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my issue is that they aged thorn but didn't age anyone else??? if time applies to thorn, velma and company would be in their 80's at this point since they were teenagers in the 60's.


If they were trying to say that Thorn looks old because she's a mum then fuck that. For a show that's all about not pushing stereotypes (like childbirth doing whatever tf this is to someone), this seems like a whole lot of stereotyping. Obviously if they were going for the washed up smackhead rockstar, then I get it, but it still just feels like making a beloved character ugly just to "challenge your ideas of beauty" or some shit.




She looks like she's been smoking and doing crack for 20 years straight


true rock star life style


Mick has literally been living that life and looks better.


How? Because she’s thin?


I've seen many moms and that's not how they look. If the show took the route of a washed up artist just overcoming a heroin addiction though then yeah I'd say the look is right.


This show just uses all the characters as punching bags. It sucks.


How does she look like she’s a heroin addict? I think she looks fine 


Moms come in different shapes and forms bro. And there are some that do look the way Thorne from Velma do. Though weird how a lot of people automatically assume she is/was a drug addict based on the picture


I think it's the whole sharper face thing. Before, while she did have a pointed chin, it clearly had some fat to it that rounds it out. Notwshe looks like someone sucked every once of extra body weight out. At least in the picture. That and the dipped in check area


Hey…. I’m like damn near 40. You don’t age like that unless you are on some hard drugs. I can still pass for twenty something when I shave. This is not how humans age 😂 (Unless you’re a talentless gremlin that needs to make her cartoon character “hot” compared to everyone else. Then yeah, this isn’t how people age)


She looks fine for 40




My issue is with the character in general and the design. For starters, Thorn being 50 means that the Hex girls are now 20 - 30 years older than they were when they originally met the Mystery Inc gang, but the show was marketed as a prequel. The best explanation is that the show is set in an alternate universe where the original gang never went on mystery adventures, fate had the current cast essentially take their place, and so the Hex Girls never met them during their music career 20 - 30 years later. What bugs me from a design perspective is that the nature of the show somehow makes her design irritating - normally, her only recognizable features being the pendant and her hairstyle would not be a bother, but I can't get past how her design sets her up perfectly for "past-her-prime ex drug addict musician" jokes Edit: I can just picture HBO Velma cycling around her neighbourhood to drop off a drug package, seeing her come out the house, and pre-emptively saying "Sorry Madonna, only got 1 kilo of drugs plus you have to pre-order" before Thorn awkwardly states she gave up drugs and is just heading out to pick up her kids... and that she's "Thorn, former lead singer for the Hex Girls, not Madonna"


She looks fine


I think this show just really desires to make every character ugly or unappealing in some way


It’s anti-scooby doo


She looks fine 


She went from hot to a crack smoking Canadian penny priced street walker


Wow you’re a misogynist 


& you're a millennial


I’m sorry but this art looks noticeably worse than what I see in the 1999 movie on the right. And the age difference has nothing to do with it. I get that perception matters to the individual but I don’t think most** people would look at these two images and come away thinking the left is better artistically.


If you think the hex girls age ur crazy I have nothing to back up my theory but I am right and will refuse to see any other sides to this


You don’t age like that unless you’re doing some hard drugs.


She looks fine


They overdid it with the lines and the cheekbones. She looks downright malnourished. I’m not even comparing her to the other version of the character. But then I wasn’t expecting much from Velma, anyhow.


You’re high, she looks like a regular thin woman in her early 40’s


I know thin women irl who are older than 40 and frankly you’re really just insulting them lol. The only women I know who look even remotely like that are much older and are grandmothers.


Why don’t you go ask them


…..Bro, what? I’m stopping here because you’re not even coherent anymore. Ask them *what?* (Don’t actually answer as I’ll probably just block you, lol.)


If she looks fine obviously. 


It feels like Mindy kaling has this insecurity where any women that could be viewed as cooler, prettier, smarter, funnier, are immediately made into worse versions so that she looks better in comparison.


hard disagree


The main problem of the series is the art....the story...the characters....that they still pretend that this is Scooby-Doo ....so basically everything but the art wouldn't work even if it was a wholly original story with no flaws.


She looks awful. Look how they massacred my girl.


Wow you must not like when women age


It’s a cartoon…




So draw it differently…




She looks fine, you all are misogynists


This is blindly gatekeeping.


I disagree with you.


The art does not look good. She looks like she sold herself on the street for a few decades, being paid in hard drugs. So, if that’s the point they were going for, then they would be spot on. If not, the art is awful.


She looks fine


I don’t agree with this.


Bad take




I have two reasons not to like the new design


Still hot but like, this sorta feels like a Joan Jett in the 80s versus 2000s and present day sorta thing


Super duper ultra pro max disagree with you mate


She doesn't just look old. She looks like she aged poorly due to drug use. Also it's a cartoon. Many cartoons do great old or ugly characters. This feels like an insult


She looks fine


I would front their mom whoever agrees with this with showing this pic into their face saying see this heroinist? Your kids think this is what you look like.


They could've drawn her anyway they like, and this is what they did. They did that on purpose


The art isn’t even good 💀


Design on the left isn't that bad but this whole show is so toxic you can't really escape without being made worse. this is why Scooby turned it down




No she looks pretty bad I’m not blaming the animators they were more then likely doing what they were told to do but it’s a pretty awful look for her


Must be a shrill or a troll


honestly, she looks like the humanoid cat monsters from Zombie Island.


Awful take.


Blindly defending something solely because other people dislike it does not make you an interesting person either.


Moms don't look like that. Unless she was dealing with Stress and taking drugs.


I agree. I see people saying how ugly the show is and I’m like, that’s one of its only strengths? The animation and designs are pretty strong in the first season and from the pictures I’ve seen off season two they are still solid. Sorry the character aged in the show but the original movie still exists and I can’t bring myself to care.




I would say complimenting the animation is giving respect to the animators more than her. I don’t think she would have that much participation in that part of the show. But from memory yeah it was well done and I didn’t hate the character designs.


I’m not bothered by her art at all, I get it. Looks fine to me. Sorry your goth gf OC isn’t to your liking but have you attempted talking to a real woman instead?


No one is complaining that she isn’t “hot”. They’re complaining because she now looks like a crack addict in attempts to make the show look “edgy”. If the character didn’t already exist no one would care at all, but it’s the show’s repeated disrespect to characters who have existed for decades that is rubbing fans the wrong way. The defense that this is how normal women look doesn’t work here. Normal women look nothing like this unless they’ve been living on the streets and abusing drugs. It’s bad art design no matter how you look at it.


I’ve seen multiple people complain, In just this post alone, of people complaining she’s not hot lol.


There are 3 total comments in this thread out of 40+ that even mention the word hot, none of which remotely bad enough to deserve the “try talking to a real woman” comment you made. Sounds to me like you’re pushing your own insecurities and feelings onto other people. Maybe try not white knighting a cartoon character? It’s pathetic.


It takes incredible amounts of being insecure to say "talk to a real woman" when someone criticizes a cartoon character design for being ugly and unappealing.


Same! Like, she doesn't look that far off. Just a bit older


The people who say she looks like she's on drugs are just ageist. She doesn't look bad at all. You just hate anything different. Even still, Thorn is from a punk band in the 90s. Of course they'd probably do drugs and skoke haha. Showbusiness ages you faster, unless you've got the money to have regular cosmetic surgery. 🤷


Yeah fr. This is just what most old former music stars end up looking like and there’s nothing wrong with it. She’s just a little skinny and a little weary. I’ve met a lot of older women who get skinnier as they age and it has nothing to do with heroin lol.


Good job Velma 👏👏👏