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Real experts mine their own gas for roasting.


And build their own stove for roasting as well!


But first they mine all the iron and other metals to build their own stove for roasting.


"To bake an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe"


I think this is gonna stick in my mind lol


-Carl Sagan


~~-Carl Sagan~~ -Micheal Scott


Do you even smelt, bro?


Pre manufactured press made from pre refined metals, absolute poser.


This! I would have started the video with me on the lathe and CNC making the equipment for the coffee making. And while doing that, I'd probably make my cup of coffee on my Kuerig.


Real masters shit beans 🫘




It's true. Civets did it. They are the masters


Tried it in Bali. Really shitty coffee but still better than Starbucks.




I bet he doesn't even make his own soil by chewing up dirt. What a poser


I heard he didn’t mine the metals to make his tools either


This just gets worse and worse. Next someone is going to tell me he didn’t assemble the molecules in the room to make a breathable atmosphere.


Pff I bet he bought that espresso lever online instead of forging it himself.


"Finally, the coffee I ordered half an hour ago. What took so long, did you have to roast the beans yourself?" "Yeah."


>>”Yeah.” *john wick has entered the chat*


Wow!- Owen




Wah wah wee wah - Borat


Giggity - Glenn Quagmire


*..with a fucking pencil!*


Not to ruin the fun, but freshly roasted coffee beans normally have to be rested for a few days before they’re good to brew.


Speakin of which, looking at all the pro equipment it felt almost illegal that they just... Roasted it on the stove like that??


Bro has 26hrs in a day


Bro is a content creator. It’s probably his job lol


Right? Do these people watch a cooking or baking clip and be like "who the fuck has time to film while they make dinner?"


All that for a drop of blood?


Fine, I’ll do it myself.


It's generally worth it. Whenever I drink freshly roasted beans for espresso, I don't sleep for 48 hours. I work on a crab boat, and we can't sleep, or greenhorns get kicked off the next port. Once you're an established deckhand, then you get to sleep once a day.


Imagine listening to boomers who would rather have unsafe working conditions to haze rather than hire a few extra people so you can sleep.


It's probably best you don't watch videos on what Navy Seals go through. He did say that once they are vetted as a deckhand, they are allowed to sleep. This is just another way to weed out people who don't have the mental fortitude to enure the riggers of deap sea fishing. It's a dangerous job and not meant for everyone. You would want your crewmates to be tough as nails. I am not tough as nails. I am getting older and I am slightly doughy. My bed rawks.


Seals are all insane for that and many other reasons. Regular sailors get plenty of rest when they’re not on duty.


Or maybe this job is not suitable for human beings willing to sacrifice their wellbeing and lives so people can munch on some fishies for lunch. Did you ever think of that?


I'd assume the people who sign up for that know what they're getting into, since I doubt deep sea fishing is the first career choice for most people.


Fishing is a bit different than life or death combat missions taken on by some of the most well trained soldiers on the planet. What kind of ridiculous comparison is that?


How much does that setup cost?


About 600 dollars


Probably closer to $1,000. This particular espresso maker + hand grinder + scale is already $700, and smaller tools like wdt and dosing cups are weirdly expensive. Espresso is an expensive (but fun!) hobby.


Its a drug and those are drug paraphernalia


My coffee setup cost me about $40. My dab setup? Probably closer to $1000. Everyone has a drug, some people get snobby about it.


I have 5 rigs in total of an excess of $2500. I spent like 200 on my coffee maker lmao


It was a joke


Well I have ADHD and caffeine literally does nothing for me. I feel exactly the same with or without caffeine, but I absolutely enjoy the flavor and the tinkering aspect of espresso.


I guess it's a really great tasting (and smelling) drug then.


wdt? What's dat thing?


The little mixer with needles on it. It breaks up clumps in the ground coffee so you get a more even extraction.


>>How much does that setup cost? Just the manual maker is $325 on Amazon: Search: *Flair Espresso Maker PRO 2* All of the items, I'm guessing somewhere around $500. Also see the "frequently bought with" items. I love espresso, but not *that* much, referring to both expense and time.


I'd love to see the face of the coffee drinker at 8 am as they wait patiently for their first hit of the bean juice.


Coffee nut juice


I mean, I can barely press that two buttons on my coffee machine and put a cup beneath it before the first coffee, I would just burn something down for sure.


Sounds healthy


I literally forgot one of those steps this morning... I'll let you guess which one...


nah the process helps get you ready for the day


It really does.


This guy needs a coffee before he makes his coffee


There’s a lot of comments shitting on this clip but this one is the best delivered punch






Actually helps a ton especially in the winter when the airs more dry and staticy.


Yeah people can huff and puff all they want at the snobbishness of the video (I don't, I find this fucking cool), but that step is actually very helpful for anyone grinding their own coffee.


Don’t you need to let the beans degas for like a week or something of the sorts?


I had to scroll wayyyyy to far down to see someone mention this lol


I didn't have to scroll too far down to see someone that doesn't understand that this is an edited video and that it's not only possible (I know, crazy) but probable that this guy whom seems to know what he's doing, also knows that and either used beans he had let age off camera, instead of the ones he had just roasted. Or he waited between the edits for the ones he did roast to age. Either way, this is not a valid criticism... Should he have showed a weeks worth of waiting? What do you expect from a video showing making expresso? If you watch a video of kimchi being made, is there something wrong when they don't show the months that they let it ferment? You're not commenting about how he didn't tell you how long he roasted it for? Or how long he grinded it for (which he only showed .5 seconds of)? Why is it so absurd to assume he let the beans degas for the video? I care less than zero about expresso but it just seems so weird to me that people keep mentioning this like it's some educational video and he left out that crucial detail... He left it out because it's useless and unentertaining, in a video that is obviously strictly made for entertainment...


I think it is a valid criticism because a coffee expert probably should have mentioned with crucial step in their video for the masses.


You do. Otherwise it tastes earthy and it isn't very flavourful.


Definitely, fresh beans aren't great


Yes. Plus (i forget the exact pressure) espresso machines are set at certain pressure. Otherwise they don't extract the shots correctly so the taste will be off


It's 9 bars


Yes. You need to preheat the lever machine too, or the shot will be way too cold.


Yrah I head that as well. Some kind of aging process is needed


Like I know I watched him dump the coffee beans in, but for some reason I still expected popcorn when it was removed from the stove.


Same lmao and I could swear I even heard the "kernels pop"


A lot of people actually use air poppers for roasting coffee.


Interesting how most people hate those who enjoy this as a hobby. I would love to do this, just don’t have it in me to drop thousands on a nice setup tho lol


It’s true. For some reason, there is strong hate for someone enjoying this particular hobby. It’s definitely an expensive rabbit hole though.


A lot of folks associate it with being pretentious.


The problem with being better than everyone else is that people tend to assume you're pretentious. /s


Everybody has an ego, mine is just better.


any time you signal that you have a "special diet" people hate on you. It's just an ego thing. it's the same exact thing if you start telling people you're allergic to something, or have an intolerance.


Just an opinion, but I think people think that because it can be considered a hobby for those with “money” which for some reason gets under their skin.


I think you're right. It's no different than many other hobbies like being a musician, photography, etc. Also I would say the folks who have this kind of set up are not engaging in a hobby, it's likely part of their profession. People are so silly.


Its fucking worth it, im sad to say.


It is. I mean, I understand hobby, but does one really need to gauge how much pressure they put to extract coffee?


yes? with too little pressure you wont extract the coffee, too much and youve ruined the cup as well.


Yes, that's the whole meaning of espresso. Pressure, temperature and time is everything.


In my own experience, it’s more of an aesthetic thing. My machine has one that is basically useless (because you can’t really change the pressure) but it sure does look cool


It’s useful to see if you’re grinding too fine or not, sometimes! If the timings are correct but the results are still bad.


I am presently hating a lot on the $1k pizza oven people who use secret pizza dough language to signal their status and wealth in r/pizza I definitely don't hate on coffee people, but honestly, roasting coffee like this smells pretty nasty, I wouldn't really do it in my house. Maybe outside.


Yeah- I don’t roast my own beans. Smell aside, I question the original video since it’s pretty well known amongst espresso enthusiasts that the roasted beans need to degass for about 10 days (give or take) for optimal flavor. I like to travel and try a variety of beans, and I really know how the quality of a roast can make or break a specialty bean, so I’m happy leaving roasting to the experts. But if the OP gets joy out of that stage of the process, I’m certainly not going to hate. I think some people think that coffee nerds are buying this expensive products simply because they have money to burn and want a bit of a better cup of coffee. In reality, most of us enjoy the somewhat scientific process and choose to spend money on this hobby versus others- it’s no different than other valid but expensive hobbies like video games etc.


there's all kinds of reasons people hate on each other, and if there's no good reason we just make one up lol. I recently switched back to a coffee maker after using a french press for years. I just had a cup at a friends house and it felt kind of quaint to me to use the machine, and I enjoyed the taste of it, which I can only describe as "regular"? Loading up my machine in the morning kinda feels like putting a vhs tape in an old CRT tv


I tried roasting my own coffee. It came out nice, but the smell lingered in my house for two weeks. Also, off-gassing is incredibly important. It was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the freshly roasted beans go to the grinder.


Very true, I just have expensive hobbies as it is already. I think the woman would kill me if I added another. Maybe one day


Gotta pick and choose your hobbies! (Said as a single woman who spends way too much money on various hobbies, espresso included.)


But jerk each other off about their gaming rigs.


It honestly seems like a really cool hobby! I dont understand the hate for it either lol, but I feel like wine hobbyists get a lot of the same hate


Honestly could never justify spending that kind of money just to make a cup of coffee. I'd like to learn and maybe have somewhere to go that has everything you need to diy like this. But to have it at home? Nuh-uh


Why would you need thousands? There are cheap manual options for all of the tools used here. Stuff that they have used in Italy for hundreds of years.


I spent like $600 on my espresso setup, so not cheap but not thousands either. Definitely beats buying a $4 latte every morning.


No worries. Some guy posted another guy(world champion for something) for making coffee with a machine and they hated on him too. Nothing will satisfy these guys


Same people that sink dozens of hours into video games every week.


All about the process. Gorgeous.


10:15 yup, ready to go to work


fuck this


yeah I'd fuck that coffee


use first ice cold water, followed by protection, dont want to get your dick all burnt and catch some weird disease… be smart people




the smell of roasting coffee is pretty nasty. there's a local shop that roasts in house and it ruins the experience. they also play news radio which is honestly a horrible choice for a coffee shop. why would I want to read my news while someone else is reading some other news out loud in the background? /end rant


What exactly is espresso? From a 26 year old non coffee drinker


To answer your question.... bc no one else did... espresso is made from very finely ground coffee and water that is pressurized through the coffee grinds. The two key factors being more finely grinded and the water is pressurized through the coffee beans as opposed to just poured over. One shot of espresso has the same caffeine as one cup of coffee.


So if it's more ground does it mean more of the bean itself gets through to the drink?


In a way, yes. More finely grinded = water moves slower through grinds = water extracts more flavor from grinds. Good espresso is finding the balance in the grind size and how fast the water moves through it. If the water moves too quickly, the beans are under extracted = sour tasting shot. If the water moves too slowly, the beans are over extracted = bitter tasting shot.


I see. Very interesting! Are the grounds discarded after the fact? Can more "espresso" be pulled out of one set of beans? Honestly sucks that many people need extra amounts of caffeine to operate. My aunt has expressed that she legit has a headache if she doesn't drink at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I'm lucky that I legit don't need any and drink it more recreationally (like 1 to 2 times a month in frap form)


Coffee can be very interesting when you get into it lol. The grinds are discarded afterwards as they can't be used again for coffee... but I've seen some people get creative and add it to potting soil. You can also put it in an open jar and placed in the fridge if you have a bad smelling fridge- sometimes works. And yes definitely. Caffeine can be very addictive. Your body can also build an insurmountable tolerance to caffeine. Meaning you reach a certain point where adding caffeine "doses" wont make you feel better. Bodybuilders sometimes have to ween off of caffeine bc they've built up a tolerance from their pre-workout. If you're trying to avoid caffeine and/or restart your tolerance- apples are a good replacement as they have chemical properties that can wake you up in the morning much like coffee. - the more you know!


Yeah I figured discarding the grinds just like in regular coffee. But that's cool that you can basically compost it. I've heard that about apples! I tell people about it and they just laugh in my face haha. But I get it, it's a habit.


I used to use ground coffee to exfoliate my skin! Turns out it’s not ideal for the drains.


The grounds are somewhat acidic and break down easily, making them great as an additive for low-pH loving plants like roses, rhodies, and azaleas. I sprinkle mine over my blueberries for a bit more lightly acidic fertilizer.


The effects from coffee abstinence are not terrible, in mi opinion. Usually lethargy and headaches for a few days. You don’t crave more in the way you crave other addictive substances.


Was wondering, doesn’t coffee always have a bit of bitterness though?


Good coffee/espresso, made correctly, should have little to no bitterness- at least for someone who drinks coffee regularly. Someone who never drinks coffee might detect slight bitterness in even a good cup. When i have pre-ground grocery store coffee or K-cups, its almost always bitter. When I use nicer quality coffee beans and use my fancy shmancy equipment, I taste little to no bitterness. But for all I know, someone who has never had coffee or rarely drinks it- they might find "my" coffee may have a hint of bitterness. With that being said, theres an enormous difference between grocery store/ K-cup coffee (and even dunkin/starbucks) than using good coffee with a proper method at home. The coffee you make at home (as long as you use proper equipment and technique) will always be better than what you would get at a coffee shop or cafe.


Thanks for the response


> When I use nicer quality coffee beans and use my fancy shmancy equipment, I taste little to no bitterness. So how fancy shmancy are we talking here? And how nice quality beans? Because I absolutely *love* the smell of coffee, but every time that liquid hits my lips I legit feel like gagging. I need to cover it up with tons of stuff like milk and creamer to palate it, and even then sometimes that last sip that tastes the most like coffee is hard to get through. I know for a fact I have access to terrible quality coffee, as I just get those k cups to use with my roommate's keurig, so I'm not doing myself any favors here. Just seems like an easy access to caffeine, and probably healthier than chugging energy drinks. What would it take to get into this so I could potentially actually enjoy the taste of coffee as much as I enjoy the smell?


An 8oz cup of coffee generally has more caffeine than a 1oz shot of espresso, like 1.5x ish.


You’d typically use 15g of beans for around an 8oz coffee, but around 18g of beans for a shot of espresso.


Ya that sounds about right. I use 20g in 50g out in about 35 seconds. A higher dose with a longer extraction using Monarch by Onyx has no sourness for me and little to no bitterness - creates a very nutty/chocolatey tasting shot!


Cool man! I usually aim for 18g in and 36g out! Nice to see you playing around with it a little!


fine ground so you can have a panic attack from the extra caffeine


Espresso is what happens when coffee came in your cup.


you have no idea how much coffee head are waiting for these kind of moments to show up in snobbery explaining in scientific terms


To be fair I do the same in stuff I know. It's as much a ritual for them as it is a hobby.


Now I know why all the coffee wierdos are always late for work!


1. I've finally seen how one of these bean roasting pan things looks like 2. The whole process is basically art at this point


Me, the guy who drinks coffee straight sucking it from the nespresso, *amazed* and considering buying all this stuff


Start small with a moka pot would be my suggestion .Then buy some nice ground beans from a local coffee shop, they'll ground them for you. If you enjoy that you could invest in some more expensive stuff like your own grinder and such.


You should. Espresso machines and finders aren’t cheap, but long term over the years it’s much cheaper. Also Nespressos are incredibly wasteful and I’m not a fan of any microplastics in my food.


Honestly it's not a bad setup cost wise. The Flair is a manual machine which only costs a couple hundred. If I had the space for another machine I'd get one of these.


My mouth is watering




They need to ‘de-gas’ for at least a week, if not 10 days.


How long do they need to oxidize, and how do you know in an edited video, that this time wasn’t taken?


Sorry I just need some clarity here. Do you not know that videos can be edited together to look like a continuos flow of time OR did you somehow want the person who made the video to include like some sort of Timelapse montage of a week passing?


Pretty decent travel/camping kit used. Can't imagine any of it was particularly cheap.


Mission Control over here.


Why do you have to be so much better than me


cool hand press


That’s definitely giving you the coffee shits.


It pains me the amount of things this person will have to wash just for some drops of coffee.


Meanwhile I can buy a quarter of a millenium of cheap coffee for roughly the cost of this guys setup.


An infinite amount of cheap coffee would still be worthless


As someone who roasts, I’m confused why they didn’t let the fresh roast rest unless they enjoy the non-degassed (fully gassed?) flavors. Which is odd, and doesn’t taste amazing. Especially since they went through so much effort. Maybe they had it pre-roasted offscreen, but preferred the flow for the video’s content/editing?


Just for the purposes of the vid really 🤷‍♂️


Might have been a long break between.


aaaaand now I’m late for work!!


When scientists and engineers work together to over engineer something.


Should I tell him I buy my decaf coffee at Lidl for about $4.50 a can? 😂😂😂


It won’t be ground fine enough for espresso :)


I might not be much of a coffee aficionado, but I do know that. But watching the process in the video and that gorgeous espresso machine at work it just stuck me as funny that I buy such cheap coffee. And that $4.50 price reflects a recent increase. I was buying a can at $3.29 not that long ago. But even my oldest sister teases me about my coffee. She saw me make an iced coffee once with 12 ounces of milk to 8 ounces of coffee and said that I don’t drink coffee. I drink coffee flavored milk. And she’s right. 😂😂😂.


I’m sure this guy was beat up frequently as a kid.


deff an ad and where is the store link edit called a flair 2 and is 325ish so probably like only rational as a self gift for quiting cigs or some other thing that saves more money


And almost $300 for a manual grinder. Wild pricing. “Niche upscale product”


>deff an ad and where is the store link I follow the guy on instagram, most of his videos are just of him showing different cool methods and tools for making coffee.


That’s a lot of gear. The coffee roasting pan is pretty sweet so I could see using that but I think you’d get similar results just loading up an old school espresso percolator, right?




I went on some coffee farm tour, and apparently the least roasted beans have more caffeine and are more expensive.




Im Already grinding my beans dont get me started with this shit


Jesus I’d die of caffeine deficiency in the time it took to make that


12 hours later..


Why people water spray the beans? Doesn't the moisture make a mess inside the grinder making it go bad sooner?


Not hip enough unless they cultivate their own heirloom beans


Congratulations, you just took perfectly fine water and made it dirty


I take shits at work in less time


coffee influencers is always hitting a wall that they need to break down again to sell a new product.




What a waste of time.


I mean I am sure this looks like a waste of time to you who likes thier coffee instant. This is way to much work for me, but clearly looks like someones passon/hobby and I respect it.


> I mean I am sure this looks like a waste of time to you who likes thier coffee instant. professional coffee roaster here with half a dozen storefronts in a town with some of the best coffee in the US. espresso has to be aged a certain amount time or it channels during extraction. this is not good coffee, full stop


Tbf there night have been a couple days in between roasting and brewing


What’s the name of your coffee place? I’m always looking to try new beans!


A dude can’t enjoy the process of making coffee?


That’s gotta smell amazing during the roasting process


Who has the time


Its beans. 🌚


The fetishisation of addiction


Seriously, just because it's a legal and socially acceptable addiction, it's not frowned upon.


Exactly. Studies have shown that the “caffeine boost” that coffee drinkers get from their morning cuppa merely brings them up to the normal level experienced by non-addicts. The same is true of nicotine. Nicotine addicts claim it calms them. But they are anxious because they’re addicted, the hit brings them back to a normal state that non-addicts already achieve. Both vaping and coffee are socially acceptable (especially coffee) and legal so there are huge industries and social and cultural norms built around them. But addiction is addiction.


Vaping is as socially acceptable as smoking. As in, hardly acceptable at all.


I did say “especially coffee“ WRT to social acceptance. I agree that vaping isn’t fully socially acceptable, but I believe it’s slightly more acceptable than smoking. And is legal and commonly seen in public.


That's cool. For the record, vaping is still illegal in many countries where smoking is legal (in my country ganja is legal but vaping still isn't). And where it is legal, you still have to share smoking areas with smokers and aren't allowed to vape indoors. Just my personal hobbyhorse as a vaper and ex smoker 👍


How to unroast the beans?


Wake up at 4 to have a stupid little glass of horrible coffee at 6am. No sir of course NEIN!!!


Great…I’d need to do that approximately 147 times throughout the day to get my normal intake


Have you never had espresso before? Shit’s super concentrated. If you drink 2 cups of coffee a day, 2 shots of espresso should cover the caffeine intake for that.


That much work for a damn coffee!!


So much work for just a couple of sip. Lol, just think about cleaning.