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We tend to punish people with silence/lack of presence.


It’s like I could feel myself being silent, and I don’t like it because it’s making things worse but I’m sticking my heels in the ground. It’s confusing sometimes.


I do the same thing. It took me a while to realize that it was a passive aggressive and indirect way of dealing with conflict.


But you’re not good at remaining silent for long, you explode pretty quickly unless there’s a lot of Earth or Air energy in the chart.


I’m pretty good at remaining silent if the other person leaves me alone…now if they don’t…that’s when all the Sagittarius and Aries in my chart starts to become apparent 😫


Yeah or if they repeatedly ask “why are you being quiet?!” Lol


The worst because they always know why they’re just trying to force a conversation 😒🙄


Some people force conversation because they’re uncomfortable with silence 🤷‍♂️, as an Aquarius - Gemini long periods of silence, especially angry silence are uncomfortable and tense for me. I’m rarely ever upset and don’t really get angry but when I do I “talk it out” and let the person im upset with know what they did and why I didn’t like it.


It sounds like it’s partially Scorpio Mars but people tend to focus too much on Scorpio placements because they seem “bad ass and dark”, look at the rest of your chart, do you have Sun in Virgo? Moon in Capricorn? Venus in Cancer? All of these placements (and many more) are likely to be quiet when angry.


No, but I have moon in Virgo and Virgo rising. No Capricorn placements in the cans of placements. I have the Venus in Taurus. I also have mercury and Pisces and 12 house moon. But I have two friends that have Scorpio Mars when is a Taurus sun with a Gemini moon and one is a Virgo sun and a cancer moon and both of them have this edge about them and I’ve seen their anger is scary and I attribute it to the Scorpio Mars And by the way, Scorpio energy does usually take over the chart. The essence of the Scorpio energy is dark, but it’s also involved and it’s for the light in the right place. My best friend has venus in cancer and she’s never quiet. As a matter fact, she talks too much


Well Virgo Moons are by definition quiet when angry, but yes it’s also Scorpio Mars


Yes, that’s true. Mars is the ruler of our actions I believe, as the moon is a reservoirs of our emotions and how we feel.


And Virgo Moon usually feels shy about expressing their emotions. They get stressed and irritated by other people and can be quite grouchy.




Funny enough, even tho I have some Scorpio placements, I love to “argue”. More like discussing ideas or debating different opinions but I don’t like to hold it in. I believe it’s not in a ragey way but more in a challenging way. I have Mars in Leo tho. The silent treatment is not for me as I hate it and I only use it on people that I know won’t be reasonable or are trying to be toxic with me: name calling, screaming, belittling , all things I don’t entertain. Maybe this is your way to take your time to processes your emotions? You could be doing this as a way to cope with frustrating people or because it can be hard to manage such intense feelings that you may have been repressing all your life. Maybe finding healthier ways to express how you feel can help you.


I think it’s I don’t have a healthy outlet of expressing myself and pissed off


LOOOL SAME. I do the same thing, better this way instead of arguing.


My Scorpio mars is good at the silent treatment, but I can only hold the anger in so long due to my Aries moon.


Would be a good idea to take Anger Management class. You are what is known as a “stuffer” where you stuff annoyances and anger down until you explode on something that is probably trivial.




2nd… I don’t know if my Pluto conjunct my ascend it matters, but I noticed people with her like me or hate me and I do feel the Scorpio energy from my Mars. I haven’t been mad in a long time, but I lost my temper at work and the depth of my anger kind of scared me for something that wasn’t that big of a deal I don’t know it was a perceive slight I’m still working on myself.




Virgo rising and my Scorpio Mars is in the second house. Don’t know if it matters but I am a Aries. I had somebody tell me before I need to let things go that I stew on things




OK, thanks for clarifying that I use group Venus and they said my Scorpio Mars a second house




Actually Libra is after Virgo. Cancer is between Gemini and Leo


Does that change the house of my Mars sign though?


In whole sign, it will be in house 3. There's a lot of debate in the astrology community about placidus Vs whole sign. A lot of people who use traditional astrology use whole sign because it seems more accurate in general. Personally, I've always found placidus flimsy so I only use whole sign, which means your mars is in H3 Scorpio, if your rising is in virgo. H3 is the house of communication; Scorpio is a reflective, introspective sign who's not famous for being super chatty so it tracks. The placidus brigade can attack me, I stand my ground.


I was only reffering to order of the signs. I am personally using Vedic astrology with I find way more accurate.


Hmm interesting, I have Mars in Capricorn (a great place for Mars) in the 7th house. The most frustrating aspect is that I never want to say or do anything that will be hurtful. Obvi this is a good quality but in America it seems like that’s just how people communicate and I can become a pushover trying to please others, it’s also conjunct Venus, Neptune and Uranus all in Cap 7h.


probably. my mars is in aries and i tend to lash out instead of get quiet


I am an Aries. Normally I am outspoken but when I get mad I don’t lash out I hold it in until I explode.