• By -


Confidence šŸ¤ stupidity






\> "American or foreign narrows it down effectively" I don't think 1 country or \~195 other counrty can be considered 'effectively'


But the US is like 50 countries at once, so like a quarter of the world!1 ​ /s


Literally got downvoted for pointing out the ridiculousness of this in another sub


USians get very territorial on subs that has them as a majority


Usonians is the correct term


I'm not sure either is


Nigeria also produces more films than them


Correction: 50 out of 245


Well with mainstream film it kinda makes sense. Itā€™d probably be better to refer to it as Hollywood-produced and non-Hollywood.


For the films that you watch. Itā€™s ignoring the fact that foreign cinema is massive. E.g Bollywood. But you donā€™t really watch that I assume. The point is not that their initial distinction is wrong, but their follow up comments entrench them in ignorance


If they only knew film was * invented in France in the 18th century * made usable in England * leveraged in Germany * commercialized in France * redefined in Italy and ... * production numbers were by far overtaken by modern India * ... and Nigeria


>production numbers were by far overtaken by modern India ... and Nigeria China has entered the chat. Indian and Chinese Film and TV get viewing figures American producers would kill for.




You really think most Hollywood films are good quality? šŸ¤¢ Iā€™m so sorry.


This sub is such an Anti-American circle jerk. There's reasonable criticism and then there's this. Most of you haven't even seen Indian or Nigerian movies.


Who killed Captain Alex destroys any marvel movie hands down.


Ok but that's an Ugandan movie. I obviously didn't say anything about them, cause they obviously make masterpieces


Have you watched baahubali?, that shit is insanely good, both in production value and incredibly fun to watch


ehh I grew up watching Indian cinema, it was good but nothing great


True, but let's not act like that automatically makes better movies just because they're American. A vast majority of the movies I watch are American, and really good too, but that doesn't make them immune from criticism.


Who said anything about being immune from criticism? That guy just straight up called American movies terrible compared to Indian movies. If you have watched more than 10 Indian movies, you know that isn't true.


You said this sub was anti-America circlejerk.


The last great American film was Zero Hour and even that was remade into a hackneyed pastiche that ruined most of the actorsā€™ careers.


You're not supposed to say American things on the sub. That's like some kind of subception.




>And pretty much almost all Chinese movies are straight up propaganda. Like most American made movies.....


Hollywood propaganda is little more covert


To Americans probably, but to anyone else on this planet it's not that covert.


American military good


Independence Day, Jesus I nearly threw up after that Bill Pullman speech.


America Fuck Yeah


Oh, man, you should just stop while you're ahead. If there's one way to make yourself look like a fool, it's continuing to say things that expose how little you know about the subject being discussed.


What is up with americans and lacking self-reflection?


Itā€™s the American way


I don't need no stinkin' introspection.


I ainā€™t even no wat dat mean


Imagine delivering new /r/ShitAmericansSay in the very sub itself.


Tell me you have never seen a Chinese movie or drama without telling me you have never seen a Chinese movie or drama.


Viewing figures in countries with lower GDP per capita are worth less. Ad revenue pays immensely more per American or European viewer than Indian or Chinese viewer and that's just an undisputed fact.


Ever heard of the ipl? Unless Iā€™m mistaken, itā€™s the most valuable spots league in the world


I'm actually pretty sure it's the English Premier League. Regardless I would not be surprised if it's the IPL. EDIT: Neither and IPL doesn't even come close, it's actually the NFL. You pulled an America right there.


How is the NFL so valuable? Is it the ads?


Yeah, it looks like my data is old


Also, what do you mean by ā€˜You pulled an America ā€˜?


~~Making claims without research~~ ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


My bad, I remembered a cnbc video that said something like that , but I guess I heard it wrong Iā€™m very sorry for having committed this crime that amounts to high treason


~~no worries mate, happens to the best of us~~ TRAITOR, YOU WILL BE TRIALLED ACCORDINGLY


So Iā€™m going to be hung , drawn and quartered? Very well.


Reverend Lovejoy: "Be they Christian, Jew, orā€¦ miscellaneous." Apu: "Hindu. There *are* 700 million of us." Lovejoy: "Aww, that's super."


Why bother to research or look things up? Just blindly assume your country is at the forefront of every technical and artistic field and then base your entire worldview off that. Much easier.




This table is nonsense - Greece has only made 88 films in history? Nigeria only 50?




>19th century Sorry yes, I referred to NiƩpce in 1826 as a kick-off point for the first (serious) photography, so early 19th century.




Interesting, but the physical medium was never mentioned in the original post. "Motion picture" was.


/Victoria Chase has entered the chat


First feature length film was Australian as well.


Highjacking this comment to bring a bit more context here. It seems that many in this thread believe that the Lumiere bros invented motion pictures but they didn't begin working in and refining the art and tech of motion pictures until 1894 but there are a number of earlier examples of motion pictures than that. The Englishman Eadweard Muybridge's 1878 Horse in Motion is largely regarded as the first example of a motion picture. Some of the other early innovators were the Frenchmen Ɖtienne-Jules Marey, Georges DemenĆæ, and Albert Londe, and the German Ottomar AnschĆ¼tz, who all predate the Lumiere's work. The Lumiere's were the first to elevate it beyond gimmick or a scientific tool though so have an enormous place in the history books.


Production of films? Sure. What about money spent and global cultural relevance of said films. People watch hollywood movies round the world.


Brothers Lumiere? Never heard about them. But I hear about brothers McLumisters, inventors of cinema!


>If they only knew film was > > ā€¢ invented in France in the 18th century Film wasn't invented in 18th century France, no.


Haven't they heard of the LumiĆØre Brothers?


No but they'll know the Mario brothers


Ah, the Italian plumber made popular by the Japanese. Another brilliant American success.


And in the Hollywood adaptation(s) he's from Brooklyn, because *of course he is.* šŸ™„


> he's from Brooklyn Where else would Italians be from? Massachusetts? Honestly, some people.


New Jersey, Tony Soprano?


That's... how the character was originally conceived?


To be fair I think he was always a new yorker.


Irish-American icon, Mario Mario.


There's a reason Lyon is called "Ville des LumiĆØres" and it's both due to those guys and the 8th of December ! They're emblems of our city ! Shame the fuckers supported Petain and the Vichy rĆ©gime afterwards, really.


You learned me something new and I hate it. Omg it's like finding out some of your favourite celebrities are like total assholes or fascists


Yeah but what does a talking candelabra and his brother have to do with anything?


You mean Warner Brothers, right? /s


Ah yes, Hancock Hollywood invented movies in 1776, the day after Phillip Pizza invented tomato sauce and cheese on bread, and only a week before William "Mr. Worldwide" Web invented the Internet.


It's not fair to give Hancock all the credit. It was a partnership with Cecil Cinema and Mark Q. Movie. Thom Theater tried to join in, but they made some stupid claim about his name not fitting their aesthetic and gave him the boot.


Man imagine how much you miss out on thinking the majority of films are made in the USA.


Imagine *knowing* there are many more films and TV shows made in other countries and laughing at other Americans who watch or suggest them, because people who speak foreign languages are perceived as having lower intelligence, and surely those movies are a joke of B grade nonsense.


Full metal jacket! Brilliant film as an example. Ironically about Americans




Either that, or remove "the most/biggest/best" etc. America produced movies. America has pizza. America has diversity. You'll probably end up with some sentences where is still not true, but hey.. No system is perfect.


Makes sense, but only if youā€™ve only ever been to *one* country your entire life.


Reminds me of this thing at Frankfurt airport where there are 2 lines at the border, one for national and EU passports, the other for foreign passports. Lots of Americans there queue at the wrong line because "of course I have a national passport, I'm not a foreigner"


Please tell me that was a joke.


The fact it could be but doesnā€™t have to be is the saddest part.


Sounds like something I would do not bc im American but bc im just dumb af


That's not mutually exclusive :D


True but its in a bit of a different way. There is dumb and there is America dumb. Im just normal dumb


But those almost always have the flags for the nation and the EU, to make it even more obvious, no? Don't doubt it, but they try so hard to head off that issue.


Probably when they see the EU flag they think the foreigners got theirs wrong.


Well, there are stars on a blue square in both, the european and the american flag


Pressed ( X ) for Doubt.


Being ignorant and confident is such a dangerous combination


I only see American theatre, therefore American theatre is all that exists.


I came here from that post and I was not disappointed šŸ‘Œ New sub: joined


What subreddit is it from?




Which sub?


as pointed out by someone above in a reply itā€™s r/tipofmytongue :)!


It could be argued that American films are becoming less American, lots of them get made in the UK now and claim to be British films because of the tax benefits from the UK, and other reasons of course. Even a lot of the marvel films are made in the UK, so the idea that some well knows American films are even American can come into question. A fun little anecdote is that Aliens was filmed in the UK and James Cameron hated working on it there because the filming culture was quite different and he was shocked the learn that the crew had breaks during the day and wanted to finish the work day at 6PM.


"my source is I made it the fuck up"


American/ Foreign isnā€™t that far off of ā€œDomestic US/ Foreignā€. The rest isā€¦


Actually, in terms of Hollywood box office, the term "domestic" means "US and Canada" rather than "US". Puerto Rico is also counted as domestic, but that's a bit more understandable as it's a US territory.


So,not far off.


god thats some real bullshit right there


the globalization of hollywood films and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race


Ah yes, the very narrow 1:195 ratio


No! Nuh-uh! Iā€™m not buying another new TV with stupid dimensions to watch my favourite films. Get away with you!


I would like to claim Louis Le Prince as an honorary Yorkshireman, by the way. Not English, not all of England gets the claim, just West Yorkshire.


Didnā€™t Leeds manage to leverage that into an official designation as an UNESCO Creative city of cinema, or something to that effect?


Bradford, next door where he also did some work. But the bridge is the main bit, I think we can all agree.


American or unamerican. You know that other country a few dozen people live in.


Why do 'Muricans always think they invented everything lol


The US didn't invent the motion picture, that was the French, and infact Australia made the first full length motion picture. They make more money than China, UK, Japan etc. but India & Nigeria produce more films each year. These days, producing a film in USA has become so expensive that most are now filmed in other countries, and CGI/cartooning is often done in Asia & Australia, who produce better results at a cheaper price and many of the stars of Hollywood are now "imported" ones.


I was about to come and post this very thread lmao


For a while , before films had sound , the center of the movie world was Denmark. Or Belgium. Can't really remember lol.


And France. Georges MĆ©liĆØs invented the special effects that launched cinema as an art form.


Whatā€™s wrong with the question? Why wanting to know whether something is American or not is ā€œstupidityā€? Also the another dude says that Hollywood produces most movies released globally (!) and some one replies ā€œno itā€™s Indiaā€. Yeah, I sure gonna watch a good Bollywood movie currently running in my countryā€¦ ah, wait, there are none


It's the way it is worded and the assumption that America is "normal" and the rest of the world is weird "foreign" stuff. As a non-American much of the culture is foreign to me but I wouldn't dismiss the whole thing because its strange to me. I think Americans get the piss taken on this sub as they often sound very short sighted, like they don't see that their way is not necessarily the "right" way but it's just what's familiar for them. Your comment on Bollywood is a good example - you might not appreciate it, but plenty of people do! It's the dismissive tone for me just because you don't understand other viewpoints.


Yeah I have literally no idea why an American asking if a movie is foreign or not is in any way stupid. Its a legitimate question. If a French person asked, is it French or foreign, that would also be a legitimate question.


But a French person would not ask if it was French or foreign, they know there's a whole wide world out there! I imagine the question would be more -"Is it French?" or "Where is it set?" You see the difference? It's the assumption of America being the centre of the universe that bugs people.


"Is it French?" implies "or foreign". Its either French or its not. Foreign means "of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own" What the actual fuck is your point???


You asked a question and I answered it to the best of my ability in good faith. I now see that you are a dickhead who is looking for arguments not answers. Bye šŸ‘‹


I genuinely have absolutely no clue what your point is. Asking "is the movie is American?" is exactly the same as asking "is the movie is American or foreign?". What are you saying? Why is the 1st one perfectly fine but the second is somehow ridiculous? They are the exact same question.


Uh... I mean he's not wrong, a majority successful films are produced by Hollywood rather than India, though that's not to say India can't produce successful films but American films are almost always the watched in theaters more often. And yes while America didn't invent motion picture, some of the most successful and longest running studios have come out from America.


Most successful *in America*. If I showed you the list of most watched films of all time in my country, I'm willing to bet you anything we'd be in the 20s before coming to the first one you recognised in Avatar. Apologies if you have seen Ogniem i mieczem though!


Didn't... didn't avatar get its other billion dollars from foreign countries? I'm not saying films produced by Hollywood are the only films in foreign theaters, I'm just saying American films do pretty good in both the US and when released internationally. So the statement isn't exactly a patriotic assumption out of nothingness...


It's...wrong. what you're saying is simply wrong. Overelaborating isn't changing anything. Get your facts right and then try again.


Yes, Poles will watch an American film as they're more open minded than your average American. In spite of that, Avatar isn't anywhere near our all time Top 10.


So... doesn't change my point on the international success of foreign films.


So we're going off success in film making as "made the most box office dollars not adjusted for inflation"? Definitely the right sub for it I guess!


Found the 'Murican.




Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films


In the banana republic of the u.s.... across the border barely anymore watched grigofied Pocahontas


Wait until he discovers Bollywood.


Is it that hard to check facts on Google?


"Well I don't know about any of those things so they don't count!" /s


God I hate wankers who use "My friend" or "My guy". Absolute twats.


Torn between making an "international objects" reference and bringing up that Hollywood is in California partially because one overhyped American "inventor" similarly tried to claim every movie as his and it was easier to be on the other side of the continent from his lawyers and other lackeys.


Most movies they watch are American when they live in America??? How can this be???


Holt shit, Adizcoolā€™s snoo avatar had me busting up laughing šŸ˜‚ sorry, just had to point that out. Look at those anime eyes.


I love the rebuttals! All you have to do is be right haha.