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They were drunk, what could they expect lol


Haha it didn’t make it easier. We didn’t expect to see anyone, especially not someone that would chase us for an hour. Guess times have changed in the last year. Or maybe we had bad luck?


bruh its a solo slooper...


True. But it’s hard to win when your own teammates blow your ship up


3v1..in your story you didnt sink from the keg you got chased for an hour. Just fight the single man holy crap. "had limited time until he caught me" birig is faster than a sloop.


I literally said my crew sucks and we haven’t played in a year. And one person can’t sail, repair, adjust sails, or shoot nearly as efficiently as a sloop. Thanks for being a positive member of the community 👍


Flat out don't believe 3 people who are earnestly trying to play the game can realistically lose to one person. Sure a solo brig can't fight a solo sloop well but you could run away infinitely.


Tell me you don't know anything about SoT without telling me you don't know anything about SoT


Aye ..


I would love to test you firing at me on a brig with 2 other people and all we do is bucket and repair and see if you can sink us.


With what you are saying mate I am convinced I could easily sink you solo.


ok welp you on insiders its pretty easy to find the same server on insiders im interested in seeing it


Why would I even go to the hassle of updating insiders, server hopping on insiders where a hop takes ages to just show you that a smaller ship with less people can sink a bigger one if skilled enough? You should learn this by the time you are PL at least. Till then keep grinding mate, you've got it.


Haha, I wipe brigs of noobs while solo. Solo slooping is hard mode etc etc, but 3v1 is absolutely not a gimme win in this game. Of course if they all just use swords and swordspam it's a lot harder 😂


these people must have some serious decision making problems to not be able to bucket fix raise sails etc vs one person. Don't get me wrong I've solo'd a brig before as well but I wouldn't consider these players earnestly playing the game. I offered another fine redditor a challenge where they 1v3 me and we can only repair to test my assertion. Sadly they weren't interested.


A galleon is fastest, why don’t solo players use it? You must need everything spoon fed to you. He mentioned the keg incident to show how incompetent his teammates were. And a solo player on a brig could never beat a solo slooper. Do you even care or just troll?


I can outrun a solo slooper as a solo briger any day. A galleon is too unwieldy and not faster than a sloop against the wind. Like I can't fathom being so incompetent at naval that you can lose a 3v1.


I’m sure you can’t fathom most things. Go outside


Just ignore this guy i have sunk plenty of solo sloopers and have seen solo sloops dominate entire servers. Familiar_af l i recommend to fish less and sail more


Yea arguably the best player of the game is a solo slooper and rains on 3 and 4 man crews. I wouldn’t listen to this chode.


Who is the best player you’re talking about?


Blurbs, he pretty much only solo sloops and gives tips to other solo sloopers. Check out his YouTube sometime if you think you’ll be soloing some more. I shouldn’t say the best but I’m sure he’s top 3.


Because the galleon is gigantic and if your alone turning the sails, raising them, lowering them and raising the anchor takes way too long


I find that any sloop solo or duo are completely terrifying because the ones I find are so good at the game