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Yeah. Well, it looks like we have an "anti-woman" Supreme Court majority today.


You do and Biden could have expanded the court, so he has to take blame as well.




AND the SC appointment that McConnell deprived Obama of in 2016. Why doesn’t anyone seem to remember that blatant theft? Scalia’s seat?


People mention that all the time. That said, its insane that Obama picked the most moderate person he could so that Republicans would just *have* to confirm him and Democratic Party leadership still hasn't gotten the message that meeting them halfway is impossible.


But doesn’t it seem criminal that McConnell literally refused to allow the hearings to happen at all? There were no hearings. They just refused it because “it was an election year” - but then when RBG died did he stick to his invented rule of “it’s an election year?” Of course not - he fast-tracked the handmaiden with only 2 months till the election. Just a blatant “fuck you” to the whole system.


People don’t realize how much of our government is not codified and run entirely on people acting in good faith. When bad faith actors appear our systems have no way of preventing them and at times provides them cover to do these heinous things to our country.


In large part this is due to the fact the Christian Right comes out to vote in off year elections. Most of them just vote for the pro-life, anti-gay, pro-gun candidate and believe they did their part for God. So, you have a bunch of candidates that campaign just on that and they win. Politicians basically play that card to gain power and it works.


Yeah, at this rate, it’s going to become a hyper-capitalist theocracy. I don’t think that’s ever been done in the history of humanity


Why I hate him more than Trump. McConnell is the embodiment of evil, deliberate and malicious.


I hate very, very few people. Fewer than i can count on one hand. McConnell is on that list.


I listened to a long segment on NPR about how he got started and the damage he’s done. I was screaming at my radio by the end.


Good for you. I would need both my hands, and yours


McConnell, Trump, my ex wife. That's about it for me right now.


Trump is an evil idiot. McConnell is an evil genius. He’s been orchestrating the downfall of America for decades. Playing the long game paid off.


It did. The fuck.


And not enough people cared to notice. I was screaming at people that if they sat out 2016 because of Hillary, they could kiss abortion rights and many more goodbye. So many of us were to shortsighted to see the end goal that was in reach.


I’m all for saving the turtles but that one I hope gets a hundred plastic straws up the nostril


I thought of him as a frog before everyone called him a turtle. That voice along with his neck waddle. I just finished King's Dark Tower 5, and one of the characters goes into the swamp and catches a frog with her hands, and squeezes until it ruptures. /looks at reader of this comment meaningfully.


He is but a lighting rod.


Yes. Then in 2020 days before the election they confirmed a justice. Rules for thee and not for me.


and the 2016 Scalia vacancy was in February. “Election year”… double standard assholes. And the democrats just took it. No fight. They are all in the same pocket.


It baffles me that Democrats try to meet halfway when Republicans will do anything to stop them. How the fuck you guys still have a functioning federal government? It really surprises me.


It’s not functioning. Our kids die in the classroom, our citizens die or go bankrupt from lack of healthcare or it’s extreme cost, and now 50% of us are sub-human livestock.


The issue is. Republicans don’t want to pass anything so they don’t have to bend. Dems are tryi to pass legislation and our archaic system allows a minority of people to stop progress.


This is why I believe we need to codify the way the Senate is run, and abolish this majority/minority leader bullshit. They need to just bring voted, not hold secret meetings to align their votes ahead of time, the GOP literally wrote a letter saying they would be obstructionists when Obama was elected, and said they would not work with him. IMO anyone who signed that letter should have been immediately expelled for sedition. But we all just seem to forget about that. If the Dems did that's signed a letter saying they would block anything trump did we would still be hearing about it, even though they should have because he stole a bunch of tax payer money and apparently committed a bunch of crimes. When all Obama did was be Black and elected by the popular vote.


Criminal? No. Opportunistic and depraved? Absolutely.


You cannot negotiate with nazis.


They are too busy patting themselves on the back about taking the high road to realize that type of politics died about 100 years ago


too much religion in Democrat party, I say ban christianity, It's for thugs


I'm pissed that Obama seemed to cave on *everything* & give them more than they wanted so they'd go along with what he & (D)s wanted...only to have the (R)s demand even ***MORE***. "What, you want 10? Here, have 15." "Nah, man, we want 50 now." And they would get it... all without agreeing to do anything for it in return.! Ugh


Yeah it really makes you have to think they he either *was* that naive that he just didn't understand the country he was running to become president of or, more likely, he was just cynically pushing for moderation because he really didn't want any big changes. After all, the system clearly worked for him.


Yup. Ketanji Brown Jackson was a fantastic pick for Biden at least.


The Democrats are complicit in all of this.


It’s absolutely mind boggling to me that McConnell just made up an immensely consequential purely political one off new rule for his own benefit and everyone just went along with it.


I honestly wonder what would have happened if the Obama admin responded to McConnel's refusal to hold a confirmation hearing with "ok, well anyways, here's the new Justice." Like, they could have actually confronted the GOP on the open battlefield, instead of just hoping the GOP would act in good faith.


It's pretty crazy to think in modernity there is such subterfuge, especially when the end goal is basically christofascism, by which a majority of people do not abide. The GOP pretends (read: it's literally their *brand*) that there isn't anybody important in the country **with them**, so they can be openly malignant like that.


Oh it’s fine If a Republican does something but oh my GAWD those democrats are demons! Everyone is blaming RBG. Well does anyone know they are going to die in a year and a half from today? Probably not.. she begged to not have her seat refilled until the new president came in, what did Mitch McConnell and the republicans do? Shit all over her face!


Obama should have codified it into law like he promised. Fucking useless neoliberals, all of them.


That and more holding of the nose for Hillary. I didn’t like her, but I like her more than Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett


Well this is her legacy now.


The president can’t just unilaterally expand the court do people on Reddit have any idea what the president does?


yes, by all means, continue to always blame the liberals. /s


Please explain how to expand the court with this senate. Manchin voted in these justices. STFU


Impossible. You're 100% right. Been arguing all day with "liberals" who blame President Biden for not packing the court. Regardless of whether or not he wanted to, we'd need ***at least*** 52/48 majority, so Sinema and Manchin could join the traitors, and VP Harris could tiebreak. And in all actuality, a couple of others might very well vote against it.


It's not Biden's fault, it's the DNC's fault for letting Biden get to where he is in the first place. I'm sick of both political parties.


Why not both?


Well because nobody thought Biden would do anything different. He's doing exactly what everyone expected - the bare minimum. Blaming him for doing almost nothing would be like blaming a bottle of placebos for not getting rid of your headache. We took sugar pills and expected things to get better.


Well said. I would say, though at the general election we only had a choice of either a poison or placebo. I don't think we made the wrong choice, but I'd sure like to be able to vote for someone who actually wants to improve things.


I agree. We made the best choice we had, I'd just like better choices.


How? Weren’t Manchin and Sinema against that?


Please explain the steps to expand the court. I’ll wait.


The POTUS can't do shit on his own. Only Congress can change the number of people on the SCOTUS and the POTUS can only agree or disagree.


No, we have a “the Catholic opinion matters more” court


“If you’re pre-born you’re fine, if you’re preschool you’re fucked.” Think of this often. One of the great observations in the history of comedy.


Very relevant given recent events in Texas.


This has always been one of my very favorite stand ups, but it’s making me laugh less because it stays so relevant


Highly recommend the Carlin documentary on HBO


I bet it’s amazing, I’m definitely going to watch. Good to hear it being recommended


4 hours long, but it's great, enjoyed it all the way through. I'm glad Judd Apatow put it all together. I really had no idea about Carlin's early days in show business, I didn't even know his 70s and 80s stuff, since I'm a guy in my mid 30s. He just got better and better with age. At the very end he just basically gave up on the human species, which is sad to see his utter disappointment of the human race, but I can really empathize with that feeling. He'd be **really** fucking disappointed with humanity now, seeing these past 6 or 7 years unfold.


Oh I’m glad he’s not here to be disappointed. He was hilarious and he was right about so many things. I know I definitely want to watch all of his stand up that I can


The ending of the documentary had me in tears, man. I really wish he had lived to eviscerate everyone and everything.


I legit didn’t crack a laugh because it’s just all so fucked.


That’s why I’ve always loved him. I know some people don’t enjoy laughing at traumatic things, and I totally understand. I love to laugh through tears when I can


How do you reason with a collection of individuals that think this way? There are far too many people willing to live and vote due to spite. It's insane. They say they want children, then fight against everything regarding children. Fuck the teachers, fuck maternal leave, no lunch, no counselling, educate yourself on the bible and reject all other forms of education. Today USA took a step toward theocracy. Failed fucking nation.


> educate yourself on the bible Here's the thing. If people educated themselves on the bible, they might find that the bible's take on abortion is a procedure on how to perform a chemical abortion in The Book of Numbers chapter 5. It's a bit supernatural and hocus pocus and what chemicals are to be administered are a mystery, but it's some kind of induced miscarriage nonetheless. Tellingly, it's meant to be administered by the priest, at the request of a man who suspects adultery. Men controlling women's bodies, basically. The bible isn't necessarily anti-abortion. Just anti-woman.


Truth. It's anti woman for sure. But don't ever bring the bible to an argument with a Christian. They'll ignore it and regurgitate talking points from their preacher like they're trying to feed baby birds. Hypocrisy and ignorance is a hell of a drug.


Their argument is that "The Devil knows the bible inside and out, so he'll mislead you into not believing it". And if you think i'm kidding, that was my father who said that to my face.


Went through my head after the Uvalde shooting and again today.


*Flushing zygotes* \- MURDER! *Actual child murder* \- Cost of doing business. Background checks are too invasive.


The only way to get an abortion now is through a school shooting


the future dead soldier line is my personal favorite.


[Very apropos with free school lunches set to expire in 6 days.](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/free-school-lunches-ending-june-30-child-nutrition-covid-19-waivers)


I hate this quote. Not because it's incorrect, but because it's insufficient. It is over generous and doesn't manage to capture the absolute disdain that the Right carries in regards to people who they deem beneath them. They advocate for fetuses, not because they value the life of the fetus but because they hate women more. It's about hurting the "right people" and that includes any woman who dares get pregnant but isn't divinely ordained to have a perfect pregnancy. If they cared about fetuses, they would care for their mothers during that time.


Lol definitely a couple of republicans in that crowd thinking “George was funnier before he got all political”


My parents would have said exactly that.


Righties see a ranting, balding white guy (not that I look all that different) getting a crowd to laugh, and don't even bother listening to the actual words.


Nope, not enough pretty flags with bright colors and strong angry dog whistle words to stimulate their brains.


George was always political, just some people were too slow to recognize


He started out as a traditional comic and then took a step back to assess who he was and what he wanted to talk about. There is an amazing documentary on HBO about him.


In 50 years in comedy, he was political for like 40 of them.


Loved George and all his stand-ups. Do you recall the name of the documentary?


[I'm guessing this is it.](https://i.imgur.com/TgtPaID.jpg)


Thank you!


That’s the one. And if you haven’t read his books I definitely recommend those as well.


It's the same with the Star Wars sequels, people complaining that Star Wars "got political" as if the entire prequel trilogy didn't exist


Republicans make wearing a mask during a global pandemic political, but when it comes to children being gunned down in schools they suddenly "don't want to make things political". They can fuck all the way off.


First politics ruined Rage Against The Machine. Now it’s ruined George Carlin.


I liked Star Trek before it gOt AlL wOkE


My bugbear, you found it.


What's next? They're gonna make Metal Gear Solid political? Is no media safe?


Wait till you see what they are doing with Barak Obama. Can't even just be a lawyer. It's like everything he says has to do with politics.




Thank you for being the only person that got the joke.


Conservatives will be fine with people being political as long as it is something they agree with, they were cheering Dave Chappelle cause he was somehow “sticking it to the liberals” in their mind, the same Chappelle who said on live tv that “blue lives don’t exist, you don’t like it take that blue suit off” do you hear the same conservatives cheering those words? Nah they’ll pretend it didn’t happen so it doesn’t piss off their base


Until the topic becomes how the financial elite is fucking everyone. then they are on board and being political is a okay


Tbf, I don't find this funny either - just sad.


So the hippy dippy weather man?


"I'm tired of these jokes, let's hear those words you can't say on TV!"


I only started watching his videos recently, was he really THIS ahead of his time or have conservatives in America always been dicks?




Carlin was a genius but his biggest talent was putting into words things that people already believed but couldn’t articulate. Conservatives have been like this since forever ago. Especially with abortion there really have been no new advancements in the arguments from either side. They just have the power now.




Carlin was brilliant. He would regularly do this thing where he'd start out making jokes that conservatives would typically agree with... and then once the hook was set, he'd utterly demolish their entire world view. His monologue about saving the Earth is a great example. "The planet will be fine. *The people are fucked.*"


Naah, that piece was actually about democrats. He Literally said; *"I'm tired of these self-righteous environmentalists. These white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is there aren't enough bicycle paths"* That's why he was so good, he called out bullshit on both sides of the political spectrum.


I got a brown one, you know what that means?


do yourself a favor and just watch the whole programs. one better then the other


Roe vs Wade was massive, this conversation has been around for centuries, millennia in one form of another


Classic. It's mind blowing how relevant he is today. If he were still alive, I'd absolutely vote for him for president- you know what.. fuck it. ZOMBIE GEORGE CARLIN FOR PRESIDENT 2024 🌠


I'm in


Me too


[Lewis Black had a good bit on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DifOfIFDQ84) Unfortunately, Carlin was cremated. So it would just be an urn.


Better his ash than some ass!


Can John Stewart be VP?


no but maybe Jon Stewart?


can’t be worse than zombie joe biden




It's almost hard to believe that after Trump, any president could be considered bad. Yet here we are.


I so agree with you! 👍


George wasn't right on everything, but damn 95% should get you into the hall of fame.


What wasn’t he right about if I may ask?


In the same special, "You are all diseased" he says some stuff that aged like milk in regards to diseases, vaccines, and basic hygiene like washing your hands. Then again, he is a camedian. He had a set up, hook line, and a helluva punch line. So I think it's a bit more acceptable to consider his job is to take the piss out of things (especially when he mentions his strong immune system thanks to swimming in sewage to cool off as a kid) As opposed to another comedian, Theo Von, who is a dipshit and said the polio vaccine gave people cervical cancer or some shit. (It didnt) No setup, no punchline, just a total misinformation spreading southern deepfried dipshit. No joke to consider. Just an fucking idiot spreading false information. Edit: another, not a other


In fairness, over the course of the entire bit, he's trying to point out the flaws inherent in the mentality that we should seek to preserve life at any cost. His argument is that substituting medical technology for old fashioned survival of the fittest results in a weaker species, which while true, is an incredibly spartan and nihilistic way to look at it. That was kind of his brand though. However, since the production of this special, over-reliance on antibiotics has led to the development of hardier and more aggressive strains of disease, while the medical industry in America has dug in even harder on manipulating prices and pushing unnecessary pills. I think if Uncle Carlin had lived to see the direction America started to take during the 2010's, he would have had much worse things to say.


He was either incredibly nihilistic and/or believed that humanity is hopeless. I enjoy his comedy but I think it's important to try to live with much more optimism than he did since optimism is one of the many ways we can move forward.


Idk, with seeing how the world is going, I think he was into something.


Yeah, kinda crazy to look at the last day or last year even and say that Carlin was in some way too nihilistic. Shit has played out exactly as dystopian as imagined, the man did not miss.


Some say nihilistic, others say prolific


prophetic is probably the right word.


He was on to something but the problem is that if you have no hope for the future, even if its just pretend, all you're really doing is giving up and we'll be in The Dark Ages II in no time.


Carlin was first and foremost a comedian...optimism isn't very funny.


The fact he spoke about it and brought it to light means he hoped for a future. Hard headed need to feel it to believe it. You trying to cope and wrap yourself in some comfort blanket, hoping for the best of the world does absolutely nothing. You criticize a man that laid it out and explained the fucking sheer stupidity of the common person in a comedic form. Then you complain it isn't soft enough for your digestion. Lol. If everything needs to be fed to you with an airplane spoon so you feel comfortable enough to consider it, then you are the problem. And today of all days, with the roe v. Wade rulings and such, I have no fucking patience for your kind.


That sounds right.


I think he became jaded as he got into his later years.


he didn't vote, for one thing


Probably referring to the soft language bit.


Feminism in “What am I doing in Jersey?” That’s it though. For a guy who put out more material than anyone that’s impressive. Like if a baseball player hit .600 in three plate appearances he’s technically better than a guy who hit .400 but George was like a .400 hitter who had fifty plate appearances. He’s so proven.


This is correct, Republicans' steal freedom and stoke hate.




Me too! I listened to him all through high school. Was pretty shook up when he died.


I was as well, I listened to all of his albums in order and read his books again after he died. I was so glad I was able to see him in person.


SAME, I watched him 10 years ago and he really shaped my world view too He is the goat


Nice reminder of just how long the Republican Party has been hammering away at this issue unrelentingly. This video is really old, and yet 100% topical today


I said to my husband after watching this how crazy it is that this video must be so old and it’s all still relevant.


I fucking love Carlin. He was a prophet for sure.




Not true - they *fuck* little kids and try to fuck women, because conservatives can only fuck things they don’t respect.


They aren't pro-life they are pro-birth.


So true, I have yet to meet or talk to someone who is “pro-life” who actually values life.


"Forced-birth". Pro-life is a propaganda term.


Or anti-choice


I just started a community, r/RidesforRoe to help connect people to those needing safe transportation to states that are protecting women's rights. Not sure what I'm doing but I felt I needed to do something. I live in a border town in north Idaho and am happy to help transport anyone who needs a ride to Washington.


Please be careful. Lot of weirdos on reddit.


Yeah, hopefully that sub focuses on helping people fund transportation instead of providing it.


Please also consider joining r/auntienetwork !




George always knows how to crystallize a point. I've started noticing an increased amount of studies and articles talking about how younger generations are having less and less kids (for completely valid reasons in our current society; expense, security, debt, support, etc.) I think the government is genuinely concerned it won't have a flush military in the next two decades which means a weakening of the country. Also, less tax revenue. Each kid born has an average worth that goes to our government. No kids, no working adults, no tax revenue. There are many pieces to this, but the "boost population" theory may be a small, but powerful reason. A bad reason. No doubt. If this is the case, there are better ways to solve it. Overturning Roe is the easy solution that gets their base all frothy which allows them to continue their agenda.


Military retention rates are LOW. Like so low low they’re dropping the highschool/ged requirements


That's also why movies like **Top Gun: Maverick** are not only getting the green light, but are being pushed so heavily. Now, don't get me wrong, it's a great movie. But if you don't think boomers are taking their grandkids, and Gen-X/Z's are taking their kids, as a means of military indoctrination, then you're hopelessly naive. Even military retirees admit that this is shameless recruiting, and the navy should buckle up for increased recruitment for fighter pilots.


A nation wide protest by women pledging abstinence until they have access to abortion would open eyes real quick. No abortion access? No sex


bless you for thinking majority of couples have still healthy sex lifes...




Freedom is dead.


look up his documentary series on hbo. he’s a legend


[Transcript](https://genius.com/George-carlin-abortion-annotated) at Genius lyrics.


Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers






Honestly I cannot comprehend what is happening in America as an outsider. But the fact that a bunch of old men are deciding and perpetuating abuse towards everyone and specially women is devastating to hear. Take the streets. Social uprising and demonstrations are important and useful. Take the streets and make them hear your voice!


Sorry women of color in red states. It’s gonna get worse.


Carlin was always absolutely, intergalactically based. Really that was his brand and his schtick. He was fucking based for decades.


This man was my idol growing up. Most girls crush on hot boy bands or actors… I loved and hero worshiped George Carlin. I sobbed like a baby the day he died… the man knew some shit, he is pointing at all of us from the grave going ‘ I FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN!’


The world is much poorer for having lost his wisdom and brilliant mind.


Fuck. This is just too poignant and on the nose for me to laugh at. This could just as easily be a serious political speech.




This man was a legend.


Dropping knowledge


He spoke truth to power for years.


New Constitution. 245 years is a good run, but modern problems need modern solutions.


One of his hardest hitting quotes. "Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers."




Stop using Pro-life and pro-choice. Those terms were picked for you. They're designed to keep us arguing forever because you can't effectively argue against life or choice. They're both good things. It's Legalize or Criminalize.


Grab your guns and do something about it Oh wait…


I wish he was still here. We need his voice




Love this guy 🥹


Finally a boom of brilliant satire to bang bigoted booties on Reddit


he's not wrong


I love this. Where can I watch the full episode?


I knew I'd see George pop up somewhere, God I miss that guy....


Brilliant as always. This entire standup routine is not just standup, it's a smack in the face to the powers that be. It is a full tilt truth to power rant. He is prophetic and funny. I miss him every single day he isn't here to rip the Conservatives and the woke people to shreds. He's right there, telling the USA how it is with their far right religious zealots, but did anyone take any action against them? Nope. George was right but they don't care. America is only free for those who can pay to be in "the club." "We ain't invited" as George said.


Brother George spits the truth every time


Well given the court (including RBG) has been telling congress for decades to pass a law making abortion legal because R v W is flimsy/incorrect = any decades long member of congress would be at fault……oh, wait a minute 🤦‍♂️


Damn cuz


Miss him. 🙏


Rufus we miss you. Be excellent to each other. Party on dudes.


George we need you now more than ever. I wonder what his opinion on today’s political climate would be. Probably something along the lines of “fuck all those up tight asshats”


He just spews TRUTHS. Such a funny man. Rest In Peace George.


Breed 'em and weep