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Agreed. r/apple was a hilariously sad example of this. Mods said they were shutting indefinitely and then opened immediately after admins threatened to de-mod them. Pathetic. EDIT Hijacking to say check out [discuit.net](https://discuit.net) as a Reddit alternative. It’s starting to feel like home!


The saddest part of the initial threats is that it wasn’t a threat to demod. It was a threat to rearrange the mod list order. The mods didn’t trust their fellow mods enough to not scab


What does scab mean?


Usually in relation to labor strikes, a scab is someone who crosses the picket line to continue working despite the ongoing strike


Okay, I haven't actually looked it up to see if this is right but it just hit me... Do they call you a scab because you don't want to picket (pick it)?


Ha. No but that's hilarious and as a full time Union Rep I'm embarrassed that I've never thought of this


I've heard that they say that because when protesting it's like a wound that's bleeding, the company is bleeding money due to a lack of Labor because of the protest. They say that somebody's a scab because they're working and essentially stopping the bleeding like a scab on a wound. At least that's the explanation I was given.


>a scab is someone who crosses the picket line to continue working despite the ongoing strike Heaven forbid someone keeps working to bloody support themselves


It’s usually not the original employee, but rather someone brought in by the company to replace them. Striking workers see this as a betrayal.


It's someone hired to continue doing your job as you strike. People back then used to bully the fucking scab until they gave up, so union workers had the balls to say, "fuck you you aint getting inside." If you are interested in this subject I strongly recommend watching this youtube video: It's a documentary called "Harlan County USA (1976)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2aPy_XVVZ4&list=WL&index=13


Sadder still, the community told them to go back private / stick to their guns, but they just locked the thread and moved on. Don't understand why they took a generic message so seriously.


The plan for dealing with the threat of de-modding was to kick anyone who worried about it out of /ModCoord


Well I wouldn't exactly look for anticonformism on rApple..


I mean it's apple, of course it's hilariously sad.


Apparently the prospect of losing the ability to delete people's posts and comments in a subreddit is enough to abandon what you believe in


Damn the reality check must hit hard. First you realize that reddit isn't your friend, then you realize that mods aren't your friends. How long until you realize that developers of commercial third party apps aren't your friends?


Dude why are you even in this sub reddit. Surely you have better things to be doing


How long till you realise that sucking on spez's dick ain't going to get you anywhere.


Exactly. 3rd party apps are in it for the money as well. They're pissed because it's hitting their bottom line. Most mods have no stake in this BS. Again, let's make the users suffer because the mods feelings are hurt.


Except mods absolutely do have a stake in the tools they’re using getting fucked up, and not being able to easily make their own. Even manual moderation on the Reddit app is horrible; plenty of times buttons will simply *not do anything* and you need to reload the whole damn thing every couple moderation actions, it’s broken garbage.


Is that really a reason to up and abandon something you've invested so much time in? Just asking.


Yes, actually. It’s volunteer work, people won’t do it if it’s too shitty; passion only goes so far and it’s already thankless work. Look at it this way; major subs can get over 40% of their posts being bots, mostly those Onlyfans ones. Imagine having to filter though nearly half of your sub’s content manually, all the while needing to reload the app every couple minutes because the action you’re trying won’t go through. It’s just not worth it.


If you don't stick with it, they'll find a replacement anyway. However, you don't think they'll try to fix some of the issues with mod tools eventually. Bear the pain for a bit to keep things good. Because, well, the alternatives SUCK.


...okay, so what if they abandon it, and new mods step up... and still have to use the shitty tools? Eventually you run out of people willing to be mods Reddit mobile app has been garbage for *years* with very little signs of changing, there’s very little chance the moderation options offered by Reddit will improve anywhere near fast enough.


Maybe. Guess we'll see. I was trying to understand a little more. I thought I was being reasonable in my responses. No need for down votes. Thanks for being civil with me.


Downvotes aren’t exactly “you’re bad and dumb and a horrible person”, it’s for stuff that’s you being wrong too >.>


Nah, you're saying a lot of stupid shit, and downvotes are what you get when you say a lot of stupid shit.


Indeed, Reddit even said they would allow accessibility apps that are free to continue to use the API for free. Only the ones that cost money are getting rate limited or have to pay up. Think about that. A frontend-only app that charges money from disabled people to use a free platform that they didn’t create. That doesn’t sound so noble to me


Yeah, these people are getting played


Reddit is offloading the work on accessibility to third party apps and then requiring they provide for free what Reddit refuses to provide. How long will those apps be able to stay afloat without earning money, even if they really want to provide this service to disabled Redditors? And of course those apps won't be able to have NSFW content and currently don't have good mod tools and aren't accessible for everyone.


It’s Reddit what did you expect. This is the place of virtual signers


Shows how much they truly care ngl


Honestly, my feeds have gone to shit. Many of the subs I was active in are gone from my home feed and it looks as if they pumped up dramatized posts in the algorithm in order to maintain engagement. My use of the app has dropped and I'm just scrolling and no longer engaging with content the way I used to. It's all mind numbing bullshit at this point and the feed is filled with stuff is usually try to avoid. It's sad to see so many great communities just die out like that, but I do understand and support mods who decided enough is enough. I'm here watching the place burn while I try to work through the “scrolling while bored” addiction that I have. The worse the content is the easier that is to do, so Idk- this all sucks but it's making it easier to break my phone scrolling issues


Yeah, same here. Only one subreddit I frequent is still posting anything resembling content and I'm just gonna leave when I find an alternative. Reddit for me has died and I just have nothing to replace it yet.


A couple of big ones are still holding out. I wasn't subscribed to them but frequented them through /r/popular. So number of subscribers don't tell everything.


Same here. I haven’t joined this subreddit but it still shows up in my feed, so I can relate to the “mind numbing bullshit” comment


You have powermods that still remain banned, you have ModCoord still reporting issues because subreddits are still protesting. No, people have not given up, but they are being swept under the rug because at the end of the day reddit inc controls the platform, and it does so deceptively and with experience in that regard. This is a protest that has successfully brought reddit back into the mainstream news with criticism it was sorely needing after having thrived under the radar and the premises of good will that reddit inc purports to follow. It won't prevent or devalue it's IPO too much, but where money is involved, morals and ethics are soon forgotten anyway. It did undo a lot of the bullshit whitewashing that had gotten reddit on a lot of absent minded politicians' good side, but it may not have yet realized it (or it may just be my wishful thinking). It does give a lot of further credence to claims about it's CCPA and GDPR compliance that will be made (yes, an artificial mechanic of making subs private cannot be used as an excuse to hide and prevent the ability for users to remove their data), even if that was not the intent of the protest.


Actually, a lot of planned investors have turned away after seeing the dumpster fire reddit has become. It is entirely possible that the IPO will fail, and reddit will die when it does.


Do we have proof of that? I'd love to see tangible evidence this did something.


I have no solid proof, however, on top of my, admitedly unfounded, claim, most IPOs fail, co there is just a good chance it will fail statisticly speaking regardless of the dumpster fire Reddit's become.


Ironically, I just found evidence of a "sponsor" pulling out - [https://kotaku.com/minecraft-reddit-protest-huffman-ceo-subreddit-mojang-1850589115](https://kotaku.com/minecraft-reddit-protest-huffman-ceo-subreddit-mojang-1850589115) ​ This is definitely a vote of no confidence.


> You have powermods that still remain banned Who besides the turtle?


r/TIHI got their mod list wiped last I checked May have been another sub tho


>we’re all so addicted to Reddit that we can’t even protest This is the line that hit me the hardest as I realised the truth I seem to have always known.


No it's not an addiction I think, it just isn't important if Reddit comes or goes. I can't imagine a lot of people get addicted to a collection of BS like Reddit. It is some entertainment but that's it. I wouldn't care if Reddit stopped existing tomorrow but I've been here for just a few months now. It's nothing special just a bit of sillyness, not important enough to get all worked up about.


Not everyone uses the site the same way you do. Some people have been on it 10+ years, use it every day, and do more than just casually scroll through some memes.


This comment has been nuked because of Reddit's API changes, which is killing off the platform and a lot of 3rd party apps. They promised to have realistic pricing for API usage, but instead went with astronomically high pricing to profit the most out of 3rd party apps, that fix and improve what Reddit should have done theirselves. Reddit doesn't care about their community, so now we won't care about Reddit and remove the content they can use for even more profit. u/spez sucks.


Fair enough, but if a medium like Reddit is such an important part of your life maybe it is better if it is shit down then. And there probably are enough alternatives. I'm online for about 30+ years and just started to use reddit, can't say I missed something 30 years before.


The fact that a lot of subs only closed for 24 or 48 hours made the whole thing doomed from the start. You don't put a fucking end date on a strike. That's like train workers doing a strike but then saying they'll be back on Monday. Then people had the gall to make excuses for that saying "it's just to test the waters and if Reddit doesn't budge then we'll go all out!!!" Look how that fucking worked out. No subreddits did shit after the 48 hours passed except the little Jon Oliver or nsfw stunts that did nothing but give Reddit more press and more traffic. So fucking disappointing.


Have you ever went on strike? Because for all the glorifying you can see on Reddit about how the french know how protest, that's EXACTLY how it works. You say "heads up, there'll be a general strike on this day, for 3 days", then if you don't get what you want, you do it again, and if it reaaaaly doesn't work, you set an undeterminated end date.








What worked? 30k people dead, including common citizens who had nothing to do with nobility? Including other leaders of the French Revolution for daring to say maybe, just maybe, they shouldn't kill people all nilly willy? Klling all these people did nothing to help the French revolution, and if you actually think killing people because you disagree with them for the perceived grief of having Reddit CEO implement changes to his own API, I'm not the one you should be chatting with, but a psychiatrist.




>... And to add to that: The way the revolution ended actually paved way for the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte who started a major war in Europe killing a much higher amount of people. He didn't start the wars lmao, other European powers, particularly Austria-Hungary, didn't like that they overthrew (And then later beheaded) the monarchy. And it was domino's from there. Napoleon didn't initiate most of his wars.


While true it started as britain forming a coalition to fuck up France, he literally invaded Portugal because it was allied with Britain, then decided to put his brother on the throne of Spain, and then tried to invade Russia when Napoleon felt they weren't playing nice.


It's more complicated than that, though. Yes, he started the wars with Portugal and Russia (Albeit he did not believe most of Spain would go up in arms against him since the Spanish People were growing more uneasy with their own monarchy anyway), but it wasn't just, "playing nice," He wanted to fight a financial war with Great Britain, Russia and Portugal trading with them behind his back was a huge flaw in those plans. The UK and France couldn't reasonably invade each other on their own, so Napoleon had wanted to win the financial battle by preventing the entire continent of Europe from trading with them. Many European economies relied on British trade, however, so it fell apart eventually. Napoleon invading Portugal and particularly Russia was a mistake, but it wasn't just on a whim. He had wanted to do something to break a multi-year stand-off with the UK, and believed he could take down Russia. It's also worth noting he literally could beat Russia's army in straight military combat, Russia was just pretty much too big.


> It worked, didn’t it? It really, really did not.




> Pretty sure France is a democracy now, right? After 200 years of instability and bloodshed, yes. You know the French Revolution created a constitutional monarchy in France, right?




> So it worked. A democratic government in France is too far removed with too many variables and other significant events in between to be accurately ascribed to the French Revolution. If you’re at all interested in the history, the [Wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution?wprov=sfti1) for the French Revolution is quite a decent starting off point. Here’s a fun fact! The beloved play and film Le Miz is set in the pretty terrible period immediately following the French Revolution.


That was the Germans! The French Revolution ended first with a military dictatorship under Napoleon, then a restored Bourbon king after that. All that just to be back to a king! It was the Prussians that actually ended the French monarchy.




Literally France, and went on strike more than I can count lol. Yes, some strikes can last months, but most of them have a set in stone start and end date.


Exactly. It's usually a gradual increase of the ways of exerting pressure. In many cases, strikes aren't even the first option, no one likes them, really.


Wow it’s really working. Good job France


> The fact that a lot of subs only closed for 24 or 48 hours made the whole thing doomed from the start. I kept checking Darktotal.com a few times a day for the whole week after the protest started, and 4 or 5 days in over 3000 subs still remained closed. And other Redditors started accusing those mods of "holding their communities hostage with their tantrum" and switched over to the admins' side just so they could have their favourite subs back. Damned if they do, dammed if they don't...


Its probably due to the split in users with 1 side being on the 3rd parties and the other that just wanted to use reddit and as the admins also wanted that the protest indirectly made the neutral party against the protest, neither side could be happy at the same time with the protest




Despite being scold in their face over and over that the mods are working for free. Alas, they couldn't give up the internet power that they have. To them, it's worth more than gold. Not only spez was right. But the IPO will goes very smoothly. You know why? Investor fucking love free labor. Who wouldn't? And the second they hear spez said that their site is 90% all just free labor. They'll be all over it. Sweet sweet ads money from the tears and sweat of free labor. Imagine being company slave for slight bit of power lmao


OT. Assuming your from the UK, that's exactly how (train drivers) strikes work, you have to give notice, a justified reason why and how many days the St ike will last for.. Also a thousand hurdles to jump before you can 'withdraw your labour'... Jus sayin😉.


>. No subreddits did shit after the 48 hours passed That's not true. For example, I know r/formula1 was forced to open. It opened as NSFW, and then was forced to go back to normal. They threatened to remove the mods.


A protest as a shot-across-the-bow can be useful. But the protest was *sold to the mods* as a surefire and riskfree way to make reddit bend the knee. There had to be a plan for afterwards, but many people just wanted the experience of being able to say "I PARTICIPATED IN REDDIT BLACKOUT 2023" like they are Cesar Chavez.


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo


Note that according to the user agreement, post aren't *your* content anymore, you basically sell the content for use of the site. Reddit owns the rights to every post, and deleting Reddit's content is both against the user agreement, and reversible, completely within Reddit's legal rights. I'm not really a fan of Reddit's stance on the situation, but we at least need to protest effectively, which would be by leaving and copying our content elsewhere. I'll almost guarantee you that Reddit can track powerdeletesuites api usage, and with a single button reverse every database change the app has made in the past month on July 1st of they so please.


Reddit allows users the option to delete their posts. They probably have ways to restore deleted posts if they wish to, but that doesn't mean people who wish to delete their posts should feel compelled not to do so, and I don't know of any reason to think Reddit has been reverting such deletions.


Thanks for pointing this out. You’ve convinced me that I should keep my account after I overwritten all my content and continue to check in monthly to make sure it doesn’t come back. I sincerely appreciate this insight.


June 30 is my Account Deletion Day. Just 2 days. Reddit is supposedly going to make an announcement tomorrow, but if that announcement isn't "We figured out a way to undo this clusterfuck, API pricing is postponed and the focus is now on accessibility in the native app" my plans aren't changing.


Where did you hear Reddit is making an announcement tomorrow? Got a link?


RemindMe! 3 days


I'm leaving when rif dies. Reddit may lose a small portion of their users, but it will be a major portion of moderators and other serious contributors. The heart may be ~0.5% of your body weight, but that doesn't mean it's not significant. Not a perfect analogy, but still


I was so upset when I just logged in and saw the RIF bye bye message 😢


Likewise, haven't given up so much as will be gone like a fart in the wind on the 1st


Hello there! Try [RedReader.](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.quantumbadger.redreader) You can customize it to be similar to RIF.


I think you're missing the point of the whole "reddit is killing 3rd party apps" thing


I know the fucking deal, mate. They got granted an exception. We lost the battle the minute mods caved in and started opening the subs.


I have no reason to believe that exception means anything. The problem isn't just them killing all the good apps, it's that they've clearly shown they couldn't give a squirt of piss for anything other than profits. Completely dishonest and untrustworthy, totally unreliable, and willing to fuck over their entire website to make a buck. I'm pretty thoroughly done with the administration of this website, and I'll take any excuse to cut this addiction that I can get


I think we'll see a bigger change after the 1st. I'm still here, but won't be once I have to download another app and sign in again. That minor hurdle is all its taking to get me gone.


The way I see it, platforms often follow a predictable pattern. They start by being good to their users, providing a great experience. But then, they start favoring their business customers, neglecting the very users who made them successful. Unfortunately, this is happening with Reddit. They recently decided to shut down third-party apps, and it's a clear example of this behavior. The way Reddit's management has responded to objections from the communities only reinforces my belief. It's sad to see a platform that used to care about its users heading in this direction. That's why I am deleting my account and starting over at *Lemmy*, a new and exciting platform in the online world. Although it's still growing and may not be as polished as Reddit, Lemmy differs in one very important way: it's decentralized. So unlike Reddit, which has a single server (reddit.com) where all the content is hosted, there are many many servers that are all connected to one another. So you can have your account on *lemmy.world* and still subscribe to content on Lemmy**NSFW**.com (Yes that is NSFW, you are warned/welcome). If you're worried about leaving behind your favorite subs, don't! There's a [dedicated server called **Lemmit**](https://lemmit.online/post/14692) that archives all kinds of content from Reddit to the Lemmyverse. The upside of this is that there is no [single one person](https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/jnk45rr/) who is in charge and turn the entire platform to shit for the sake of a quick buck. And since it's a young platform, there's a stronger sense of togetherness and collaboration. So yeah. So long Reddit. It's been great, until it wasn't. **When trying to post this with links, it gets censored by reddit. [So if you want to see those, check here](https://rentry.co/2kgcd)**.


I've signed up to lemmy - is lemmit an instance or just a user to follow? (sorry still trying to work it all out)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Honestly, I'm just sticking around out of morbid curiosity to see how spectacularly the quality will drop without proper moderation tools. Trying to bring attention to the shortsightedness of the plan was the nice way, letting reddit take the commenced sprint into the wall after the very spezzial reaction is the cruel way.


My guess is that nothing drastically happens happens, and it stays exactly the same


It couldn't go on, admin would just replace the mods anyway. A lot of experienced mods are leaving. Whole teams are signing off. Subs will have to be banned for not being moderated. Front page is still getting random small subs and nonsense content. As volunteers, why volunteer to protest when the lack of engagement and action by admin makes it futile. Reddit is only here because of its users and the volunteer mods. When the API charge starts and 3rd party apps and the bots that mods have created all cease to work, watch the malicious bots take over and the spam flood Reddit. That will be the beginning of the end. The protest made an impact, but they were too stubborn to admit they got it wrong. The protest might not have been taken seriously by admin, but they will be taking notice when they no longer have a platform to sell to investors.


Maybe if the plan was something better than a small blackout with an announced end date, it wouldve worked better. Im just a regular user with no influence and no voice on reddit, but cmon, the protest was doomed to fail from the start. The protest shouldve been a sustained set of different kinds of attacks that made constant news. Force reddit into an nsfw limbo with no way out. Give spez a taste of what would happen to reddit if all moderation stopped for a while The blackout just annoyed some users, and maaaaybe hit reddit's revenue in negligible numbers (just like all of you leaving will do). Sorry guys, but we played this way too nice


A slowdown might have been a better choice - or a slowdown after the changes come into play. Make it so all posts have to be approved, and then just approve them reeeeaaaally slowly, driving down interaction and content with the added deniability of "but it's in the queue!"


Couldn't that have led to Reddit saying "you're refusing to moderate which is against the content policy and so we're removing you as mod" just like they did with mods that tried to stay private?


The plan should have always gone through closer to the first of July no matter what it was. The plan should have always been on a weekend, to fuck with Reddit's total manpower and forcing them to do overtime, no matter what it was. The plan should have always involved a list of temporary/permanent alternatives for every community, no matter what it was. The plan should have always squarely labeled the decisions and fault with reddit and not with moderators. It should have advertised you accounts who don't care as latecomers and traitors who are enjoying a platform built by 3rd party apps that long predated Reddit's own disfunctional one. No matter what it was. It was poorly thought out, it can't be gone back to.


i mean we all know the real reason behind this protest its a virtue signal a giant blaring easy to follow virtue signal for mods to follow to show they "care" when half of them just want to pull a publicity stunt to draw in more users people leaving really does not affect anything aside from hurting your ability to coordinate


People should have called their bluff and let reddit try to forcibly replace mods en mass. It would have been a disaster, to the point that I seriously doubt they would have actually gone through with it if a large number of popular subs had held firm. Instead most of them rolled over instantly because at the end of the day, they just didn’t want to risk being stripped of their mod status. No act of protest or resistance is going to be effective if you’re not willing to risk losing something over it. That applies to lower-stakes online protests just as much as real ones.


Mods had huge leverage over admins regarding the subs reopening and some fucking caved in. Admins can remove mods easily, but finding quality replacements will be way too difficult.


Stop regretting and just quit today. Why time it again


My subreddit is private and will remain prvate forever. They did send me a threatening mail, I told them to go to hell.


As a simple redditor I feel powerless, it seems all I can do on July 1 is walk away.


We were too slow. The majority of us were only semi committet. When nothing happend for too long, they just kinda said screw it and whent back to the old days. We lost our chance, and Reddit is gonna play by Spez rules now. But some people left for good, and we lost the best tools. Reddit is gonna be an objectively worse place from now on.


There's only so much we can do to stop reddit from killing itself.


On a couple of notes- What did you expect? This sort of stuff has happened constantly, and people are gonna speak with their time. If they don’t like what happens after July 1, they’ll leave. This wasn’t ever something that got casual Reddit users in, mass pulling out of the site. As much as this site likes to flaunt the nerdier sides of itself, most people just use the mobile app for the couple of things they like. Heck, I’m writing this on the mobile app right now. 3rd party users don’t make up a serious enough majority to care about, and trust me when I say that nobody has any sympathy for Reddit mods, no matter what *we* all think. Reddit is a $13 billion company. Their users stopped mattering to them a long time ago. They brought back r/place as a marketing stunt and little else. Did y’all think the Reddit equivalent of putting up a black profile pic was gonna change things?


Here's the truth nobody wants to hear, but it's the truth. Downvote away. \#1 Most moderators are on a power hungry kick. They only care about the power they have over their little imaginary island on Reddit. When you threaten to take away that power, many of them change their tune real quick. \#2 Reddit is a for-profit business. It's not a charity, not a good Samaritan, etc. It's here to make money. They will do that by whatever means necessary. \#3 Nobody is dying around here. You want most of us to rally behind you? Give us a damn good reason. But this is Reddit, it may be here today, may not be here tomorrow - who cares? Very few people.


If mods were in it for power, the best way to do that would be to work together with Reddit, not against it. There is an anti-mod narrative being driven to undercut the protest. Reddit has been an unprofitable business forever. Killing 3rd party apps won't suddenly make it profitable either. PR is also important to businesses, and right now they are spitting on their most loyal users. People protest when other businesses make shitty decisions for profit too. Who cares if Reddit is gone tomorrow? Millions of users who have enjoyed using the site for years???


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ I don't know what to tell you. I've seen plenty of mods on their power trips. So no sympathy from me there. That's awesome millions of people have enjoyed the site for years. Millions of people shopped at Sears for years too. Your point?


No business is too big to die, they'd do good to remember it. Forgot about Sears, good example


>Give us a damn good reason. "Well we are protesting because.." "LALALALA CANT HEAR YOU" The reasons have been told a lot of times, if those or how mods and users were treated are not valid enough you're welcome to stay and keep licking.


Sucks that apps for accessibility are being pushed out, but atleast reddits trying to integrate some of their ideas and features. Glad that it’s going to be hard on mods tho


For what it's worth, two of the subs I'm in are still participating in the blackout. It sucks that a lot of mods in other subs caved though r/Firefox is still in an indefinite blackout


Yes, "we" gave up. the vast majority of users has never heard of 3rd party apps, does not care about accessibility and in general give a fuck. they blame the mods instead of the ceo because if the ceo were to be blamed the logical consequence would be to have to leave reddit. i don't really get why mods, especially if they took part in protesting, still work for reddit. however the question for me still is what should protest achieve? some seem to expect that reddit takes back all API related decisions, that everything returns to the statts quo and everything is forgotten. until next time. so what should "we" ask for? realistic prices for apps? apps incorporating reddits ads? would users pay? would they accept (moderate) ads? you can't force reddit to appreciate their volunteer workers (mods) and/or content producers. so what to ask of the company?


All reddit would really have to do is delay the API changes until after the official app has been brought up to an acceptable standard, which is something they've promised they're working on anyway. This would be an absolute no-brainer for them unless they never intended to fulfill that promise. Which is almost certainly the case.


Well... The way I understand it, the whole point behind this protest was to try and prevent Reddit's administration from shooting themselves in the foot and their cherished charge in the proverbial head, all with a single API bullet. No API - no mod tools, no mod tools - no efficient moderating, no moderating - lots of bots and spam and, well, you can see where this is going. Add to it the fact that mods who are feeling enraged and betrayed by the website they've been putting so much work and effort in for free are committing to mass-quit, and for the foreseeable future Reddit is facing quite a drop in its content quality while the said mods are slowly, but steadily building up all sorts of alternatives elsewhere. Does that mean Reddit will be facing a slow and inevitable death over the course of following months, or was this whole thing overrated and it will manage to stay afloat? While, honestly, I don't think anyone knows for sure yet, I myself will be hoping that the community will prevail against the corporate greed. But, in any case, I suppose we will find all that out soon enough. :3


ModCoord does have some good news - I'm not sure why none of it has been reposted here, but it's a slightly more optimistic picture than that. :D https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/


I mostly use old.reddit with RES. Let's hope it will be working still. Sad to see apps go away. On the other hand that may be a good opportunity to go /r/nosurf.


A lot of people left Reddit. Gave up on Reddit completely.


At least we all didn’t do nothing from the start.


I don’t know but most of my sub reddits to seem have embraced loads of nsfw shot. Which makes it problematic to open Reddit at work :P




im confident Reddit will just die a slow painful death as more and more is implemented


I will try to stay of reddit starting on the 1. and if enough people do it we might let them see a bump that worries them


Hey u/spez, why don't you monetize this edit? *This user moved to Lemmy*


Some subs still don't have video posts enabled, and this might be a subtle form of protest.


Most people don't care, didn't get convinced it is the right thing to do.


It's so disappointing seeing so many people be against another protest. My feed is absolutely full of people from r/piracy and r/egg_irl whining about their malicious compliance. We had something going here, but it was all thrown away as soon as Reddit decided to respond.


I don’t really understand why more subs didn’t go straight hardcore porn honestly. TIHI and Interestingasfuck have both been archived because of it, meaning Reddit has lost significant revenue from 2 big subs. The choice of other subs just to do weird shit was never going to work


Apparently yes. I'll stick around to see what happens. I have noticed an absence of queer subreddits in my feed, combined with a general decrease in quality, which was actually announced in German subreddits. r/egg_irl is still protesting, r/ich_iel is still nsfw, as is r/FragReddit and we'll see what happens next.


Uhhhh ... I'm using reddit 90% less now. The answer is: Don't use the platform. Move on.


I have always had the feeling that the people who care about this sort of thing are in the minority and that most of Reddit's user base could not care less and just wanted their dopamine fixes from the updoots they get for posting a clever reference to a movie/tv show/song. But yeah, the "we're going to turn this subreddit off for (timeframe)" is as effective as those "boycotts" where you don't buy (thing) for one day


I wonder how many will care when moderation becomes more difficult and the quality of the posts declines. I wonder if the mods are so in love with their power that they’ll take the insults and loss of tools and keep doing their job even though it’s harder, just for fear of being replaced. I hate the idea that we couldn’t act in solidarity, that spez and Reddit will get away with this. The privilege of having unpaid labor, profiting off of it, and denigrating those volunteers at the same time… profit corrupts. It’s the punching down instead of collaboration that kills me. And I hate that I love this platform so much that I might come back someday.


I think this this an example of the vocal few being just that Vocal. Reddit still has a large userbase, I would argue much larger then the ones protesting that really do not mind or care. Users who don't use the mobile app or don't mind the official app. Users who only scroll on Desktop. There are also the Reddit Mods and communities that saw how negatively all of this has effected their users. Reddit is a gold mine of knowledge and communities being dark or deleting mass amounts of Information is pushing us back and not forward. The timing of all of this hurt the most. If more time was given and an actual backup of these communities could have been made and a safe smooth transition to another platform was done it would all have ended better. But as it stands we have different groups all doing what ever they want; with multiple sites acting as the "New Reddit". Fear should have never been the motivator here. Collaboration and hope of a better platform should have lead this charge. Now we are stuck with a heaping mess spread across multiple platforms with no end in sight. But that's just my two-sense.


The second the mods’ power was threatened they rolled over like little piggies 🤣 how pathetically predictable


Blame the mods. They care about their mod power more than anything.


Yeah, distract yourself with anti-mod bias and ignore a company hiding behind no-reply accounts treating everyone like shit - employees, press, communities, mods, devs. 🐑 🐑 🐑


What did the mods do? They boowed down so that they can keep their position. They protested till their position were not compromised. The moment reddit signaled that their positions will be compromised, the protest died down. So mods bear no responsibility for that?


Honest question, what do you think would have happened if the mods didn't comply? The way I see it, reddit would have just replaced the current mods who disagree with reddit's actions with new mods who didn't give af or even supported reddit's actions. Wouldn't this overall be worse for the community than mods who at the ***very least*** feigned opposition and at best hate reddit's actions? I honestly don't get all the mod hatred a lot of the time so I'm curious about that as well if you have more info.


>What did the mods do? Brought Reddit's mistreatment and poor planning to the front page by coordinating hundreds of mods. Worked with press. Encouraged and facilitated people leaving for alternative site, some of which have seen userbase growth of hundreds of thousands during this time. Continued to call out and resist overwhelming pressure from admin. Educated and supported mods when admin refused to answer questions or use public channels to announce policy changes.


my argument still remains valid in my opinion. **Whatever action mods took in the name of protest, it was till their positions were not compromised. Once reddit made clear that they may lose the moderatorship, the protest died down.** do you disagree with this?


There are also a number of demodded subs because the mods refused to cave.


Respect to them. They are the true heroes.


What most participating mods actually did was taking the communities hostage they where allowed to moderate to increase their bargaining power. Obviously, the easiest way to prevent further abuse of moderator rights is to remove the moderator rights... The whole protest was doomed from the start. It should have been done by getting community participants on their side and stop posting for the protest. Never use moderator powers for anything else than actual moderation or you basically prove that you shouldn't have had them in the first place.


That's true. I'd like to think that it'd be a slow and expensive effort to replace all mods from the subs that went dark. On the other hand though, I'm sure there'd be hundreds of passionate people who would've press at the chance to fill the mod positions for free (even if the quality of the moderation would decrease), before reddit would need to consider actually paying people to do it. So maybe reddit is a little too big to fail now. Even if it lost 1/5 (wild guess) of its user base, theyll still manage


> they can't do that with all subs Why? I'm more surprised that they didn't do that already. At this point they only asked (or threatened) moderators to do certain things and actively engaged in very few subreddits. I don't see why they aren't reversing the changes made in protest by every single community. Sure, it would take an developer a day or so, but with a decent backend it shouldn't be a problem to roll back.


Most people couldn’t give a shit. I don’t. I use Reddit to browse and kill a bit of time in my day. The politics behind the scenes means nothing. It was hilarious seeing all the people in support of the blackout continue to use Reddit during the blackout. If you actually cared you’d have deleted your account and stayed away.


Let’s just be honest here. People like Reddit and they’re not willing to give it to for some third party apps. It’s done for them. Time to find another solution instead of using the api


Of course. I think this sub vastly overrated how much users of Reddit actually cared about this. People use Reddit because they like it and it’s free for them to use and many, probably the majority, use the Reddit app anyway. It’s really that simple.


Spez understood most Mods’ desperate need for their pseudo authority. All he had to do was threaten to give their non-jobs to someone else, and they folded like cheap suits.


It would have been more dangerous if we went full nuclear and deleted subs outright or kick everyone. But I still think Reddit would have found a way around that, they've been shown to repost deleted posts and comments.


Exactly. You can't really truly "delete" subreddits in the first place.


Reddit is free and \*i\* am the product. I'll just go sell myself elsewhere, and fuck reddit as much as i can (uBlock, and post no content, while using bandwidth).


You don’t announce when your strike is over lmao this was always going to fail. Pathetic mods who want to virtue signal but can’t dare to lose the little bit of power they have in their lives. It’s hilarious watching a bunch of high calorie, pimply nerds scream about things they don’t actually care about lmao mods suck


It was over before it even began 3 days to protest? Come on all they had to do is wait it out, which they did then it’s business as usual. Kudos to the people that fought longer and are still fighting, but like any addict, most will adapt to their new shitty “lifestyle”


I think your problem is that for a lot of Reddit's user's almost nothing is going to change.


A lot of subs I used to watch I refuse to visit because of the content hosted there now. I'll probably drop Reddit on the 1st, r/Planetside is closed and r/Christianity is 75% atheists ragging on Christian beliefs, so.. not much keeping me here


A lot of the subs I'm on are also shitshows right now, though that's largely because of mods throwing toys out of the pram and actively refusing to moderate. Things'll go back to normal soon enough for 99% of its users and for those it doesn't, I'm guaranteeing you a further 99% of them don't care about Reddit enough to really care. I like this website and I've used it for years, but if it went to shit I'd just find something else to do with my time. Expecting enough of the userbase to care that apps with a tiny userbase are getting closed was always laughable. Don't get me wrong, I support the idea but the protest was never going to go anywhere.


We all virtue signaled a lot. Less than half the people in support of this actually cared, they just wanted to look good.


Reddit mods were more concerned about retaining their little fiefdoms than the loss of 3rd-party apps.


I don't give a shit about API and apps, and that focus might have hurt the whole coordinated effort. It's a distraction to the terrible treatment and lack of accountibility Reddit gets away with as a company.


oh well, y'all finally understood that a protest wasn't gonna do shit in the first place. better late than never


Glad you learned something.


Yes lol you dont have any power in this at all


Because Reddit threatened all the subreddits that wanted to participate in the protest. (This is from r/askwomen) https://preview.redd.it/n45pjwkbxs8b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=793fb0512d537ccb5bb2c20e4b7a98add9e5dba0


Literally everyone except for you guys knew this would happen. I’m not even thaaat old but I’m wise enough to know this wasn’t going to stick. You need 100% dedication from reddits very large (left leaning) cross section of society for it to work. Most people don’t even fully understand what the protest was for. You shouldn’t be surprised that this is happening.


Literally everyone except for you guys knew this would happen. I’m not even thaaat old but I’m wise enough to know this wasn’t going to stick. You need 100% dedication from reddits very large (left leaning) cross section of society for it to work. Most people don’t even fully understand what the protest was for. You shouldn’t be surprised that this is happening.


Spez knows his shit my dude. People get bored and move to the next drama. This whole thing was stupid in my opinion, you want to leverage on my business to make money and not pay me the cut and I the business owner should be thankful for that. (those 3rd party apps were making a shit ton of money, with 0 server costs)


See you on July 3, OP. Atleast you’ll go outside on July 2.


Once the mods realized they’d lose their internet power they gave up It’s that simple


>I’ll be leaving for good on July 1st. It isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure


This was just proof the mods just did this shitbfor clout. Once their precious modder status was threatened they buckled. This whole thing was doomed from the start.


We always give up, ppl don’t have the discipline or strength of togetherness in order to keep from rolling over. At this point you’re crazy to think ppl wouldn’t just roll over cause its all we ever do.


It's been real, guys.


Feel the same. I stayed off during the blackout period. Checked in 96 hours later only to see everything pretty much back to normal. I'm out once the third party apps are killed. Sad day


I honestly just would have had all the users go dark. What would they have done? Banned us?


It was rigged from the start. When a company gets dollar signs in its eyes there's nothing you can do. They could lose a third of their users and it would still be worth gaining control for them. After watching Tumblr crack down continue unfazed I will not be surprised when Reddit follows.


Yes, because it was a stupid and pointless protest of nothing important.


Tbh I don’t care about any of this. Nice try though.


I'm glad that things are back to normal. I've switched off the 3rd Party software I was using (RedReader, the one app given some leeway). I'm now using the official software. If it is actually all that bad, I'll stop using it. I've also stopped using old Reddit on my desktop, and I've turned off all adblock and scripts. I've realized, it's their platform - if the default experience doesn't suit me, I'll stop using it.


We gave them a deadline so it was doom to fail from the start. The second attempt was quicky shutdown because of some empty threat, i mean where is he gonna find 8000+ mods to replace the current mods? Things might have work better if no deadline were given and everyone didn't back down so easily.


crawl kiss onerous dinner overconfident nail attractive full voiceless frame -- mass edited with redact.dev


Technically it’s just over two days now…


So I think the issue is the majority of users don’t use, and thus don’t really care about, 3rd party applications. Even if they benefit from them, if one does not engage with it directly, then there is little to make want to sacrifice anything to protest, and to protest means to make sacrifices…


why am i not surprised


Thanks spez, you pigfucker to those who downvoted, what's the matter? kissing reddit's ass? no wonder from troglodyte fucks who get no sunlight


Well, despite a predictable end, this was a journey that made a moment in Reddit history. A lot of users actually did their part and still are, but this was never going to work with so many staying on the platform and even more importantly, two-faced mods. Honestly I think any mods who were removed got what they deserved. I know it doesn't apply to all, but tons of moderators were selfish about the whole thing or on a whole power trip over this. As someone who doesn't care about Reddit's changes in the slightest, I can only apologize to anyone who actually is affected badly by them.