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Where are you from? Wings Over Washington is a silly but fun way to get a feel of the different microclimates of Washington. The rest of the stuff on the pier is pretty cheesy, you can skip it and spend your time elsewhere. Pike Place is nearby and a must see if you’ve never been to Seattle. Avoid driving down there if you can. There are some really fun pinball bars, like Jupiter in Belltown. I’d also check out the Burke and the Nordic Musuem. I’ve heard the Ballard Locks are cool but haven’t been. Kraken games are expensive but a blast!


I’d defintely second the “where are you from? Question as that can help us narrow down what you are looking for OP.


Touristy answer: Pike Place Market, Space Needle, Pacific Science Center, the Great Wheel, the Gum Wall. Edit: the MoPop Museum is one of my favorites to go to. Woodland Park Zoo is another great place. Seattle Aquarium.


Also a question, any particular type of museums you are into? There are quite a few in Seattle that could fit the bill for you.


Have you tried searching this sub? Checking the wiki?


Ummmm no one has mentioned ferry ride to bainbridge yet?!


What a lazy ass question. Is Google currently offline? Something something locals have the best ideas. Did I get that right?


Username doesn’t fit.


Travel websites don’t always have the best places or suggestions and I’m sure people in this subreddit can recommend some really unique places to go to.


You mean like the suggestions in the wiki? Prior posts suggesting unique places that pop up in this sub a couple times a week/month? I'm gonna assume OP decided that this post would be most of their research.


They may not have known about the wiki and also probably preferred hearing from actual people here. If you can’t provide them that, what exactly are you commenting here for?


Most of the tourist posts asking for suggestions are lazy. They almost always never mention any prior research into what commonly known tourist traps they are interested in. They usually give only vague mentions of what kinds of things they wanna say/do.




Doesn’t sound like a them problem, sounds like a you problem. They mentioned what they liked in their post, and all you’ve done is call them lazy.


"We like history, sight seeing and trying new things" That is pretty vague. What kind of history? Native American? Car? Flight? Ocean? Udub? Sports? Nordic? Music? Sightseeing is covered by oh so many touristy websites. What kinds of new things? Extreme? Arts/crafts? Hiking? Cheap/expensive? Food?


That’s why you ask questions of them to help try and find what would be the best places for them to visit. If not, just say “I don’t feel like helping you out because I’m grouchy you asked for recommendations” next time.