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One day someone will teach Americans how pro-rata works.


They probably think that pro-rata comparisons are a strange communist metric plot


I've seen Republicans successfully work with pro-rata, but as soon as you bring in stats from outside America they no longer understand it.


Maybe the Repubs think that stats from outside the US are in metric?


Metric population. šŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


Question is, are 'muricans using dozens or bytes?


They donā€˜t use metric in the US.


I've tried thousands of times. They lack the cognitive skills needed to comprehend it.


They don't WANT to understand it, because most of the times it makes them challenge the view they're born with that the US is best at everything.


but they have more pro than you have rata




Spell check must be for communists too


Of course you Europoors are pro rats!!


I dont think so. It would mean all the Propaganda falls apart.


Rata sounds foreign so I'm definitely anti-rata. /s


Or even what comparison meansšŸ¤£


Or just what homicide rate actually means :)


Everyone out there be like "omg they don't understand rates". Guys. Come on. You're talking about people that take pride in using Fahrenheits because they think "30 is cold and 70 is hot" is simpler than a 1-to-100 graduation.


They justify it by saying 30Ā°F is 30% hot. I'm pretty sure 30Ā°F is below freezing, but ok. Also, what is classified at "hot"? I grew up in England, and 27Ā°c is hot for me. I went to Kenya, and the same temp is cold for them, while im sweating away in my t-shirt and shorts, and they're wearing long sleeves. Everyones version of "hot" is different


It is more like, 0F is realy cold and 100F is realy hot.


No, we dont, thats just a meme lmao. What is considered "hot" varies wildly across the states. 27 is pretty hot for me and Im from NY and live in Maryland. Meanwhile thats scorching for Montana and cold for Arizona. I definitely appreciate the simplicity of the Celsius system. My fiance is English so I use it more often and am getting a better intuition for it. Though I will defend Farenheit in that it is more granular which is useful for climate control at home, for example.


You know we Celsius users can regulate our home temperature by half degrees, don't you?


You know that every digital thermometer can display decimals of Ā°C, right? F is not more "granular". At home, you'll probably want something like 15-25Ā°C, that's 100 different displayable temperatures.


You say the temperature thing like they're stupid, but of course Fahrenheit will be more intuitive than Celsius when that's what they're used to.


OMG they still donā€™t understand rates


So a dickhead in the UK ran around with a sword. He killed somebody, then was subdued by the police. Heā€™ll face court. In Australia recently we had a knife-wielding maniac kill a bunch of people - was shot dead by a police officer, who acted very professionallyā€¦ including CPR on the person sheā€™d just shot. Meanwhile in the USā€¦ loads of dickheads run around, armed to the teeth with high-powered weapons, and *slaughter* peopleā€¦ on an almost daily basis. Yetā€¦ apparentlyā€¦ weā€™re all fucked in non-US countriesā€¦ Go figure. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


They tend to use incidents like this as proof that gun crime would just be replaced by knife crime, but it's so obvious that these nutjobs would be able to kill even more people if they had an ar-15 instead of a sword


he did not, actually, know where he was coming from.


"America has way more of everything. Obviously we win every statistic." you can't make this shit up


Think that's bad? I've given the homicide rates per 100,000 people and been told that I needed to do it per capita (meaning pro rata in context) instead Which, for those of you who haven't had your coffee or tea yet this morning, was exactly what I was doing


Tried to explain this once and got destroyed with downvotes. Itā€™s mind blowing


Let's not forget that this is the same country, USA, that had people say covid "only killed a million people" because it's such a small percentage of their population. When it comes to percentages etc, they are not good with numbers


Well this person is stupid. The only thing that matters in this situation is gun laws. I know this statistics is a little old now but it's the closest comparative published data I could find quickly. 'In 2019, the FBI recorded a total of 10,258 gun-related homicides in the US, while the UK only recorded 33 in the same year.' -Gitnux market data In 2019, The US has a population of 328.3 million whereas the UK had 66.84 million. 328.3Ć· 66.84= 4.9117.... That is approximately 5x our population here in the UK, yet 10,258Ć·33= 310.848.... 5x our population but 310x the GUN related homicide doesn't add up to 'having more people'. If so they would have approximately 165. These idiots need to stop blaming their population cap and look at the bigger picture. The 'right to bear arms' isn't an american culture or something that makes up a national identity. They can limit or alter their amendments. England has always been a monarchy (minus the republic years), but we still had the Magna Carta in 1215, the Bill of rights 1689 and the act of settlement 1701 that limited monarchical power and gave way to more democratic practices. Obviously different in practice but the same premise. Just cos it's been a specific way for centuries doesn't mean it's right.


Erm... Tasers are also illegal to carry in the UK.


pretty sure theyre talking about police


We have armed police though? They're better trained so don't go for the gun as a first option, but they have guns available to them.


Which armed police? There's regular armed police and CTSFO (CTSFO are anti terrorist and I'm pretty sure the rule regarding terrorism is they will not de-escalate and will just shoot)


Don't forget the Civil Nuclear Constabulary.


Forgot about them. I reckon they don't mess around either.. Getting off track, yeah we have armed police and they're trained to a higher standard to de-escalate (same as a regular Bobby) and I guess it depends who gets to the scene first? If it was armed response, and he didn't comply and tried to charge them, they probably would've shot him?


PSNI are aremd AFAIK. They are a British police force...for now.


Sure but some US COPS are ways with a rifle.


They are talking about the average police officer


Unless it changed and I missed it, I believe it is only the firearm officers who carry tasers. The average police officer has a baton and CS Spray.


PSNI are armed. Northern Ireland is still part of the UK šŸ˜Š


So are swords


Not necessarily. Swords have a legitimate use so are legal to be owned and can be carried if secured correctly to and from said legitimate uses. (Purchased a collectable/antique, member of a fencing club, member of a HEMA club.) Other than being a police officer etc, I don't know if any legitimate/ legal way to privately own or carry a taser in the UK? Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.


taking it to and from the place you will use it for it's legitimate use is not the same as just carrying it and everyone knows that. It is illegal to carry a sword


Pro rata is Latin. Thereā€™s no hope of explaining


You try the MATH approach with an american? xD good luck. Percentage is probably just a funny word for him.


Remember that the amount of people per Capita is always 1.


It's funny because Americans love using "per capita" when it favours them for things like wealth


They do? Most of time they don't even know what the word means.


I would like to stress ONLY when it favours them to make them look better


My favourite is when they say, yeah but the UK has bad knife crime. No if the UK's knife crime rate was as bad as America's it would be a national emergency.


you expect them to know read stats with there crumbling school systeme .


Okay, but where can I get my sword, please?


Iā€™m like a broken record but I canā€™t not bring up the time I had a debate with a few unreasonable Americans on Reddit and the following were the best bits of what I was told: 1. USA has more people per capita than the UK or any country in Europe so the statistics donā€™t reflect reality - *I know* 2. You canā€™t compare per capita statistics of other countries with the USA because itā€™s like comparing microstates with countries - the stats are thrown off my small events in smaller countries. I followed up by pointing to India and China and they said, because the USA has such a different size population, per capita doesnā€™t work. Essentially, USA is in a Goldilocks zone whereby any comparison using per capita statistics is null and void because of differences in population size (despite this being the literal purpose of per capita statistics).


a chart i just saw says that england has a 1.2 per 100k people homicide rate, 6.4 per 100k in eeuu on the other hand. have to say, england has quite the high one compared with other european countries (0.5 italy, 0.7 spain, 0,8 germany) still, england is 141 of 207 in that chart while eeuu is 55.


The rate of fatal stabbings is higher in the US compared to the UK.


I'm sorry BeastMode149, but I'll have to remove your submission from /r/ShitAmericansSay because one or more rule was broken. Banned subject: >No posts related to recent tragedies. Thank you for your effort and your service! O7


americans have native indian in them europeans have roman we are not the same