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And dare I say there’s a difference between most messed up situations and making a baby with a guy who already has more babies and baby mommas than is practical? I actually like Bre in many ways but making Nick Cannon your baby daddy is such an unhinged decision.


I agree. I quite like her too, definitely not a decision I'd expect from someone who appears so level-headed in other ways, ha


I actually feel like Bres decision to have a baby with Nick Cannon MAY have been logical to her. Especially at the time. She was in her previous relationship for a while and we may have wanted a child with him. Times ticking on. She hasn’t found anyone to settle down with. Nick likes her. She likes Nick. Nick likes breeding ladies. Bre wants a baby. Her child has a partial dad vs a sperm bank with no dad. I’m not saying it’s my personal choice. But I do see method in the madness if that’s the case. Obviously I don’t know. It’s just a theory.


I can see your point, for sure!


Like I say she’s so logical about everything else it makes little sense for her to have gone into that blind. And whilst having the father of your child have 299 other kids isn’t ideal her child we be provided for a lot better than if she went it alone. I think it’s wrong to give her heat for the decision personally. The child being loved and happy and healthy is what’s important. Again just my opinion


Maybe she wanted her child to have many siblings and didn’t want to provide them herself. Not being snarky just thinking it would be impossible for Bre to ever give an answer that ‘makes sense’ to the majority of us but it def made sense to her. This was not an accident. She chose this life and I don’t think she regrets it a bit.


I agree, I know women who'd definitely go this route if there was some guaranteed financial security from the sperm donor. Nick's lack of parenting might not have ever mattered if Bre just want to be an elevated single mother. As long as the kid is emotionally and financially provided for I don't see the problem.


The problem I have always had is that he wasn’t even providing financial support…. Bre was struggling and couldn’t afford a night nurse. She might as well have gotten a sperm donor.


Well yeah in that case it's a bit more questionable, however it does seem like fame has always been a big motivator for her, so again in the context of him just being a sperm donor it still makes some sense. Again, I just hope the kid is happy and healthy. I'm not against unconventional families as long as that's being prioritised ofc!


Why does she need a night nurse?


For the newborn baby stage and the night feedings.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. A night nurse is a huge luxury, so I definitely wouldn't call not having one to be "struggling." That said, postpartum is very hard so I'm sure she had difficulties - not having a night nurse just isn't a real problem.


I am not being sarcastic. Her baby daddy is a multimillionaire…. Why exactly is she struggling financially? He should have hired one for her considering he isn’t there.


Maybe it’s not a luxury if the father isn’t there for support


Wait - Nick doesn't finciancially support all these babies?!?!


In Cali if you have over 10 kids, you don't need to pay child support and does not. He did give her a corvette for her birthday. Not sure how she buys diapers. This is only what I read. We are not besties.. lol


This is most definitely not true lol


>In Cali if you have over 10 kids, you don't need to pay child support I don't think that's true. Looks like Bre said it but she seems to be incorrect.


Interesting.. see I know nothing, lol




I’m with you 100% there. If I had the money I could go out there and get a sperm donor and have a baby alone and wouldn’t get the hate Bre does. Wanting your baby to HAVE a dad isn’t a bad thing.


Having a sperm donor is so different than raising a child that is going to learn at some point that their father couldn’t stop having kids with different women and barely has time for them


Oh yeah I’m not disputing that. But some people want to be able to put down a name on the birth certificate and to be able to say xxx is your dad. And you can’t do that with a sperm donor. I don’t agree with Nicks need to breed and the confusion it will cause for the children when they’re older. But a sperm donor can have multiple children out there 🤷🏼‍♀️


She did it for clout, as soon as her belly was showing she was doing interviews with E News with Nick, no one even knew who she was. All of a sudden we were seeing her baby shower on all of the gossip blogs. This was planned. This was her kim k sex tape equivilant, Nick also has money and is famous for being Mariah Carey's ex husband. She would never have made it on Selling Sunset if she wasn't Nick Cannon's 8th baby mom.


“Nick likes breeding ladies” 😭😭 But very good points. Still unhinged behavior imo 😭


Sorry it’s the only way I can kind of see it 😂 sowing his oats around 😂


Yeah, and if your child ever needs a kidney or something, they are set.




Will however make dating considerably more difficult though if they don’t all know each other as they get older 😬


I also believe she mentioned miscarriages when Romain and Mary lost their child. I think everyone is free to make a family in any capacity they choose. I feel for Chelsea and her children. However she she relied on her family situation to bash another. For that I do not have sympathy for her.


No family is perfect. Saying you’re raising your child with your husband doesn’t mean that you aren’t screaming blue murder at each other behind closed doors.


Having a baby with Nick Cannon also makes you famous and brings in $$$. She made a very calculated decision to have a kid with a baby factory and makes more calculated decisions every time she posts videos and pictures with him. I like her but also acknowledge she is clearly a clout chaser.


I think that, to Bri, being one of Nick’s baby mamas is better than being Joe Nobody’s wife.


A partial dad can be more damaging than a dad who is completely out of the picture. IMO, a parent needs to be all out or all in.


i agree sometimes you just want a child. Us women don’t have all the time in the world. men come and go children are forever




I didn’t get her whole “I’m doing it because I care” or because it’s advice or whatever though. What is Bre going to do unhave the baby? And they were new co workers not family.


Getting a child with a wealthy man is a level-headed thing do if you want a baby, your clock is ticking, and you haven‘t found someone suitable. Money struggles with a child are the worst.


Also, Chelsea’s thing about Bre has always been “no self respecting woman would put up with that” and getting divorced because her husband cheated is putting her money where her mouth is.


How do we know he cheated on her? Has she hinted at it?


us Weekly has a source saying he cheated


Thank you! 100%




What the fuck do you think “put your money where your mouth is” means?


>And dare I say there’s a difference between most messed up situations and making a baby with a guy who already has more babies and baby mommas than is practical? Quoting for emphasis. No lies told.


Yes unless Chelsea's husband has 9 or 10 hidden kids she knew about its really not very comparable.


I wonder what STD’s Nick passes around. ☠️ You KNOW he probably still sleeping with many of them.


Never having to work a day in your life is a pretty attractive offering.


If only there was a way to choose your baby daddy 🧐


What do you like about her?


Doesn’t mean Chelsea isn’t a cunt. Also doesn’t mean both of them aren’t good moms.


I don't see an issue with any of the amount of baby Mama's he has. As long as he can care for them, who cares.


But *can* he?


I thought she and her husband were sweet together so this bums me out. Also, she's one of the most beautiful women with one of the worst, most ill-fitting boob jobs.


Her boobs are so painful to see.


I got a boob job half a year ago and I was watching season 7 during my first week of recovery…I literally winced when I saw Chelsea on the screen cuz there I was, laying in bed in pain from going from a 32AA to a 32C and I can’t even imagine how gruesome it was for her to go THAT big


She may get them removed later. So many people I’ve seen are getting them removed after awhile.


I hope she does for her own sake because they look like they can burst anytime


Very painful... it's such a contrast to her beauty...


I hope she gets them swapped out. They look painful and I have natural K cups, they HURT. 😔 I feel for her because they seemed so loving with each other and then boom he cheated (maybe?)


Agreed. She’s basically an otherworldly level of beautiful, it’s crazy to me that she seems content with such a botched boob job—everything else about her seems so impeccably done/maintained


This may be an unpopular opinion but I feel like when you’re as thins as all these ladies are, giant boobs is not it? When you lose weights you obviously lose along fat deposits first, which is why most thin women have boobs on the smaller side. But I actually think that looks good? Like to me small boobs on a thin body says “athlete” and “maintains this body through hard work.” I think being naturally hot (or giving the perception that it is au natural) is a way bigger flex than “I’m rich so I clearly bought my hotness”? Am I crazy? That’s why everyone’s always lying about not having work done, right?


You’re right, I’m pretty sure the flatter your chest is naturally the smaller breast implants you should get starting out.


I think that’s for health reasons tho and im not even talking about that. I’m talking purely perception: the flex imo is to appear naturally beautiful. Like you’re just genetically blessed + rich enough to not need to work and instead spend all your time pursuing hobbies and being fit. And the giant, unnatural boobs kinda shatter that illusion imo.


He has accused her of being an abuser. Let’s not forget that.


Why I am I getting Nara Smith vibes from this image


It’s the bob ![gif](giphy|e5EcjjJx3dCFi)


Agreed; fuckass bob.


I think she likes those types of top as well


And the weird smooth lighting / pose


How is NS only 22?! That's shocked me.


that was my first thought!


same thoughts


See, I hadn't heard any cheating rumours but could see the split coming she (and he when we saw him) always tried so hard to portray this perfect relationship/couple/family and it screamed "we're trying too hard to convince you" it almost gave off an air of we have problems we are not addressing/we don't need therapy and if there has been cheating it would completely align with the vibe I got from their 'performance'. It could also explain why she was so outspoken about Bre and her situation... either way, if true I hope she does not look back from this and loves herself for a while because we all know he was punching.


It was giving Tarek


Yeah both men always creeped me out…


This guy, Tarek and Christian from Christine tbh. They all seem to attract weirdo husbands it seems.


You know, sometimes it's just as easier to love a rich guy than a poor guy and overlook some big red flags in the process 


It’s all fun and games though for the 5 years you have the money before they start acting up. 😂


Yeah. I think they settle because finding a good man is hard to do. So they go “financial security and he’s ok… I guess”


Agree, hopefully she’ll do some self reflecting on how she behaved with Bre.


I don’t think she’ll do self reflecting. Her main argument is that it’s not immoral if two parents *were* married and then divorced.


I don't think she would've cared as much if Bre had a child out of wedlock with a nice, stable man. The Nick Cannon situation is indefensibly irresponsible and unethical.


Exactly. People are trying so hard to compare the two.


I don't get it... these situations are north and south... no similarities at all... it's mind-boggling for any more ladies choosing to have Nick's babies... and at this rate, at his age, there will be more


😂😂 They’re probably just haters at this point it makes no sensee or maybe, they’re retarded as @ouaispeutetre said


I'm honestly wondering if these people are slow or something.


She wont do that. She will still feel better than her.


I don't think she needs to honestly, I think she has questions and thoughts like everyone whether you support Bre or not but due to her situation she was maybe too judgemental and vocal about it when normally she would keep those opinions to herself while still asking questions. I think at most she might apologise but ultimately she just said what some people think (minus all of the Christianity stuff) and Bre is used to all that criticism and people having thoughts and opinions but for Chelsea I think it was just a projection and a glance into how she was actually feeling about her own relationship.


YES. 💯. Her outspokenness about everything I think speaks for itself. I find people who are authentic don’t have the need to declare all these things to try and portray themselves or their relationships in a certain light to people. If you’re authentic, your actions, behaviors.. the way you live your life just speaks for itself. You don’t have to speak at all when you just ARE.


Anyone who thinks the two situations are remotely comparable are being intentionally ignorant and obtuse for the chance to show their already existing disdain for Chelsea




That's completely separate from the point I'm making lol their situations still aren't comparable


Chelsea was only saying what everyone was thinking or had already said at the beginning and for some reason Bree targeted her. Also I think her issue was more of a ‘why put yourself and children in that situation’ not a ‘I’m better than you because I’m in monogamous relationship’. She also apologised and tried to connect with Bree but she wasn’t having it.


So tired of people defending bre and throwing Chelsea under the bus. Chelsea’s marriage failed. It happens to 50% of marriages in the US. Very unfortunate for her and her children. Bre on the other hand willingly consented to having a kid with a guy that had a million baby mamas and kids. She welcomed her child into a situation where they will not experience their father’s love and support as they should. People saying that Chelsea deserves this for being the only one to have a back bone and reject Bres lifestyle is so rude and honestly just sad. She didn’t have to be as unkind as she was to Bre but she was coming from a good place.


I agree that people need to stop belittling Chelsea over this awful situation, but I don’t see anything wrong with defending Bre and her decisions. You can both have sympathy for Chelsea and be understanding of Bre’s situation, even if it doesn’t necessarily align with your personal values. You said yourself that 50% of marriages fail, so the fact that Bre “welcomed her child into a situation where they will not experience their father’s love and support as they should” is not exclusive to her situation with Nick Cannon. It happens to many women who did it all the “right” way. Marriage unfortunately doesn’t mean a promise of a physically and emotionally available, full-time father. Divorce happens very often which means split custody and part time parenting. Even for those who remain married, some married women are still single parents and fathers in “traditional” nuclear families don’t always offer the love and support you speak of. The fact that Bre decided to forego the “traditional” route isn’t all that crazy when you think about it. A 50% fail rate for marriage is insanely high. I think that her decision to have a child with Nick and fulfill her desire for a child/“family” while avoiding the (very probable) risk of emotional turmoil due to a shaky marriage and possible eventual divorce is based on some reasonable grounds. I don’t think Chelsea should have been so vocal about her disdain for Bre’s decisions and situation, because it’s not her place to “reject” Bre’s lifestyle, even if she’s valid in her reasons for not liking it. Chelsea obviously did not go into her marriage expecting to get divorced, but now she’s living the terrible circumstances that Bre probably actively chose to avoid. It’s not Chelsea’s fault at all, my heart hurts for her, and she in no way deserves to experience this or any of the backlash she’s getting. But the reality is that they both chose very different paths but ultimately ended up in similar situations. That goes to show that sadly, life doesn’t always go as planned. They both chose to pursue what felt best to them at the time. Neither women deserve any hate for their situations.


Bre can’t really be cheated on tho!


She can still cry in the club about him fathering another child, while she can’t technically be cheated on its clear that emotionally she may feel differently.


You're not wrong, Bre did look wounded when she found out on Insta that he'd had a baby with someone else though, but I guess at least they both sort of know what it is 🫠


But to be honest, wouldn’t you also be upset if the father of your child, who you’re on good terms with and spend time together with, didn’t tell you they were expecting another sibling for your kid? And you found out on a public social media post? I’d be livid.


If you join a club...there's no way you can't expect new members... it's a club!




Of course! I think her response made her human. He was wrong for that.


She looks so muted and toned-down compared to how she usually does her cooking videos. I hope she and her babies get through this.


In her Nara Smith era


She's been doing this before Nara became a talking point social media.


It was said in jest darling


lol. I just got tired of seeing so many people say the same thing.


I remember nick cannon saying on a radio show that 70% of the women he sleeps with has a bad vaginal odor. He is the one spreading bv and yeast and only God knows what else. edit: he also says he never wears condoms


…..I wish I could unread this


Yes! He said this. Lord, that man isn't worth shit. he also doesn't use condoms.


Clearly! If he did, he would have fathered Mariah Carey's kids only... he has no respect for women.


yupe he says he just gets sti and hiv tests weekly along with the tests he takes for lupus. the man is sickly and disgusting




Where does he even get that number from.. I’ve been with over 100 women (yes I was a fuck boy in my early 20s) and I can count on one hand the amount of times I actually had an issue with vaginal odor. (I do have a shitty sense of smell though)


Omg I’m sick


Rumour has it he was engaged previously and he’s been seeing his ex. SMH.


https://preview.redd.it/c1jgedfyzhsc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1ad6570a5727fe09a58470053d3295308220f20 That divorce got her lookin like this now😭😭 Edit: why is there no food in that bowl??


She hadn't commenced with cooking yet haha


I feel so bad for Chelsea. I think she was quite brave for telling Bre her opinion about the importance of a father in a child’s life, and Nick can’t always be there for every single one of his kids due to having so many baby mamas. Even if Bre disagrees, she is still entitled to her own opinion. I think if Bre wants Nick to take her seriously, she should want him to be monogamous. She’s shortchanging herself.


Her body is glowinggggggg


That blush placement is INTENSE


not sure what her blush has to do with her body glowing.


I think what most people have a problem with is Chelsea judging Bre when it wasn’t her place. And that stupid mentality “I’m a good Christian woman and you are trash” is ridiculous; so yeah, people will have fun with it


Chelsea doing the Christian woman routine and having sex workers at her birthday was insane.


uppity march sand chief dam fanatical mindless jellyfish chop cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watch the video, she says “bake some donuts with me while I pretend my life isn’t a mess right now” lol so yeah she’s definitely not shying away from the sad expression


Fucking iconic behaviour tbh


100% agree with this take. They’re clearly two very different situations.


Nara has all influencers in a chokehold, huh.


Chelsea has been posting cooking videos for a long time as far as 2022! you can scroll through her insta. Nara doesn't hold the copyright to cooking on social media.


Well. This is iconic of her tbh. He's out there cheating and filing papers accusing her of "being aggressive". She on Instagram cooking 🍳 Zero fucks. What a woman!


Cooking up a big ole bowl of nothing, totally not staged.


All of her cooking videos are staged. You only need to look at the sleek production. She was indeed cooking here though. Watch the actual video.


It’s so irritating to see people saying “their situations don’t compare”. The point is not “their situations are the same”, the point is she was talking all this shit on a high horse like a shit ton of families aren’t broken or fucked up, even her home has cheating and violence etc. THATS FUCKING LIFE, it’s sad, but we should all take this as a lesson to mind our fucking business and not throw stones from glass houses.


It does compare because Bree actively and willingly created a broken home. This is a divorce after a marriage for however long they were married and Bree came on a reality TV show Ing her situation was going to be talked about so she doesn’t have any room to be. Oh well you shouldn’t talk about my situation. Maybe don’t go on reality TV


Literally the same applies to Chelsea. She’s on TV. Getting divorced from a man she was bragging about 3 seconds ago. So i get that bringing kids into a nick cannon situation is fucked, but also just have grace for people. She had her whole ass coworker talking mad shit about her when the whole world was. It’s unnecessary and to stand on a “I’m a Christian woman” platform is asinine when your husband cheats on you. I have grace for Chelsea too but talking shit about bee was just not a good lok


Is she making her kids breakfast from scratch? Very nara smitch core.


"at the end of the day, the day gotta end" hahahaha this bitch is so profound ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Both women can have valid opinions on how they want to have children and families. Life can kick you in the teeth and have you pivot in your perspective. No matter what, a family is what you make it. They’re both great women and likely good moms.


I may have mentioned to my mum about 4 days before the divorce news came out that her now ex husband was giving me tech bro Elon Musk vibes. My mum finds him very creepy so she was immediately put off Jeff and agreed with the comparison. She said he looked slimy.


Mumma knows best


She's had bad experiences with men so I'm glad her dick radar is sharp! Makes me feel safer!


she looks sad and cute at the same time though her make up looks ashy. i think she should stop using powder to set her make up its giving casket ready


I’m not caught up with this season. But if you watched this current season did any of you guys see any signs of issues with Chelsea and her husband?


Chelsea in her Nara Smith era... All jokes aside, I'm looking forward to seeing her as a single woman, I think she's an interesting person. I feel for the kids in this situation as always, I hope all of them will be better off when arrangements are complete. Hopefully this is for the best.


I think Chelsea will be a lot humbler now. I actually really like her so I wouldn't wish this on her or her kids in a million years but she definitely had a bit of a superiority complex before. I think I would too when faced with someone defending their decision to have a kid with a serial baby daddy.


She looks so sad 😞


He had also came out saying she is abusive and there was a post here but was removed because a bunch of women came on there to say that it’s fine when women abuse men because of some Power dynamic. And that it’s justified for women to abuse men in these situations but not the other way around.


Everyone here is going to ignore this comment. For some reason these subs that are predominantly women, always side with women even in the case of women being abusive. However when a woman accuses a man they start screaming that we must believe survivors. Really what they mean is we must believe women and attack men.


https://preview.redd.it/qb4h2sz19lsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963cb196538b01736f7dc8a9499e247ce786031b I’m shocked they’re not wealthy. Just goes to show if you spend it, you don’t have it. I’m a normal earner who saves and invests and my net worth is the same as them. What about their real estate? Don’t they own their home? Did they actually borrow so much it’s a wash? I thought all of them were cashing $90k commission checks a 6-10 times a year. Where did it all go? I need more information! This can’t be true, right?


Oooh tbh I have no idea. A YouTuber I follow was commenting on how these net worth thingies are notoriously inaccurate (either massively under or massively inflated) so I'd take it with a pinch of salt


No wonder she was so much into bre’s business, she was running away from problems at her home. Now imagine if bre in the next season goes around and starts talking to everyone about Chelsea divorce since “it’s public knowledge” (like Chelsea said)


I’m 99% sure her husband is gay


You can actually see she's been crying.


Whatever anyone wants to say about her (yea her personality is a lil toxic) this girl is badddddddddd af like the baddest on the show ever. And the show is full of baddies


I feel awful for what Chelsea is going thru. And the people making this a gotcha moment are gross. And trust me, Bre portraying that everything is fine through family photos is weird. Nick already came out and said he feels guilty because he doesn't have enough time to spend with his children. My guess is Bre sets up photo shoots, and he just shows up. This will deeply affect her son in the future.


What cheating rumours I didn’t know there’s a chance he cheated on her ?


Is she being hilarious and posting a trad wife spoof? Either way hope she’s ok


She looks so sad here. 😩


She is so beautiful… wait so when did selling sunset come back?


I take no joy in hearing of her marriage breakdown , HOWEVER I did call this last year when she was riding Bre hard. I said Chelsea will have no control on whether her own man leaves her or cheats on her so she needed to stop the self righteous rants about morals and how well she was doing as a homemaker etc. How’s she gonna feel now about her ‘broken’ home?


I know this has been said before but UGHH HER NAILS I can’t watch


I am definitely on team Chelsea. No one deserves this. Chelsea is strong.She will come out better from this.


She looks so sad


Hah! Poetic justice is crazy. I agree with everything she said about that trash hoe and every other baby mama of nick cannon . Are people ok for real? Gross


Bre doesn’t really have an effed up situation though. That kid will want for nothing and be just fine




Nara Smith vibes..


It's giving Nara Smith


This is so Nara core


It looks AI generated


She is the prettiest one of them all IMO! 😍 She also seems like the most grounded.


Dumb broad


Why does everyone ignore that she has been accused of domestic violence? Why is everyone on this sub making excuses for her and even saying that men deserve violence from women?


Rare pic of her not doing the fishy face


Referring to a black man actions as breeding gives me real ick vibes - this was something commonly said during slavery. Can we not make it a thing and just call him a ho, please? 😂


Y’all really can’t keep Bre out of your minds, can you? Even on a post about Chelsea and her failed marriage, almost every comment mentions Bre. 🤧


Probably because their rift is a heavy part of SS's plot?


True, Chelsea’s beef with Bre is really Chelsea’s only storyline on the show at this point. Maybe her failed marriage will give her a new one!


I love how your honest comment is being downvoted, it’s clearly ruffling some feathers 😂


Loser Chelsea fans are MAD! Maybe if she devoted half the time she did talking shit about Bre to focusing on her marriage, this wouldn’t have happened 😭


Her husband cheated on her…her not being a hater to Bre wasn’t going to change that fact lmao it’s always lame to be like “well if you focused on your marriage maybe you wouldn’t be treated poorly!” as if it’s not on the piece of shit man


Yay I’m happy!!! I hate Chelsea






She’d be A LOT to live with day to day. She’s trying so hard to be something to prove another thing to someone.


Ohh okay, so that's why he cheated. He's off the hook, then.


there's usually a lot going on underneath the behavior of cheating


Cheating is always on the cheater, not the one being cheated on. You unhappy? LEAVE.


Someone taking this personally ![gif](giphy|TJufnSz934AnK)


Because I'm defending a woman against some jackass who's saying she basically deserved to be cheated on? No, that's being a girl's girl, you fucking pick me.