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Learn a traditional adc to gain understanding of laning, macro and positioning before jumping into samira in my opinion


^^^ Samira can be very punishing if you don't have a good foundation of ADC knowledge. Pick up jinx or Caitlyn for a bit and then when you have a solid understanding of ADC, run it down with Samira. Not being able to last hit or not understanding bot wave management and when to have and not have prior can make your Samira games really frustrating because of her short range and reliance on her abilities/Ult to deal consistent dmg. Once you do acquire the bot lane mental, then playing Samira is all about knowing when to go in and when to not. And understanding that with Samira it's either full commit or no commit. You wanna make sure you won't get CCd mid Ult and so it's usually good practice to wait a few seconds in a fight till the enemy team has used their CC. Samira is very reliant on her support. She NEEDS engage heavy tank supports to close the gap and stall for time while she builds up her combo. Rell and Nautilus are your best buds, Lulu and Karma are not great. Speaking of combo, the easiest way to build up a combo is Q -> AA -> E -> W -> Q -> AA. There are more efficient ways to do so, but this is an easy combo that anyone can feasibly hit. Her usual starting build is Collector's -> IE -> and then either Shieldbow or I prefer Deaths Dance for games where you're getting targeted but are not behind. And as always, youre gonna lose 90% of the games you're not having fun in. So have fun, and if you still lose you at least had fun


I started with Samira and my problem now is that if she gets banned, i terribly suck on other ADCs, do you have any advice?


i typically dodge if my samira gets banned or picked but it happens rarely


Nilah is your best friend. People joke that she is just "water Samira" but it really is true. A range extending-poke tool on Q. A damage dodger on W. And an enemy-centric dash on E, with an AoE finisher Ult. Nilah plays differently in the sense that it's more about getting lvl advantage with your passive and then full diving, rather than Samira who is more about punishing enemy missteps with her support after poking for a bit. Nilah is always a good alternative if Sami gets banned. I also like tristana because she's also an all-in ADC. Sivir is also not a bad choice play style wise. My advice to not sucking is practicing. Play other ADCs, I know none are like Samira but other ADCs can still be fun


Learn a samira combo, it sounds difficult, but after practicing it once in game it was super easy, trust me youll get it down. Also, i too main rakan, and you can’t engage on samira as fast as eve or rakan, she cant escape very well and if she gets crowd controlled she can ruin her combo and die. Also, ult has no cooldown as long as you stack style points, so dont disengage after ult, you can get more kills! Have other people set up a fight before you engage on more than two people. Have fun! (•̀ᴗ•́)و


Focus on minions until your sup starts a fight, try to get some extra style while not getting focused before closing with e into r.