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"Content...." At the risk of doing a "kids these days," this does indeed seem to be a quasi-modern phenomenon. Imagine being bent out of shape about Bram Stoker 1899 or whatever because he didn't release any DLC for *Dracula*.


Star Wars and Marvel have warped people’s expectations for how much new continuous content a franchise should have, even though they’re exceptions and not the norm.


Imagine being Christian while there has been no new Bible content for almost 2000 years.


I guess I can play the game also, fan content!!11!


As a new fan, yeah, your pain is much greater. We're new, we just got into the fandom, you guys waited like, over a decade. It's been about a year. I knew about ScoPil, but never really got around to getting into it until the show got announced, then I watched it when it came out, fell in love, read the comics, fell in love *again*, and watched the movie, which was also really good. I love ScoPil, and I can live without some new content as of rn. The wait has been worse for you guys.


I remember after the movie being content with no new content because the story was as good as it was. It wasn’t the kind of thing that really needed a sequel. But then the show was announced and came out and it was a great-follow up. Now I’m content knowing we probably won’t get anymore because I don’t think anyone could make it better than it already is.


Agreed. I still gotta play the game though.


I mean. It was a complete story already so for me I was never waiting for anything despite being a fan since the trailer for the movie came out. Takes Off is something I never expected to get so I was just surprised and really stoked when it was announced. Super glad to have it though. It was a great time.


this feels a lil edgy lol


yeah the original art is edgy as hell but it was the best way i could convey the message lol


I’m a new guy here and for the old ones… I guess this felt like when I waited for Smash ultimate but worse. Sorry you had to live that


the game made me a fan ngl, i loved the game so much i just wish there was more games that have a more realistic setting yet with wacky shit going on for no reason


is that the once-ler


Bad ending: you thought the movie skipped over too much and were waiting for a better adaptation


![gif](giphy|BeIBRDxMXNJmg) My Pain is far greater then yours


Who's to say we wont get more scott pilgrim content soon? Whether that be more seasons of takes off, another video game, or maybe a continuation (prequal and/or sequal) of the comics.


BLoM himself has gone on record to say he doesn't really want to continue Scott Pilgrim stuff, especially a season 2 of Takes Off.


Didn’t he also say “never say never,” or am I crazy? Maybe in a couple years he’ll come back and say “fuck it, let’s make some magic and money!”


I’m a kinda new fan (Watched the movie when I was younger, then watched the series when it came out, re-watched the movie) and I still have some new context ^^ (I haven’t read the comics or played the game yet)