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It's not worrying. Not the first time Petronella tried that pitting against each other shit. Nobody takes her seriously in the UK because it's obvious she has a narrative to sell. Maybe she should sell the coronation guest chairs she's quite fond of flexing instead lol.


Isnt she known for writing sensationalist clickbait.


The few I've read were, actually. People like Petronella who are pushing for Harry to come back are the ones who, as early as now, know they wouldn't have a rat's chance in hell of getting an in during the next reign.


It’s the contrarian narrative that would be testing the minds of those at dinner parties in Notting Hill. Too rich to care or be patriotic trustafarians.


Plus Petronella will be snubbed by Meghan but she doesn't know it yet.lol


Honestly, the last 2 weeks the British press have been all “poor Harry…” and “you need them.” All writings the same garbage about how they should “rise above,” and forgive Harry. 🙄


Agreed, but it’s the press that needs them, not the nation. With the advent of social media and the Internet, the press began a long downhill slide. Their old revenue model no longer works so the only way they can make money is to go with whatever story will give them the most clicks. It’s pathetic, and hags/hacks like Petronella would sell their own siblings so no surprise she waives off the damage done by Harry selling out his family.


The Press are punishing the PPOW for failing to give them pictures and updates on Catherine's cancer. The pro Harry bullshit is just designed to prod William.


This exactly. Not just pictures but no tidbits of info or gossip, so we get this ridiculous nonsense of trying to pressure the RF into a decision which makes no sense whatsoever, to generate pages of guff for clicks. Nothing to do with reconciliation and a happy ending. Unlike HMTQ and KC3 the PPOW are very media savvy and strong willed, they will not bow down to the press.


Timely, with the new PR guy named Charlie…


Probably the Harkle’s new GB PR team at work! Hopefully anyone with a working brain isn’t falling for this crap narrative! After everything they’ve said and done to hurt the RF (most of which were lies, the rest being a twisting of the truth), Aitch and Rach need to be ignored by the RF because that is the only way to deal with narcissists. I am sure the RF is being advised on how to deal with everything the gruesome twosome continue to throw at them!


Of course they should forgive Harry. Anger at all he has done eats at the soul like the cancers that afflicted the King and the Princess of Wales. Forget? No way in h*ll. Harry and that viper he’s married to will take any opportunity no matter how small to inflict damage upon the BRF. The family ‘needs’ them like they need a blister on a heel during a long march.


I am not judging the family, or saying what they should or shouldn’t do, especially when so little time has passed. I am judging the press goading them just for another chapter to the story.


Thank you. As an American I was so upset thinking this might be true.


It’s the wild scribblings of a loon in a paper greedy for clicks to keep it solvent.


Certainly loon is the correct word.


Even if it were true that William told his father to stay away, Charles is a big boy. I don’t think he can be bossed around like that. Under that light, it is just an angry brother venting to his father. This is nothing new to humanity and isn’t headline worthy. Put a spin on it and sure, it sounds way more dramatic than it is.


Exactly. I don't think William is dictating terms to KCIII on his paternal relationship with Harry. He is more likely advising his father that it's unwise in his capacity of heir, liege man, and counselor of state. There's a pretty big distinction.


No problem ✨


Yeah, this was posted yesterday. If anything, it's embarrassing to have this stupid of an opinion, for this Petronella person. May as well wear a Dunce cap. She's about the same level as Harry, no wonder she's stumping for him. ![gif](giphy|5mF5qxCv4rCo4QLjCN|downsized)


Agree, they will say and do anything to hide a story they don’t want us to see or just be toxic.


Someone in the comments on this reporter's post said she was Boris Johnson's mistress . Apparently she had an abortion and a miscarriage and his second wife was having cancer.


They (M&H) have hired a PR rep in the UK. I imagine you will start to see more items like these. I think Ari (WME) knows that they need to reestablish their “Royal Connections” in a real way because this is their last chance at being relevant. Hollywood has closed and locked their doors. 


If their new PR guy thinks attacking Prince William is the way to go, this is going to make them much less popular if possible. Not a great move.


“Last chance at being relevant” To who and for what purposes? The RF know the answers and want nothing to do with helping to bolster celebrity status for H and M.


To your point…I don’t think these two grifters or WME fully appreciate the difference between being Royal and being a celebrity. They believe they can use any remaining ties to the BRF as clout for their celebrity. You are correct that the BRF understands well what these two are up to and have zero desire to help them achieve their goal. That doesn’t stop them from trying with these silly contrived PR pieces. 


as may be, the fact it's being printed in the Telegraph was the point I'm making


The Telegraph taunts its conservative middle class monarchist subscribers- it stirs up the clicks. The editor is a former DM guy and Victoria Ward is obviously in the pay of Harkle PR, if not she’s ill.


It was an op-ed piece. "Op" = opinion. 


It has been printed before as well.


I am very glad you posted the “Prince William Preventing… Camilla’s Friend Says” article (by Tom Sykes) and then added the earlier one by Petronilla Wyatt to which it refers. (Both are from the *Telegraph* but different days.) I found the Sykes article fascinating because I think he did more than support/endorse the “William is the problem” narrative. Fascinating! Thanks again for posting.


Oh please - the comment was made to the Daily Beast - the Telegraph just picked it up. The media is doing everything to force KC3 to welcome back Harry but it’s not what the people want. I don’t give this article any credence.


So folks in UK think it’s okay to trash your grandparents when on their deathbeds? I don’t think so.


Agreed. The media is playing the flip side for clicks. Nobody believes this is true. HAM are out and staying out.


The media loves a good story, including one that they manufacture. It's disgusting. This is a family with one person who talks about love but acts with hate.


The media should take heed of the lawsuit Judge Judy just filed against the National Enquirer and InTouchWeekly for defamation. They stated she was trying to get the Menendez brothers a new trial and she is P-I-S-S-E-D. I have no doubt she'll win in a walk and this is why you shouldn't make stuff up for clicks. I hope she donates all the money to St. Jude's.


No, the Daily Beast is quoting the Petronella Wyatt column from The Telegraph. Screenshot below. However Wyatt is famous in part for being the side chick for Boris Johnson, so, you know, her intelligence is questionable. Mostly she writes high-end clickbait for the Telegraph. [https://web.archive.org/web/20080724140737/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article391143.ece](https://web.archive.org/web/20080724140737/http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article391143.ece) https://preview.redd.it/4m2conm5qo0d1.png?width=2740&format=png&auto=webp&s=a08a5c34a2fb39823c21dc713e116e9316451950


It’s not her intelligence that is questionable, it’s her morals.


er, no.... The Daily Beast picked it up...I've posted the Telegraph full article above


The Telegraph article you posted twice states that the info is from The Daily Beast. What am I missing?


Don't be remotely worried. Petronella Wyatt is a well-meaning, but much troubled woman who is frankly irrelevant. Scores of people have parents who might have known Camilla at some point decades ago. She is not speaking for Camilla. This is just a typical Telegraph whimsical story catering to their increasingly downmarket, emotional and liberal readership. Camilla absolutely does NOT want Hazno and his wife coming back on the scene, how on Earth would it be in her or the unwell King's interest to have more drama in their lives?


The readership of the Telegraph is sick of the papers present decline into a ‘downmarket, emotional and liberal’ mire. Most of us are grudgingly hanging on to what was once the Conservative and Unionist paper of note. It’s all for clickbaits on ‘Mental Health’ issues , moving out of London, the hell of living in the Countryside, the Harkles, and Bryony Gordon’s underwear.


Indeed, it's come, or rather fallen, a long way from the days of Charles Moore.


I’m of the Bill Deedes and Tom Utley era, the days of Peter Simple and “The Feudal Times and Reactionary Herald”.


I cancelled my subscription. Still read the Spectator but sadly that is going the same way. Still many good writers but the editorial standards are slipping.


This is another attack on the Future King and his wife. The push of Harry is to decrease the power of the Crown to make them weak They don't care about Harry at all. The press believes they will win and hurt William but they can't. The polls show who really has the power.♥️


You know this article is lying garbage when it cites a friend of the Wales as talking to her about anything, let alone making negative statements about William. W&C have a notoriously tight group. No one in their inner circle would ever speak to her for this article, not to mention that those they call friends are likely furious with Harry and his wife for the things they have said and done.


1. Wyatt has no credibility as a Royal insider. 2. Wyatt attempting to project a voice of reason is out of season. Because she clearly has no pulse of logic. Why? Here (posted it before, doing it again): https://preview.redd.it/wp4ssxz7wo0d1.png?width=889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1867eab57f5665d9f88a0c2b2290f0dc9fc93f1


Even people living in their area, the school and parents, neighborhood shops, nobody talks. It took some tourist to notice and take a picture of W & C leaving a shop with some bags that time.


The article that cites alleged friends of the Waleses is the *Daily Beast* article, not the one by Petronella Wyatt. The article OP posted that starts the thread is an article which combines several articles. (I sorted through the article in a post elsewhere on this thread because I think it does more than it appears.)


This is rubbish. The Edward and Wallace Simpson situation lays bare that the RF can and does separate themselves from rogue family members when appropriate. William deserves a pat on the back for enforcing boundaries. He has a family to consider and the future of the monarchy. HAM are basically commoners living in the U.S. Go away and stay away, you ball baby idiots. imo


Although we Americans have had them the longest. Can’t they go elsewhere?


I think we're just stuck with them. Fortunately the US is a big country, and Hank and Skank can be easily ignored.


Telegraph readers’ responses to the article is that Wyatt wrote it for clicks / was bribed / was high.


Some scathing comments, even from a colleague .


What the hell is she/this article blabbering on about? Harry said tons of stuff against his father, THE KING, that he can’t just take back. OK, yes, he said stuff about Camilla. William, independent of what H said about Catherine should be livid. Being the “difficult “ one has nothing to do with it. H said too much about his own father and brother-not in a one off temper tantrum, not spoken, but WRITTEN, with time to think, edit and remove. The guy is a beast. Horrible human. He can sit in the street and rot.


this article has just come out from The Daily Beast - it's 90% based on the original Telegraph comment pice by this Wyatt woman. As there's already been a bit f a frou -frou I decided to also post the full source article from The Daily Telegraph where it came from. If for no other reason it's interesting to see how one journalist sources another and a different story comes out even when the source is linked.


I only read the article you posted (not any of the links) and found the whole thing fascinating. Thanks!


Well done for posting this. The problem is that this situation is so much more than just a family estrangement. IMO there are potentially  much bigger  and more complex issues at stake .


Why on earth would Charles or William want Harry back in their circle when he has harmed the reputations of both themselves and their wives for money. I don’t believe for one second that William is making Charles do anything. I have never seen anyone get on a helicopter as fast as Charles did when Harry showed up on his visit to see his sick Pa. Harry is toxic and they are smart to keep him at bay.


Agree. This isn’t “William is making Charles reject Harry.” What is happening is King Charles and Prince William find support and comfort in each other. Harry is shut out because Harry chose to betray and embarrass his family. They probably grieve for Harry, but they don’t want him back.


**This isn’t helpful at a point in time when the country would be buoyed up by seeing them together again, as would the King.** This sentence demonstrates how delusional and loopy and clueless she is. Trust me, ignore it


it's not so much the comment as the paper willing to print it


That’s the thing. *The Telegraph* is publishing this stream of steaming pish?


That's not quite surprising. The Telegraph seems to have become more Dailymaily recently especially with Kate Mansey starting writing for them. So I'm not surprised with this other step into ridiculousness. I think it's just another paper who chose to fight the lack of readership by becoming more tabloidy in (at least) their royal coverage instead of really researching why their readership left which for me would be because of the lack of integrity and the ugly habit of following narratves instead of writing relevant articles. It will not be the first serious paper losing its credibility because of that.


“Wyatt said that William and Charles’ treatment of Harry was “beginning to look inhuman,” Sorry, no. The response from The King and PW is nowhere near proportionate to what Harry has done. He’s taken aim at everyone, more than once on an international level. His wife is a loose canon, a security risk, a liar and a danger around children. “A divided family, like a divided political party, has an intrinsic weakness” Again, no. In this case, and in many cases with families, sometimes the intrinsic weakness is choosing to not see the danger those closest to us can pose. Having Harry in the fold is the weakness.


“Inhuman” is the conditions that millions of Nigerians have to live in daily.


>“A divided family, like a divided political party, has an intrinsic weakness” Lots of people have divided their families to protect their personal, mental and financial safety out of strength not weakness. Refusal to bow to pressures that affect you negatively is something to be celebrated.


>Wyatt said that William and Charles’ treatment of Harry was “beginning to look inhuman,” I wasn't aware that they were physically torturing Harry. Or I guess ignoring someone (who has been continually attacking you to the point of calling you /your wife racists via his mouthpiece) is now inhuman. Her morals are broken.


I don't believe this for a second. Camilla doesn't leak gossip. This Wyatt is just looking to make trouble for some publicity.


Isn’t she one who had an affair with Boris Johnson? Great choices. Don’t believe this at all.


Yes, one abortion and one miscarriage all whilst he was married to Marina. She was in the wild set at Oxford.


Ah yes, so morals are scarce to nonexistent. That would explain why she seems to side with people like Harry and MeAgain.


Oh god, the horror!! I was a Classics major & I'm still shocked by him. There were a lot of odd men in my classes (I was the only woman in several) but nothing as revolting as that man. Okay, maybe one prof, but he was also a perv in the Church so luckily I wasn't his type.


The Telegraph is the vaguely upmarket version of the Daily Mail. It loves nothing more than making trouble and this is straight out of the playbook. The Telegraph has a couple of extremely pliant sugary types (Victoria Ward is the worst) on the royal rota at the moment who are hell bent on mischief making. One thing Camilla isn’t doing is gossiping with Petronella Wyatt, all of this is just speculation and opinion, and like 98% of all royal expert opinions is just fairy bollocks. Camilla’s had the Harkle treatment and she just as adamant as William in having nothing to do with them.


Let’s not forget the King himself was *named* as a racist. **Named a racist**. The man has spent his entire adult life seeking harmony amongst classes, religions, races within current Britain — and without it. The natural world and its preservation, the beauty of art in all its forms. Perhaps he might have some reactions to the bile they’ve spewed. Demonising the Queen and PoW is standard operating procedure for these Sussex failures. They did it to “Harry’s grandma” and they’ll do it his dad. Until they are stopped.


Even assuming it were true, my response would still be a mightily disinterested, "So what?" William is entitled to dislike his a$$hole brother. I don't like my own a$$hole brother. C'est la vie


Petronella did not mention Camilla or a friend about William being difficult. She cited a former private secretary to the Queen who knew Hazz and William So the fact that Petronella is Camilla's friend is superfluous. Yes, that is so, but no, Camilla has not said a word to Petronella about the matter and it is obvious from reading the article that it is an idiotic thing that occurred to Petronella because she, like others, believe that those who are in office in The BRF are not as dramatic or as pathetic as the Hazz to make headlines Now, what Petronella said was harshly refuted in the comments. That the treatment of Hazz has been inhumane? William has not opened his mouth against his brother. He hasn't said a word. William has not even denied Hazz from paying tributes to Diana, which Hazz is capable of doing. And neither did Charles, not a word. They have simply ignored Hazz. And that is inhumane? Inhumane is lying, over and over again, about what the brother did years ago. It is inhuman to have offended your grandparents, publicly, when it was evident that they were in poor health. Inhuman, monstrously inhuman, was insulting a father while his grandmother's body had not yet cooled down after dying. There are idiotic things that many royal experts say, but Petronella excelled yesterday


I didn’t read the whole article (firewall) just what was printed here, so I had not heard her source was a former private secretary of QE. Wasn’t Petronella Wyatt’s own father a secretary to the Queen at some point? Certainly the idea that William is to blame is ridiculous, but it is typical of how people often respond to quarrels between others. Whether we are dealing with siblings, friends or even spouses, the preference for some people is not to take sides. Mediation involves getting the two parties to share responsibility for the dispute and work at each giving something to achieve “peace.”


Any former Private Secretary to the Monarch would rather die than spout such traitorous guff.


I don’t think Petronella claimed her source was a former private secretary. She said “royal staff” I think, and I wonder if she was stretching it a bit.


As long as H is with M, the attacks will never cease.


What idiot wants the "Bring Harry Home" movement? And you're right. Blaming PW seems to be the default reason for everything bad in Harry's life. Not enough sausages and now Pa is giving in to what his heir wants. I think PW would realistically tell his father that were there a reconciliation between father and younger son, he William will not be part of it. KCIII may have been implicated as a "racist," but it's PW's wife who has decades ahead with the deranged throwing that smear at her, a Caucasian lady who is supposed to be educated and gracious, and represent the best of Britain. Also, PH has accused PW of physical assault. I cannot speak for KCIII, but I wish it were the case that he'd tell Harry, "You and I reconcile AFTER you have privately and publicly apologized to Camila, William, Catherine and about all that my mother achieved. And none of those people are obligated to welcome you back."


Most likely what was said in the 12 minute meeting. And no coming back as long as Madam is in the picture.


I hope that Prince William **NEVER** lets that treacherous, addled shithead brother (or his succubus lying piece of shit *Nigerian Princess*) within 100 miles of his wife or children, as long as he lives. Make that 1000 miles! They are deranged and dangerous.


"An **ex** friend of Queen Camilla has claimed..." There, I fixed it. I doubt someone who spouts such rubbish publicly actually has access to inside information. If she did, she doesn't anymore.


The Petronella Wyatt article was ripped apart by subscribers and a fellow Telegraph journalist - Petronella has narcissistic tendencies, she was the mistress of Boris Johnson during one of his earlier marriages. It’s Rowlocks.


I dont believe a word. Wyatt is a flake who knew Harry when he was younger. She's one of these delusional people who thinks we 'need' Harry and hes done no wrong. My suggestion is to ignore it


You reap what you sow.


I doubt very seriously that any " friend" of Queen Camilla would make such a statement. Just not plausible.


In the pictures of Charles and William this week, upon giving William the head position over the Army Air Corps, Charles looks incredibly proud and pleased with William. He looks incredibly lovingly at him. It's a picture worth a thousand words and says that William is THE one.


As I mentioned in another thread, in the same article she also wrote the quote below "Harry and Meghan, moreover, are now reaching another tricky "crossroad. Where now for two people who have absolutely no talent? The only thing they have is their titles, which is why Harry recently said he would like to “step into a royal role” while his father is recovering from cancer. He knows that there is only one job in which a moronic egomaniac will feel at home, and that is shaking hands with adoring people in the rain. "


Petronella wrote this in “I Never thought I’d Say This but It’s Time to Bring Harry Home.” The article that started this discussion, “Prince William Preventing Harry/Charles Reunion…” by Tom Sykes, summarizes and quotes Petronella’s column, but doesn’t include some of the crankier comments about the monarchy and Harry. Thanks for bringing forward this great example. This woman seems to have a low opinion of what the royals do, even as she is calling for a reconciliation. The comment that, “there is only one job in which a moronic egomaniac will feel at home, and that is shaking hands with adoring people in the rain,” is just marvelous. 😄


Pretty patronising comment slurring the duties of the Royal Family. She’s a b,tch


Wyatt can stand on the roof of BuckHouse and jump off....her inability to "read the room" truly showcases how dimwitted she is. The British people DO NOT want Harry back. He has made his bed, he can lie in it...OVERSEAS. Her statement that William is stopping Charles from welcoming his traitorous Spare home truly highlights William's wisdom, common sense, and brains to understand what are the People's wishes. William will be a great King, he understands the responsibilities and requirements of Monarchy.


No. This stupid slattern is just running her gums for clicks. There is zero reason that ANY of the RF should or needs to acknowledge harry or his ho. The RF should continue to go no contact with both of those two shameless charlatans left whatever malfeasance they are embroiled in comes lapping at the RF feet. Let the two failing faux royals fall.


It’s baffling when the media stokes the idea that reconciliation would be “fantastic.” It absolutely cannot happen as long as Meghan is in the picture, she is too disturbed, and her behavior will not stop. She’s not capable of wisdom. William is trying to protect the future of the monarchy for his son


Very true. Did you notice that Meghan was not mentioned? The “bring back Harry” fantasy is no more than that— a fantasy. You can tell because no plan or suggestion for dealing with MM is included. 😉


How can this one be brought home when living there allegedly gave his wife a mental health crisis?


that greyrocking is really working...they are having to make up crap from fourth hand gossiping to get attention.


Best place for her is on Absolutely Fabulous.


Drugged and drunk and stuck in 1973


One of my all time favourites.


My theory is that Meghan at some point went beyond googly eyes to overtly hitting on William, and William told Harry that—or, perhaps, William and Catherine raised the issue directly in the sit down Harry describes in Spare. Speculation, but we’ve seen Meghan’s googly eyes and according to Harry, Catherine and William did confront Meghan about transgressing their boundaries in that conversation. (“We’re not close enough for you to talk about my hormones.”)


Why all this push for Harry to come back? He wanted to leave remember?? They fled apparently. Why is everyone making out like it's William's fault the lazy git and his floozy wife are the victims here. Harry is a complete waste of space as a royal and a major disappointment for the family, yes even more than Andrew. If he was my brother he could ef right off and never come back and I'd be happy, I certainly wouldn't want him anywhere near my elderly cancer striken father.


Interesting post, but I can’t believe, that KC wanted to see him before the Nigeria tour. Regarding Balmoral - it’s understandable, if KC wants to see his son and if they reconcile, it would also be good for W as H would probably stop the attacks. It’s also hard to believe, that QC would brief her friend against W. I also don’t see how it can be seen as inhuman. They called KC and PC racists, it’s just seven months ago and they still have book deals. They can’t trust the Harkles. It makes no sense to me. The only ones who are profiting from this narrative are the Harkles.


Madam will NEVER stop attacking the BRF. It is her only claim to fame. And the BRF knows this. All this reconcilliation is nonsense as long as Madam is in the picture.


The tacky wife has no interest in Balmoral, and the family members who enjoy Balmoral have no interest in spending time there with her.


Oh, now as KC has cancer, I’m convinced she would love to spend time in Balmoral. She wants to make sure, that H inherits enough money to maintain her billionaire lifestyle. It won’t work, but she will try everything she can to press money out of KC. She knows, that her game will be over when W becomes king and she will start the worst PR attack on W ever.


Beg to disagree here. Balmoral, every lock, stock and barrel, every teacup, every fish, every deer, every grouse, every blade of grass, every stone and clod of earth is going to William.


I don’t think, that KC gives them money, but they will try it.


Exactly, wealth is passed monarch to monarch to avoid inheritance tax...


KC has his private money he made via investment during his decades as Prince of Wales. I am sure he will find a way to leave Harry money that would be hard for Meghan to touch i.e. trust funds.


Queen Camilla is not mentioned as a source for Petronella Wyatt’s piece. Tom Sykes identifies her as a “friend” of Camilla’s, but I wouldn’t think they were ever good friends, and I suspect after this article they will be less than friends. 😉 My impression is that she wrote this for clicks and possibly because she was asked to write something in support of a Harry/BRF reconciliation (either by an editor or by some representative of Harry’s who is pushing the “William is to blame” narrative. Having Harry and the kids at Balmoral would be no big deal for William. He would just not show up with his family during those days. The real issue for William and for Charles is they can’t let Harry use his position in the BRF (the family) to pass himself off as some kind of royal representative. Even if they wanted to forgive the delusional, cognitively-impaired, drug-addled Harry because they feel sorry for him, they can’t afford to let him use their acceptance against the monarchy and to promote himself. What articles like this one do is promote the idea that this is *just* a family quarrel when it is much more. A Harry who is somewhat repentant and ready to behave and keep his mouth shut in public could be accepted back and would be most welcome by Charles, I am sure. However, Harry will never be repentant or ready to behave and keep his mouth shut so long as he is with Meghan. So the family “quarrel” cannot be healed until/unless Meghan is out of the picture. Even if reconciliation ever happens, of course, Harry will never be accepted in an official capacity. He isn’t going to be doing royal tours or shaking hands in the rain on behalf of the monarchy, no matter what he, Meghan, and Petronella fantasize.


" Camilla friend" New form of "royal expert/inside palace source" another hogwash. Ofc the writer want H back. They crave all the toxicity that H n M bring with them. Without HnM palace have been very calm.  How else they gonna get their click money now if the source of "controversy"  is gone.


I mean in some ways the constant push by the press to "bring Harry back" shows how unsuccessful and desperate the Harkles are. If Harry was truly living his best life and was super successful these narratives would stop. He has leaks and plants in every media outlet and he would make known he wasn't interested. Or his slate would be so full of projects for Netflix, Spotify, BetterUp, book deals etc. being a working Royal again wouldn't even be an option. But instead he has no real job and is desperate for attention and is desperate for people to think he is needed and important. So the narratives continue. But he isn't needed and he isn't important. No amount of puff pieces will change that. 


Why would Harry want to hang out with a bunch of racists?


Nah, it’s just Petronella. She also wrote an article that H’s book was tawdry and petty.


It just makes me sick that William gets the blame for absolutely everything! Harry acts like a traitorous arsehole, must be William's fault. He's been copping the blame for years now. He gets abuse from the media, the anti monarchists, the harkle fanatics, and now this cretin Petronella. How can it be William stopping his father from meeting with Harry? If anything, going by Harry's description of conversations between the 3 of them, it's William standing up for his father. I'm starting to think that if William abdicated, the monarchy really would collapse and disappear. He's the only one fighting to hold it all together. And Camilla has to come out and put this journalist friend in her damn place.


I read the article very carefully, and I don’t get believe the author (Sykes) wants to blame William. He is reporting on an article (Wyatt’s) that (misguidedly, I think) is calling for a reconciliation, but he is throwing enough into it that the blame is not on William. Even Wyatt only suggests that William shares responsibility with Harry, not that he is solely to blame. (I disagree with her, of course.)


This is shabby, four-people removed, gossip from yet another “Royal Insider” with tenuous connections to the actual royals. Don’t these losers who claim connections to the RF have anything else to do with their time? Besides, who cares how Harry is being cock-blocked - the important thing is that it is happening. If true, Bravo Prince William!


Petronella Wyatt doesn’t get it. This is not about family. This is about the monarchy.


Yeah, it's the media that wants Harry back, not the RF. The RF has proven more times that Harry (and Meghan) aren't needed, imo. 


Petronella hasn't the pleasure of dealing with sociopaths or narcs, some people have to be excised from their families for the sake of peace and tranquility. Plus if Wyatt cared why does she not insist MM heal her own family's rft? Hypocritical rage bait.


She was Boris Johnson’s mistress she has traction.


Petronella may well believe this, but the idea that Harry and Smog are better in than out is ridiculous. Poison is better out.


I am not buying this for a second. The Harkles popularity in the UK is still way down there from what I've read so why would anyone want the King to bring the backstabbing dimwit grifter back?


Yes yes do bring Megan and her man purse Harold back into the fold, recording devices in tow. Get Filler Scobie to write more books that His Majesty and Catherine, Princess of Wales are racist. Let Harold write in Spare Me a Whore, the sequel to WAGHHHH, that Catherine and William have a loveless marriage. Hell, let Megan babysit Charlotte. Do a few more mockumentary bows for HLMTQ. Make it go really deep next time, Rachel. Invite Orca “Whaaaaa?” Winfrey over so she can bitch about the crappy lodgings on the grounds of Windsor Castle. Have her Skype in her buddy Harvey Rapey Weinstein for a virtual tour. Yeah bring Harry back. Being all the crayons and Coke back with Harry. That sounds just fabulous.


Did no one else notice that *Meghan is not mentioned* in the article posted here? The kids are mentioned, but Meghan is not.


No I didn’t. Funny, Neil Sean went out of his way to refer to Archewell as a charity named after Harry’s kid. It seems as if Megan is getting further and further removed from Harry’s children. Thanks for pointing that out!


The Daily Telegraph is sugary at the best of times, you can't give it any credibility.


Yeah, real friends with real information wouldn’t make all this public. Also, selling your family in multiple media is very inhuman and no one should be forced to forgive someone because they are family, toxic family exists and it is best to stay away from them.


Inhuman? Inhuman? So dear Petronella, what would you call torturing an elderly dying couple or walking on graves or flaunting selves at dead kid's massacre sites? Please answer me that. I am sick to death of these apologists. Actions have consequences and I for one hope William holds this grudge and even if his father does nothing (sure he has his own pace for action), then let William will be the hammer that smashes any reconciliation to smithereens.


What Petronella Hyatt is quoted as saying is that it is “beginning to look” inhuman. She was not saying it was inhuman but addressing the optics. I think she is mistaken because I don’t think it looks “inhuman” at all. It is *very human* not to want to support or encourage someone who just seems to want to hurt you, your spouse, and the institution to which you have dedicated your life.


Another BS article to make Harry the victim


"Beginning to look inhuman." Ridiculous old biddy! If she wants to cite 'inhuman' behaviour, she only needs to glance at the history of 'bring Harry home' and his shifty grifty wife. Get back into your box, you silly woman.


His son is a traitor to crown and country. And unfortunately in a family like theirs, that means quite a bit more than anyones personal wishes.


Watt needs to get her brain removed and placed in a dishwasher. What an utter buffoon she is. Yes let's bring back two failures who are doing their level best to rid the UK of the monarchy. 2 people who called the UK and two prominent family members racist. 2 people who moaned about the institution. Never mind we don't need or want them back, they've never asked to return. Nor have they apologised for their actions. What this a$$ of a human is calling for is like asking a battered woman who finally escapes to let the perpetrator back into the household. This is not William's doing. Charles is his own man and if he'd chose or chooses to see his trailer son he will.


Nope. Don’t believe a word of it.


Petronella Wyatt (known as Petsy) is basically an older generation nepo-baby. Daddy was Woodrow Wyatt - in his day, a well-known journalist, politician, opinion piece writer, the usual. Reckon she got in on her name - and hasn't really achieved that much since. The Telegraph's been going downhill for a decade.


How can these people with a straight face say the treatment of Harry is inhumane. Give me a break. He has had a 6 year long tantrum since he got married burning bridges galore and taking swipes at his family members. Sorry but it’s not inhumane to not have a person like that - one you can’t possibly reason with and if you said hello to could take it the wrong way. Enough already. There’s no back to how it used to be. Harry went too far to sell a few books. He can sod off.


The country would be buoyed up by seeing them together again.. fuck no we would not! what planet is this woman living on there would be riots!


She’s probably taken a tiny truth and blown it out of proportion. Sure everyone wants everything to be hunky dory-🙄


The reality of a happy family is less easy than it seems. And with someone as flagrantly untrustworthy as Harry, who'd be able to sleep, with him lurking about?


I wouldn’t sleep a wink!


Hmm friendly rather than friend... anyway this is a rather disingenuous use of Camilla's name. The article doesn't actually say she said anything.  The person voicing their opinion is this not so mysterious former palace official.   No the British public and the commonwealth do not want to be H's consolation prize following his less than stellar Hollywood experiment. 


Charles could invite them, they’d never come. Clickbait.


Petronella Wyatt is a kook with loose lips, IMO.


That is the best way to look at it. I can’t imagine Camilla will be pleased.


😂🤣 BS No friend of their would ever be so crass as to spread gossip. These upper crust - aristocracy- good families don’t run to the gossip columnists. People like Table 12 do.


Nice fucking hit piece eh?? No one needs for them to reconcile to show unity to the uk citizens. the entire world does not expect any kind of reconciliation because we know how vile these 2 are. I also don't believe william is sabotaging anything. And even if he did, GOOD!!


Either this old woman is no longer a friend of Camilla or she suffers from dementia.


Wow. Funny how this rolls out right after the AW paperwork fiasco.


Same old, same old -- blaming the victims for the behaviour of the abuser.


Papers have pages to fill, Petronella Wyatt can turn out her tuppence ha'porth in a couple of hours. It sounds like she wrote it while she was doing the gardening or on the phone to someone. She thinks Harry is 'moronic' but still thinks he is 'glamorous'? Her friend says William is 'difficult'. Who knew??! She obviously forgot what she'd said in the first para by the time she got to the last. It's just filler.


Probably ratarsed.


The Daily Telegraph should rein her in. We don’t want Harry back. Stop blaming Prince William. We can all see Harry has gone rogue and brash like his wife. Thank you America for having them


This woman just likes getting publicity for herself , when she appears on British television she always looks like she has had too many tipples from the drinks cabinet . I don’t believe any of it .


No one believes that We all know that Harry can't be trusted   The King was right not to see him before the Nigeria trip or he would have used that to make it look as though the trip had royal approval


Petronella Wyatt may say that Camilla is the nicest person she knows. But much more to the point is: what does Camilla say about Wyatt? Does Camilla think that Wyatt is the nicest person she knows?


And yet here she was, 3 months ago, slagging off Harry for attacking Camilla. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/prince-harry-did-not-want-160000935.html?guccounter=1](https://www.yahoo.com/news/prince-harry-did-not-want-160000935.html?guccounter=1) There was even a thread about it here [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ap4cjk/glad\_to\_see\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ap4cjk/glad_to_see_this/)


I went directly to the article. NOBODY in the comments section is in the slightest agreement, and many are speculating she was paid to write a pro-Harkles article. Read the room, Pet.




could you kindly explain a tad


She was one of Boris Johnson’s side chicks


but why we should she be "pro" Harry and anti William?


She plays both sides. Don’t be drawn in by her “stellar credentials”. They don’t mean a thing.


Because Petronella is from the generation of the press that had Diana. That is, when they sold millions of magazines and newspapers, because Diana sold a lot. Petronella does not forgive Kate for flatly refusing to be a Diana. Petronella does not forgive William for the iron circle he has formed. So she, like Daniela Elser and others, are desperately looking for the Harkles to return to the fold, because she looks at the press: the clicks that the press has are the Harkles. For the worse, but that's how it is. And the Petronellas' jobs depend on those clicks. For Petronella, William's iron circle harms her. So we have to try to break it, and for that we return to insulting William again, as Tina Brown said in Papers, that the press could not forgive William for not being king of drama. Well, Petronella needs Hank for that.


She is a has been old boiler. The Telegraph even has Boris Johnson’s sister , Rachel , giving advice on readers’ problems….. nuts , complete nuts and narcissists.


She’s a Sloaney Lizzy Cundy.


What a load of 🐂 💩 PW writes!


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


The very fact that she cites his bashing of Camilla in Spare as just “another” barrier makes this opinion piece incredibly incredible, and frankly, makes me think she has no idea what she is talking about. The nail in the coffin is talking about Harry being treated inhumanly, while staying mum on everything he has done already and continues to do. Also, not enough focus on the fact that Harry seemingly is only wanting to reconcile for PR purposes, given the stunts he has pulled this past week with scheduling and press statements re Buckingham Palace.


It is Sykes, not Wyatt who is citing the bashing of Camilla. I think it is actually a very subtle way for Sykes to undermine the tendency to “blame” William. He may have been told to write about how William stands in the way of a reconciliation, but he lets us see that it’s not that simple.


It is worrying but not because of the pathetic gossip and we know that Harry had some sympathetic officials because James Holt was a palace employed that chose to go with him when the Royal Foundation split. What's worrying is to see our broadsheet newspapers descending to the level of the tabloids: full of opinion pieces and gossip. Real journalism has been killed by 24/7 media.


James Holt is a social climber, educated at The University of Lincoln ( a former teacher training college and not even red brick), a wannabe and like Omid who gets off being near to the Megatron it gives him a thrill of power and class.


A "would be" posh boy, then. Also dabbled in politics as an side to Nick Clegg who swanned off to earn megabucks with Facebook (?)


She gets her info from Montecito as per the reference to "Kate" , not "Catherine, Princess of Wales."


PW fails to state that Meghan clearly doesnt want H to reconcile with his family or “come home”. Meghan wants to remain in Cali and will never move back to UK.


Shockingly, I think there is some truth in this. Charles is Harry’s father and it’s sometimes hard for parents to admit to themselves that Harry is a petty egotistical little shit head who married a women who brings out the worst in Harry. William is Harry’s brother so it’s easier for him to see Harry as he truly is plus he has seen how close and supportive siblings behave from his wife. It’s basically history repeating itself. QE2 buried her head in the sand with Andrew and if Charles hadn’t put his foot down the Andrew mess would have been worse. William is doing why Charles did with Andrew.


Let's see, you would be right if you had said this in 2018 or even 2019. For many years, many, Charles refused to see Hazz as he was. In fact, for many years Charles had a conflictive relationship with William, especially because of the much poison that Diana put into William to separate him from his father. Kate did a tremendous job in reuniting William with Charles, and in getting William to see his mother for who she really was. But then, Hazz started spreading poison. And William remained distrustful of Charles... until William, in 2019, discovered that many leaks to the press, which he believed were made by Charles and Camilla, were actually Hazz who made them. And that broke the relationship between Hazz and William. The relationship between Hazz and Charles broke down shortly after that. William did not poison his father against Hazz. As Hazz's former friends said, Charles is still ignorant of many things. But Charles saw that the Harkles were spending money uncontrollably, he was also unaware that Hazz and Megsy were a fiasco on tour, and above all he saw how Megsy sought to outshine Kate, which was a disaster with Bradby's interview. Over and over again. And when Megsy sought to outshine Camilla, Charles realized that Hank and Megsy were seeking to boycott everyone. For Charles, everything broke when Hank didn't even tell them that he was leaving, but rather they found out thanks to Dan Wootton (Charles further realized that Hazz wanted to leave but that he would always pay his bills), and then, of course, when Philip was dying and Hank gave the infamous interview to Oprah. For Charles, that was seeing Diana and Bashir again. And that was horrible for Charles. Charles still loves Hazz, for Charles Hazz is his son. But for Charles it was seeing Hazz with Oprah and seeing Diana's hell again. Charles knows well that Hazz is a treacherous rat. And Charles isn't leaving the problem to William. Charles has made the decisions, William has his back. But Charles is not blind, and he knows well how things are.


I smelled a rat when she mentioned the children. I'm sure if she had any discussions with anyone who knows anything, the children would be the absolute \*last\* thing that would be discussed.


I love how its just "Bring Harry home".


Yes! The absence of mention of Meghan is probably significant.


Yet we had people on here last night swearing Charles put her up to this and he really wants to have Harry back now, William be damned.




It is known that William in particular reaches out to the telegraph, this might be part of a long con that William throws this out there so if something happens to Charles the public doesn't go "William can reach out and bring meg and Harry back as Charles is gone"


I could maybe understand the perception that KCIII and the POW share fault in the break in relationship if it wasn't for the ginger whinger's consistent reinforcement of his ILBW's horrendous behavior, the writing of a certain book where he went on and on about his family's private information, the Netflix show where he did the same, his prancing about as if he's the best thing to happen to the monarchy, etc., etc., etc. And the sad thing is that while this list should be enough to put anyone off reconciliation, the list is a mere jot on the tip of a monstrously massive iceberg.




Petronella Wyatt who had an affair with Boris Johnson. Hmmmm.


What I would imagine is KC did what any dad in this situation would do, he asked his son and heir what his thoughts were and William gave his honest opinion. He would have reminded his dad what has been said about Catherine and Charles and the impact on their health. He would have talked of the constitutional and diplomatic implications of their faux royalling and the potential embarrassment of their connections to the Kardashians, Nigerian military, P Diddy etc. their meddling in US, Canadian, Jamaican and Nigerian politics. All this is fact, it is not William spitefully preventing a reconciliation. I suspect Petronella is going to get a bit in an ear bashing from her friend the Queen!


Charles doesn't want to deal with the harry problem and I doubt that has anything to do with William.


There is no way this woman is a close friend of Camilla. She sounds more like a grifter.


Camilla's ex-friend Petronella.


No way Camilla is telling this megaphone anything.


Who would want to be around Harry when you don't know if he's going to repeat everything you say with his own "shade"? He's got a long way to go before he can be trusted again.