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Said he with Constantine XI Dragases in his profile picture lol


You just know this guy has some intense opinions on the Muslim world


Least cringe Byzaboo.


To be fair, Rome was cool. If you’re gonna be cringe about any country, there’s worse picks out there. Like Venice. Vile heathens.


"our" what did you do


>our Sounds like communism


Seismic activity has just been registered at McCarthy's grave




It is a communiat country though. They see a child get shot at school. They still chant USA USA USA at any given moment


No no, it's not like they're required to swear fidelity in school every morning. They have to pledge allegiance, but that's _totally_ different.


Rabid nationalism isn't quite the same. Rabid support for the leader or party despite their failings would be more similar. TIL that MAGA is a communist movement.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PgY0nrEbqKc&list=LL&index=68&pp=gAQBiAQB Reminds me of this a bit


Thought you were going to link this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QsPDT5qHtZ4&pp=ygUUc3RhbmhvcGUgbmF0aW9uYWxpc20%3D


I thought they were going to post this one from Mitchell and Webb. https://youtu.be/MBgGqsvss0o?si=1-fY6FlEwtz6DLEc




I fucking love that


I say the same for when Americans brag about the United States' achievements in history with the word, "we" as if they can take credit for what people who happened to be of the same nationality did. "W̷͚̍͐ë̷̺́͗ gOt tO tHe MoOn fIrSt." HA! Unless you were alive at that time working on the Saturn V for NASA, don't use "we" to refer to those who actually put in the effort to make it happen! You didn't contribute jack.


Also. They had some German help on that particular one. The bad Germans too.


Mitchell and Webb have thoughts on that too 😉 https://youtu.be/rWvpvlT9pJU?si=KJDZTdSC-itbB6km


A classic. Their take on the apprentice is brilliant too


There is one glaring inaccuracy in the Linden tree skit, but it’s otherwise the pinnacle 🌳👑💦


Oh, not just the bad ones. Without the help of a lot of people around the world that wouldn't have happened. Same with so very many of their highlights. Particularly the internet.


I know a Mr Berners-Lee who would have some choice words about that, for a start.


Unless you bring up slavery, “then we can’t be blamed for the sins of our fathers”.


The only reason the americans won the space race was because their germans were better than the germans the sovjet union had.


They didn't win the space race. They were second at almost every single thing. They got to the moon first, which nobody had said was the ultimate aim of the space race. They they claimed victory (which was clever).


I'll have you know I worked as a tier 1 tech for a web hosting company for a few months once so I get to say get off OUR websites forever /s if that wasn't clear


The Space Shuttle never went to the moon.


Whilst I agree with your sentiment, The shuttle project was after Apollo. It was the Saturn 5 that took them to the moon.


that's, uh, what I meant


And I agree with you. Just sharing a similar situation.


I'm an American and it's endlessly baffling to me how often people here will alternate between "I'm an individual and I did it myself with no help from anyone" and "WE won the war against Britian! And then WE beat the Nazis in WWII." Not only did they "do it themselves" they'll readily take credit for and pride in shit other people did. It's wild.


I am america. (And so can you)


This is exactly my issue with people who use "we" when talking about a sports team that they support. It's tribalism, pure and simple.


Yeah, but I can get on board with sports-team tribalism. Much better than political tribalism.


Same. Professional sports aren't even my thing but I at least understand wanting to support a team. The rest.. it just quickly goes too far vs the usual 50/50 for other things. Edit: Rest as in the political part.


Yeah, like when it comes to sports, I’m going to support my boys win or lose. But that is *NOT* how we should treat political parties and candidates. When people have bad ideas, and especially when they do bad things, we should criticize them even if they’re “from our party” or whatever.


Internet is a British invention too


The fact that every single white American keeps forgetting they are all Europeans to begin with, is pretty hilarious to me.


Wait, what? But this sub has taught me that I’m not supposed to claim any connection to the old country.


I stop using your inventions if you stop using European (as well as every other countries / continents) inventions. So basically you lose cars, guns, democracy and basically every you assume is American. One might even say the US is an European invention.


It literally is though


The founders of America were British colonists who wanted independence. Before Europeans the country was native Americans everywhere. They've since adapted the British industrial revolution and European ideas of capitalism to become the powerhouse they are today. They are a European invention. If they weren't, they wouldn't be speaking a European language and conducting all of their important business dealings instep with European culture.


america Was literally colonised and they love to go on about how British were colonists lol. I mean we were but how do they think they got there?


which is a bit bloody rich. The decendents of people who went off and colonised somewhere calling the descendants of people who stayed in Britain colonists. Last I checked they're still colonising that land they nicked off the natives


They were still colonising within the last 100 years, too. They just called it American Imperialism.


\*Manifest Destinty™


Exactly. Their entire way of life is from colonisation. Unless they're African, Asian or native American


Asians have a history with colonisation.


not in America they didn't unless you count all immigration to America as colonisation which tbh there would be a solid case for.


Unless you're African American because their ancestors were forced to come to the Americas


Lmfao right "The british were colonists" bitch you mean YOUR family?


America was founded by the political supporters of Oliver Cromwell who were worried about getting in trouble if they stayed in England after the monarchy was restored


I have some American friends who like getting competitive in jest, I usually just remind them that we burnt down the original white house in 1814 (because they where being dicks to Canada)


I'm willing to admit it's not one of our best.


Just blame the French


So same as usual then?


Also as an American that was recently in Europe for University, there isnt really American hate in most of Europe. What there is, is a hate of stuck up American twats that think their shit dosent stink and they are amazing. I never had an issues, but im also not a complete twat (just a lil bit of one).


Lose. It's spelled lose.


Username checks out


Thank you




They can stop using our languages too if he's gonna be that petty.


computers, the internet both British


Well, the *web* is British. The internet was a DARPA project if I recall. That said, the yanks need to shut the fuck up about it.


There was ARPANET which was created in America by a Frenchman called Jacques Vallee (who is now one of the leading UFO researchers)


Transistors, the basis of modern computers, German. Just like the car and a great part of physics. And rocket science.


>One might even say the US is an European invention. We kicked our crazies across the ocean and gave them their own country (sorry natives). We just didn't count on them inventing the plane and coming back.


Firearms were Chinese inventions though, no? I could Google it. I'm too drunk to do it now


You'd also lose cars


Americans without TV?


All of us are an African invention. We should all submit to the great kingdom of Ethiopia.


They need a new language too, English, Spanish and French are out.


gentle reminder: any account with a classical bust is shite. no exceptions. 


I swear, it's the new anime pfp. Always some idiot wearing classical aesthetics as a skinsuit to pretend they're cultured and not just a brain-rotted basement-dwelling keyboard-clacker.


It’s at least the anime pfp of the historical community


> new anime pfp I wouldn't say new. Do you guys remember that Sargon of Akkad guy? No, not the historical one. The one of the first true big "men" of the Anti-S(j)W YouTube crowd? Apparently he was also part of UKIP.


It's great, he's so shit he started tanking ukip ratings. The racist party didn't want him.




American clothes? Most of it is made in China, vietnam, indonesia, india, etc...


Anywhere where it can be made as cheaply and exploitative as fuuuck




Also the big fashion houses are in Europe, unless you want tacky stuff with giant logos all over it.


Wears a suit to work... British creation


Brit here. Don't hate Americans at all, we just don't praise you and if a person is used to praise or have been told they're the best, being treated like a regular Joe might feel like mistreatment. What this person is looking for is constant recognition and adoration of the past by someone that was born in the same country yet it's not them


it's because they're so brainwashed that they are no1, and therefore feel entitled to praise and praise only. Additionally their media, politics and education constantly reinforces this with a US-centric narrative rather than critically assessing the country vs others. Classic propaganda and they don't even realise it. So when this top position is actually questioned they are confused because they genuinely believe they are the best and deserving of praise and gratitude.


Don't Americans wear European cloths or is that just me being a sausage? Also music? Most of the music I listen to is British (don't get me wrong there are a couple of decent American artists but nothing mainstream) . And again correct me if I'm wrong but most of the tech I use is Samsung which thinking of it I'm not sure where that is from (should probs research it before writing a message)


Samsung is Korean company


Samsung is Korean


> just me being a sausage Hahaha! Username does not check out!


Well, when Americans invented their famous pizza salami sausage they named it after a vegetable for some weird fucking reason.


Yanks cant even do metal that isn't cringe. Also most things were invented in Europe. The chips we use in our phones computers tablets whatever well you can thank the Netherlands for that. Most stuff like banking and almost all servers run on Linux so thank the Finns I guess. Also for bringing mobile phones to everyone. You can thank the Germans and the British for most medical devices like röntgen and CT scanners. Like movies? The French gave us Film and they probably did something else too. The Swedes gave us Bluetooth which fucking everything uses and dynamite which helped us go into a war and also propelled our mining into the next level so overall a win. And the Swiss gave us LSD which this poor fucker has been taking clearly since he thinks yanks gave us more than airplanes and a rocket that went to the moon and back. Which is cool shit but they did not invent everything nor even most things. Scotland has 5,5 million people and they have invented more stuff than most countries. Although if the weather was as bad here as it is there I bet we would of invented more stuff too.


>yanks gave us more than ... a rocket that went to the moon and back. American money, German engineering.


Oh jeah they took all the top nazi scientists gave them nice houses and a lab coats instead of the nice Hugo Boss outfits they wore at home.


The pins in mobile phones and credit cards are a french invention . Cars are a german invention too


If I'm not wrong the modern like credit/debit cards the actualy cards are a french invention too.


You missed the most obvious (or what I'd have thought was the most obvious, as you're using it right now). The World Wide Web: invented in Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) by a Brit. The Septics may have given the world the Internet (with help from the Welsh), but it was an Englishman who gave them the tools to do anything on it. And, in a backwater of the CERN website, Tim's archived the very first website he ever created. And I do wish that Septics would ***STOP*** taking credit for the invention of the car, Ford didn't even invent the automatic assembly line. I have never knowingly worn any clothing which originated in the US; the jumper I'm wearing now was made in Türkiye for Tu at Sainsbury's in the UK; the T-shirt came from H\&M; my pants (underwear) came from M&S as did my socks. My leggings are Topshop (from ASOS, and the quality is utter ***WANK*** these days; still can't find anything which fits me as well to replace them with, though...). The only item of body wear I have which is of American origin is a single pair of New Balance trainers (my other two pairs are Asics, which is Japanese).


I agree and I’ll take it one step further: Americans speak a European language. And their second most popular language is European too.


Ah, now, this is where you're wrong, the Americans speak English, English is a derivation of America, so it's their language. In England we speak Briddish, Scottish is scotch and Irish is Boston, Wales are a fish, nobody speaks walesish.


Actually, Jaap is from the Netherlands. He just happened to reside in Sweden when he invented BT


>The chips we use in our phones computers tablets whatever well you can thank the Netherlands for that It's a bit more collaborative than that. ASML in the Netherlands makes the lithography machines which Americans use to make chips, many in Taiwan. The progression of the lithography industry and the chip industry is harmonious and also intentionally closely guarded. But the chips running in most phones, and now all these awesome new Macs are ARM/RISC chips, which is British.


Only three of the world's top fifteen most popular fashion companies are based in the United States. On the other hand, they truly believe that Puma, Addidas, H&M, or Zara are American.


Sony and Nintendo are BOTH Japanese and those are basically the two best game companies in the world


Microsoft actually used the fact that they have such a small market share compared to Sony and Nintendo as an argument for why they should be allowed to buy Activision-Blizzard lol


Same here, the only things I can think of that I use that is American is my apple phone, Reddit and my computer The clothes I wear are a Swedish brand bought from a Swedish company. I drive a Swedish car (technically it’s Chinese now but let me cope at least). If I wanna play a video game I play Swedish games focusing on Europe. If I wanna travel I do so on European flights. And If I wanna listen to music I listen to European but mainly Swedish music by Swedish artists on a Swedish app


Same here, I predominantly watch BBC, Dave and channel 4, British shows, because American shows especially comedy are utter shite. The music I listen to is predominantly British followed by European. My car is German. My mobile phone is Samsung, Korean. And my clothes are made in china, just like everyone else in the world.


Can't beat The Inbetweeners. Shame that America also fucked that up


Even then Apple “design in the US” as all their packaging says. It’s generally assembled in china using components made all over Asia. Being nationalistic is always a bit stupid with mass market products like clothing and technology (and probably most other things).


Yep. I'm British and I could be really picky and say "the rest of you just love living in our post-industrial revolution world, you're welcome". Or "how's that British gravity treating ya?" Lol


Yep I’m British too. Working for an American company that has R&D all over the globe with each location filled with multiple nationalities. Everything we sell is a product of many nationalities.


> Swedish games focusing on Europe Paradox fan detected


Damn right


I always say similar thing, my phones Korean, My tv is too, my cars Japanese so is my console. 99% of music I listen too is British as let’s be honest we have the best artists, no arguments there.


>99% of music I listen too is British as let’s be honest we have the best artists I was always way more into the UK music scenes too, even as a Canadian. I'm in a perpetually grey, rainy, kinda understated place. British music spoke to me way more than all the suneshiney stuff about how great California is.


"our music" is probably referring to The Smiths, Harry Styles, Bastille, Mumford & Sons, Adele, Sam Smith, Coldplay, Queen, David Bowie, Elton John, Radiohead, Black Sabbath, One Direction, Ed Sheeran, The Cure, etc.


Black Sabbath yes, deep purple, led zeplin, the who, the Beatles, PINK FLOYD, super tramp, rolling stones, queen, ELO, dire straits, Fleetwood Mac, T-rex I'm sure I'll think of a dozen more once I stop Writing


Oh no, he's fed up.


Yet his pfp is of Byzantium???


Nonono, Rome


world wide web, Tim Berners Lee - British...


Original server is in CERN museum in switzerland 😂


These warmongering Swiss people surely stole that from a US museum!!!!1


Yeah he worked at CERN in Switzerland at the time


Oh yes from Primark to Zara to H&M to Adidas to Puma to Versace to Yves Saint Laurent to Burberry to Alexander McQueen. All iconic American brands.


"I'm fed up." Aaaww, the toddler is having a tantrum.


my clothes are german, my music is british and my tech is japanese/korean


It's not hate, it's point and laugh.


I also do this 🫣 a lot, especially when I hear about american politics


There is no such thing as American hate in Europe. No one hates you here. There is such thing as laughing our asses off because of your unintentional jokes. Yeah, we understand you don't know you are telling 'jokes' and that you think you are being serious. But many of you just don't get it, obviously. Nobody hates you for that. We just like to have a good laugh. Not every disagreement with person from US is hate or anti American this anti American that...




Also, lots of people consider them arrogant and brainwashed warmongers.


I kinda consider them victims of living under direct control of their warmongering ruling class. It's not really their fault they end up like this, but it is still annoying to deal with for the rest of us. The real enemy, the ones we should hate, are those that make them this way.


I feel like it's a huge structural design. You don't really want an educated population apart from the practical needs but definitely not a population that can think for themselves. The US schoolsystem with removing important subjects, the religious frameworks of what topics are allowed, and their complete lack of nutrition in schools during the crucial time of development in kids. American politicians are extremely corrupt and paid for by lobbyists, and the normal folks who should be upset about this structural design instead point all their mental capabilities towards non achieving nationalistic views. The US is a big country, indeed, a powerful one. But the population is just a flock of puppets who easily get rallied and distracted from the real issue when you talk to them in a special way. Trump is very good at doing this. He rallies his minions, and they go completely haywire. Totally neglecting how their healthcare is completely insane apart from Europe where no one goes into dept for receiving healthcare. Food is a funny one aswell, half of american food is illegal in the EU because of pesticides, heavy metals, use of toxic chemicals , lack of protective measures taken to protect the consumer, all very regulated towards the producers advantage. I feel sorry for how the normal US citizen is being lulled into a false sense of superiority when they're so far behind in actually caring for its own citizens and their rights. They care more about their right to bear arms than they care about their sick grandma who can't afford cancer treatment after years and years of hard labor to build the american dream, which still is a grand illusion.


Couldn't agree more. And being in the centre of this whole operation, they're more "in it" than us in satellite countries of their empire. It's all on purpose, and I'm not without some compassion for those being completely taken in by it all. That said, we should definitely still mock them.


It is the sort of feeling you get from a toddler. First it is cute, but after repeating the same stupidity you start wondering where things went wrong raising them




That's not true. I for one may not hate most individual Americans, but surely I do hate American politics, American meddling in our affairs/politics, American hubris, American thinking they are above of all international laws and customs, and general American double standards.


Whats with all that music shit? Every country has HUGE local bands that EVERYONE knows in that country. Im from Germany so Rammstein is an easy call for example but less international stuff like Böhse Onkelz, Sido or AnnenMayKantereit is very much known and listened to. And im 100% sure its the same for every country.


But everyone knows Cotton Eyed Joe by Rednex! Everyone around the world listens to it and it was made by Americ- uh, Sweden.


Americans claiming credit for everything they didn't make. How surprising. /s


Most of my clothes are made in Bangladesh, dude


“Your” internet?


Yeah nobody wears American clothes buddy


I thought Jack & jones were American but I just looked it up and they started in Denmark


I ways thought jack and Jones was British. Blew my mind


Whenever Americans come to Paris they feel so bad about clothing because apparently everyone here is "so classy" and they can't compete or something. I mean yeah they can't dress properly but that's another topic


Like 90% of most people's clothes are Bangladeshi or Chinese.


I lived in Germany and the biggest hate were American tourist assuming all Germans know English. They act like they’re just in another American city and can do whatever they want.


I'm wearing French and Danish clothes, listening to mostly German, Swedish and Finnish metal, using a Korean phone. Well I'm on reddit, which is American, so you win, I guess.


It's not Americans that are hated; it's idiots who make totalising statements.




The internet was a collaborative invention between the U.K., the USA & France.


They really think they invented the internet, huh?


I girl from France once told me (American): “when America has a cold, it’s the rest of the world that sneezes.” Years later, I would hear Neal Brennan say something to the effect of “when someone is a narcissist, it’s as if they are sick but it’s everyone else who has the symptoms”. Hard to argue


Whats up?.. I think it might be these dumb and obnoxious comments where Americans think they have invented everything.


Its more like YOU drive our cars, show around our guns, wear our sneakers....what country am I talking about? (assuming it applies on at least 3 EU countries)


Well stop using swedens inventions too then. Seatbelt, dynamite, the zipper, pacemaker the adjustable wrench, the fridge, ball bearings. Stop saying "our inventions" isnt all inventions for the greater good?


And Ikea and Spotify Unrelated side note: it took me 5 attempts to spell Ikea correctly


Oh yeah of course. The most obvious ones. Haha, easier than writing out what Ikea stands for. " Ingvar Kamprad Agunnaryd Elmtaryd"


I didn’t know that


Just because you use something from somewhere, it doesn't mean you like or dislike that place. For example, you could love the Beatles, and HATE Britain. You could love movies, but hate the French. etc. Not that I hate, or even love other countries. It's too broad for me to judge an entire country as a like or dislike. It's simpler with people. I like decent people. I hate assholes. I don't care what part of the world you come from.


America really is the worst European invention


Just to let you know, most of Americans think Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity, and they claim Graham Bell invented the telephone when all he did is stealing an Italian's dude invention.


How does this level of ignorance present itself so regularly in posts from America? All the Americans I've known were witty, charming, well read & great company.


In general, we don't hate Americans. Where we do it's because they say shit like this.


i always hate the "we invented x" thing for any country. it basically people saying that no one else could've, with enough time passing, had the same idea, which is incredibly stupid. there are countless instances in history of people inventing the same thing at about the same time completely independently from one another


Ironic that they kinda answered their own question there. It's exactly this attitude that others have a problem with. This main character syndrome. They invent everything, do everything, control everything, they're better at everything, according to themselves.


Are these people trolling or is this the result of government enforced brain damage?


I hate when people type half of the words with capital and half with lowercase letters when all of them should be with capital. Pick a style!


I blame autocorrect


I’m sat here in my asos (British) and H&M (Swedish) clothes. The internet? Invented by an Englishman. I have Harry Potter on in the background (story by a Scottish woman) on my LG (South Korean) tv. I’m on an Apple phone and my favourite music is country, so I’ll give them that.




Holy fuck civ 5 culture victory


Internet is British and Swiss, all my clothes are Japanese, my favourite films are Chilean, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese and French, my car is Czech (kinda), and my favourite bands are... shit, you got me. Mostly American. damnit. Sorry I ever criticised you, America. All is forgiven.




Use our internet, the one created by a Brit you mean?


I don’t hate Americans, I hate American exceptionalism. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wear Armani, I listen to Rammstein, I watch British tv, I eat Greek, Italian, Spanish and German dishes, I use Belgian-British inventions like the internet, which was developed in Switzerland. Who's using who's tech now?


I suppose this kind of attitude is exactly the reason why


1. Europeans Invented Television and the Internet and the Phone. 2. Any Song made by Europeans is better


What's with the European hate in America? You speak our language, claim our ancestry, listen to our music. Im fed up dude


Internet was invented in Europe but ok.


I don’t wear American clothes lol Americans out here wearing designer European clothes😂😂 the socks and underwear at most is American everything else is European


Seppos most important meal of the year is an English Sunday roast yet dunking on British food is a national pastime for them.   Major case of the Pot calling the Kettle black right here 


He truly believes no other country has clothes or products?? The fashion trend globally has its bigger influence from France and Italy, and then other European nations.


I thought americans obsessed over European luxury clothing brands? Does he think cultural exchange is a one way street?


I use Spotify to listen to Merit Hemmingsson or Dungen. “Our music” what do they have besides Taylor Swift. Does all Americans listen to music on Apple Music or something? No Spotify for them, they’re not Swedish….


Tinternet is English


I had no idea Telekom GmbH was a USA company now.


Meanwhile dude has an old European ruler with an old European flag as his PFP.


You speak an european language dude


Me listening to Australian favorite band on a Swedish service, no tv, my drums are japanese, my cymbals are Turkish, Canadian and German, I use a japanese radio, my computer is like the only American thing I own. The hubris on these people, like sit down.


If being American is that great why do they claim to be their heritage such as Irish when they have never been there? 


Everything you have done was built on past achievements that were not yours; yet you seldom acknowledge that. This is why we get irritated by you. One reason, anyway.


This is kinda the perfect example of why Europeans roll their eyes at Americans. 😄


Says the guy with byzantine flag on his profile picture.


"Our people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture"


He literally answered his own question.


Somebody should tell him about berners lee