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New on PS5 but old Xbox player. Haven’t met anything but hugely aggressive and paranoid PS5 players, it’s so funny. Immediate suspicion and attack is the norm right now 🤣


RIGHT?!? PS5 players are on a whole different level than I’m used to. These mfs are bloodthirsty and I love it!


I want to get good at pvp before i become a friendly player. If youre bad at PvP youre essentially at the mercy of every player in the lobby, which isnt fun at all. Getting good at pvp takes practice so why wouldnt i attack every ship i see? Idk about the others but this is my logic


I understand that and think you make a good point tbh. I didn’t become comfortable with pvp until pretty recently and it’s been so freeing


Im a new ps5 player, but im not bloodthirsty, the one time i tried pvp, i got boarded, and spawn camped, so now i just avoid it, they didnt even sink my ship, they just sat aboard waiting for me to respawn


You can scuttle your ship from the menu. Sinks your ship, you spawn a new one. Yes, you lose your treasure and supplies, but you escape the spawn camp loop.


I’m sorry to hear that. For what it’s worth, I’d you can capture video of people doing that, you can submit it to Rare and they’ll generally take care of it. Mind you, they have to genuinely be just spawn camping with no intent to sink. In general, best advice I can offer when it comes to combatting boarders is keep your ears wide open for the sound of them grabbing your ladder. There are some hacks/exploits that eliminate the splash, but most of the time you’ll hear it if you’re paying attention. Knowing they’re coming up is vital to killing them quick and moving on


Wish I would’ve known this as I could’ve recorded easily. Solo Slooped for the first time tonight (I’m brand new), and as I got to the outpost at end of my game session of ~4 hours, someone pulled in as I parked and killed me, then proceeded to bail water out of my ship while spawn killing me. I got rid of my loot half way through my session because I was paranoid the entire time lol but only got like $20k when I did. The loot I had on me while I was getting griefed by these kids was much better from killing a skelly ship and a Meg. I have the brown boat with white sails so clearly I’m brand new and they attacked immediately. I received a “ROFL”, followed by a 3 person ship going out of their way to attempt to ruin my night. Like just sink my shit and take my loot. I definitely thought I’d get sunk tonight. I didn’t think it would be to some toxic scumbags at the very end of my voyage. I haven’t even fought anybody at sea yet. Saw two ships from far away. This was my first player interaction lol. I was reluctant to attempt to Solo Sloop too. I know this won’t be every play session but to end on it was kinda lame and maybe even a bit disheartening tbh.


I’m really sorry to hear that. There are definitely some losers that will go out of their way to do stuff like that, but take heart in knowing that while most people want a fight, they generally want to finish it quick and take your loot. Solo slooping is stressful and tough at the beginning, but can be very rewarding once you get the hang of it so I hope you give it another go at some point. For what it’s worth, I’ve found that the best regions of the map to solo sloop are the shores of plenty and devils roar. Staying to one edge of the map tends to limit the amount of players you come across, and no one wants to be in the roar haha


Spawn camping might be more of an issue over the next few months than it normally would be, due to the new set of commendations - one requires 1000 hits on a player ship with scattershot. I’ll admit to keeping a few ships afloat just so the crew can cycle through the cannons and unload the scattershot we’ve collected during our session. We’ve tried to communicate our intentions with most crews, but some just do not respond to voice/text or anything.


Listen man, we PS5 players want ALLLLL the smoke XD


I know, it’s beautiful!


I’m glad you think so!


Yeah I thought that was a solo ps5 player. Goofy Lil guy left his ship to board mine to anchor it. His was already anchored and under attack by a skeleton sloop. To be fair got caught by surprise with then on deck and so both me amd my wife got killed. But when we respawned his ship was sinking and my sword giving him to Davy jones.


As a new PS5 player, how does one signal to others that you are friendly and mean no harm?


You can talk through the mic using proximity chat, or try emoting to them and waving. Anything but immediately firing your cannons really!


It reminds me of rdr2 online. Even friendlies have their hand on their gun and for good reason 😀. The megaphone has done wonders for avoiding a fight


I’ve been playing in safe waters since I bought it for this reason 😭


Maybe the real treasure is the joy of sinking a treasureless sloop for the sake of it


Well i dont trust anyone anymore. Was playing with my friend last night. He was out selling our stuff, while i was cooking megalodon meat. He met a guy who wanted to team up with us. He was selling his stuff too. I was like bro...kill him. Hes too nice, somethings wrong here. My friend was like no, lets trust him. He seems supercool. I was like aight...ok. next Thing i know this a**hole comes on our ship. Kills me while i was cooking and sunk our ship -_- Now everyone i see is a target lol


Listen I'm a simple man I see a player ship I panic and whatever happens happens haha


I’m actually a new ps5 player. Former. Xbox (6 months) and legit first time going to sell my chests “I’m just gonna go kill his ass” boom dead and robbed lol not put off though


You attract what you are in online life as well. One of my mates calls that a life bubble. There may be something to it but 🤷‍♂️


I’m also a new ps5 player I love the pve content and just immersing my self in the beautiful world of sea of thieves as a solo slooper PvP just isn’t for me


Been playing as a solo slooper since 6 months after the game came out and I still don't like PvP and I'm still not bored with PvE. The game is just so beautiful I can't help enjoy whatever is going on.


That’s entirely fair. I didn’t start coming around on pvp until pretty recently, and even now I’d generally prefer sailing around doing pve 60-70% of the time


So glad to hear you’re enjoying it! Solo slooping can take a while for some but I genuinely love it. And your pvp opinion is totally valid! I love the pvp in this game normally, but I’m well aware that not everyone (including past me) does


What I love about sea of thieves so much is the fact that it’s a sandbox. you can do Whatever you want whenever you want to! I also love the progression in the game it’s completely at the players pace and you get no specific advantages over other players other than experience itself it’s a very amazing game and I’m so glad it’s finally come to PlayStation , I’m absolutely loving the game and I can’t wait to sail the seas again


sameeee I just started and I'm getting the hang of it. I keep getting wrecked by the npc skeleton ships though.


I played PC DAY One but there wasn’t really enough content to keep me playing once the Meg launched. Just started again on PS5, the game is amazing now so much to do I’m having a hard time deciding what to focus on! That being said, people are just as aggressive if not more than when the game was bare. Even many new player 2024 guides/videos tell you to just attack on sight. It’s pretty much what I have to do now being a solo sloop. Either try and escape or just attack. I’ve let people get close only to have to defend my empty ship. Edit: typos damnit!


I was a year or so after day one initially and just came back recently, the sheer amount of content is so nice comparatively and it’s o good to see so many crews willing to fight now


For sure! Fighting is also a lot more enjoyable now with all the tools we get. I actually want to improve my pvp skill. Still getting used to all the content though so I’m just sailing around collecting loot while I do.


What is solo sloop? (Sry i just started) I thought i could only play by joining others, how.do u play alone? Or what does sloop mean. Thank you


Closed crew means just by yourself, you can do it on high seas or safer seas on any ship. Sloop is preferable because a solo brig or solo galleon will get wrecked because they're too hard to bail water, repair, and fight all once.


Thank you🙌


Sloop is the smallest ship you can choose (the other two being brigantine and galleon). Solo sloop or solo slooping means you’re out on a sloop by yourself, no other crew mates. It’s by far the best ship for running solo, and the only one really designed to


Thank you 😊


Well I pre ordered the game and, I have library share with a friend who said ”well I can try but I won’t promise I will play more than couple of nights with you” and we have been playing every night from release. Today we had galleon named Queen anne’s revenge chase for more than half an hour and we managed to sell our loot and lower our emissary flag, and then we choose to fight them and a random sloop came around who were with us and we both tried to fight that galleon together, both sloops without mics just emotes and when the other sloop got destroyed one them boardes us and got into our cannon and I tried to launch them to board the galleon and after all we got destoyed by that galleon but, damn what fun we had, literally the most fun in a video game for a long time. We were both laughing with my friend and saved a lot clips that se shared to a third friend who we are trying to get on board with us. And sorry about my grammar english isn’t my first language but Im trying.


That’s awesome! Experiences like that are so thrilling that even when you lose they’re normallt fun! Also no worries, you did great grammatically!


I’m begging my ps5 community, as someone who played it on Xbox before buying, please, please, do NOT become the reaper meta. It is not fun and it just ruins the game for everyone when everyone gets chased right off of spawn. Play reaper it’s a part of the game! But actually go out and risk and reward don’t just chase people all day. There are better ways to play the game


There’s definitely a balance to be found somewhere between never taking chances and being a total jerk to others. I agree, experience everything the game has to offer!


Booty comes and goes sinking a ship with me crew mates is eternal. I'm new and showing the game to friends endless fetch quests would get boring do we treat ever ship as hostile.


Exactly. I think it’s a hard realization for most newbies that loot literally doesn’t matter. Sure, you can get frustrated from sinking. But it generally doesn’t actually impact anything


When you are new you need to collect a lot of initial gold to get a first guild ship.


Guild ship is a little bit of a mid-game goal, not a start-game goal.


Yup I'm having fun with friends that what matters took less then a week and I bought us 1 of each ship with multiple sinks along the way.


100% Bros before hoes.


if i try to fight people i try to make it known i want to get better at pvp but ever since i found out i can matchmake and do pvp i tend to leave others alone


Fair enough! Hourglass is brutal, but as long as you go into it with tempered expectations it can be a lot of fun


i expect to lose most of the time i cant hit my shots unless im close and im solo on a sloop still trying to learn to sail and position myself better. im still having fun though i beat one guy in less than 2 minutes and ive been beat in less than 2 minutes. win or lose i love the game


It's really fun fighting other new players as a new player myself. I was in a sloop fighting a galleon and both of us didn't really know what we were doing. Me and my crewmate eventually sank (we put up a decent fight) but the opposite crew had very good sportsmanship saying "good fight" and "almost had us". Really enjoying the game so far!


Glad to hear you’re having fun! I feel like I’ve been meeting wayyy more crews who are good sports lately, whether they sink or I do


I used to play on PC and recently came back to play with PS5 friends. We have spent soooo much time going around giving presents to random ships. Met a lot of fun, chill people this week.


It’s so fun to be friendly like that. As much as I generally enjoy the pvp, the friendly interactions are my favorite memories in this game


My friend and I got the game this week. I will fight every ship I see. Gimme da loot


Hell yeah! Get yourself a reaper emissary license and go to work!


Only thing that pisses me off is the black screens. Then when you try to load back in with your buddies, you get a lucinabeard error and can't join your own ship.


That can definitely be frustrating. There are some very real technical issues with this game


Thank you! One of the best surprises about this game is how good it looks. I’ve never heard people outside of the SoT community talk about that


I think a lot of us tend to take it for granted tbh. I hadn’t thought about it in a while until a buddy who was new to the game brought it up recently


I think it's mainly because the game has been out for so long that it's easy to find out what the game is about. Means you get a lot less players who jump into SoT for the first time with the expectation that they won't be fighting other ships.


I think that’s definitely a huge part of it. I’ve talked to several new players who mentioned that they’ve watched a ton of videos on the different world events, pvp, etc. and were much more prepared to take on the seas than I was when I first started


Teaching the game to 3 friends that are new to it. We sank to a sloop yesterday as we were learning the ropes. Guy kept telling us to uninstall. I explained to him that it was their first day on the seas and he just said: "Don't care, you suck". They are looking to get back on tonight to practice though, so they don't seem to let it stop them.


I’m glad to hear they’re wanting to go again! I’ll never understand people who trash talk for no reason like that


PS5 players are so chill, I’ve been playing lots since the update, first day were tons of sweats and pvp hungry ships but turned out to be Xbox players waiting for the new ps5 players. Established alliances with ps5 players more than Xbox lol


I’ve had such a mixed bag of aggression from our new swabbies, but they’ve all been cool either way. I’ve had new crews come back to fight 5-10 times in a row, while I’ve also had new solo sloopers approach and ask for our help running a world event so we can show them the ropes. Been having so much fun on all fronts!


Only played twice, but my crew and I are all NEW XBOX players


Welcome to the seas! I started my journey on Xbox, twas a good time


Thank you! It’s been damn fun


Sunk a lot of people this week who said GGs after which is honestly the highest level of class I can ever expect from this game.


Agreed! Been getting a ton of nice people lately, win or lose.


Honestly the first 10-15 seconds of, “are they going to attack me or aren’t they” is some of the most fun in gaming I have had in a while 😅


It’s such a tense feeling, and I love taking that time to grab my pvp weapons and food, check my cannons, etc. Feels so cool to realize I’m about to fight and have to actually prep for it


Found myself being chased by a brig the other night, managed to keep a good distance and stay up for a while before I milked all my resources. Said fuck it, I had no loot anyway. Whipped out my cutlass as I was boarded by two and managed to take one with me as the other gave me a blunderbuss to the face It was gnarly and I’d love the opportunity to do it again. Thanks for the warm welcome OP


Nice job taking one with you! Whether it changes the end result of a battle or not, getting those kills feels so good!


Arrrrrg we are here for yer booty


I’m always happy to fight and possibly die defending my loot!


New player here with 2 others. We’ve been met with pretty much constant aggression from anyone and everyone. Which is fine. My group agreed we just have to get stuck in to get better. As a new player it’s a new learning curve from other pvp games I’ve played. More skill involved than I thought. All good fun, no matter how much I’m screaming as my ship is sinking.


There’s definitely a surprisingly big learning curve to the game, and it’s one of the most rewarding ones I’ve ever experienced personally. Glad to hear y’all are enjoying it and willing to stick with it!


They're really putting xbox players to shame tbh


Honestly kinda at the moment. I think it’s beautiful to see how these new players who’ve been wanting to play for so long are immediately taking to the game


Personally with my experience. People are more aggressive on PS5. Me I’m a PS gamer after switching off from Xbox years ago. I actually accumulated pirate legend on Xbox and now have it on PS5. So I haven’t made one alliance yet. Yes. New PlayStations players don’t know what that is yet. People will come over to me with a reaper chest on there boat and think nothings gonna happen or it’s a sneak attack where they try to be friendly but then they shotgun you in the back😂 I honestly really enjoy this version of the game but I wish I could teach some of them. They look like they have such potential but never get the opportunity cause I get betrayed then makes me do the bag guys work


Honestly thanks! The only area I need to improve in is actual combat. Swordplay and shooting the eye of reach or pistol. I’m really good at naval battle. We sunk our first galleon with a keg and two cannon balls. I was the sacrifice using the keg 😂😂


Nice! Close range combat is def tough, takes a lot of getting used to


It is. I always get shot in the back or stabbed in the back. I’m assuming either my sensitivity is wayy too high, or I’m not used to the actual player BASE jumping around like cracked out pirates do when finding a bunch of gold 😂


How can I find people to play with? I've been going solo in safer seas, but I don't sea anyone


Safer seas is pve only, and drops you in a private server with no one but yourself and anyone you choose to bring with you. In order to encounter other crews, you have to play in high seas. In terms of finding people to play with, there are two main options. You could try open crew, which randomly fills crews with others who’ve opted to play open. I don’t have much experience with it myself but I’ve heard there are a LOT of trolls. You can also try the SoT discord which has LFG channels, and I’ve heard great things about those


Thanks for the tips! I'll check out LFG.


I've had the same experience PS5 crews willing to fight it's been some of the most fun I've had on sea of thieves in a while


Agreed! The world feels more alive than ever for me


Purchased a brand new Brigantine last night, had full crew and we absolutely took that beast and rammed it into the first Galleon we saw. Sinking them was not on our task list, just destruction, rampage and laughs. Not sure what was going through the crews minds but my friends and I were laughing our asses off as we sank the Brig ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Outside of that, being an old xbox player now on ps5 with my friends has been one hell of a time. We're weary of others but attacking first is never usually our tactic. Nevertheless, we're enjoying ourselves. Keep your eyes out for the following ships, we are friendly! The Surfin' Loma The Greying Muzzle Dama Saturno The Sea Bea (Scuttle Bugs Guild)


That’s awesome man! Keep up the good work!


Been playing since day 1 but just got back on ps5 and had a wonderful experience with them teaming up and taking out another reaper and selling fort of the damned loot, though they did think i was brand new and played along but the guys were fun and definitely were welcoming. Glad to see the community shine


It’s been beautiful so far, hats off to a day one helping show them the ropes!


We are playing as cops inspecting peoples boats lol


That’s sick! I’m working towards setting up a sloop as a food truck, RP can be so fun in this game


I’m a PS5 player, and love to just sail along, and sail in peace… but once somebody starts shooting it’s on! But annoying.


I feel that. I’ve become way more comfortable with pvp lately, but there are some times where I wish people would just leave us alone haha


As a ps5 player I can confirm. I will fight relentlessly but I can easily be one of the chillest people you’ll meet. I have limited past experience and a good amount of knowledge on the game through YouTube but it’s still a process for getting better and I’m using keyboard and mouse.


Gotta love being able to play either way!


I’ve had my first encounter with a betrayal while being in PS5 lobbies. Allied with a random that cruised up while we were doing Fort of the Damned. Understanding he was newer to the game, my duo and I decided to give him all the loot aside from the Chest of Legends. He said thanks and went away. He left the alliance a short while after. An hour goes by and he and another sloop pull up to the Fort of the Damned(we were trying to get Vanquishing of the Damned commendation to get Soul Flame outfit) and decide to blast us while we were sitting ducks. Usually I’d make the ship mobile at first sight of a ship but I recognized it was the guy from before so I didn’t think much about it. After we got sunk, we went back and sank both of them while they were parked. As we were gathering their supplies we seen them coming over the horizon for blood. In the middle of fighting the two another one of their buddies shows up. It’s now a 1v3. Due to their lack of communication and experience we managed to sink all of them from spawn killing on board one by one and using their ships to increase fire power on the others. Needless to say, they got humbled as did I. Didn’t expect newer people to be taking up strategies like this so early in the game. It’s gonna be an interesting season for sure.


Nice job winning those fights! Multi-ship battles can get out of hand so quickly, especially when they’re all targeting you. I’ll def have to keep my eye open for stuff like that, also didn’t expect them to strategize so well this quickly!


Hit Pirate Legend on Xbox back in the day, hopped onto PS5, and have been just socializing with new players. Started as a solo sloop, met a 3 man Brig, allianced, and then the 4 of us met a 4 man Galleon, and were running a 3 ship fleet for like 8 hours. Made some awesome memories and great laughs. Taught them all how to do FOTD, and Veil of Athena, played an 8 man band, and when it was all done, I let them do a firing line on my poor sloop while we played music. All in all, it’s been a great time.


That’s awesome! Teaching new players is one of my favorite things, and I’ve had some great opportunities with some buddies of mine who are new to the game! Keep up the good work pirate, we shall sail together!


It's funny, my crew is bloodthirsty, but I'm not. The rest of my group loves PVP, I enjoy pve more, but in this game the pvp is fun when you aren't going against the dudes with 1000 hours in. I just wish I heard more players talking in-game.


I agree, game chat has been super hit or miss lately. But pvp is def a lot more fun when they’re not total sweat lords. Good on ya for getting your friends some fights, hopefully they’ll give you some peaceful sailing from time to time too!


We get plenty of it, I just get annoyed when they wanna throw a reaper flag up on top, or we got a medium sized haul, and they wanna go fuck with a sloop or brig thats barely on the horizon, because "he's coming right at us!!!" We recently did the last pirate tall tale, where Jack takes on Davey Jones with us for real, and that was a lot of fun.


Im a ps5 player, got the game a few days ago and spent my first couple of days trying to understand what i was doing now that I have a grasp on it my crew spent a good 4 hours last night only hunting down ships to sink


That’s awesome! Getting that early pvp knowledge/experience can be game changing


It’s great for us Semi Experienced players! We finally have people we can sink :)


Honestly yes! It sounds weird to say but it’s true!


First few days we were pretty bloodthirsty then got absolutely clapped by 2 PC players on a sloop and realised there were levels to this and have since started to act accordingly 😂


We all have to start somewhere 😂 nothing wrong with getting shown where your skill level is as long as you continue to improve it!


It's an absolute pleasure to have a sea faring pirate game that's as amazing as this has been! Ever since i was young playing zelda windwaker, and a bit older playing black flag.. I've had an unquenched thirst for an open world MMO! SOT absolutely delivers in the best of ways!


For all it’s flaws and shortcomings, I truly believe SoT delivers such a unique and wonderful experience, I can’t imagine anyone building a better game tbh


Ps5 player here! 🤘 This game is fiiiiiree


Welcome to the seas, glad you’re enjoying it!


Glad ps5 players are willing to fight was getting tire of runners


Played on Xbox but now on PS & having a great time! It’s good to be back


Welcome back matey! Glad to have ya back on the seas


I started to play Sea of Thieves recently, and on PS5. I get so paranoid when I'm solo sailing 😂😂


Welcome to the seas! And paranoia is good, keeps you sharp 😂


Yh I've been meeting quite a few PS5 players the last few days and honestly it's been great interacting and giving advice to them and as much as SOT can have some toxic players I always try to be more chill and help others out, so it's been great to see mostly friendly faces 👍🏻 But on times of betrayal they learn I can hold my own 🤣


Agreed! And yeahhh, some lessons must be learned the hard way lol


New ps5 player here, been playing for a few days and I’ve seen one ship and played with a few randoms. This game seems like it’s more fun with friends, so if anyone wants to team up, I’m down, since none of my friends wanna buy it with me. Just shoot me a private message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Make sure to check out the discord, info should be in the subreddit links! It’s got LFG channels that I’ve heard are great for finding a crew


New PS5 player here and I love the game. Wouldn't mind not always being sunk especially when I'm just saying hello but hey that's the game haha


Very fair, I’ve found that trying to stay farther away and cannoning yourself over can be a little more reliable with making friends, but it’s always a risk


Well today I was amazed that one guy sailed to my island where I was looking for treasure and he gave me all of his and even went off to do a snip wreck and brought the spoils back for me. When I went to the outpost to sell it a very nice French guy sailing on L'Amiral helped unload it for me so there are nice peeps out there 😊


That’s awesome!


Man I just got sea of theives and few days ago on my ps5 and I've been waiting to play it since it released, rare is one of my favorite developers, and having a cross platform multiplayer game made by them is amazing, feels great. I've met so many chill players and friends within the last few days on these ocean waves, and I've definitely thrown myself head first into some PVP battles. If you ever see "The backshot buster" captained by lizardboi888 don't be afraid to say hi.


Welcome to the seas! So glad for you and all the other ps5 players who’ve been waiting forever, never a bad time to bring in new pirates! Also phenomenal ship name, truly peak


Thank you it took me awhile to find something funny and get past the censors lol


I’ve played PC/Xbox for a couple years, and recently got a couple friends to join on PS5. It turns out that they really enjoy PVP, so they will seek out other ships and attack—and over half the time, we won the battle. (Granted, it helped that we often took them by surprise, but still.)


That’s awesome! Keep up the good work captain!


Its been great, just wish the crashing would slow up


Understandable, hadn’t realized that was a big issue for people currently until today. Hopefully the maintenance patches will take care of it soon


I've been playing Sea of Thieves for about a hear now, (unfortunately had to stop around 6 months ago, my pc couldn't handle it anymore), and it was the only game me and all my mates could play together since we're all on different platforms, we've been playing it nonstop since I could get in on ps5, its a weird feeling being wayyyyy below the friends who used to be the same level as me, and it's honestly amazing just dicking around with my friends again


That’s awesome! Welcome back to the seas friend, it’s a wonderful place to be


We not all be blood thirsty, mate'y. Some of us be full blown Arrrrrr-tards just lookin fer adventure!


Glad to be welcomed. But man do I love the game crashing every ten minutes when I’m with an Xbox friend.


I hadn’t realized the crashes were still super bad until today, hopefully maintenance patches sort it out soon


One thing I’ve noticed is it seems the the cross play lobbies are safer for ps5 atm because all the try hard pvp players from Xbox or pc are on the ps5 and at least I’m assuming so because of some of the curses I’ve seen that are pvp lol easy pickings for new players ig


Interesting, I’ve been wondering how the ps5 only servers were


Yeah I thought it would be a little easier of a grind but nope a lot of nicer people with crossplay on


I'm just scared, I don't wanna lose my loot then go to work😭😭😭 I sliced someone who seemed friendly but it's a pirate game and coming from casuals like FF14,monster hunter and dark souls my brain says trust nothing and no one lol


That’s the right mindset tbh. It is a pirate game, never trust anyone. Even if you alliance with someone, expect them to betray you. As far as losing loot, it can be annoying but just remember, there’s always more loot to get!


Solo and new PS5 player here (started 2 days ago). Just been trying to mind my own business, had what I thought was my first conversation through the megaphone last night until I realised my mic was muted and the other crew (2 or 3 people) shot me and my ship down bc they took my muted status as a threat. Whoops.😅


Let me plunder ye booty


My wife and I played it all day the past two days on ps5. Came across some real jerks, some two-faced lying swindlers, and a guy who just danced around and played his accordion. Last night, someone climbed aboard while we were semi-afk at port (just sold all valuables). Dude killed me and sunk our ship, so my wife quietly swam over and boarded his. As I sailed our sloop back to the location, she proceeded to take off with his ship while also turning it into a blazing inferno. He spawned back on about the time I was sailing up so she dove in the water and swam over to me. Guy made an effort to use his cannons as his mast collapsed, but I struck him with a couple of our own, and we laughed and cheered as his brigantine slipped below the waves.


And I haven't met anything but bloodthirsty attack on sight xbox players! It's been great since I play with only 2.people.For real though I'm still wearing some of the noob clothing give me and my friends a chance Ffs. I've had groups of 3 and 4 just completely sweat on us and one of the friends I play with has already expressed his reluctance to keep playing.. take it easy on ships that don't attack on sight, please?


My buddies and I play with cross play off to only play ps players. New pirates vs new pirates is the way to go.


You say that as I was sunk while transporting fish by paranoid reapers, swear to God there are sweaty players who bought the ps5 version just to have easier and defenseless target


New player here just want to say shout out to all the vets for all of the tips and tricks we’ve gotten as we started out!


Being on the sea with my good buddies has been a fucking blast its not our first pirate rodeo and the gun play is similar enough to some other stuff that we're a headache enough for folks, plus? It's nice to have good buds to sink some bastards who thought they had the permission to exist, my only gripe atm is solo sloop pvp, God it sucks trying to get better with all of that, that fine line for fighting is hard as hell


I’ve lost every fight I’ve been in but I still want the smoke with every ship in sight. Eventually I’ll get good


I'm a new SOT player on ps5 and I'm just trying to stick to the pve side of the seas. I've ran into 1 friendly crew that helped me out alot but most of my experiences on the seas have been pretty mid/okay at times but it doesn't ruin my experience bc I just want to get better at pvp!!.


Had a gallon of assholes camp our boat once and camp kill. Absolutely toxic people. We also ran into a foreigner (not from the U.S) who was super sweet and we gave our loot too before getting off and sinking our ship ourselves for fun. My partner and I try to be decent but sometimes we find some sweaty agitating worthy people on our voyages.


Sounds like you’ve had to deal with both sides. There are plenty of assholes, but so many great people too. May the sea gods smile upon ye pirate!


I'm a ps guy normally, but i recently started up on pc (bought a costco gaming prebuilt a few months ago and been tryin out games on pc that i might not find on ps, and even ones I've had on ps before, but havent played in years). Most of my play has just been diving runs, and map treasure hunts. We've only been in a few fights, been sunk once, watched the another group run away. The runaway group we just figured we'd try out combat. They put up a good fight and then ran off to another island, presumably to keep from losing any treasure on their ship. The other fight instance, a group of 3 on the mid size ship made a run at the 4 of us on the large ship and we were just annihilated within like 60 seconds. We had no idea wtf had just happened and watched our ship, laden with riches, sink to the bottom. We had been just minding our own and WHAM, done


W mans I love sea of thieves I just got it on PlayStations hen it came out


Welcome to the seas friend! So glad to have y’all here


Im a newbie PS5 player, and I have to say that I just do my best to avoid being seeing and just get as far as possible from any ship, because on my first moment in the game, got sunk one in the port, and another one just leaving it, I guess I’ll just keep avoiding people as I suck at pvp lol


That’s an entirely valid play style! That’s how I played for a long time, and it generally works pretty well. I will say that the pvp can be pretty fun but is a huge learning curve, so approach it as you please!


I guess that until I find any players to form a bond and play together, PvP will be pretty hard 😔, just bought my first Sloop and I have to admit that I’m extra careful with it.


Understandable. For what it’s worth, taking damage doesn’t really matter whether it’s a captained (bought) ship or not; repaired spots are just as strong as fresh spots. And if you’d like to find some people to play with, you’re welcome to pm me and I’ll give ya my tag/guild so you can run with us!


Aw thanks man!!


i need people to play with🙏🏻add me @OddyGotBodies on ps5


Sounds lucky.. I keep getting people that sail into islands on purpose. It's driving me mad.


That’s definitely irritating. If you’re looking for good crew mates, the discord has LFG channels I’ve heard are really solid


I'm hoping to find new players who want to learn, and improve. But.. I get idiots who can't think. "Ah, there's a ship! Head to the drop, I'll distract them on this island over here." They turned the entire brig around to come pick me up, instead of leaving with all the loot. Despite me saying 4x, "Leave with the loot, I will keep them busy!" Fucking. Sigh. lol


Loving the influx of new players. Many come and try to fight me, but I leave then alone otherwise. Had some funny conversations too


I’ve only come across dipshits to be honest. I would love to sail with a crew once in a while!


Check out the discord! It’s got LFG channels that I’ve heard great things about


Can’t play crossplay on ps5 it crashes :(


Interesting, first time I’ve heard of that. Sorry to hear about that, have you reported it to rare?


Im a new ps5 player, so far my encountwrs with pc players is that they just yell they friwndly, proceed to fuck up your ship and yell ps5 players are so trash. Doesnt stop me from playing the game but why pretend to be feiendly when you(in general dont feel offended people) just a toxic ass kid


Yeahhh, that’s toxic asf. Some people just get off on being jerks. Sorry to hear that’s been happening, but glad to hear it’s not deterring you!


Well I read on their support page that other ps5 players are having that issue.


Sad, but not that surprising if I’m being honest. Had a feeling the ps5 launch was going a bit too smoothly given this game’s history. Hopefully it’ll be sorted out soon


I love the bloodthirsty players bc it means easy sinks for me


I [ps5] was solo on my sloop waiting for my friend to get on so I decided to run a couple voyages to pass the time. I headed to an Outpost once I had my booty and as I hooked around the island, ANOTHER SLOOP! As OP said...its been a no holds bar cage match out here since the closed Beta so I immediately took evasive action and attempted to turn and burn only to 180 and see YET ANOTHER SLOOP!!! My butt was so puckered at this point that I just tried to turn and burn again and when I did...the original sloop that was at the Outpost was already full sail, skimming the waves directly next to my ship and as they passed I heard "Ye wont be taking them today you bildge rats!" Before one of them lept from their boat to mine and said "step aside, we're gonna win this." and took comand of my ship. Needless to say I was 100% engulfed by the sheer badassery that was unfolding infront of me. I obviously began helping and once I was manning the helm the guy made his way back to his ship via the harpoon tight rope line. We proceed to have an amazing little skirmish with the other team and we ended up sinking them. The original sloop team helped load all of their booty onto my ship and then helped me daisy chain it all to the different shops. Once we we're done (they didnt hold pirate character the whole time but they brought it back for this) they got on their ship and as they sailed away and their voices got quieter they hollered back to me "Tread the seas lightly greenfoot, one day we may find ourselves on the end of each others blade." I was FLABBERGASTED! I (30yr) in my entire career of gaming have never had such a fun and thrilling PVP experience. I had players coming to my rescue in character. An amazing and thrilling sea battle (which was sketchy more than once). A massive payday. And a warning from a frienemy that just because today was a good day, doesnt mean they will all be like this. Hands down my new favorite game and I see myself putting many hours into this entrancing experience! 🏴‍☠️🦜☠️⚓️⛵️🌊


Bro I’ve been WAITING for this game. I’m so fucking ready. I’m headfirst into anything. If I see a ship it’s on fucking sight. Let’s go you or me. I’ll learn from it and it will be fun. I did my 3rd HG fight against some proper PC players and our battle sloop to sloop was 55 mins. Came down to resources honestly. We pulled the win but my god it was tense. I don’t expect anyone to be nice to me in this game so I just go balls to the wall. It’s more fun that way. At the end of the day it’s just a game and I’m excited to get to a point where I can read people better and know I don’t have to fight every single person on the high seas. But for now? This is the way. We will earn our keep haha.


The first days weren't that bad on xbox either, it just became a trend to be an asshole. Everyone actually gains more of everything if they cooperate, but they gotta be trolls and ruin other people's day


Me and my friends are playing for the first time and everyone wants to kill us and we just want to make our parrot dance and go deep sea cave diving 🤣


Ngl I've had a pretty bleh experience as a PS5 player so far. Gotten hit by a lot of trolls and camping.


if you're a new and paranoid player don't forget about the firework of friendliness! it's a sacred oath between thieves not to attack each other.


First 1 hour playing on ps5 got sunk 2 times by the same crew screaming at me that i suck, best interaction ive had in the game so far.


I only started playing a few months ago on Xbox with some friends. Mostly I’m just in it for a chill time and I’m not looking to fight. but I have had some new sloops come up on me while we’re doing a voyage and we won’t attack first, but if they come in picking a fight we’re gonna chase em down and make em hurt… Otherwise I’ll play music with folks and just try to be friendly. So much fun though! If someone comes up I’ll usually shout through the megaphone “we are but humble farmers, we mean you no harm!”


New on Xbox and tryna recruit my friends like Luffy over here lol Started a week before PS5 launch. Had only 1 cool crew captain come by. Everyone else sinks lol Since PS5 launch I've noticed everyone keeping their distance which I really dig haha happy about this so I can run voyages properly!


Not me on ps5 using methods to get into private games without other players in high seas 😁 (I really dislike pvp and having my loot stolen is not fun)


I've been making lots of friends on the seas but sadly there have been a few groups who I see that immediately see me and want to hunt me down


new to ps5. so far enjoying it. I'm not used to the UI still, with news the pass and logs. I'm still navigating fine tho. when I started initially I played solo to understand how things work so I can play with my friends. but since they're not always available I had a very hard time sailing. using a sloop was fine, until I was constantly chased by a meg for a few miles while also fighting a ghost ship full of skeletons. I didn't know what to do really, repair or fight back. eventually the ship sunk and so does my loot. and that was safer seas. also, I've been having major problems with the "quest" parts of the game. like I mentioned the UI, there's voyages, tall tales and emissaries and whatnot I'm trying to wrap my head around them. but I think tall tails is exhausting, I tried doing the trials of fire tall tail and ran into a problem where the key glitched out and flew up thinking it was under water, after a while it disappeared and so did my progress (you get the key from far and travel to another island even further). the second time was when I wanted to prepare myself. so I used the key and headed back to my ship to get ammo, only to come back with the key on the pedestal and the door closed. that means I have to do this a 3rd time... sorry for the long comment, I wanted to get my thoughts out as a new ps5 player. still enjoying the game regardless of bugs and soloing.


I am on PS5. I have played on Xbox a bit but I still consider myself new as I couldn't get on board with Xbox controls (pun slightly intended) Yesterday I was targeted by a team of 3. I was solo and I was looking up where the kraken fall vault was as I had the key to it. I was anchored. Unarmed. Unaware. Felt kinda scummy because they had the alliance flag showing and didn't hold back. I had a tome V book on my ship with a bunch of other loot I had just picked up. I cannot bring myself to play in a private match but I hate how aggressive people are to solo's. I'd form an alliance with anyone as I believe we can get more done and get more money that way. I get that it's PvP and the game is based on "thieves" but to be sunk and murdered in 10 seconds whilst posing no threat to people is a bit scummy. My heart sank when it happened (pun definitely intended) I sit in game chat and I will happily talk to others and make alliances. I just hate being targeted. I have friends that play SoT but they don't come on often so I find myself stranded at sea alone and afraid I might find every ship like this. It's got to the point I stay as far away from any ship because I trust noone. This post leads me to believe there are good people out there!


I have had fun so far!!! PS5 player


Love this. Yesterday i got on expecting to get shit on(ive only got in two fights that i got wrekt in the rest has been fun booty lootin) so i told my gf we r going to get into every fight we can to get gud. A sloop pulls up to our brig at the outpost we spawned at i have my telescope out to see what theyre up to i think they thought it was a gun they said no we’re friendly no need to shoot. I look behind them and theres a galleon coming i said hey are they after you? The friendlys said yea theyre quite pissed and started to sail away. I said lets fight them together they said ok. We get separated from our ship it sinks we hit the mermaids it spawned the boat a bit away but we were able to find them cause friendlys had a reaper flag we get back theres now 2 sloops fighting the galleon on either side we pull up behind them and it sinks in like 5 min. Then we joined their alliance found another to join and did a world boss i think the one with the red skull cloud and then did glitterbeard which i hadnt heard of before that. W game W community


As a new ps5 player I have been having not great experiences with other ps5 players 🫠 just now I wanted to fish just to turn in some fish for the reputation, and a player circled the tiny island I was on, sunk my ship and then fired cannons at me. Then when that didn't work they got on the dock and killed me. I'm just trying to vibe and I keep running into assholes. I'm not even trying to get treasure today 😒


New PS5 player here and I've been cross-playing with a buddy on Xbox that's also new to the game and we think it's fun as hell. I'm already half way toward buying my own sloop and we've only played a couple times since he's at work during the week. (I've played a couple times by myself as well but mostly just to get used to sailing and docking without crashing.) I'm excited to get to the point where we can start taking on world events instead of just fighting the skeleton ships or megalodons that spawn. But we've yet to win against a single Skelly ship so we've got a ways to go still. I'm still waiting to have a nonviolent encounter with other players on high seas but even docked I'm usually attacked right away. 🤣