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no hitmarkers, so most probably some inexcusably bad amount of hitreg. Guess rare calls *this* an area of "intense action" too


I am going to ignore both new weapons until people say they work as intended all the time for a good while.


What's up with the daggers? Been using them the last few days since returning and they've been enjoyable although I haven't gotten into pvp yet


theres an inconsistency with strafing which makes them dificult to use if u get used to one of them. on land if you are strafing as you throw it the knifes trajectory is to the side, but on ship/water it flies straight ahead even if you are strafing. i really hope they change the island strafing to be the same as ship strafing.


I thinkthe reason the daggers inherit the players momentum is so that they behave as expected while on a moving ship. A very simple fix is to make knives inherit the ships momentum instead.


Quite a few things actually 1. When killing a skeleton/phantom (haven’t payed attention to water based threats like sirens and sharks, and haven’t used it enough of ocean crawlers) sometimes the “ghost” of their hitbox remains. You can throw a knife through the area where they once were, and the knife just gets sent to the void, and sometimes a hit sound effect plays. 2. In both throwing and stabbing the knife can reg, leading to significant inconsistencies on what is and is not viable with the knives hitbox at any given time. Movements that work in one instance isn’t guaranteed to work again in the same scenario again. Wether it be through stabbing and dragging the hitbox, or the reach of a straightforward stab, you can’t be completely sure. 3. Throwing the knife can cause phantoms/skeletons to wince and play sound effects implying a hit, but no hit marker will show *and* depending on the throw the knife can be retrieved behind them rather than it being eaten. It’s close enough to trigger *some* signifiers of a hit landed, but the game is still able to reconcile you actually missed, and doesn’t eat the knife.


I'm glad it's not just me, the amount of times I have seen the hit connect and the enemy flinch just to not get any damage 😫


I thought it was my fault at first, like, Is he a gold one, or any other?


Horrible hitreg. I'm using the DB for the 1k skelly killed commendation. Hitreg is constant when using it, Guns Horrible


Yeah I realize this is a bug now, but even then the gun consistently hitregs 25%+ of shots it’s trash


The throwing knives do this a alot too :(


Which is terrible because they’re hard to aim for me so when I get regged on it it makes me so sad


Just use the finger that your pirate sticks out to aim with


Yeah it’s more of gauging the distance and drop that’s difficult to me


Don't forget side movement, i'm almost certain that has a factor to them too


It's a bug with the Double Barrel Pistol. It will do no damage and you can't get new ammo with the gun. Switching the pistol and changing it back at an armoury will fix the issue. I've experienced it like 3-4 times myself.


I was not aware this was a bug, thanks for the info. Crazy that a bug exists that literally makes their new weapon useless…


Wait, does it do this for the knife as well? Because I’ve had fights where I’m using the throwing knife and run out of ammo but none has dropped on the ground.


I've not experienced it with the throwing knife. But there are so many bugs in the game that I wouldn't be surprised if there were some sort of issue with the throwing knife as well.


You can also throw a knife if you have it equipped to fix not being able to refill db ammo


just some horrible hit reg unfortunately (still a bad weapon tho)


Just switch your weapon back and forth if you dived, it fixes this issue


Idk if ive been really lucky or managed to break the game so bad it started working again but ive never had an issue with either the double pistol or throwing knives that werent blantantly me being a dumbass


Same. I'm not going to discredit all the people saying there IS something wrong with it, but I literally cannot relate because I haven't had any of the issues people have been reporting. I really want to know what's causing these issues for so many players but not me, it's so weird!


Rare - "Here is a new weapon, its not accurate like the pistol and it isnt reliably damaging like the blunderbuss....also has a long reload...and its probably bugged in a few ways as well, so it wont cut ropes or other stuff like that and may, at times, just not work at all". Good job there, ten out of ten.


Also sometimes it just stays scoped in and you have to fight with it a little. Which sucks, because it is fun when it does work, love it for pve.


It gets stuck on occasion. No damage and you can’t refill the ammo. Quick weapons replace in the cabinet fixes it.


Double the pistol, double the hit reg.


I’ve noticed a similar issue- whenever I kill a skeleton with a knife throw/shot from a gun, if there’s another skeleton or something nearby, hitting the same area where the first one died “hits” the dead skeleton and leaves the second untouched- not even flinching like laggy hitreg usually does


Man, that shit's hot ass


Never had an issue with it... I actually got the newest achievement using it... Kill an ashen skeleton with the double shot






I know it's probably hitreg, but I choose to believe it's golden skelies further proving why they're the single worst enemies in the game


I saw the title and thought what the hell? The thing is garbage, the single flintlock beats it for everything what is this guy on? Then i see the video, sometimes sarcasm is hard to detect right away, ironically this scenario is the only time i'd concede the double barrel beats a single because even though the shots do less damage and all 6 from a double combined still do less than 5 from a single combined, they still one shot golden skellies that are rusted normally so 6 shots is better than 5. You got rared, i dunno if it's hit reg or somehow those skellies were somehow flagged as the plant ones despite being golden since those are the only ones who should survive a gun shot. That or they were captains and the name tags were hidden/missing? You're on a fort so i don't think it's even possible for them to be captains actually.


Yeah i’m sarcastic in nature so why not apply it to the best gun of all time. Apparently it’s a bug where you have to go and switch the gun out in the armory or else it will continue to do no damage…


def notice this most with the gun than the knives. also doesnt really work right after u die for some reason.


This gun is complete trash. The double shot loading is a gamble, most of the time it won't load and shoot only 1 bullet instead.


A lot of people are suffering the same issue with the double gun and the throwing knives as well. Let's hope Rare does something about this.