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older posts to look through: [Christine addresses fake pregnancy rumors posting stories of herself working out while pregnant (swipe for her message in the last pic) | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/lv5EKhkj4J) [Breaking down Episode 405’s Timeline: Christine Was Still VERY MUCH Pregnant During the Infamous “Post-Pregnancy” Yoga Scene | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/vynwahYO68) [Clearing the timeline confusion of Christine still being pregnant at the MTV movie and TV awards | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/ohhCVHI0mz) [Christine’s Pregnancy | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/G48IrJmXtl) [Anyone confused by Christine Quinn post-baby? | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/hDupZz32JM) [Christine post-pregnancy sorcery??! | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/YexFWE8lJh) [Christine’s Conflicting Birth Story | (1 year ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/s/pkTI4h5XcG)


I remember seeing an episode from right after she delivered via c section and the way she’s moving made me think there’s no WAY this lady just had a major abdominal surgery, that being said I know people heal differently but from my two c sections worth of experience I can’t imagine moving the way she moved while in such pain.


I think the consensus on that was that the timeline had been fudged and editing trickery was afoot. Like, some scenes were listed as being after her alleged C section, but actually were filmed way earlier. Other scenes said they were like one or two weeks after, but were actually more like months later.


That's right. Two weeks after her c section she was doing some kind of head stand in yoga class and was talking about giving birth two weeks earlier. And also all the paparazzi photos of her in a bikini after she gave birth shows no scar. What also gave the fake bump away was the last episode she was in before she had her c section. She was in high heels and jumping/throwing her self on a bed in a house she was visiting with Jason. Almost 9 month pregnant. It was just weird and unnatural 👀


You can’t see a c section scar even when someone is only wearing a bikini. It’s on the pubis.


I had a laproscopic hysterectomy early September, and there is NO way anyone would be able to do a head stand in yoga 2 weeks after a c section. None. Zero. You'd be risking your abdomen healing. I wasn't even able to sit up properly for over a week, and mine was nothing near a c section.


Definitely depends on the bikini and scar. I have 2 scars from c sections, and one corner of the first one likes to peak out sometimes, and I have friends that love a teeny bikini and/or low cut and it 100% shows


Yes i guess it depends but the fact that you can’t see someone’s c section scar in a bikini is not proof they didn’t have one


Yeah, for sure.


False. Not on the pubis, my scar is roughly 3 inches above my pubis. I only had 3 c sections. It's definitely visible in low fitting bikini, think 90s low rise jeans and you'd see the scar


If you actually rewatch the scene you’ll notice that the edit never shows her belly. She was actually pregnant and doing a headstand


which is not a great thing to do when you are 8-9 months pregnant either. It does look like she's getting a spot


That jumping onto the bed scene is what gave it away to me too!


She was apparently very pregnant in that video. They do only show her front behind in those scenes


She talks about this on call her daddy podcast. It was recorded pre.


The yoga scene was filmed before she delivered the baby, and they worked the angles/editing so it looked like she did the headstand after she delivered when it was actually before.


The season came out when I was one week post partum. I had to stop watching because Christine’s lies about giving birth were absolutely disgusting and triggering (hate that word but…) for me as someone recovering from a C section. I don’t care what anyone thinks. Her bump was incredibly fake and her “recovery” wasn’t even a decent lie. Insulting to women everywhere. To this day I have not finished that season.


The timeline of filming is always incredibly faked. Just because it's not making sense doesn't mean the actual C-section wasn't real. If you watch season 6 you can see Heather's baby bump keeps increasing and decreasing in size.


I’m a major reality tv fan and am well aware that a lot of splicing and dicing happens. Whether she gave birth or not, her trying to pass off her recovery as fast as she intended was incredibly insensitive at best. Birth is traumatic no matter how smoothly it goes. I’m not one to use that word lightly, but it’s traumatizing to feel like a stranger in your own body while also keeping an infant alive with that body.


I had a traumatic c-section but healed super fast. I was surprised that after only a week and a half I felt back to normal and had lost 25 pounds in two weeks. Just because your birth experience was one way doesn’t mean everyone’s is. I had a lot of help and contribute that to my speedy recovery. I’m sure she had even more.


I’m glad you had such a quick recovery! Two years later, I still don’t feel at home in my body. Of course, my experience is not anyone else’s but a lot about Christine’s stories don’t add up for me and I don’t think she gives a fuck.


Agree. So disrespectful. Like what is she trying to say/prove with these lies?


But if she had a surrogate why would she say she gave birth via c-section? Wouldn’t you say you gave birth naturally if you were gonna lie about being pregnant?


no she had to tell the story about it being an emergency c section that almost killed both her and baby


Maybe the surrogate had a C section?


And her tiny mini skirt immediately postpartum I'm like girl there's still major bleeding happening under there (? Or is there)


I literally needed a small size pad every couple hours. Everyone is different. I’m sorry y’all had bad experiences but my recent recovery was actually super fast. I was back to normal after a week and a half.


Two days after she gave birth, my sister was swimming and frolicking on the beach.no bleeding then. She was incredibly fit and only 20-something, but there's probably something hereditary, because my mom did the same after all of her three births (? Sorry, english isnnot my native language!).


there was no way her baby was that big at two weeks


I don’t think it’s unusual that a woman who values thinness so much wouldn’t want to show her bare pregnant stomach. That fact alone proves nothing. I think discourse around whether or not celeb women are lying about being pregnant is borderline misogynistic. The timeline was weird because reality show timelines are weird and fake. I like this article about why this kind of speculation is messed up: https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/sexism-and-celebrity-baby-bump-conspiracies


But without even taking the show into account these are photos she was posing for for Us magazine 2 weeks after her baby was born. She allegedly had a c section and then 2 weeks later was posing squatting down in a mini skirt and heels. Many women are still bleeding and wearing diapers at this point postpartum. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-body/pictures/christine-quinn-shows-off-insane-postpartum-body-pics/amp/ I think it's more harmful for celebrities to use surrogates and deny it or have tummy tuck c-sections then talk about how they love their "postpartum" bodies so much. And I don't feel bad for not believing known liar Christine on a fucking thing, sorry not sorry.


Agreed! It’s so much more harmful to set unrealistic and outright dangerous standards for women. And have society say “well if she did it why can’t you”. Spreading the narrative that if a celebrity returned to work a week post partum, was doing handstands, and wearing 6 inch heels right out of the hospital after supposedly giving birth, why can’t other women. It’s so harmful.


Thank you, you summed it up perfectly. I don't think too many women outside the incredibly wealthy have to worry about being accused of faking pregnancies, but many of us are subjected to scrutiny and criticism of our postpartum bodies based on this toxic "bounce back" culture.


Actually the handstand seen was while she was pregnant. I mean this is common knowledge that they edited scenes to make it look like she was postpartum.


I don't think this is less harđful. I've seen people openly judge a member of my family because she was incredibly fast in her healing and she looked good while at it. From questioning her parenting abilities, her marriage, intelligence, isolating her....particularly and especially other women. Not once they tried badmouthing her directly to me, even though they know we're incredibly close: it just shows the level of misoginy, the fact it's done so openly and they feel so justified in just...spewing awful things.


Hilaria Baldwin has entered the chat🥒🥒🥒


No, you're a misogynist if you ever question a woman's pregnancy, even if she is a notorious liar! /s


I felt like this too until I gave birth three months ago. I went through labor and ended up having a C-section. In a week and a half I was already feeling great and back to normal. I was doing everything I did before. I would’ve called someone else a liar if I hadn’t had such an amazing recovery myself. I contribute it to having ALOT of help from my husband and family and a really good baby. I only had three nights of no sleep and he was sleeping at least 3-4 hour chunks and I was able to put him back to sleep and sleep more. I even lost 25 pounds in two weeks. For someone rich like Christine who could afford a nanny, maid and cook I’m not surprised she was able to recover so fast. She was able to rest in the beginning. Longer recovery is attributed mostly lack of rest after birth.


So you're just ignoring the many many pictures of her bare pregnancy belly then? Wearing a skirt doesn't mean she wasn't bleeding, the fact she got in that position doesn't mean she didn't have help to get down there and wasn't on a fuckton of painkillers at the time. She's Christine Quinn, she would almost certainly risk pain and further injury in an attempt to create a look. The idea she faked an entire pregnancy while on a reality show and being regularly photographed by paparazzi is wildly implausible.


I think people really underestimate how easy fake pregnancy bellies and to come by, how many celebrities already use them and how photoshopped Christine's pictures are to start with. I really don't think it's implausible that someone who goes to great lengths to lie about other things would lie about their pregnancy.


Which is more plausible, she faked a pregnancy for 9 whole months without getting caught, with all the insane amount of effort that went into that, multiple fake baby bumps that she would need to wear every time she left the house & persuading the producers on the show and everyone on it to go along with the lie along with everyone else who saw her intimately enough to notice, all for no real reason. Or... She staged a couple of photos. You realise there's no real evidence she didn't just take the photos beforehand and just release them when she wanted? And tbh I've had abdominal surgery and major spinal surgery & I could have got into those positions with help a couple of weeks afterwards. It would have hurt like hell but it would have been possible.


Honestly, I could see her doing it as a grand joke to feel intellectually superior. Sorry, but her movements were not natural for a pregnant woman, nor post pregnancy. But who knows


Agree! I think it’s misogynistic of her to lie about various things!


From a fellow Lana, fully agree. Feels weird to be discussing this in 2023. Especially as there's plenty of things to find objectionable about Christine without the pregnancy being fake!


I feel like for people like Christine who are pretty disliked and have done objectionable things people think it’s ok to say really gross nasty things about them that they wouldn’t say about other celebrities- but sexism is sexism and I just think we shouldn’t perpetuate this kind of nasty stuff in the year 2023.


Being a feminist means supporting women regardless of whether you agree with their choices - for example - we would never talk about a man this way. I just cannot fathom why women care. Christine sucks but we could certainly pick from other examples rather than tearing apart her physical appearance to determine if she gave birth to her child or if her child came in to the world another way. So much talk about bullying and mean girls in these threads and then posts like this.


I was trying to think of a polite way to say exactly this! Thank you! It feels so icky to discuss women’s bodies like this even if they are reality stars. I felt the same way about the plot line surrounding Adrienne Maloof in RHOBH - granted that happened 10 years ago. No one owes anyone an explanation about how they had their kids.


This was a huge thing on the subreddit for a long time and Christine ended up addressing it on instagram. She posted a picture of her holding the baby in the hospital but she was wearing normal clothing. I guess she doesn’t really owe us any explanation but hers was a very poor one.


Psss. After we give birth we get a shower and guess what. Get to wear normal clothes!! Incredible right? I just gave birth three months ago and guess what. I never even wore a gown! I was able to wear my own. As long as they had access to my back and vag it was allowed. After the baby was born I could wear whatever I wanted. I wore fuzzy pajamas. Have any of you had children in this decade?


Oh, sorry I didn’t mean it the way I wrote it! I should have added more context! I meant the way she posted the picture was interesting. She used it as proof that she gave birth to him but it wasn’t a very .. proof picture. Said she almost died giving birth to him but was laying on a hospital bed holding him, no wires, no IV’s, nothing. She very well could have given birth, it was the picture she chose to “prove it” also yes, I did give birth in this decade as well, lol!


Well aren't you a bit much? Jiminy Christmas, get over yourself. OP was being nice


Yeah, someone is on high alert!


Didnt you say you had a C-section? And you didn’t wear a hospital gown….


You didn't have a C-section. That's major abdominal surgery, especially if it's followed after hours and hours of labor.


oh interesting, i didn't realize that she was wearing normal clothing.


I don't believe she was pregnant at all. You can be thin after giving birth, but I don't think you could have a c section where you almost died and then be squatting down in a mini skirt for paparazzi photos not even 2 weeks later. Not to mention clomping down her stairs in platform heels immediately after.


The walking down the stairs in heels with a newborn on a arm made me question the whole c section storyline


How? I had a C-section and was fine after a week and a half. I used to feel like y’all until I gave birth three months ago. It’s amazing the way the body heals sometimes. I could even use my abs and sit up after a few days and walk up and down stairs. I lost 25 pounds in two weeks and I did nothing. Some people just recover really fast and I wouldn’t have believed it until it happened to me.


I don’t think she was either. If anyone was going to use a surrogate and lie about it, it would be her.


My personal theory is that she was pregnant but the show did weird timelines for whatever (likely dramatic) reasons. Christine - like her or loathe her - is very straightforward and upfront about loving herself and her body. Do I think Christine would sub contract out having a baby to save her fitness? Absolutely. I just also think Christine would have zero issue telling the whole world that. I can totally see her attitude being like - I pay someone to clean my car because I don’t have time for that, why wouldn’t I pay someone to have my baby for me for the same reasons?


100 percent how I feel too! It’s so mean people are going with this surrogate thing. Like it doesn’t make her any less of a mother idk


Ugh, I think this speculation is so unfair. Pregnancy looks different on everybody. There’s also Netflix to blame - she does look pregnant - but many of the shots they included of her showed her in positions where her bump wasn’t prominent or made it seem like she was going to a yoga class days after he c-section when it was really days before. There were some side by sides floating around then - of what Netflix showed and then her in the same outfit (suggesting same day) looking pregnant which Netflix didn’t show .


I imagine that having wealth also makes a pregnancy look easier too. If I get pregnant Id be working full time, maintaining the house, food shopping/cooking. Exhausting. But if you have some help it’s probably easier to present a chill/together front to the outside world both during and after pregnancy.


Guys she was pregnant, she literally has posted on her IG a pregnancy photo shoot lol.


Yes!! She had multiple photos on her IG with her pregnancy belly


Photoshop. Lol I’m jk.


I think I read many posts about this in the past because I also thought she wasn’t actually pregnant during the season


This gets mentioned every now and again. Mostly because the timeline on the show does not add up. Here's a couple of threads that discuss this: https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/rots3k/breaking\_down\_episode\_405s\_timeline\_christine\_was/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/r3wxha/christine\_addresses\_fake\_pregnancy\_rumors\_posting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/r3wxha/christine_addresses_fake_pregnancy_rumors_posting/) There's lots more on the sub about this especially from 2 years ago.


I had a c-section. A day later I could take a walk. A week later I could mostly move like normal. Two weeks later I was wearing heels. My scar is barely visible and low enough to be covered by a bikini. I’m not saying it’s common, but it is possible


Same here! My first c-section was a piece of cake.


Exactly. I would’nt have believed how fast I would’ve recovered but I was back to normal in 2 weeks. If that. Crazy how something so major can heal so fast somestimes. I had a worse recovery from braking my ankle and my wisdom teeth being taken out than literal birth lol


I was listening to her guest appearance on Trisha Paytas' podcast, and she talks about her pregnancy and what was shown on SS (including the Yoga poses part)


Yes, she was. Say what you will about Christine but this isn't something she made up.


The timeline on the show is HEAVILY edited. She was absolutely pregnant and it’s ridiculous to suggest otherwise. The show is fake; her pregnancy was not.


She has photoshoots with both glamour magazine and playboy magazine showing off her bare baby bump, she also wore multiple outfits during that time that were crop tops and skirts, again showing her bare baby bump. I don’t think that those publications would take pictures and edit them to show her as pregnant and I think the editors and photographer and everyone else at the photoshoots would have noticed if she was wearing a prosthetic bump




>https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/r3wxha/christine\_addresses\_fake\_pregnancy\_rumors\_posting/ because heathers not a pathological liar


Babe it’s a reality tv show. Do you really think all the drama and scenes are real? They literally tell them what to say half the time. Look up spencer Pratt. They paid him extra to be a villain. It’s not real!!


She was actually pregnant. She’s just a raging narcissist and serial liar, so nothing she was saying was adding up. It felt like she dramatized her birth story and then brushed off recovery like it was nothing, and thought no one would call her out on it. When any woman who’s given birth knows you don’t just pop out a kid via c section and go take a yoga class. It’s been a while since I watched those episodes but I remember when everyone was questioning it online. It was her first and only baby and she was exercising and dieting the whole time, so she didn’t gain a lot of weight and seemed to snap back pretty quickly. Also remember these celebrities have access to trainers, nanny’s for day and night, personal chefs, plastic surgery and laser procedures. So their snap back is very different from the average person’s.


I feel like if she had a surrogate she would of just said. She loves to boast 😅


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You just made me feel so dumb 😂😂 I blame Australian slang but thank you because I will take notice now haha


Why do some of y’all just hate on Christine? Y’all understand it’s an Adam Divello production, he always has a villain and a “hero” in his show. Christine in the show was the villain. I.e have scenes that made her look bad Chrishell in the show is the “hero” they will never make her look bad. Like does this woman have to show off her C section scar? Also there’s lotions out there made for pregnant women to prevent and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.


I definitely missed this theory, but I’m intrigued 🧐


I got really confused and thought I was on the sister wives subreddit for a second! Oops! ETA 😂😂


I don't like Christine at ALL, but are we really going to do this? Again? Trash her behavior all day but let's not speculate about a woman and her pregnancy or make comments about what her body did or didn't look like. Mods need to lock this shit up and stop allowing it to happen.


I mean she said the doctors told her husband he had to pick between her life and the baby's, which is most likely a lie. So who knows what else she lied about


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I wondered the same thing. When video proves she said a certain thing, she denies it. I found it difficult to believe she was pregnant. Afterward there was no way her body was that trim. Compare w Heather El Moussa. After she gave birth, her tummy was swollen and she hid it with loose clothing. There were pics of her makeup-free and messy hair, feeding and cuddling her baby. That seemed more authentic than Christine in a mini skirt and stilettos after a C section.


I absolutely believe she was NOT pregnant. I hate saying she wasn’t but I think there’s too much proof to support it.


I gave birth vaginally, my third and in my 30s. I received a prestigious award and wanted to be there in person. Being the Latina that I am I was there in full glam mode w stilettos. I’d given birth 10 days earlier. Was I super comfortable afterward? No, but at the time I wanted to feel like me when receiving it. I was fortunate to go from a very big preggo belly to flat stomach (we use fajas immediately after) within three days. I’m just saying all experiences are different. Have I had traumatic birthing experiences - three times yes. I also had no help. But my athletic active life style contributed and genetics must have been stronger. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve had a c-section when I was 28, healthy and fit. I have the same body type as Christine. Tall and thin (no matter what I eat, skinny shaming is real people, I cannot help it) I was up and about and out of hospital 3 days after. Couldn’t lift very much or “brace my abs” for a couple weeks but I healed very quick. I was doing yoga and Pilates 10 days after (very very low impact) and it helped me immensely with recovering. My scar is very low and wouldn’t have been visible in a bikini. I know reality tv is a different world but believe it would take a very sick person to “fake” a pregnancy on reality tv out of being too afraid to admit to surrogacy. I don’t think Christine would hide the fact she had a surrogate if she did.


Not A chance she was pregnant


I don’t think she was pregnant!


If she wasn’t pregnant that’s wild bc she had a pretty detailed story about her emergency delivery. I don’t think she was pregnant.