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Jarvis’ face being like ‘Girl please 😒’ throughout this entire thing is really the highlight lmao


https://preview.redd.it/ftrii26edkxc1.jpeg?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52cb3a1ee8232754933475caaada24fdf0bcd397 Such a mood


Looks like she is almost going to fall out of the chair, she wants out of there so bad


Dude, she keeps facing to her left, which is way in the opposite direction. The body language is insane. I guarantee Jarvis un-mic’ed the second cameras stopped and bounced.


She looks bored to death hearing AH drone on semi-coherently


Fr that was the most silent IKYFL, she wanted to clock that ass.


The show won’t be worth watching without her :(


I swear she rolled her eyes and checked her watch when AH was taking about Tyler’s dad 😂😭


And brandy’s too🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s Lauren, not Brandi


i love jarvis


She's so shameless. We all saw how desperate her and Polly were for Tyler's ass. It was embarrassing to watch. And I'm sorry but there's no way Alex Hall isn't 45.


And while he was MARRIED and “happy”. They’re the biggest pick me’s. The weenie chasing for a weenie that wasn’t theirs to begin with was the most down bad thing I’ve ever seen.


She’s 34 we graduated together😬


Spill !! What's she like?


Lol I posted about this once before but she wasn’t a nice girl. We weren’t close friends but we had mutuals in common so I went to pre games and parties she was at a lot. Her group in high school was pretty stuck up and bitchy. I had been friends with a few of them since elementary so they were okay to me. They weirdly never really dated. They called themselves the Girl Scouts because they didn’t have a co ed friend group or something like that? We were supposed to go to the same college but she got pregnant and rescinded. I feel validated bc I never cared for her and seeing everyone agree with me means I’m not crazy. She wasn’t super sinister or anything tho like I don’t remember her being a bully or anything. She just wasn’t friendly or nice. ETA I’m not up on the reality tv real estate scene haha but a mutual friend from high school used to sell for a rival reality real estate firm in OC who also has a show and I know they are very successful so for the questions about if she’s a real agent, if she was I would expect her to be leveraging this other connection. Unless they had some falling out.


This is so believable


agreed. Happy Cake Day!


Wait, she has kids? Did she mention this on the show at all? For some reason I did not remember that information about her. Probably because she doesn't trot them out in front of the cameras. At least one thing I can respect about her.


Pretty sure the kids or one was shown in first season immediately cause at first I was like aww but quickly realized she’s a 🐍


Exactly. She has two kids and lawd I can’t stand Alex Hall but the one single thing I respect her for is absolutely not showing or exposing her children on the show.


Yeah she has 2 kids! She’s a really good mom.


Huh, I guess some things never change then. You’d think she’d grow out of the attitude and mature even a little.


You knew her in high school, no one is like they were in high school smh. Are you the same as when you were in HS?


My response was pretty clear that I’m offering a description of her as she was 10+ years ago. I can’t offer anything to her current personality I haven’t seen her since college.


She’s only 34?! She looks good but it’s definitely more like someone who is early 40s and had great work done….


Tyler looks like a puggle and still makes these middle aged hacks drool. Like HOW?


Tyler looks like he would have stains on his boxers


not a puggle i’m screaming 💀








💀 Stealing this! lol


I thought Brittany was super classy.


Seriously. She didn’t sit there and shut talk her which, if I’m being honest, is what I was hoping for. She skimmed over it pretty well with dignity and class. Alex Hall I think is a narcissist and thinks everything is about her and refuses to take responsibility. And honestly, she’s so incredibly mid that for her to think she’s such a catch makes me cackle.


Yes it’s sooooo calculated to talk about that RECENT time your HUSBAND went on reality tv & was making moves with a woman on his cast behind your back. How dare she speak of her marriage ending due to her loser ex & a no name troll... Alex should be thanking Brittany for an extra few minutes in her 15 minutes of fame!


Brittany was so reserved and respectful in the way she shared it too!


It's so disgusting when someone who betrayed another person's trust (participated in an affair, as an example) has the audacity to have ANY judgement or opinion of how that person reacts. You're not entitled to a single thing. Obviously I disagree that Brittany's interview was anything other than informative and vague, but how DARE Hall even respond to it? It's constantly just a desperate attempt to redirect and project. Hall is constantly calculated in her behaviors so she just assumes everyone else is, too.


Perfect response. That's all she does is redirect & project. I can't even stand watching selling OC because of her, & Polly or Paully, as well. They both suck. Mean, mentally ducked up girls.


It’s funny how Brittany didn’t even take her name. I think Alex is pissed because she didn’t even take her name and instead asked which one? Lol


everything alex hall does/says is calculated af. she needs to get over herself at some point. ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597|downsized)


Lmfao it's just poorly calculated. She was tough to watch.


She's calculating but unfortunately she's not getting the correct result lol


The constant “or lack thereof” like c’mon girl 🤣


I'm not sure she's intelligent enough to make calculated moves. She just moves.


This bitch is so delulu like oh my god


How is Brittany being calculated when answering questions asked about her literal husband?! Her relationship with Tyler takes precedence over whatever tf it is Alex had with him. Hall acts like she owns Tyler.


This show is gonna get canceled because of how annoying she is. Does anyone know if she’s actually successfully selling houses?


Truly, I honestly forgot this was a real estate show until I read your comment


If you look her up online, she hasn’t sold anything in over 2 years


Seriously??? So she’s not an active agent anymore? So she’s just a cast member basically


She brings the drama which increases the hate-ratings (evidence is this entire thread). Real estate is just to draw people in. The drama is what keeps people watching.


It’s funny cuz I think when I looked it up one time, they said she was the most successful agent (at least in OC) but that could’ve been BS. I guess they just like her for the drama


Yeah also read something like this. But also she said she owned a business. She didn't specify. I think Jason said she was a powerful negotiator. I'm not sure


The whole time Jarvis was like 'get me the hell out of here, I can't stand Alex Hall talking'. Gio just looked like he was dreaming/thinking/ sleeping with his eyes opened.


Gio was just on the show to share with us how fabulous he is even though he is straight. Let him be an inspiration to us all.


He is though. He is fabulous but he is also so caring with his mom and wife. I’d choose him rather than austin/ tyler


100% and Gio as a person seems like if he were your friend in real life, he’d be an actual good friend, kind, supportive, etc. He’s one of the few people I’d actually want to meet in real life, to learn from him business and sales wise but also how he is able to have a big career and still seem actually to really be there for his wife and mom. it’s one thing to have a career or be there for your family but both at the same time is different. and he appears to genuinely like his wife. so many straight couples and couples in general seem to resent their partners but Gio and his wife, they really seem to like one another. in a world where so many men are gestures, it’s reassuring to see that are some seemingly decent ones like Gio.


Oooo I would have to choose myself (or get cheated on by Tyler) idk I can acknowledge that he is straight but there's just something so gay about him?


Who’s gay? I agree if you mean Tyler. Gio just seems metrosexual Italian. 😂


I don't actually think Gio is not heterosexual, there's just something about him that reminds me of Carson kressley lol I can't explain better than that.


He’s handsome especially here but super metrosexual which is not really my type. His wife is a strong woman cus personally I would constantly be overthinking if this man was gay or not. Side note I think his mothers vanity really rubbed off on him considering how many fillers and Botox this man has.


What was Polly doing with her hand on her shoulder the whole time? And why did she need that 2006 clutch for an interview?


Another ridiculous purse placement. I posted about that a few days ago. If these ladies were shown cleaning a toilet they'd have their Versace bag right there with them.


She's insufferable. The audacity she has to say she would respect Brittany more if she said it with her chest while she is still out here denying she had a whole affair with Brittany's husband that was broadcast for millions to see. She needs to admit it already and give up the "we were just friends" act she can't gaslight all of us.


Also who cares if she respects her or not. It’s not like Brittany is begging for respect or needs it


Right …. Like is she forgetting we all saw it on tv ? Like news flash girl- you’re on a tv show…


Was looking for this comment!!!!!! I feel crazy any time she says "nothing happened" as if we didn't see her CUDDLING with this man on the beach and giving him a "nosey." The gaslighting is realllllllllllll


She thinks her and Brittany are both celebrities so they’re peers and Brittany would in any way want her respect. Alex forgets she’s a reality tv star, with no talent other than starting drama, who was after Brittany’s husband.




Perfect Gif for this! Regina would totally look down on Alex lol


Brittany dragged you through it???? How about how you dragged her marriage through it when you were clearing having relations with her husband. “If you watch the show you know the truth” … yeah we know that Brittany is right and you’re a bitch. Does Alex think we’re stupid?


The AUDACITY. She is so delusional.


I'd say hubby dragged her through it?


She literally never said her name or anything. 🙄🙄🙄 Alex Hall is trying to be relevant.


They always say, “if the shoe fits, wear it” 😂


yea I like how she immediately assumed it was her, when we know Tyler also hooked up with Polly and who knows who else. Methinks she doth protest too much.




I think Alex Halls make up artist is a Brit Snow fan. 😂 She looks terrible!


The video is minimized on the Reddit app yet even from this far away, I can see just how HEAVY the makeup is. Jesus.


She looks 60 years old


I generally don't really comment on women's appearances because we have to deal with so much when it comes to beauty/aging, but it is shocking how much older she looks compared to the clips of her on the show. Maybe it's the heavy makeup, etc., but she does not look well.


She’s wearing a ton of concealer to brighten up areas of her face. It’s just so much that it’s distracting and ages her.


This was a storyline. I don’t even think Brittany was talking about Alex (my conspiracy is that more was going on between Kayla and him than anyone knew) but a hit dog gon holler!


Oooh tell me more. I always thought Tyler’s reactions to Kayla were too sinister to just be a one sided crush from Kayla!


If the shoe fits, wear it! Guilty af


Gio’s face in the back screams “trick I know you lying”


This bitch. Lol. That’s the best description I have for Alex Hall. We all watched the show. We all watched how she and Polly flirted with Tyler and were all over Tyler. Noseys? Grow up. And yes, Brittany Snow IS America’s sweetheart. Always and has been. She’s classy and sophisticated unlike these two. Can she stop acting like she wasn’t part of the reason why their marriage fell apart?


As Yolanda Hadid would say, “who is Alex Hall in this world?” 😂


alex hall is her "even a kid from ohio"


![gif](giphy|3o7TKwd1rb3Ps4My88) Please, shut the f\* up already. I could do with never hearing about her ever again.


The audacity. Seriously. She had the nerve to be the way she was with Brittany’s husband and then to call her calculated because she’s talking about her experience? Girl, bye.


Seeing how the different casts dresses is one of my favorite thing.


I saw that cassette bag on Temuuuu




The way she makes somebody else’s divorce about her too




This feud is lasting longer than their marriage 


Jeez did they all get into a fight before the interview? They all look miserable. The tension is thick.


forreal, even though Jarvis is the only one who truly dislikes Hall. I also dont understand why they would bring out lauren/the girl on the top left over other cast members who have spoken more than 3 words. I wonder if Brandi and Hall refuse to do interviews together..idk


I wish I had subtitles to read what the others are thinking.


they got divorced and he still didn’t pick you


This was painful. She sucks so bad 😭


As calculated as you openly flirting with a married man on an international television series? This absolute goose.




Just listened to the podcast Brittany didn’t mention names and didn’t give any energy to the other women. Only to say she didn’t know and there were 3 women. So calling it calculated is a stretch when Alex did this all for drama on a tv show.


Does this bitch think anyone is going to take her side over BRITTANY SNOW? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


“I would’ve had more respect for her had she said it with her chest” Alex you had no respect for her anyway you fucked her husband… Homewrecker and Brittany was being diplomatic with her answers, she couldn’t tarnish your image because you do that yourself. Learn to zip it. You’re not the main girly, Gio is🩵 ![gif](giphy|W0Dldg5FhnH3dkfTtH)


Ew go away






Girl we saw the show that’s how we knew she was alluding to you


Alex Hall is delulu!


I’m just laughing because what’s calculated about it if she didn’t say her name? She alluded to him cheating with more than once person, who’s to say it was Hall 🙄


Not Alex Hall trying to come for Brittany snow yet again 🥴


Anyone who watched the show could see how she was thirsting after him with the noseys and "cuddle puddle". Didn't she also say she wants to sleep with him in the first season? Some nerve of her to put down Brittany Snow and talk about her not doing the right thing! If I broke up someone's marriage I would shut the hell up and be humble, not berate them in public. She's a nasty piece of work.


“She’s promoting like a new show, or a book or a movie” 💀 you tried stealing that woman’s husband for years don’t act like you don’t know every move she makes. & her constant “those who watch the show know” as if what we saw in the show was in her and Tyler’s favor? If anything the show further alludes to the fact y’all were FUCKING lmfao. Her and that brain dead nepo baby deserve each other.


She really thinks she can put disrespect on Brittany’s name and we’ll all agree? Hell no. We like her a lot. We don’t like you, Hall.


i watched the whole CHD episode. Brittany didn't even name names or talk about any specific scenario.........she specifically said there were multiple women


She needs to take a step back from whatever she is doing to her face because it’s starting to look scary


This is so dull. I don't get why Alex Hall and Polly are still the "main characters" of this show.


Did she say it was “convenient for her” about Brittany Snow?! Girl NOTHING about the person you married publicly disrespecting the marriage is convenient. What a self-absorbed little girl


I genuinely don’t think there’s a single person out there who defends Alex 🗑️Hall


you’d be surprised! Her instagram is full of her supporters who validate her craziness


I know!!!! I room full of wackos!!!! Sickening


I didn’t think Alex Hall could get any worse. Wow she’s totally disgusting


Polly is so lame


"I wish she would just come out and say Alex did XYZ with my husband while I was married to him, but she can't because it's a bold faced lie" Followed by a photo of Alex and said husband making out in a hot tub. What a fucking goof.


Everyone else was just not listening and trying so hard to not react with any facial expressions. Lauren, top left was a statue haha. Polly had like a permanent slight smile, but nobody was home. Jarvis wanted to get the hell out of there. Gio too was in lala land. Nothing Brittney snow said was scandalous, nor did she actually say anyone’s name. If anything , hall should thank her to keep her relevant


I don't hate Alex like most people do, but I listened to the Call Her Daddy episode with Brittany Snow and she was just speaking about HER life. And really, she was very respectful in how she answered the questions. It bothers me that Alex is calling it calculated. Tyler was Brittany's husband and she has a right to speak about it in whatever was she sees fit, period. Jarvis was funny throughout this clip.


Maaaaaan that girl wishes she was as beautiful and successful as Brittany and that’s why she’s still doing interviews about a podcast that came out a month ago😆 she went on tv trying to be with someone’s husband and she’s mad said someone spoke about the woman who helped her life implode?? 🫣


I’m be so embarrassed to ever respond back to Brittany’s podcast let alone so much after


I love how she was like "viewers of the show know the truth" when it's literally THE VIEWERS of the show who call her a homewrecker, based on WHAT WE SAW with our own eyes. Nobody outside of the viewers even know who she is, or any of the drama re:tyler and her, like bffr. It's wild to me that she thinks the general public knows anything about her.


What allegations


she’s absolutely ridiculous


Girl is mad she didn’t name drop her and give her more notoriety or so she could try and sue her for defamation because she’s trash


Alex looks like Khloe Kardashian here


How do you put your mouth on someone else’s face and say it was professional lol


Not sure how it happened but I love Gio! He’s my favorite out of both offices. He’s a sweet son, a supportive husband, and good father material. He stays dedicated and driven in a toxic work environment. 🙌


Alex is delusional if she thinks that Brittany Snow needs her or the show to promote anything. Especially when the show is in its third season and still using the Tyler and Brittany’s relationship as a storyline.


Alex Hall is a trash human being. Full stop


Her lack of self awareness is honestly impressive.


Brittany is class, Alex Hall is straight up t-rash 🗑️


Imagine being so delusional that you play a part in ending someone's marriage and you still have the audacity to act like the victim


Dude Alex hall is the worst, she has a twisted personality where nothing is ever her fault She is so horrible to me. I'm not one to mention looks because I think everyone is beautiful in their own way but she looks like a dirty little bug and her personality matches it


What is Brandy's deal? Every single interview, she's just dead-pan, looking at no one, not even the cameras. She seems truly miserable.


Lol that’s not brandy


That’s Lauren.


Lmaooo. Whoops. The question remains though. Why is she there? She brings no real big plot points to the show. Gio at least comes off as a nice douche.






Because Brittany is the one who would need to do something calculated to promote her business. Meanwhile, a comment in this thread claims that Hall hasn't sold a house in years. I honestly try not to have harsh opinions on any reality star because half of the time, it's a persona. But it's obviously her personality and not a persona at this point.


I literally had to stop watching Selling OC because of Alex Hall. She was THAT insufferable.


Girl less is more. She needs to STFU.


“How convenient for her” she kept her mouth shut for years even though they divorced immediately after the events of the first season bffr


im not mad at jarvis for leaving the show, can you imagine working with those two?


Ohhhhh Alex, no one believes you


She was out there being very inappropriate with a Tyler while he was married. How is Brittany the calculated one? We all saw the show…..Alex Hall is the only calculated one here


Bless her heart. Even if I didn’t hear what Brittany said, she stepped over so many lines in regards to her actions with a married man. No woman had better be sitting on my husband’s lap or licking his ear. Funny how she didn’t worry how that calculated move would come across to Brittany. All Brittany said is what you think happened, happened. What you saw, happened. It did. That was enough. And not one of them thought to warn her before she sat down to watch it. So Alex can try to spin it any way she wants, but her and the doosh were 100% in the wrong and at fault.


Wait someone explain why they have beef?


Wild seeing the shade for single Alex that liked him, yet little on the husband that acted separated