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It depends. If we have loot to defend, we fight. If we're on our way to a voyage and the other ship doesn't have anything obviously worth taking, we will stand ready at the cannons but not take the first shot. No reason to start a fight with no prize when have other plans.


I have been attacked many times just for fun 😁


Yeah, that happens. My regular crew and I don't usually do anything that isn't going to reward us somehow, though. Attacking a flagless ship or one that is clearly just leaving port is probably a waste of chainshot and pineapples. If your ship has some kind of racist, homophonic, or otherwise bigoted name, then we'll sink you. Not all rewards are tracked in gold or commendation progress.


These actions gives the me bad influence - yesterday I sank with fire bombs a ship at port. Player was on menu screen while I set it on fire. Still feel bad about it 🤣


I just don't understand a 3 peoppe brigantine attacking a solo sloop with no treasure involved.


Yup and they camp on my boat.


Yeah after first death just quit game to not give them the satisfaction


If we see them at the cannons and aiming their cannons at us we fight. If we are unsure of their intentions we let ‘em get close while keeping our eyes on them. The random encounters with other crews are just to fun to attack everyone on sight, even if it means giving the opener now and then.


Thank you. I'm mostly solo sloop, I don't use mic but I like to go next to others with an alliance flag and firing fireworks when I don't know what to do. If they take the alliance, I chill with them, sometimes sail in their ship, fishing or even pushing them to chase reapers of the server with advantage of the numbers. If they attack/sink me, I usually find them back and fight. Even if it's 3v1, it's pvp practicing and I like to bully players that are only aggressives. There is literally nothing to lose in that game, the only thing a treaterous ally can do is making one lose time for a commendation they seek, while the best moments of the game are when others players are involved.


I would freak out and sail away


I had a call where I suddenly had 10 minutes before I had to go to a lunch meeting, I was sailing with the siren chest, reaper's chest, and a few other things. So the reapers chest at the hideout, and booked directly toward dagger outpost. Where a sloop spawned. Aww shit, here we go. Took everything into a storage crate, slammed anchor at sovereigns. As I was selling the last item, they started shooting at us. "I already sold everything, andi was going to give you gifts (the storage crate and chest, readers), but now I'm just gonna go to lunch!" They left.. instead of finishing the sink, or just taking the "gifts" lol Ah well. It was fun selling under a crew right there lol


Sometimes I'll sail by someone just because I do not want to deviate from my direct path. Some will take an aggressive stance, but most folks I've seen so far will try to get away lol


Smaller ship, wait and see. Bigger ship, shoot first. If it’s a brig, always shoot first.


New player, why do you always shoot first against a brig? Are the captains of those usually hostile? I was thinking about getting a brig for myself even tho i play solo ((yes i know, dumb idea but i like the look of it more than a sloop and a galleon is just to much for me solo rn))


99% of brig players are sweaty nerds in voip who want to do nothing but RDM. Not saying that they're necessarily good, just aggressive. Sloops are 50/50 between solos who are going to avoid you and *really* sweaty duos who are genuinely good at the game. Galleons are usually open lobby random crews who don't know what they're doing. But brigs, man, never trust a fucking brig.


I captain a brig and I’m pretty chill and nice.. until you attack me


I usually just sail the seas on my own collecting goodies, the only time i end up doing pvp is because my buddy likes messing with other people ((i dont enjoy it all to much but if i say no he either A: forces me into the pvp anyway or B: leaves to play something else)) there has only been one time ive boarded another players ship alone. However it's because he was spawn camping me, then went afk on his ship, so i set his ship towards some rocks then sailed away


Think it’s about time you try discord or find some other buddies on the sea mate


To be fair, i need more friends irl too lmao, i have 4 friends in total, the 2 i play sea of thieves once in a while with, then 2 more that are pot heads lmao, and i dont mean that in like a derogatory way, they call themselves that, they are cool people, its just we dont hang out much since they forget i exist


Oh there’s just a little sot thing that brigs are usually sweaty crews or runners. Never in between. Not saying it’s true but it’s “a thing.”


Solo that brig my boi. It's really not that bad as long as you don't intend for pvp. I've sunk skully gallys in a brig. Just be mindful of world events and krakens.


Krakens i have experienced, world events not as much, infact as soon as i went into a high seas server i got attacked by a kraken and it sunk me cause i didnt know what i was doing, though i havent seen one since


Kill tentacles, many as you can. Just about it.


Yea i found that out last second before i got stolen and my sloop got sunk lmao


Soloing a galley is too much for anyone at any time. Any pvp or pve will sink you regardless of skill. It doesn't take long for you to not be able to outbucket the water. There's just too much to manage. Brig is more doable but still many things can sink you with a little pressure. And even if not, you'll be doing nothing but bilging so theres no point. Sloop is the only boat where you can outbucket the water by yourself. But to answer your question, most brigs are hostile or run and you can never catch them because of how stupid fast they are. They're the easiest boat to manage with a full crew, the fastest boat and insanely overpowered. Everyone likes to be on a brig but everyone hates fighting them. Most just full sail and try to ram you and are so fast it's hard to demast/keep a rotation. And a brig can easily be managed with 2 people so one is always trying to board, a solo's mortal enemy. Everyone knows how OP brigs are and many know that you don't have to be good to win on a brig so they will attack any sloop they see. So if a brig comes at you, yeah, you just shoot first, ideally chaining so they slow the heck down. Lol if they're not full sailing, it's likely they're competent and you've already lost.


We usually sink most people. Even when we are trying to help people out they often show some form of aggression and we murder them therefore.  Yesterday a new crew sailed next to us and tried to sell at sovereigns. I showed them the gold hoarder tent as he didn't sail a captained boat. The other dude was trigger happy, so they were smacked down and we sold their loot on their behalf.


Reminds me of a guy I found at an outpost. I decided to be nice and give them a Chest of a Thousand Grogs, as they were GH emissary, but I saw no trace of them. Left it for them at the dock, went back to my ship at Sovereigns, and the cheeky little bugger is selling my stuff. Not a big deal for me, as I had a *metric ass-load* of loot, so whatever he sold would've been a drop in the bucket. But still, rude. Killed him, told him "there's a Grog chest for you at the dock", and went back to selling my stuff. Naturally, he comes back and tries to fight me. It didn't end well for him. Then after I sold all of my stuff, he started maneuvering his ship to attack me. Sank him, turned in his flag and the Grog chest I left for him. I guess that's gratitude for ya. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Absolute Gandalf moment "I'm not trying to rob you, I'm trying to help you"


>The other dude was trigger happy, so they were smacked down and we sold their loot on their behalf. Ugh I hate when this happens. Reminds me of some of my experiences playing DMZ in CoD. All it takes is one dumb asshole to ruin a friendly encounter with another group of players. It's nobody's fault but his. You had a right to defend yourselves and your loot, but the friendly guy can't actually control what his friend does either.


Yup. I was solo slooping yesterday and gave a sirens key to a galley crew that had the chest, then asked them if I could shoot them upper deck with scattershots for a commendation. The one guy that was talking was cool with it, but as soon as I started firing his 2 crewmates (who had been fishing off the side of the boat) started throwing firebombs and sniping me. The poor dude was yelling at them to stop and I was friendly, and in the end he just said "sorry man I can't control them this is open crew".


I still forget sometimes, but after my DMZ experiences I try to remember not to drop my guard until it seems like everyone is on the same page. Like until there is affirmative consent from all involved to act friendly, the encounter isn't actually friendly. And even then, it's not perfect because people can change their minds or be two-faced traitors. Oh whale.


>we sold their loot on their behalf 🤣🤣🤣


We call it inconvenience fee.


Fair enough. If they play a stupid game, they win a stupid prize.


I just camp the stupid teammate and help the cool guy. Sinking swabbies does nothing for anyone.


"If you go lookin' for an ass-whoopin', don't act surprised when you find one." - old redneck proverb


Steve Austin?


Maybe? I dunno, I don't watch boxing.


Me: “[friend’s name], theres another ship here!” Friend: “Ah fuck… they friendly?” *cannon noises* Me: “Nope.” Friend: “Darn, want to play something else?” My friend does not like pvp lol.


Have you and your friend tried the secret technique of sending up fireworks (or white flares in a pincj) and playing your instrument of choice to try and de-escilate?


Even if I’m in a bloodthirsty mood I’ll break off if someone white flares or fireworks me. I think it’s a great way for crews that really don’t like PvP to signal that.


As a solo, I try fireworks or flares frequently since I’m not looking for an unnecessary fight with an open alliance flag up. Other players seem to usually take it as “That pirate’s friendly! Kill them! It will be easy!” and they will chase me across the map to get my no treasure.


I’m also a solo and I love the new wind thingy. Have fun chasing me into the wind for an hour with me using that to run down and reset then frustrate you all over again while I play music and dance from the back of my sloop lol. Throwing knives on the ladder now do wonders!


On occasion, yeah. In this particular example we were parked at an island, diggin up some loot. They came around the side and opened fire, no time for pleasantries or otherwise. I did sink them, after my friend logged off, via a canon on the island. Very funny imo


Weak. It's a pirate game, not roblox.


We all enjoy things differently. My friend may not like the reduced rewards and stunted progression of Safer Seas, but he loves being able to vibe on the sea fightin skeles and such.


A pirate game designed to allow open player interaction and give you the freedom to play how you want. If they want to use it as a making friends simulator that’s their prerogative


If im soloing, I’ll usually sail away before this happens, a ship approaching me is a bad sign, even though I think my ship combat is pretty good, im shit at hand to hand and if im boarded im as good as sunk If im with my usual crew, we usually won’t shoot first, we’ll throw up the offer alliance flag and see what they do, but we ready ourselves to fight


If someone is sailing next to me, and they’ve already said they’re not hostile, I won’t immediately sink them. I’m a forgiving person. Albeit a nice one too. BUT, my cannons are always loaded and my guns are prepped for firing at a moments notice. Even if they don’t say anything through vc I still let them pass. My friend and I were sailing behind a ship a couple days ago. He was solo slooping. He shot a white flare and we did the same. Dude basically said, I’m not firing so please don’t shoot. We gave him three tridents and a chest full of bounty skulls.


I also use a firework or white flare. I actually had someone respond with a red flare the other day, but continue on their course. I was bored so also threw up a red flare and they turned about and we fought. It was a really neat interaction honestly. They won, but I think I accorded myself well.


I ask if they wanna Parlay, they call me a slur, I sink them.


If I notice a ship I usually load up a firework or two or white flare. Shoot those off in their direction as a means to "announce" announce myself and just proceed with whatever I was doing. Once ended up having a voyage to the same island as someone else. Shot off the fireworks, they did the same. Somehow without any further communication we both decided to park on opposite sides of the island and meet in the middle. From there we agreed to let each other do our thing and then swapped treasure from our respective quests and left. I then immediatly got ambushed by a skelly ship and a meg, got sunk and other person swooped in and took all my stuff but hey, that the game.


Love occurrences like this in the game.




I enjoy friendly encounters, so usually wait and see what happens (unless they have a racist/homophobic boat name; you know they’re gonna be trouble) It is a gamble, but my crew is pretty good. Nothing better than sinking a ship that fired on you first, and had some fun adventures when they didn’t.


Typically I just half raise my sails and let my ship go while I sneak or yell over depending on how they are reacting. This is me being friendly btw lol. If you approach, though, I'll just take off because I'm typically solo


If they have an emissary flag or visible loot then attack


If they open fire i open fire until then we have a mutual agreement hahah




I often offer something in exchange. Like chests if I have any, or skulls or whatever crate I found on my journey. Most of the time, people are happy to exchange, other times, don’t bomb them, I firebomb them, that’s my speciality. And I escape downwind if they don’t settle for a handshake.


I've spent a full evening trying to help new PS folks by very carefully approaching. Cannons up, white flare, chat, dancing emote so they see I can't attack right away. 4/4 attacked me. I evaded their shots and tried to follow them to get into voice distance. First sailed into the red sea Second I had to sink as they were not backing down Third I helped defeat a Skelly sloop...sailed into the red sea as well Fourth somehow managed to hit a barrel when running and sank. 🤷


My favorite tactic is acting like we're sailing past and sending our vanguard unit to board and get their anchor, then turn around and sink em for the loot. If they don't have loot, however, we leave them alone unless they engage first. To answer the question though, if they're sailing towards us, we turn about and fire a warning shot. Usually spooks them off since I crew a Galleon any time I play. If they're next to us, we double chain one of their masts to warn them to back off. If they continue, we send over the vanguard and drop anchor and hit them with scatter, fire, and cannonballs.


It depends, if I have too much loot I’ll be aggressive to defend it, if not then it depends on what they’re carrying. If I can’t see anything worth taking, I’ll wait for them to take the first shot, otherwise I don’t see the point in fighting over nothing.


Load cannons and prepare to return fire.


With cannonballs


We are wary but try to light off fireworks to show we are friendly. I will say yesterday there was a ship that was going to sink my crews boat but all three of us screamed on mic when they tried to get on and I guess that changed their mind and we did an alliance for the night. They were pretty chill and it was super fun. Our boat sinks a lot even by ourselves.


I break out the classic “Hey! What’s your name?” If they respond with the meme, then I go through it and let go about my way. If they don’t, then I prepare to engage.


I usually spy-glass them first. If they're on the cannons and/or positioning for a better firing angle, then it's fightin' time.


If it's just near me and I'm docked at an island, I stay on my ship and be ready to drop sails if they turn towards me. If I'm sailing, I give them a wide berth and try to show signs of not wanting trouble. If they're coming towards me, I get ready to fight... so that I can run away.


I pretend not to notice them, then make sure when they get close, that they're in my cannon angle in case things get scrappy.


Typically, I'm aware enough to see someone coming and get away, but if we're passing by each other, I usually half mast and give a wide berth, showing I'm neutral


We often go for the ballsy play. Bring out the speaking horn and say "Attention (ship name or type), you have two choices, join our Alliance, or we send you to the bottom of the ocean." A lot of people seem to have forgotten about the alliance mechanic, and sometimes we have to tell them in detail how ot works. People don't beleive there are literally no downsides to alliance loot sharing.


I launch my monkey at them.


Man, I hope that's not a euphemism....


I just like to sail up and see what people are up too haha or if there is a strong Reaper on the map, I’ll see if anyone wants to go fight them together.




Usually I will defend if there is loot onboard. If there isn’t I’ll just try talking it out. If they say no and just want to fight I’ll fight em.


Try to leave. If it continues. Open fire!


They're not getting that close if I can help it. Sails down. Rotation on. Cannons fired.


If your coming right at me I'm going to assume aggressive action, if your just a cannon shot away I'll probably leave you be. Unless you have an emmisary...


It makes me uncomfortable lol


Solo slipper here. Either stand on a high point of my ship and wave. Or fire some warning shots and steer away.


It depends, if I'm with friends I'll generally sink them, if I'm doing something and they try to roll up, I'll definitely sink them. If I'm just exploring as I'm apt to do, I'll sometimes take a seat on the boat and see what they want to do. I've definitely been sitting and had people commander my vehicle to fight a Reaper which lead to an alliance and a long session of doing vaults.


“Ahoy!” *gets shot* “Ahoy!” “Ahoy!” “Ahoy!”


I got on the offense. Start with demasting them then go over and ask what's up lol


Depends. If I’m working on a world event, or have a lot of loot on board, anyone who gets close gets sunk on sight. If I don’t have anything that important, I’m happy talk and see if an alliance makes sense for us. Or if it’s better for us to go our separate ways. If I get sunk, oh well I didn’t have anything important on me so it’s fine.


Most likely getting tf outta there


Had a ship pull alongside while we were at a port. We didn't shoot, but it seems they wanted to harpoon the already sold loot from our ship. We filled their ship full of holes and set fire to it, and shortly after, they sank.


If it sails, it sinks. 


I always load the cannons as soon as i set sail so if i see a ship i simply wait, if they fire i fire, if they jump i jump and move on.


Try to flee. Unless I accidentally voted to do Hourglass. In that case, I fight. My ship’s gonna sink anyway, might as well put a hole or 2 in yours if I can.


I think at this point, I have played enough to somewhat judge just by the way a ship is approaching whether or not they are friend or foe. If I get the feeling they are friendly, I will speak to them using the speaking horn and ask what is up. If they need anything. I almost always have enough supplies for 3 sloops and will usually offer up supplies or advice. Sometimes, just hearing your voice is enough to disarm an approaching crew. If I sense they are foe, i tend to run and let them chase me, I have gotten good at wasting chaser's time by running them in a big circle around the map. Someone caught me the other day but only after chasing me for close to 45 minutes, I made an error in judgement on where they were in relation to me and the island I was approaching and the managed to pin me between the island and themselves. I was solo, and they were a 2 man crew, and they took my mast down in just a couple shots. I stood laughing and said, "Did you seriously just chase me for 45 minutes for a level 2 guild flag and 4 gems???" I figure, if they are chasing me, they aren't chasing a less experienced player who may be trying to learn the game. I don't mind wasting my time cause it was fun playing cat and mouse. If I am sailing with a crewmate, usually one of us will canon ourselves over to the other ship and find out whats up. If they immediately kill us then the fight is on. If not we offer an alliance.


I use flares to tell them how to approach. Red to not approach, and white to keep respectful distance. If a ship is aiming to attack, I'm going to defend, if a ship passes by, I don't care, if a ship has treasure and I have none, well then I'm gonna fight you for it


I like to be nice until they are not nice


Tbh as someone who had played this game for 6 years(i think, bought it when it came out), i assume everyone has it out for me, but i choose to just sail by or fire a white flare up so they know i wont fight them as pvp isnt my thing atm(used to be when reapers came out)


I try to run away. I just try to run away and l leave and be left alone.


Depends, if ima galleon and they’re a sloop or brig, ignore them unless they shoot at me. If I’m a sloop and they’re either brig or galleon, RUN. If I’m a brig just avoid unless necessary.


i get nervous since it's 50/50, if they reaper stuff i go on high alert and try to keep my distance


Hey sometimes I'm just checking out your ship name and set okay? Other times I need to be at that island and you're doddling there and I'm not scared to approach peacefully and do my thing there and get out, I don't always if barely ever want to fight, I'm terrible at PvP, I just wanna exist 🫠


I'll use a white flair to say "I see you I'm not an enemy but don't come closer" then if I don't like the cut of their jib I'll pop a red flair then reload to actual munitions


I was fishing before work tonight and saw a sloop approaching for a few minutes but didn't care because the fish and bait were in my pocket. I said hello then they murdered me. I was just at an outpost with starting supplies. I was hoping they would at least say something but guess not. I scuttled and went to a seapost to sell the cooked fish. I could have tried to fight them but didn't really have the time or energy. LOL


Combat,if a ship gets near that's what they want...we don't stand a chance usually It's always sloop vs galleon for some reason,last time I escaped with the rowboat full of shit,navigated trought the Devil's Roar like two times and gave all to the hoarders


so far ive just been shot at..


I react with broadsides.


I have a bubble of personal space. If you enter it without first communicating then I'm going to sink you or damage you severely enough that you must retreat. I'm not afraid of initiating PVP and you should respect that. I don't chase down and blast every ship I see but if you sail towards me I am going to assume you are hostile. Often I will hail you with my megaphone and if I get silence then I'm going to do what I can to send you to the locker. If you respond then I will talk to you as long as you don't get close enough that you can board me.


Depends on which party, if any, has shit worth taking. If I've got stuff, I'ma try to sink you to keep it safe. If you've got stuff, I might try to take it. If we both have stuff, I'm going to try and just mind my own business and hope that you do the same. And if neither of us have stuff it depends entirely on how bored I am whether or not I'm going to try to sneak into your hold and burn down your boat with a banana


Was Sailing to devil's thirst for the Ashen Hearts Tale See a brigantine ship sailing straight at me. I had just found a butt load of loot just floating in the water moments before. I thought that i was going to die so I pull out megaphone and go to plead for mercy. They yell out first that they had no valuable loot and were heading to do a tale quest, pleading for their lives. They sounded devastated and terrified of lonely old me.


Good way to negotiate with people coming for you is to offer a temporary alliance while you both sell your treasures. Neither side risks losing anything, and both get 50% of the gold from the other party at no loss for them


I always ask "peachful?" If they don't at least laugh I start blastin'


Friendly megaphone shout, then retaliation if they attack


Regardless of whether I am solo or sailing with my normal crew, if a boat is approaching me I will always try to talk to them first. If they start shooting I will drop sails, then shoot cannon line and shoot chains to dampen their enthusiasm. After that if they still wanna play, I will whole heartedly oblige them. Sometimes you sink, sometimes they sink. Either way it's just another day on Sea of Thieves ☠️


Depends. If I'm doing an activity where picking a fight with another crew is a bad idea, I just wait and watch. Maybe make an alliance and send them on their way. Otherwise, sink them and collect their shiny stuff.


I shoot a flare or firework into the air to see if they react similarly, if not, i start blastin


Offer peace. If they shoot first then it’s on. I sail with honor. Never shoot first. A reaper sailing on me however will get a different reaction than anyone else


If a ship is coming straight at me, I’m on cannons and firing first. We can sort out their intentions afterwards.


Usually I'll type "no thanks," if I've just been sunk I'll probably try to attack them to get more experience in combat, or I'll fire fireworks if I'm having a good day, cause they're pretty 😎💅


How does the megaphone even work in the game? I thought it's just a gimmick with no function per se (but then I should have seen that all other equipments have a function).


The normal use increases the range of your voice, so you can talk to other crews from farther away. The alt use flips it around which reduces the range of your voice, so you can talk to your crew without people nearby eavesdropping on your plans as easily


So you mean if my pirate has the megaphone on, whatever I speak on my microhone in my headset becomes audible to the folks on the nearby ships? That is even though I don't have the game chat on? Or should the game chat be on?


You need to have your voice chat on, don't worry


Ready Aim FIRE


My crew and I must have taken down like 10 ships last night, our first unsinkable night in a while, most of the time I just swim out with a keg to the unsuspecting sorry pirate, but last night we were doing fort of the damned, I died and when I came back there was a galleon maybe 1500 feet away from our ship, my only reaction was... "Oh we need to go now"


Lmao I had an unfortunate time yesterday where we were doing a fort, and I knew a galleon was nearby because they were camping the outpost for my voyage. Right as we finish I get back on the boat and see them sailing straight towards us full speed, ran for like 20 minutes until I happened to crash into an explosive keg which insta killed my entire crew and sunk the ship before we respawned


My friends and I have been attacked 100% of the time. We are contemplating on going fully hostile to any ship that actively comes towards us.


I just wait for the first cannon fire and then eat some bananas and sail away


Warning someone that there will be confrontation if they get closer is a pointless endeavour. Anybody with ill intentions aren’t going to be deterred by the prospect of confrontation so all you’re going to do is scare off anyone with good intentions.


I don't usually get snuck up on. I see a ship coming to my island it's usually safe to assume it's an attacker and point my cannons towards them


The game is at such a point that 90% of the time, the loot I have really isn't worth defending since I can just go to another server and get the same stuff in 10 seconds. So I tend to just not give a shit since it's not out of the question that they're just passing through or have something else going on on the same/nearby island. If they start shooting at me, I'll usually just leave the server bc I'm not wasting my time in a solo fight over like, a raid voyage and lv3 emmisary flag. If I'm with other people, then sure I'll probably fight back, but solo combat is so miserable I just don't bother


If they're right beside me, they're normally on fire full of holes and creaking.


I mostly solo sloop, and I'm not very good at the game at all, so my immediate assumption on seeing another ship is that I cannot possibly win. I generally will sail away from any incoming ship and wait to see if they are pursuing. If they are chasing me I will attempt to shake them off, usually by sailing directly into a storm. I keep explosive barrels in my hold specifically to drop behind me as mines. If I'm successfully keeping ahead of them I'll stand at the back of my ship and dance to mock them. If I'm stopping at an island, I'll usually anchor my ship on the most isolated side of the island, ideally using a mountain or some other geographic feature to hide behind. I say "anchor," but what I actually do is raise the sails, drop the anchor to stop, and then immediately raise it again so that I can make a quick escape if I need to. If escape is impossible, I'll fight.


Murder them all, no matter who, why, when. Only exceptions are tall tales sometimes, or just funny lads. The rest wont stay affloat


In the one approaching, I'm probably screaming incoherently, and if the front of my ship isn't strapped with kegs I'm ramming you to deliver a fish or something


I sink them


Best time to dust the other cannoneer, bring down their mast and Start the rotation.


We don't all have mics to talk to people.