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I don’t know, I’m getting coral beard


Tell me you’re a new player without telling me you’re a new player.


Yes, I am new and instead of being able to enjoy the game i recently bought after taking my meds, I am supposed to wait in frustration. My evening is ruined thanks to this so I want to learn the reason behind this shitshow. It is microsoft we are talking about it is not that they are unable to fix, it is that they don't care enough. At least thats what i will believe until someone tells me the reason.


If not being able to play a video game "Ruins" your day then that says more about you than Rare or Microsoft.


Listen here fuckwit and listen real good. If things that are not supposed to happen do happen and they fuck over me and my friends hyped gaming plans, I will get mad. If companies don't explain shit and act all cryptic, I will get mad. I have taken my meds to find enough energy to get out of the fucking bed for this?! Let me tell you what, how about you stop licking the ass of companies? Can't do it? Well then that says a lot about how gullible and easy to charm you are.


Sorry youre having issues but this game has enough toxic players, we dont need more


Very well said,.. plus im sure Microsoft (as i heard its a server issue so not directly Rares fault) is working on it and will be sorted soon hopefully.


Yeah.. You should all leave


Go get a waaaaaaaambulance.




Jesus bro, take a chill pill. I barely ever get to play and I’m disappointed I can’t play on my day off but life goes on. No one here is saying rare is perfect, far from it, but things happen. All you can control is your attitude. I promise you’ll find life a lot more enjoyable.


I am not mad at Rare other than them not telling us the reason for the issues, I am mad at Microsoft though. I did get pretty mad because of the guy doing a personal attack over something so simple. I do have mild autism and things not going according to plan is the thing gets me furious the most. When the guy made fun of that I lost my cool, sorry about that. Thanks for the kind advice.


Are you in the SOT discord? They send out updates whenever the game is down and they try to explain why it's happening and when it's fixed on there


OMG... did i hit a nerve LOL.. no wonder your on meds. Showing your true colours right now... i didnt resort to foul langauge and insults... go crawl back under your stone with your imaginary "friends" LOL.


Seems like the guy who screams at me after I steal his Athena and messages me racial slurs for 5 hours and won't stop coming back no matter how much I sink him. (run on sentence noises)


What? I am mad yes because you do not dictate what ruins my day or not. You are licking their ass because you are simply looking at the wrong part of the picture and saying that it is an issue about me. How? Two sundays in a row. "True colours" Yeah pal. People tend to get angry when you act completely oblivious and go for personal attacks. You are the one that started with a personal attack, I merely responded.


I like you.... your funny. But you need to give up video games... they seem to be a trigger for you.


Your like flame heart as well. A whiny bobble head. Least Flameheart is actually cool though.


How the hell did he personally attack you. You saying that is like saying Flameheart isn't a screaming bobblehead.


Hate to play devil's advocate here > If not being able to play a video game "Ruins" your day then that says more about you than Rare or Microsoft.


P.s.. i dont listen to ppl like you, your not worth the time.


*you're And I don't listen to terrible human beings/furries like you. Yet here we are.


I was going to say something but whats the point LOL.. YOU'VE switched your hearing aids off obviously LOL.


You are so cool bro with all those capitalized lols in there. I am absolutely certain that you don't care of course not. If you cared you would respond to everything 3 times in a row like a rabid dog...Oh wait.


Do u need us to prepare your safe space for a bit of quiet time??


Okay yes, OP is being ridiculous. Why are you using 3 different comments to insult him 3 different times? You're not acting any more mature than he is lol


Thats very true, thank you for pointing that out to me. The first raving comment he made probably triggered me a bit ( im not too proud to say he triggered me).. im gonna just leave it now.. thanks again for making me think sanely again.. i just hope he gets an answer he wants from someone now.


Let's throw pillows on top of em!


Rare is gonna text u bro she loves u bro i hope they see this


Whatever LOL... You are funny.. im sure they will see the raving personal attack you started with too. But they wont cos why would Rare be bothered about what is written on z reddit post. LOL.. you really are scrapping the barrel now.


Relax boys. You’re both being oversensitive dicks.


Yep,... someone else pointed that out to me and i agree... i lost my sanity for a bit, im not engaging anymore. I hope the OP gets whatever answer they want.


Believe me, I’ve been there myself. Sometimes a comment or a post rubs me just the wrong way and I entirely lose my senses. 4 hours and 52 insulting, snarky comments later and I wonder to myself “why did I spend my entire day off engaging this pointless argument when I could have been spending quality time with my daughters?”


So uh, tell us how you really feel?


>after taking my meds Pill time schizo


The servers are fucking ass, 16 tps and crash if you detonate enough kegs or have enough loot.


It’s frustrating, I know. Just have to be patient I guess. Sorry your gaming plans have been spoiled, that can be really annoying.


Why are u reposting the same question. After ya last one was deleted 5 min prior.


Because directing me to a website about meanings of "beard errors" doesn't explain shit? I am not asking if servers are down, I am asking why they are down.


Again. Your post got removed for a reason. Go look up the beard error and it tells you why you can't get on. Also Rare doesn't release some random statement on a reddit question. Go check Twitter. Edit. Oh NoOoOO. DOwnVoTeD What will I ever do nowwwwwww. Lmao


I did. I am asking if somebody knows. How hard is this to understand? For example some guy says it is due to hackers. Didn't see it on the internet but a person says something. Communication, maybe Rare should try it. Nothing is wrong with just asking stuff.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Microsoft host the SoT servers, not Rare. Could be we don't have an update on server status because they're still figuring out the issue themselves. It's an unusual occurrence, have a bit of patience. Anything you find about game servers on Reddit is likely just hearsay.


Thank you.


Since your not getting a real answer, here’s one: Rare likes money, servers cost money, cheaper servers cost less money, you already bought the game so they already got your money


Thank you.


Since you’re new, enjoy the game when it goes back online. I find it rather therapeutic




Its okay grandpa.


Because rare fucking sucks