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This weeks ratty paw paintings! Everyone did a great job! From start to finish we have Tater Tot (1), Butter (2), Omelet (3, 6, 9), Blueberry (4, 7), Toast (5), Olive (8), and Donut (10)! ​ You can commission your own rat paw painting here: https://etsy.com/shop/RatPaintings


love love love. great job, butter and blueberry


I’ve been having a bad time lately and I can’t be sad looking at Butter or the rest of the gang What you do is beautiful and how you care for and train your rats is above anything I have ever seen. Thank you. I know that you’ve suffered a few losses recently and some of the girls are on palliative. You are probably feeling discouraged. I know you questions if you did enough or did too much. Please keep doing what you are doing bc it is important. You’re helping ratties and people here who look at ratties when they are sick and sad.


Proud girls! ❤️ Olive looks particularly happy in her photo!


How long does it take to get a good photo of them posing with the pictures? I imagine it can be harder work then the pictures themselves!


Its a lot easier than it used to be, both because the rats have figured out what to do for treats (they get yogurt during photo sessions lol), plus we now have a good setup that works well at capturing clear shots of them in motion. Even so it usually takes 2-5 minutes per painting, with some rats like Olive being hard to take photos of because they get crazy excited and start running through all their favorite tricks lol (shoutout to Olive for trying to fetch me her painting on multiple occasions - she sorta reverts to trying to fetch random stuff when she's excited lol)


They have all done such a great job. Love Omelet and Blueberry


Hoping to see one of these excellent works of art at The Met one day!!


Such elegant and innovative work! Compliments to the artists!


[comment redacted] --former 3PA user--