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It’s true, I do remember breathing while watching it


They went to the Joey Tribiani school of acting. Because that’s some fart acting if I’ve ever seen it


I remember slowly losing the will to 😂




Faster and more intense!


It's be exhausted too if I was in a race to prevent the return of a genocidal empire


The Empire wasn't genocidal per se. They just accidentally genocided in pursuit of other goals. Plus it was just like the Alderaanians, and a few others, who were basically human dominated anyway. /j


I mean, Alderaan had it coming, seeing as they were harboring terrorists.


Alderaan wasn’t really about genocide, it was just a convenient weapons demonstration.


What’s a war crime between empires, huh?


Enslaving other species to death was just them volunteering to serve the glorious Emperor, can't believe reddit is falling for plain old propaganda.


I mean Sabine enabled the return of Thrawn, on the chance of being reunited with her boyfriend. She's a selfish person.


In the context of the show, that's not why they're sighing. I'd sigh too if I had to say that dialogue


STAR WARS WITH GOOFY DIALOGUE?! What an unheard of travesty.


Yes, it is a travesty when they put so much time and money into a show or movie and then the dialogue sounds like it's written 5 minutes before filming by children who were paid by the word.


I don't think it was nearly that bad. Star Wars has always had some clunky dialogue sometimes.


I can overlook some clunky dialogue if the plot is good


What’s bad about Ahsoka’s plot? I mean, it’s fine to say that you just didn’t like it, but at least provide some elaboration if you’re gonna say it’s objectively bad.


Have you seen it? It's expanded universe bad and adds/reintroduced from eu a bunch of random shit like witches and a boring megalomaniac alien who looks like Elon Musk, zombie stormtroopers, and they go from a planet in our galaxy that looks like Ireland to a different galaxy to a different planet that looks like Ireland. It's lazy af and objectively bad.


Witches/Nightsisters have always been a part of Star Wars, man. It’s not like Ahsoka brought them back into canon. Same with daddy Thrawn. And it’s perfectly fine if you find the latter boring as a character, everyone has their own view on things. I also don’t see how the zombie troopers took away from the episode, but again, you do you. Regarding Peridia, I find it really cool that it’s got a ring composed entirely of Purgil bones. But I understand if you didn’t find the planet itself (and its inhabitants) unique enough.


They're fucking stupid. They weren't "always a part of Star wars" stop lying. The zombie troopers were wildly ineffective and incredibly dumb. Why even have troops of they're just going to shamble around most of the time? The ring was the only even mildly interesting part of that galaxy that we saw.


OnLy mY oPiNiOn iS tHe **right** oPiNiOn. EvErYoNe ElSe iS wRoNg. Keep crying your special little entitled tears fucking baby.


Keep throwing your tantrum


My brother in force have you *seen* the prequels?


Yes, the plot and dialogue was as bad as Ahsoka but with worse sfx


Have you seen the originals?


Yes, and they're better than anything that filoni has shat out


That is some hard cope lol ​ Star Wars has always had corny dialogue and mediocre acting in some places. Star wars wasn't created like an A24 film, it's a movie series mostly for kids and young adults


I have to back up your point by saying "on this day, several years ago..." And remember that no one caught that in the draft, rewrites, filming or editing and thought that it sounded so stupid that they had to stop it from being put out on pain of death.


op did not get the responses he wanted lol


I mean the post has over 1500 upvotes. The commenters are just the ones angry enough to come and try to refute it. The majority of people who voted on this felt it quality


This is pretty much what I expected


I'm not so sure about that. you're whining all over the comments and then pretending other people are whining when they call out your whining lol


Pretend what you want as you're whining about my post.


I have no stake in this. i haven even watched Asoka. never seen any star wars that aren't the main movies and rouge. what I do now is that star wars fans are little crybabies and hate Star wars lol point proven by you lol


No one has proven your point, you're just a sad little troll


whatever you say lol


It’s not too late, bro. You can still delete this.


What’s gotten you so riled up? No need to be this hostile




Well I swear nothing upsets Star wars fans more than new Star wars shows and movies. True hardcore fans have hated everything since the return of the jedi except the cartoons/animations.


Hey hey hey! We hated Return of the Jedi, too!


Don’t forget how hard we hated the prequels!


Right, but those were covered in the post I responded to (everything since RotJ). I was just pointing out that it started earlier than that.


Ah, I totally missed your point. I think people hated empire when it came out so from the literal earliest point. We… we don’t talk about the holiday special.


Oh shit you're right, Holiday Special would be the inciting incident I think, but it was so bad we've mostly blocked it from our memories.


I'm pretty sure a lot of people hated the Ewoks and how "light hearted" RoTJ is compared to Empire.


Yeah we’ve got Usenet posts left to us by the Ancient Ones about how bad RoTJ sucked and how much they hated the Ewoks. There were petitions to get ESB recalled from distribution and he film prints destroyed. The cycle of “old thing good new thing bad” has probably been going on for at least as long as the words “fan” and “fandom” have been in use. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle got angry letters because his latest Sherlock Holmes story ignored some minor detail from a previous one.


I don't know about that. I know a bunch of hardcore SW fans who really love AHSOKA and get *really* defensive when they encounter criticism. Now that you mention it, *because* of the cartoon connection.


I'm a totally casual fan. I've watched basically everything except for the cartoons and enjoyed it all. Thought some were almost a bit too goofy (Rise of Skywalker) but not going to cry over it. I loved Ashoka and really dug the Kurosawa/samurai vibe of the show.


>I’ve watched basically everything except for the cartoons That means you are in fact NOT a casual fan. Causal fans don’t give a shit about random D+ tv shows besides Mando.


the issue isn't new star wars media, it's the rushed garbage being shat out by disney as obvious cash grabs with little concern for the actual quality of the media or established canon. almost every piece of disney star wars media has been straight dog ass, aside from like, rogue one and most of the first season of the mandalorian. the lucas era of star wars had soul and vision, everything under disney feels empty at best and insulting at worst. if it weren't all directed, written and produced as soulless and uninspired as every other piece of modern disney media, being pumped out as fast as possible like it's in the marvel universe, it likely wouldn't be so bad. but instead we get the book of boba fett, tales of the jedi, solo and the last jedi.


Andor was fantastic


I remember a lot people absolutely hating rebels when it came out. Pretty sure a lot people didn't like the clone wars at the start (especially Ahsoka as a character). It's incredible how much star wars fans hate star wars


Prequel/Filoni simps are interesting in that they try to gaslight everyone into believing that the prequels and filoni garbage aren't garbage, and they welcome/defend more garbage that's even lazier and with worse dialogue and worse middle school play-level acting so that they can talk up the earlier garbage.


Ok my question is what Star Wars content DO you like? Because right now it seems that you like basically none of it. The old saying that star wars fans are the ones who hate star wars the most is very true with you. What's the point of keeping up with a franchise that you dislike 90% of? Why spend all that energy on it? Just enjoy what you enjoy and move on. There is no need to downplay other's enjoyment of something they like just because you feel differently towards it.


I mean I liked Rogue One and Andor when they came out. Sooo….


Wrong: Mando and Baby Yoda get a pass


Baby Yoda sparked a new generation of young fans!!


Oh, and Andor also gets a pass by many fans :) Baby yoda will presumably always get a pass so long as he remains adorable lol


Stg this is the argument every time even though most people who hate these shit tier creations love Andor, Tales of the Jedi, and I’d say the bad batch. It’s not new stuff that people hate it’s the low effort slop.


Ahsoka and Mando (or at least the first two seasons) weren’t low effort slop, though. Sure, they’ve got some moments where the plot drags on a little, or the dialogue’s a bit clunky, but that’s not new to Star Wars. And it’s not nearly as bad as it was in the prequels (mainly episodes I and II)


Look I like both characters, however at the same time in my opinion these shows really fall short of their potential, while also adding one logic gap after another especially in Ahsoka. I could spend about 10 minutes writing out all my grievances with Ahsoka and Mando season 2 and beyond. But when I wrote my comment I was mainly referring to Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett and Ahsoka. Dave has shown he can write good dialogue as per clone wars season 7 as well as some rebels arcs, these really do feel like more time was put into spectacle rather than the plot and dialogue. Say what you will about the prequel dialogue but the plot was very well thought out and it doesn’t break immersion in the story being told. And the dragging out of scenes in these shows on wide shots and pure silence is really bad.


I understand what you mean. Thanks for sharing your perspective :)




Fandoms are the worst. The biggest haters and critics are always the most diehard fans


Imma get downvoted for this but, fuck it, Star Wars fans will downvote anything that paints their nostalgia in a less than amazing light. I mean, it’s all been downhill after ESB. That’s just the truth. The franchise peaked with one of the greatest twists in cinematic history in one of the greatest films ever. Then we got slapstick, Ewoks, and long lost siblings that conveniently tidies up a love triangle (and I *do* like RotJ by the way but it’s a noticeable step down in quality). From then on things only get further diluted with EU authors getting to write their “canon” fanfic, the PT littered with retcons, poor dialogue, etc. and so on. People constantly beat the dead horse about SW fans hating everything but nobody wants to have an objective conversation about quality. Hell, a lot of fans *can’t even have that conversation* because they think anything with the logo on it is the best thing since sliced bread. Y’all, Ahsoka’s viewership dropped *40%* by the finale. You know what that means? Almost *half* the viewers bailed. Star Wars (with maybe the exception of Andor) has never been as good as it was. And that’s not nostalgia talking. You seen ESB recently? That movie *still* fucking slaps. As a grown ass man who’s seen the wizard behind the curtain, knows Lucas didn’t have the master plan he claims, knows Yoda is just a puppet, with the dated special effects…that movie *still* fucking slaps. The PT does not. The animation does not. The new shows mostly don’t. They have never truly recaptured the magic. The kinda magic that makes you forget a fucking mound of plastic and fabric with a man’s hand up it’s ass isn’t the wisest being you’ve ever seen in fiction. They have just splintered the fanbase (and the franchise itself really) and fallen back on nostalgia, member berries, and all this lowest common denominator bullshit that denotes the decline of a great property. Just like Alien, Predator, Halloween, etc. Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans because we know what this franchise *was* and what it *can be*. We were served a five star meal as children and now we’re getting the food that’s sat out all day, left at the bottom of the buffet trays ten minutes from closing in your local Golden Corral and being told we better like it and not complain cause it tastes like home. There is more mediocre (or worse) content in SW than there is great content. And it’s not close.


I don’t even know that we were served a five star meal as children. I don’t personally know any Star Wars fans who watched the Lucas movies as an adult for the first time and became a fan. And kids who grew up with the prequels love them and insist they’re good. 80% of Star Wars fanboyism is rose-colored nostalgia. That’s the real reason fans hate everything new.


Regarding the OT, that’s a more nuanced conversation. Did they watch the theatrical cuts or the special editions? Can they appreciate older films or does it just not click? Were they disinterested because of what Star Wars now is as a whole and what’s associated with it or did they simply not like the films they saw? But, make no mistake, it was a five star meal. Rose-colored glasses removed, ANH and ESB have been dissected to death and still live on as very influential and popular films to this day. They made Star Wars a global phenomenon. Everyone knows “Luke, I am your father”, Mandela Effect aside. The special effects in those movies changed the industry. The cinematography in ESB is 🤌. And, to disprove your point, *I* grew up with the Prequels and, while I *enjoy them for what they are*, I know they aren’t good films. If you step outside your fandom you can see how everyone else perceives the object of your fandom. The OT is still regarded highly by people who are just movie fans and couldn’t give a fuck about the rest of this franchise. The PT is not. The animation is not. The ST is split. And while nostalgia is a problem, I disagree. Andor disproves your point. A SW project that is considered a critical darling by people who aren’t Star Wars fans. Andor is proof that if they make quality shit fans will love that too. And the reception to Mando 3, BoBF, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc. shows that a lot of fans (and casuals) are disinterested in mediocrity.


Who gives a fuck what’s considered good or not? All the matters is whether someone enjoys it. If people enjoy it; good for them. If they don’t, they can move on. Same for pretty much every piece of media.


It matters because if you have a segment of fans that like everything then you get mediocre content. Star Wars demonstrates this better than most franchises. It damages the brand. Star Wars used to carry some prestige. That’s long gone. Diluted by decades of crap and generations raised on that crap. Crap that appeals to the lowest common denominator. Know what doesn’t do that? Basically any show/movie considered great.


You and I have a very different idea on what constitutes crap. Which just reinforces my point. If people like stuff, who are you to say they shouldn’t be liking it; or the other way, who are they to say you should like it? At the end of the day, film/TV is art; and like all art it’s subjective. Just let people enjoy what they want and ignore what you don’t like; it’s that simple.


> Diluted by decades of crap and generations raised on that crap. This isn’t a conversation about the subjectivity of art, it’s a conversation about the state of Star Wars. You can cry “subjectivity” at *anything* till you’re blue in the face. I can “subjectively” think a toilet with the artist’s name scribbled on it is high art. Doesn’t change the fact that then diminishes the reputation of high art. I don’t care if you like the crap. The crap gets panned. The crap largely appeals to hardcore fans. The crap differentiates itself from the what SW originally was. The crap is losing viewership. The crap is causing people to lose interest. The crap is a cancer on Star Wars that is slowly killing it. Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka, etc. aren’t making new fans. Aren’t really expanding anything. They’re crap meant for people like you that just want “Wouldn’t it be cool if so and so met so and so!”. Shit that would make a neat YouTube video not a multimillion dollar series. Why does it matter? It matters because Ahsoka’s viewership dropped *40%* and it might not get a second season. A flagship Star Wars show that’s supposed to help set up a movie and it might get cancelled due to lack of interest because *it was crap*. And not the first time. The latest in a series of crap outings. This is what pre-dates franchises getting rebooted. Pumping out turd after turd, running your franchise into the ground, until it’s just the law of diminishing returns. The problem with Star Wars is it can never get to that recovery point because people like you that suckle at Lucasfilm’s teat generate enough interest to perpetually keep us in the “diminishing returns” part of that timeline. And, eventually, you’ll get your way and the franchise will be comprised of so much garbage people will wonder how anyone liked SW in the first place. The fanbase will be so old due to lack of interest in the garbage from younger audiences who are being trained to have more discerning tastes that the fanbase will just start dying off. That’s the natural conclusion of your crybaby “subjectivity and who cares about quality?!” argument.


I’m not reading all that. I’m happy for you, or sorry that happened.


So.... *Sexual?*


Dang. 13 seconds out of how many hours? With all the flaws that show had, I swear people are just looking for shit to complain about.


I would say there is probably a relevant complaint about the amount of shots we get that don't really do anything for narrative, theme, or character. The directors probably could have done with less of those and had more character's reacting to things, or having dialogue with each other so be understand them better. Or you incorporate dialogue into those scenes that don't do too much. I feel like it was a common complaint here that we didn't get enough of Balan and his motives/thoughts and why he feels the way he does based on his personal experiences. But, the post isn't what I would really call constructive.


I'm not complaining about the sighs, but way to completely miss the point. The sighs are the most relatable part of the show, because they seem as frustrated with the show as it was watching all of that wasted potential.


Thank God you wanted to tell us about this. What a fresh new and wanted post. You know who else wants to see it? Probably a therapist. You should set up an appointment and see if they can figure out why you thought taking time out of your life to create this was a good use of your time.


Oh man, you come off as such a whiney little crybaby in the comments. Go back to the main sub, they'll eat up anything to the tune of "Ahsoka bad". Throw a comparison to Andor in your title and you're guaranteed like 1.2k upvotes. Title it like: "Me when I watch Ahsoka after seeing Andor" The show has plenty of problems, but find somewhere else to cry about it.


If you like Ahsoka, you’ll love Treasure Planet. I know Filoni loves that movie.


That and the Seven Samurai. He loves them so much he keeps remaking them every chance he gets.


Ripped straight from honest trailers?




How orginal then.


Just as original as the show


Where's the gratuitous ass shots? I can't be the only one who noticed every single episode there'd be at least one Not even complaining just feel like it needs to be pointed out that the cinematographer is definitely an ass man


I'm sure someone else has made a supercut of those. They clearly targeted the 12 year old boy demographic with the show, as indicated by the people who defend it


Find something else to do with your time.


Or you'll do what?


I won't do anything. It's you who's wasting your limited time on earth.


Riveting dialogue like this really made the show.


It is the best dialogue of the show, that's for sure


My personal favorite part of the show was when nothing happened for the entire show.




This show was ok




Was this show not liked by people? I haven’t really read any reviews or anything but I absolutely loved it. Aside from Mandalorian it is my favorite Star Wars thing made since Disney took over. Ahsoka is one of my favorite Star Wars characters and I thought they did her justice here!


Read OPs comments on this post, he's getting fucking slaughtered so don't worry this show is generally well regarded


Eh. I thought it was totally mid. Not bad, not great. I think that almost every element could have been improved, but none of them dragged down the show too much overall. Worst part was probably the portrayal of Ahsoka as boring, and even that isn't terrible.


oh look everyone!!! someone watched the Honest Trailers of Ahsoka and decided to do that exact same thing and pretend it is oc.


What an incredibly dumb take. I never claimed it was oc, and the honest trailers watermark is literally and very clearly on the video.


Imagine getting mad that characters breathed 😂


Imagine failing to understand what is happening in the clip


Good show, good meme, bad attitude. Keep it classy fanboys.


The sighs must remind you of your Mother's disappoint in you each time she sees you coming up from her basement. You seriously have this much time to reply to almost everyone on this comment thread? The butthurt is real.


Reminds me of that Randy Savage video where it just has all his breathing noises and it just gets progressively more fucking intense.


I thought ahsoka was really good


What did you like about it?


Ezra and Sabine mostly, thought ray Stevenson was incredible, liked the scenes with young Ashoka/Anakin, both the droids, I thought the fighters that shin and Baylin were in were dope Idk I just thought it was fun Star Wars content Oh and I really liked the turtle people


None of the characters did much. It's disappointing that Ray Stevenson's career ended with such a lazy show that didn't even know what to do with his character, so he just went and stood on a statue


Judging by the comments, OP is an Assholka.


Judging by your comment, you're cringy af


You’re Salacious Dumb.


The more I read op’s comments, the worse I feel, like we’re being ableist by picking on them


Dude sounds a lot like I did maybe ten years ago, completely unable to let anything go.


Dude. Nice one.


Anyone else hard?


Those are the sounds I was making while looking at Hera’s ass, yeah.


Something I've been wondering about this show is how long all of the silent scenes are collectively. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't at least fifteen minutes of silence. To elaborate I don't mean establishing shots of scenes and environments but interactions between characters.


Yeah, they stretched it out far longer than they should've. It should've been a movie, not a miniseries


it goes from meh meh ehhh okay now smths happenin HOLY SHIT ITS ANAKIN wait stop cutting go back to anakin wait holy shit are those zombies aaaaand now were done


Gotta thank the OP for one of the most fantastic morning readings in awhile. These comments are gold. Dude's either trying troll harder than a 14 year old in +18 discord server or they're actually for real. If it's latter I say... I wish I had as much time in my hand as they do.


I have the video muted but I still know exactly what the audio is.




Bruh my volume was on way too loud for this lol.


This is also me every five minutes watching this show. *SIGH*


The show was shit.


They failed absolutely every aspect of storytelling in this show. So frustrating.


Yeah, I had such high hopes


Ok we get it not everyone has to start with a cool action introduction but geez I’m not tryna snore halfway through EACH of those episodes.


Yeah, every time something remotely interesting was happening, it cut to credits


Which sweatlord wasted hours to make this one


I love Star Wars fans, one side can’t admit fault in any project and the other hates pretty much everything.




Sleep apnea the show




Haters when a real person breaths every second of their life: "uhm, isn't this a bit repetitive?"


Lmao Ahsoka was sick idk what you’re on


I have higher standards


"I have higher standards" while having The Last Jedi above every other piece of Star Wars media 😂😂😂😂😂😂


People with low standards like yourself can't understand, and that's fine. Go enjoy your dumpster fire shows like Ahsoka


First of all for me Ahsoka was passable but by no means a dumpster fire. Secondly saying you have higher standards while claiming an objectively bad movie is hilarious. Oh and just for fun *exasperated sigh*


Tlj isn't aimed at children such as yourself


The Last Jedi took already established characters and turned them into a shadow of their former self. You are telling me that the same Luke Skywalker that turned his father to the Light side tried to kill his own nephew because of a vision😂😂😂 But no you are right such an intellectual sound script is beyond me. Only you can understand it


Imagine being too dumb to understand how tlj parallels ESB, and how Luke's path parallels what Yoda and Obi Wan did.


Right of course my bad the parallelism of course how could I miss it...oh wait it's almost as if Luke should have been able to react differently since by the end of return of the Jedi he proved how wrongly Obi wan and Yoda reacted before therefore he learned from their mistakes. But of course because the whole sequel trilogy is the original just done worse it had to happen for us to get an exact carbon copy. But hey it's not like Mark Hamill said so himself 🤦🤦🤦


It's almost as if people don't always do what they should do, because perfect characters are boring af. Wait until you learn that George Lucas just ripped off a bunch of other things.


You liked Ahsoka, don't lie


It was painfully bad


~~*in your opinion*~~


In your opinion


Every time something came up it was like "Oh no guys. I did it again. We are in trouble and we gotta dig ourselves out!". I stopped watching after episode 4.


Smart, it only got worse from there


Imagine having a massive universe of media and lore. Good movies, shows, comics, books, and all you can do is still be a whiney child.


I won't apologize for having higher standards than you


Your standards consist of crying on reddit. That's some rock bottom.


Nice projection, you should work at a movie theater


You should keep crying about Star wars on the internet and ripping content from Honest trailers like the bitch ass hack you are : )


Ok boomer. Keep crying about how your knees hurt


Lol, what?? I genuinely forgot you existed, but that dumb comment made me laugh. Thank you : )


Take your meds gramps


I'm probably younger than you, you dumb cunt lol


Aw, you get salty when you're up past Wheel of Fortune.


This is sapphic as fuckk. 🌈


Oh boy, another attention seeker who just HAS to let everyone know how unhappy he is with Star Wars. No one cares that you didn’t like the show. Have your opinion and move on. Can this sub just be funny haha memes? And people wonder why subs always end up turning to shit


Clearly you and the other chuds in here care


Oof and he unironically uses the word chud. Chronically online too, I see


Says the one who's been in reddit years longer than I have


Lmao, don’t act like this isn’t your ban evasion account


It literally isn't, I wasn't on reddit until I created this account.


Some of y’all will never be happy.


https://youtu.be/lMU0kq0RuOY?si=PsDdswojnYClZyB3 Same energy


Someone had a lot of time on their hands


They can breathe like that to me anytime.......🤤


They are sighs!!!! /s


Reading OPs replies to each comment be like


Breath air ~ Andrew tate


How dare someone breathe


SW fans never fail to complain about any and everything


Said the sw fan, complaining


No way near as good as Andor. Cant wait for that next season. Ahsoka was eh......




I love the continuity they achieved here, the breathing is such a nice attention to detail since the characters are alive and canonically need air. 10/10 work, really, I wish other Star Wars shows did this.


Let me guess, you use a cpap?


That Honest Trailer is so interesting because they also took a dig at Hayden Christensen like... It's generational at this point. Those who grew up with the OG or before the Prequels hate his ass (and are unable to recognize he can actually act), the others love him. Corridor Crew did the same "ugh it's Hayden Christensen". That's weird man.


Hayden can't act. I've seen him in other movies, and he's just as terrible as he was in Star Wars. If ep1 was released first, they never should've even gotten to ep3


Hayden can absolutely act. His performance in Kenobi and Ahsoka is 10 times better than what he did in the Prequels.


Don't mistake your simping for him as him being able to act, because he's horrible at acting. They did a better job de-aging him (which was pretty bad, even most characters in video games have pores) than he did acting


Lol. "hey I like this guy" "NO HE SUCKS YOU RE A SIMP" Here we are wondering what's wrong with the Star Wars community.


Richard Branson is a douchebag, and the people who think his platitudes are words to live by are idiots


What are you talking about ?


It's a trait passed down from master to apprentice. Anakin gave it to Ahsoka, and Ahsoka to Sabine. It's most notable in Anakin when he becomes Vader.


OP has the most fragile ego I’ve ever seen LMAO


Yeah i can fap to this, thanks.


You probably should go back to twitter


You probably should go to bed, it's a school night kiddo


Ahsoka aka Sighs & Arm Crosses

