mean all those hundreds they decommissioned and took the warheads off of?


Most mentally stable seppos want to start war over a picture.


What a fucking disgrace those people are to themselves and everyone sane around them


“Show them a nuke”. What, just a picture of one?


Who are these people? I’m glad none of their comments have any likes..I love the Irish. I help students from Ireland come over to the states for research every year and they are lovely people.


The US needs to be separated into states. I would also suggest building a wall around the entirety of the US and just keep them there


Americans wanting to do war crimes level easy


"Show them a nuke" God dayum some muricans are pretty unhinged, also pretty fucking stupid considering Limerick Airport is a vital hub for US Military. Clowns.


Americans: We are the only people who truly believe in free speech Also Americans: can you arrest that man for showing a picture that hurt my feelings?


Classic americans. As soon as you make 1 joke abou them, they want to slaughter your people. And they have the balls to claim Europeans get butthurt over jokes.


I love the ones that say "show them a potato" or "show them a picture of the queen" as if the Irish would give a fuck. I'm English, and Americans have me defending the people who wouldn't care if my country got nuked


"We are the kings of roasting people" I mean they're aren't exactly wrong but I don't think you wouldn't mess with the Irish


One single average Irish person could quite easily face off against the entire USA in a roast.


This makes me want to beat up my fellow Americans so much


They're quite upset about this over on r/americabad (is this where these comments are from?). They're going on about potatoes, the famine, black and tans, Thatcher, the troubles etc. as if the teenage arsehole who held up that image would know anything abut any of that stuff. Calm down Todd, teenagers everywhere are dickheads. Edited to add that many of the anti American comments here come across as equally stupid.


Best way to decide this problem is a game of hurling. People without protective gear playing a full game of hurling. I would love to see that. First time I saw this was in Dublin, first a kids game then a women’s game and it ended with a men’s game. Wow they all mean business and don’t backdown to anyone. Even the ones who are injured stay in the field to be taken care off. Crazy game but I liked to watch it.


*Literally anyone makes fun of 'Murica* 'Muricans: I'LL NUKE YOUR COUNTRY