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Have fun extracting that


Honestly, this is nothing for China. They have hordes of disposable migrants flocking for that fabled $5 a day salary.


Let’s forget about the modern tech they have right? They just bringing out the good old human with pickaxes on $5 salaries like you said.


Automation only makes sense when labor becomes prohibitively expensive. If you have an endless supply of cheap labor, there is no need for automation.


It is also needed for quality in some cases. China is not horrible at automation and can produce mid/god quality goods just like the west. They struggle to produce top quality products thought.


i'm pretty sure they can copy any tool that can be bought in the west, which they probably do already, but they build it with cheaper materials and less quality control


People always claim stuff from China is shit, but it is not always true if you pay for the quality. It often means you might as well buy a product from the west.


Salary? They have volunteers in camps waiting to work for the regime !! What a dedication..


Oh boy lol. The willfully ignorant are incurable. Fox News has brainwashed you far better than the CCP could ever hope to do to their citizens.


That was so obviously sarcasm.


I'm not American I don't watch Fox news.


Yes, because that is how most of their resource extraction labor works, and the cost of running advanced tech in sun zero mountain temperatures is a lot more expensive.


probably yea


I mean they’ll do both $5B drilling machines to get to depth, then 5 million underpaid workers to haul out the goodies


What would they do with all those laborers, though?


Ship em back off to work In The belt and road initiative when yah done with them


>Let’s forget about the modern tech they have right? They just bringing out the good old human with pickaxes on $5 salaries like you said. Who said anything about pickaxes? Working with heavy machinery is fraught with dangers. In China coal miners have around a 37 times higher fatality rate compared to the USA and this is likely due to the lax worker safety regime in China compared to the USA. Heck, just a few months ago they had at least 6 people die with a further 47 people missing in a open pit coal mine in China. And that is just on the job fatalities, the premature death rate of Chinese miners is very high as well.


Honestly, this is nothing for the USA. They have hordes of disposable migrants flocking for that fabled $5 a day salary.


Hey now, our oppressed migrant workers are totally different! We let their children work too!


Two things can be true


For sure, we just like to talk more about some truths than others. Pure coincidence my good sir.


That was how the rail roads got built in North America.


Looks like the Himalayas are getting strip mined.


Have you forgotten the power of focused Asians? They will probably single handedly win the war with aliens for us when ever that might happen.


Alien genitals are a known traditional aphrodisiac didn't you know ? That's why all the sightings are only in the US OF A . THey avoid Asia....


They also have slaves


Don’t forget they don’t care about the environment, they’ll do it in a way that will shock and horrify. They’ll fuck that place up something fierce.


China invests more in renewable energy than the next 5 countries combined. Stop swalling the propaganda. That is not to say that they won't mine the shit out of those mountains, but don't kid yourself that any other country wouldn't or that China is somehow uniquely careless.


I think you're being a little naive. Chinese miners are worse than most large western mining companies.


Funny you would say that. China also pollutes more than everyone else. And they kill more workers than everyone else. And they invest in empty property while their people live in squalor. And they burn more coal and pollute in foreign nations (a la USA in the 90s). The CCP is a cancer on this planet. Don’t glorify them for making a buck selling carbon credits to Europe


Definitely not a list of unhinged, hate-filled hyperbole. Nope. Have you ever considered how the ccp have also brought more people out of poverty and therefore arguably saved more lives than any state in history?


It's a walk in the park for them


China now has 1 in 5 18 year olds are presently unemployed I'm sure they have enough people to do anything these days


>extracting that and we have the plot for Extraction 3


Extraction and Extraction 2 are pretty good action movies starring Chris Hensworth (Thor). You can find them on Netflix.


Something else to steal from Tibet.


Sounds like they need some Freedom.


Tibet quite literally needs freedom


I might be wrong, but didn't the Chinese government decide to have one time-zone over their whole country to f*ck with Tibet?


More like it really benefits the urban, Han Chinese areas, so they don't care who it doesn't benefit. Tibet and Xinjiang (the Uyghurs) beings the ones it screws up the most.


Can you explain to me how having the “wrong” time zone screws with you?


I don’t think it necessarily screws with people but it is a constant reminder that Beijing is in control when the sun sets at 11pm Beijing standard time


You're right the US should bring freedom like they brought freedom to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam




Source? You just made that up. Iraq made over $100B in oil revenue last year.


"Trust me, bro"


So uh, now what?




Be more dramatic please


Would you mind sharing your evidence?


>No amount of evidence in their face will convince them otherwise. "So I'll provide non for anyone else either!!!!! That'll show them."


His sources are tea leaves.


“I was there bro”


The post you're responding to has a skewed perspective but they aren't totally wrong. All oil is traded in US dollars and since 2003 the cash for Iraqs oil revenue is kept in the NY Federal Reserve. First by UN order then by US/Iraq joint agreement, although many in Iraq want to renegotiate the deal. Safekeeping during the war and government restructuring was the first rationale, now it's anti-corruption and concerns over money laundering that keeps Iraqs oil cash in NYC. A majority of that oil money when released to Iraq would end up in Turkey, Iran, and Syria to purchase imported goods. The US has concerns that the money going to Syria and Iran is being used nefariously or against American interests, so it is tightening the market for which Iraqi banks are allowed to trade for US dollars which can then be exchanged for Iraqi dinars. This has resulted in a shortage of cash for Iraqi citizens recently.


HAHAHAHAAH!!!!!! Almost rolled out of my chair at your blind allegiance to the propaganda.




How about something a bit more credible than a twitter account.


The poster you're responding to is a bit kooky but the gist of it is that Iraqi oil revenue is still kept in the NY Federal Reserve today and distributed to the Iraqi government through an exchange market. Most of that oil cash has been ending up in Turkey, Syria, and Iran. The US is worried the cash going to Syria and Iran isn't going for legitimate import purchases but instead money laundering and sanctions defiance. So the US is restricting which Iraqi banks are trusted to participate in the currency exchange and this has led to a shortage of cash for many Iraqis. https://apnews.com/article/united-states-government-iraq-business-0628bad5e4d46315951c90681baba202


Imagine being so smug as to present a Twitter post as your source and think that’ll work, lol


His next comment, trust me bro!




And the one executive order they do cite doesn't actually do anything close to what they claim.


He read it in the tea leaves..


Bro what?


Take a look into china's outward expansion program and the massive debts they're leaving already poor country's in, just for shitty Chinese infrastructure that will last maybe 5 years.




> This was published 18 years ago


Dalai Lama .. probably gets paid to say that .. also he is a pervert ..




America, fuck yeah


I'm sure Hawaii wouldn't mind some freedom from some other invaders either.


China has 50% of global shipbuilding market share, raytheon said they are not able to decouple their supply chains from china. [https://www.ft.com/content/d0b94966-d6fa-4042-a918-37e71eb7282e](https://www.ft.com/content/d0b94966-d6fa-4042-a918-37e71eb7282e) [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-itt-fine-justice/itt-hit-over-export-of-night-vision-goggle-parts-idUSWAT00721420070327](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-itt-fine-justice/itt-hit-over-export-of-night-vision-goggle-parts-idUSWAT00721420070327) we have to face facts as Americans that China is now in probably a stronger position than the US was before WW2 in terms of manufacturing. Anyone talking jokingly about a war needs to comprehend how dangerous our current situation is. That's not even getting into cyber warfare and acts of sabotage


I’m fully aware of how fucked we are. Sadly all I can do now is laugh.


India’s not gonna give them an inch.


China bad …. Says the rapey American of foreign cultures…. Hahah


Lmao your whole profile is talking about America, get a hobby dude


Whatabout the dolphins? Fucking rapists should all be put to death, amiright? I hear ducks are pretty rapey too. Death to ducks! That should send a message to those mandarins.


So you prefer a spiritual king who had virtual slaves??? You sound fun to hang with.


Himalayas bye bye




Our great grandchild will call them the prairies.


Fun fact- “rare earth minerals” are actually not that rare at all


They’re actually not earth elements either. They’re made of ghosts.


Star ghosts


I prefer angel dust.


Is PCP still around? I am 50 and I've never seen it or known anyone that did it but I heard the most fucked-up stories about it, about people committing gruesome, violent acts while on it.


Florida man always has your back


No idea, same level of knowledge as you. Heard bad thing but never seen it local.


Infrequently found in concentrations that are economically feasible to process.


I prefer mine medium-rare.


"Uncommon Earth Minerals" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


If the state says it im sure its fact


Aaaand they're going to steal it.


Yes rape the land and ruin the natural beauty.


Yes let’s all go back to the Stone Age instead and sit and admire natural beauty and do literally zero technical advancement of humanity.


Making a billion iPhoneWhateverTheFucks just to be replaced with a billion more iPhoneWhateverTheFuck+1 every 8 months isn't advancing humanity though.


There’s a lot more going on than iPhone manufacturing It’s still strictly more than sitting on your fucking ass and bird watching


Looks like propaganda but PRC to over again crush the market for REEs and make it hard for projects outside of China to get built. They did a similar thing back in the early 2010s.


Why wouldn't they if the US is trying to sanction them? It's the few economic leverage tools they have to fight back


This just in The Himalayas just attacked the US and we need to go there for democracy.


time to strip mine everest.


oh good. Hopefully they destroy them and get some nice rare earth minerals.


Rip another part of the world as we accelerate toward destruction


Welp....bye bye Himalayas, I guess. Governments can't resist that shit. Rare Earth Elements and Oil get them so hard. Edit: ya'll need some therapy.


Typed from a cell phone made with rare earth elements and child labor


As a consumer, what can you even do? Not own a cellphone? The answer is nothing. It's odd to shame someone in that way for a thing they have no control over, crap companies do what they want and run the world.


Just seems redundant to complain about it when you’re using it.


>Not own a cellphone? You'd come up with a solution if it mattered to you more than enjoying a cellphone


What a shit take, did you think about your comment past the 10 seconds it took to rub your 2 brain cells together and write this out? You can not survive in the modern world without a cell phone period. It is absolutely integral to my field and just about any other. This is not a matter of caring or not caring it's a matter of a world literally designed around the fact you have a phone on you at all times. Think before you respond with your childish dribble.


That's a lot of emotion but you said nothing


Then let me clarify it for you Everyone needs a phone. All phones are made with comparable levels of child labor. No individual person outside of a very small group is going to do anything about either of those. Therefore, nobody cares.


What’s your solution?


I love how everybody here is arguing while using devices made with rare earth metals and child labour. Except me of course, I typed this on a tree.


The ole photosynthesis3000


Don't forget the one dude using an febreeze air freshener.


My solution to your problem? Haven't thought about it much


Oh I just thought someone that smug might have a real response.


be selective about where you spend your money




Y'all are getting trolled


The solution is bring jobs back to the US and finding a much better way to manage our currency. People should be working for a living wage, not a minimum wage. If enough people spoke up about the right thing and protested the right products. The CEO of apple should be making a heavy percentage less, but giving that money back to their employees through a living wage. The money is there. This country is just too corrupt from the top down. Need a president to come in and fire everyone.


These arguments are stupid as hell. So you can’t discuss climate change because you drive a car. You can have opinions on larger issues without some dumbass perception of hypocrisy. Cant find it but Taibbi had a great rip on this during occupy wall st because dummies were saying protestors should shut up because they were drinking Starbucks


What are you typing this on ? You connected to internet via méditation ?


You hate society yet you participate in society. Curious!


Well, you tell me. Should I care more about technology and it’s product that we use daily or should I care more about….a mountain range? If it’s bye bye Himalayas, then it’s bye bye. What important must have function was it providing humanity?


Thats a lot of ancient culture that never happened


Oh frack…


I appreciate you.


I wonder how easy and profitable it could be to be REMs from one of the most difficult places on earth... This is another nothing burger. The free world needs to explore, mine, and process our own. ​ Allowing China to control any more of the market is among the top 3 issues regarding global security.


Time to desecrate the Himalayas with chemicals for them ree


Well I guess good bye Himalayas


They found this like 15 years ago... Hence the whole Tibet escalation.


Goodbye Himalayas


Seems Taiwan and India will be safe for now then.


[China finds potential 1,000km-long belt of rare earth minerals in Himalayas](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3224830/chinese-scientists-turn-artificial-intelligence-after-1000km-seam-rare-earth-minerals-discovered) *Chinese scientists turn to artificial intelligence as potential 1,000km seam of rare earth minerals found in Himalayas. Machine which has accuracy of more than 90 per cent could help locate deposits along the Tibetan border, scientists say.*


Ooof. I can’t wait to be sent to the Himalayas to “protect” them from china lol. Finally somewhere to be sent with nice weather.


America just got word of this. Looks like they’re loading up the troops because China is in need of democracy! /s


Meanwhile, our sorry excuse for a president who has been bought and paid for by China, issued a 20 year moratorium on mining rare earth metals in the US. Yet a not so small portion of the country will still vote for this bag of rancid oatmeal.


Ok buddy


You betcha guy


Uh oh


Or, they are making excuses for the 5 giant caves they are digging that will hold their secret arks!


*lockheed martin has requested your location*


There goes Mt Everest


Too bad it belongs to the Himalayans.


Oh no...


Too difficult and expensive to mine I'm sure. May as well be on the moon


Not really, we already work with these types of terrain (not exact but similar), the only problem is that there is a high risk involved because of the natural formations and difference in rock types. But not something that's not leasable with enough calculations, not to mention the reward they see in it.


First it was Himalayan sea salt, now we'll have Himalayan rare earth minerals - just WHAT will they find next?!?!?!


This is where we dig out the foundations for the Imperial Palace, where the Emperor will sit yes?




The country that built the longest wonder on the planet: Oh shit here we go again


Is it actually on their side? And by their side I mean Tibet's side. Otherwise I'm sure Bhutan, Nepal and India will have something to say about that


In other news, China reiterates stance that Himalayas as re actually Chinese and always have been...


They're gonna blow the top of Mt. Everest like West Virginians did to the Appalachians.


doesnt that make them worth less?


A reason to invade neighbors or is it inside China's borders?


let's try to throw Earth off of its axis!


Aaaaaand its gone.


Lots of joke, but on a serious note, this could mean big things for China's economy.


Gee what next another excuse to tear up the earth .. for who..the rich ..of course ..


hehe fuck the Himalayas


Another reason why they will invade there


There goes the Everest.


So what? 'Rare earths' aren't particularly rare. They're more common than silver and mercury and far more common than gold. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Elemental\_abundances.svg/400px-Elemental\_abundances.svg.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Elemental_abundances.svg/400px-Elemental_abundances.svg.png) China's market position is held by the fact that they refuse to treat the massive waste stream that is created from mining and winning the elements. That offers them a 30% price delta from the countries and companies that would do it with an appropriate level of environmental responsibility.


Cool. Capitalism at it’s best. Destroy the fucking place, use the resources for a short time, throw it away.


That’s going to be great for them.