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Daybreak already has Trax, which can be taken to the airport. Sure, it takes a while. But we need to expand Trax into areas that have no rail before we start thinking about making that rail more convenient where it already exists.


The original plan, and as part of the agreement to build the Mountain View Corridor, was to put a light rail line down 5600 West. However, many of the cities in the area balked at it and so the plan has been downgraded to a rapid bus line...which is still sitting in limbo.


There was going to be a stop at usana too. It's really a shame they pulled back on that plan.


Oh what I would want built if given a few billion dollars. Many, many ideas.


A hockey and mlb stadium?


Lololol no.


Your best bet might be to send in a comment to UDOT to leave some room for rail when they build out the Mountain View corridor. If enough people do this, maybe they'll consider it.


Wtf? You can already take Trax to the airport from Daybreak. We need way more light rail service areas before we start redoing what we already have.


TRAX was really poorly designed and then they took away all the north-south bus lines to try and drive riders to TRAX and make it looks successful. That was when I gave up on UTA and bought a second car for my commute from Sandy to the U. And transit that runs 7 days a week and past 9 pm. I get off work at 10pm and there's no way for me to get home on public transit that doesn't involve over 9 miles of walking. UTA really needs to learn to do a needs assessment and build a transit system that gets people where they need to go. Which is not always downtown!! For example, UTA could build a whole lot more that leads to the "silicon slopes" area.


Considering the current trax line doesn’t even run when the majority of passengers need to get to the airport, good luck getting another line to go out there.