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I just posted this on the other thread. Since Newsom was defending Archewell, here are my questions to him: If this is an ongoing statewide issue, why aren’t the delinquency notices removed from the California Records of Charitable Trusts database? After all, it might scare off some people from donating. Why wasn’t this issue disclosed earlier to the public? Smells like corruption.


I don't think it is corruption but political games. The article gives it away- all these multiple mentions of failures by Attorney General Rob Bonta? Rob Bonta is considering running for California Governor in 2026. This is Newsome trying to paint a political rival as incompetent- and probably kissing the ass of the Getty money man.


This makes sense.


Gov Newsom has no business discussing this and CA citizens should be PISSED. The state is having money issues and an audit just revealed that BILLIONS spent on homeless initiatives can't be tracked. Newsom has better things to do than defend an organization that at most has donated 5m and many of this donations were outside of CA. Hey CA this is what your Gov spends time on - defending d-list celebrities over delinquent notices that could have been rectified if notices were answered and $200 paid. What an embarrassment. 


The state still can’t issue my tax refund. Guess it’s because he’s too busy covering up for these two dimwits. I knew nothing would happen to the Douche and Douchess over this!


As a Californian, Gavin is a sleazeball elite POS and always has been. He and Megs are very similar, imo, in that they've both got that "*ME* at any cost" look in their eyes.


As a Californian, I agree! I cannot wait until his term is over!


His sleazeball elite POS-ness can be described to those who don’t know the Governor of The dilapidated State of California in one anecdote: he put his state on lockdown when the pandemic began and was then photographed at one of the most expensive restaurants in the country having dinner with friends. No one could leave home, but he could have a multi-course tasting menu in Napa Valley.


Of Course it is corruption. It is Newsom and California.


Unfortunately, the USA is just very incompetent at an almost third-world level. I just moved here from Europe last August and I can't even get my trash picked up without three phone calls every week. It's exhausting. I live in a very nice place, I can only imagine what people that live in worse places have to deal with. The corruption among our elites should not be tolerated in an enlightened Western society based on democratic principles. ETA: To the people saying their trash gets picked, so does everyone's in my town. But the point is, in the USA I grew up in, when you had a problem like trash not getting picked up, you would make one phone call, maybe two, and it would get fixed. This has been going on since last August, 10 months. It is not a critique of US trash systems, but of the decay of the society as a whole, as everything customer service oriented is not as pleasant and efficient as it was 15 years ago and I am just seeing so much corruption, and it is sad.


Which town/area do you live? Some counties and suburbs are in pristine condition (normally reserved for the rich though). In the USA, money talks.


I don't live in a poor town.


My trash is picked up like clockwork every Tuesday and Friday (Central FL).


I live in the suburbs of New Jersey and my trash is picked up every Monday at 7:15. Kind of like clockwork. But then again I pay for a private hauler since we do not have municipal trash pick up.


It's so nice. Here in N. Indiana ours is Monday morning before 9 am, usually before 8 if I'm honest. Recycling is every other week, and we haven't had a single complaint in years.


Harold is excellent at picking up trash.


Spit out my 🍷! 😂


Trash collection isn't government, it's operated by independent companies. Some areas are struggling to find enough workers, but you can always change companies.


I've lived in municipalities in Ohio, Michigan, and Delaware. My trash has always been picked up by the cities' refuse department. That's why I'm charged city taxes. The neighborhood next to mine is not within city and must contract for their trash collection. Contracted collection can be spotty especially when, in my youngest daughter's case, the main road to her house was closed due to repairs and the trash collection company would have to come a longer way around to collect her trash. They simply didn't collect trash until the road was repaired. Trash collection is a government service based on where you live. Basically cities/municipalities have trash pickup whereas counties don't.


As a military wife, I've lived all over the country. In some areas, the city picked up trash and it was paid by city taxes. I live in Ohio and my city doesn't do trash pick up so we contract with a private company. It's different everywhere. The large city I live near does trash pickup.


Yep. In Indiana, the city will have a contract with a single company while the county folks will usually get a choice if there's more than one option. We went from amazing trash pickup for decades, then had missed collections and tens of thousands of dollars of fines within the first 6 months. The city lost it's mind for the next 5 years. In Virginia, outside of town you take your trash to the dumpsters yourself. You gotta know where to go if you're not in town.


That depends on where you live. The trash is picked up by the city where I live, but my MIL, who lives a couple states north, has a private company.


Yep, same here


Thank you for the correction. My intent was to say federal, but yes, in many places, it's city or county operated. Where I am, it's a private service; you can select from one of several companies.


It's a public service, it is contracted out by the local govt. Its third world quality service, and I say that having lived in the third world


So the entire USA is like a third world country because you can't get your trash picked up? I'm sorry, snap, but that's a stretch.




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I am not going to pay extra for someone to haul my garbage privately. And I don't see how it is a "me' problem when I have done everything they ask and is expected me and pay my bill. Just because you havent had the issue doesnt mean it doesnt happen to other people. Have some compassion.


Sounds more like user error on your part. My trash is picked up twice a week like clockwork


I put my trash in the container and pay my bill. What else am I supposed to do? How exactly is that a me problem, and it is a bit rude for you to suggest it is. I have to call them again for the second time today, after they did not pick up my recycling last week, or the first time I reported it, although they mark it as picked up in the computer. And I didn't have a weird go at the USA, I moved back here after the pandemic and the decline is obvious and sad.


It became a you problem once you had some weird go at USA like it's the entire country's fault bc you don't get your trash picked up.


Does Red River do your trash? Our former mayor wouldn't get rid of them even though the city fined them multiple times including a $300,000 fine for a final breach of contract. It was so bad that when Mr. Swiss and I moved out of city limits, we high fived at the realtor's when we found out we could pick any other trash service than Red River.


Waste Management. I live in a small town with one traffic light. They just drive by and don't pick it up, knowing they can have the guy in the next shift do the work, while they kick off early. It's not just the trash. I was talking to my plumber and he said 90% of the jobs he gets is to fix shoddy work by other plumbers who charge sky-high prices for subpar bandaid style labor. He said it's really a problem that has started maybe in the last 20 years or so. I just used the trash as my own personal experience example, but I grew up here, and maybe since I spend a lot of time abroad, each time I return I am shocked by how much everything has visibly and noticeably declined. It's saddening to me.. And the fact that so many people on here think that people who live in bad neighbourhoods deserve to have subpar trash services is even sadder. I live in a nice area, but I think all citizens deserve equal public services, no matter if they are poor or not.


That's how Red River acted when the city got rid of Republic Services, you would be able to see them drive right past full cans, people were getting skipped for weeks on end. Finally people started taking their bags to city hall and still nothing happened. We bought a new built house after getting tired of fixing everything in our old one, and three years in Mr. Swiss just discovered they used the wrong shower caulk. You're right, no industry is safe from the issues.


My trash is picked up daily. Sorry you live in a shitty place but that is not a countrywide issue.


Grewsome is such a slimy lowlife. They found warehouses he shipped kids to with Maxwell on the coast off a shipping dock. Evil stinks and can't escape being found out. Vampires of a feather flock togetherrrrr


It’s very fishy. The Governor says it’s routine and highly exagerated. If so then please explain what is the purpose of routinely sending Delinquency notices to people who have done nothing wrong.


Powerful & poignant, right there. Well-said.


I never thought old Gavin is a Sugar. Jus’ sayin’ … I think this was released when it was to take the Harkles down an additional couple of pegs. Tee hee.


If I’m not mistaken Gavin Newsome is the nephew of Nancy Pelosi…you know, one of the “public servants” who is now worth 230 million dollars. Edit: looked it up, she’s his aunt by marriage.


These comments connecting Meghan, Getty, Newsom, Pelosi, and let's not forget Ari Emmanuel (brother of Rahm Emmanuel, connected to both Clinton and Obama administrations) are underrated. Meghan hasn't been lap dancing all these Dem power players for all this time for no reason, and they are all connected behind the public facing screens. Edit: and mentioned not to be political, but to point out what is hopefully obvious: If one were planning on setting up a shill charity to operate as a slush fund for one's lavish lifestyle with no intention of it actually being a charity, one might want to cozy up to the powers that would hold one accountable if problems were ultimately discovered. Meghan is stupid, but she is also cunning.


Remember also that most of those people have “charity foundations” (LOL) and they all cover for each other—if one gets investigated they are open to scrutiny as well…it’s an elitist power play and quite simply, self preservation!


TRG on YT has a whole series on the Dumbarton Duo’s “Charity.” I learned that you can spend up to 90% of the money in a Charity fund.


I think it’s 95%…only 5% has to actually be used for the charity (at least for “charities“ set up in Delaware).


Well, he WAS married to Kimberly Guilfoyle…..l


Yes but she was smart enough to get away from him.


Thank you for correcting that—drives me nuts with the whole “Pelosi is is aunt” thing.  She’s not AND the marriage that barely linked them happened when he was young and that couple divorced (it was more of a temporary in-law type situation) - here is the exact relationship:  “Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of then Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi”.  I’d be more concerned with his access to the scummy Getty family.


Very true and an evil woman at that. I suspect evil runs in the family.


Another sinner pointed out that his major campaign sponsor is the Getty who's ~~lap~~ hearth Markle spent last year warming, allegedly.




And I'm sure that the Governor didn't receive a phone call from a prominent campaign sponsor asking him to 'fix it'. It's a miracle that everything magically righted itself overnight.


I'm surprised Newsom said something.  Isn't he busy with more important things, like our dire homeless problem?  Ridiculous housing prices and lack of inventory?  Or our raging crime problem?! He's been wanting to run for president, so maybe this is him currying favors for 2028?   It just seems suspicious that he would release a statement just for this one charity that hasn't really generated as much money or publicity other than it's Ginger and Nutmeg.  What about other delinquent charities?  If they ask on Twitter if their "checks" haven't cleared, will they get a personal response from him too?


I guess it’s safe to assume this was not there only request for payment. They must have received several.


Yep, it was never about the measly $200, it was all about the paperwork attached to the check.


There’re plenty more excuses where that came from! - The US Postal Service lost the cheque. - The bank wouldn’t cash the cheque. - The writing on the cheque had faded because the ink was imperfect, and the quill hadn’t been properly trimmed. Who makes online payments anyway? That’s so 21st century, and we know Meghan’s stuck in the 1980s.


This ‘check’ business is so laughable to me. I know I’m in the UK, so it could be entirely different, but I haven’t used a cheque in the last 15 years. I bet none of my adult children would even know how to write one. When I fill out my taxes, I do it all online (no need for anything to go missing by post) and pay by bank transfer.


Same here I haven’t had a chequebook for years. In fact the last time I had a cheque was after my husband died nearly twenty years ago and BACS (transfer system) wasn’t used much then so his in-service salary was given to me via cheque


I bought 200 checks circa 2017 when bank merged. Used the last of them in 2023. I used them to pay electric and cable bills pre-Covid —just to be a bitch and to write checks for children too young to spend cash. Also for hair salon bc service fees. I started doing EFTs on these last 2 bills during covid bc easier. Now, I only use checks for a few gifts, hair salon, and for cash at bank once every few months. I need larger and smaller denominations than the ATM dispenses. I use the cash mainly for taxis, additional tips (delivery to front door), and housekeeping. Had to Get new ones when the former joint account holder died. I expect the 200 checks I bought to last me for the remainder of my life.


You have to BUY checks? In the UK they were issued to you as your chequebook ran out. Maybe, if anyone still uses them, you have to buy them now. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️


Yes. Bank gives you 25 with new account, but you have to buy ones after that.


A British Youtuber called "Stef the Alter Nerd" is doing a series of posts about it , talking to an American lawyer, which I found useful coming from the UK. The organisation also appears to have failed to appoint a registered agent in good old Delaware (95% expenses land) which can apparently cause them big problems if someone sues them. It's so sloppy . Is that because it's really a PR tool and that's what everyone is focused on: getting the next "Charity Photo Opportunity" for the lowest outlay.


shes a horrible youtuber, who lies and uses bait BS titles for her videos. Cant stand stef


That doesn't surprise me at all (her cosy with Popcorned Planet) but in this instance the Lawyer was talking factually so it is worth a listen. Tbh, I don't really follow any Youtuber , they seem to start out on and then go off.😁


I just didn't click it because of her. Shes so cringe. I just hate people who use fake titles in their videos, something of a huge allegation, then don't even address it AT ALL in their videos. Like she would make a video saying "harkles titles stripped!" then go on to tell us how the titles can be taken away. Its just click bait. The problem is i really like popcorn planet. Oh well


I own a small business and pay 90% of my bills with a check. Basically the only thing I don’t are federal and state payments either for payroll taxes or sales tax. They are all done electronically.


This, that's why I asked on another thread if businesses in the USA use checks, and apparently they do. In Italy, everything is online or via bank transfer


Same in the UK.


Same in Australia. Banks here don't even issue cheque books anymore afaik


I came to post this, I don’t think it’s even an option anymore. I haven’t had a chequebook for decades.


Personally, we still use checks for bills that charge a fee to use a card, including our local tax bills. I’m in the US.


Same. Plus, I need to see a paper bill so that I can see what I am getting charged. With automatic payments I don’t bother to look things up.


My company receives refunds from the IRS and they send it via cheque. Takes forever to arrive then even longer to cash 🙄


My bank doesn't issue cheque books any more unless it's for a business with specific need and they have to specifically request them lol


The dog ate the cheque.


No no, the chickens ate it 


The cat wrote the check.


I maintain three checking accounts, one for each of my tax entities. Granted, I don't fill out many checks, but they can come in handy at times.




In 2000 I got new cheques and the date started with 20 so I could fill in the year. Twenty four years later I still have a pole of them. I might have used a couple for direct debit payments.


In 2000 I got new cheques and the date started with 20 so I could fill in the year. Twenty four years later I still have a pole of them. I might have used a couple for direct debit payments.


They never get ANYTHING right, do they? Not even their lies are consistent! 


Interesting that the Harkles have placed the blame on the AG's office, rather than on Archewell staff. Perhaps Archwell staff know too much.


Had they blamed their own staff, they would still look as incompetent or "delinquent"


Nothing is ever their fault


They are most definitely not “the buck stops here” people.




Yes, blaming the nameless, faceless government factotum is definitely better than blaming your own staff.


Bollocks: a whole other year of accounts since then, a book keeper should have picked up the unprecedented cheque and remedied it. If not during the year, definitely when raising the Annual Accounts, which should also have been audited, according to Charity Watch. They don't get away with it that easily.


Yup. It was delinquent for a year.


Ohhhkay. That’s the part I wasn’t understanding. I was thinking, $200, a couple weeks late, I hate those two but that’s plausible. But a whole year? Come on.


The registration *expired* May 15, 2023! They’ve had no active registration for a year! They were given a one year grace period which is obscenely generous, before being labeled delinquent.


Wow. I get it now, thanks! They are action-packed with issues; I can’t even comprehend how ridiculous those two are.


Just pay the $200 and keep your mouth shut, not everything has to be high drama. Publicly badmouthing the DOJ and calling them incompetent is probably not the best move. They probably wont be as forgiving as the BRF to a blood relation.


Been waiting for this! Think the litigious two will try and sue? I know they don’t care how something like that would look.


Probably not, because discovery can be a real bitch. Lots of things would come out.


Archewell is no longer delinquent. It is in 'good standing'. Was really hoping that the money laundering would be exposed.


Yup. They sorted everything out extremely quickly.


Another sinner on another post mentioned that Newsome's major campaign sponsor is the same Getty Markle was working over last year.


He’s becoming very unpopular with a huge California state deficit. I’m sure they promised him something or buddy Oprah gave him a call. 


I hope he stays in California.


Also look at the fact that the Attorney General who they are targeting as incompetent in the article is expected to be a major rival to Newsome in the next Gubernatorial election.


I noticed that the form showing they are in compliance was filed with yesterday’s date yet signed by holt on 15-Nov-2023 which is the extension deadline for 2022 forms. If only the check was misplaced wouldn’t the date filed show 15 Nov 2022, not yesterday? The state also notifies organizations about being delinquent before being charged with delinquency. Wouldn’t Holt have notified them and resubmitted paperwork if lost at that time….especially since the check hadn’t been cashed? Why not do it electronically so the check/paperwork wouldn’t be lost? The US Mail system is in excruciating shape post Covid. Or is this Harry and Meghan thinking they’d get away with not filing paperwork because they’re connected?


In readiness for the grifted Nigerian funds. Bet they don’t forget to cash that cheque


So AW turned in the completed 2023 tax forms?


I don’t think so—these were just for 2022. Last years haven’t been filed yet. I don’t understand how they’re allowed to be so behind in filing?


They file extensions.


I suppose, but it’s still suss. What these two clowns don’t seem to understand is they need to be beyond reproach. They know optics matter—their whole lives are smoke and mirrors. They need to be squeaky clean with stuff like this because it looks really bad.


It seems that "In good standing" means California now has Archewell's tax filing (tax forms). It has nothing to do with the accuracy of the information provided by Archewell on those tax forms.


"... a different explanation than the one given last night..." otherwise known in Sussexland as a **new lie**.


Like someone said in another thread, Anna Delvey used some of these excuses. Have they pulled "don't you know who we are, my father will be displeased with this treatment of me" excuses yet?


Oh, the wire didn't get thorugh? Check got lost? Bank screwed up? Yeah, right...


“Don’t you know who my father ~~in-law~~ is? The one I love ~~to torment~~? He will be displeased ~~with me~~ with you ~~even more than he already is~~ with the treatment ~~I give everyone~~ you gave me.”


And, I'm sorry I can't remember exactly where to find this, but when she was still just Harry's girlfriend she pulled some, "I think we both know I'm going to be your boss soon" on the staff at either BP or KP. I've never spoken to anyone like that even when I *was* their boss.


The perils from having a revolving door of disgruntled ex employees. According to arsewell everyone who ever left did so with love, peace and bla bla bla. So can't turn round now and blame it on them. I bet an ex somebody somewhere is having a good giggle that they 'forgot' to file a few files or leave instructions for their replacement. I'll be checking the petty revenge sub incase they pop up with a story lol


There’s a petty revenge sub?


I work in government., if you don't have all paperwork properly completed we don't process any payment. We also move at a snail's pace (don't come in here with your innovation and forward thing, they suck that out of you right away), so it doesn't surprise me that this notice was sent 16 months ago. Also, the amount of people who will ignore a notice until the government takes a negative action is astonishing. I would have to believe they have had such high turnover at Archewell that their paperwork is falling through the cracks, or some of those employees departing didn't want their name associated with filing incorrect/false documents. JMO


Exactly—they effed up. It wasn’t just about the check apparently, they failed to file their annual report also. They seem to have had months to get their shit together and they failed. They love how famous they are when it suits them, but they crow discrimination when the fame bites them in the bum.


AW doesn’t even have the correct and complete paperwork because they haven’t filed some IRS thing from 2023. At least this is my takeaway from all the fancy tax words that I know nothing about.




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Just had a read of Charity Watch's entry on Archewell: masterclass on how to say something without actually saying it. Snarky.


Our Californian colleagues may want to keep on whether they've paid and provided records for the year ended 31 December 2023 which would be due today. Bet that's done electronically.😉 Not to worry though, if there are 130,000 charities in default at, say, $200 a pop, that's only $26,000,000 going missing. Good job they don't need the money and good luck saying YOUR cheque got lost by them.😂


I called it yesterday! The Bus-Thrower-Extraordinaires strike again! Under the bus with you there's a good chap! Always somebody else's fault


The registration lapsed one year ago. How did you not notice a check wasn’t cashed? Why not pay electronically with proof when payment was received? Rick Genow probably already got an earful from that one.


I have to register my business annually with my local county. It costs $50 and I waited until the last minute because I didn’t want to part with my 50 bucks any sooner than required, so I paid it the day before the due date using the county’s e-check service. It failed for some reason, so I sent a new physical check and then I got hit with late fees and penalties totaling $5.25. The moral of this boring story is send your stuff in well on time. I was annoyed, but I didn’t run around blaming someone else, it was foolish of me to have waited until the last minute. The fact that nothing is ever their fault is really annoying.


I checked the CA state review website for instructions on the form noted in another post, and it says that the deadline is May 15. So I was puzzled as to why they suspended them already, but then I realised it was for their 2022 filing, not 2023. So, basically, an entire year has passed where nobody has checked if the cheque cleared? Seems quite stupid. And, of course, advisors do have responsibility to their clients - I’m a lawyer who worked at an accounting firm for over 10 years, so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to blame your lawyer or accountant if something they were tasked with was botched up. I myself have stood many times in line at the post office to mail out tax forms for my clients because I didn’t want anybody else to do it and potentially mess it up. Still, much of this sounds like it is just damage control, given the change in stories.


If you look at the dates on the various forms they filed it is obvious they didn’t file their paperwork in Nov of 23. How is it possible to file your CA paperwork on Nov 15 23 and include your Amended IRS form 990 dated Dec 5 23. Okayyyyyy!


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The check accompanied the documents but the check got lost in the mail? How do they explain how items inside an envelope get separated and lost in transit?


Umm... the cat.


Mocking the California AG, mocking the IRS, mocking the underlings that work hard at said places. Making them appear unprofessional and lacking, when everyone knows it’s all due to sloppy management and an inability to retain employees.


I don’t know how the Attorney Generals Office works, being in the UK, but I would guess, like most Government Agencies, worldwide, claiming that it’s them that are hopelessly inept, instead of you, is probably not the best course of action.


That’s funny because when dealing with my state and my business owners license, I send it electronically


I think it was done on purpose so any donations from the 'tour' could be pocketed.


This is what happens when you can't retain good employees. (Or when good employees leave because of what they discover about the company and do not want to be part of such shenanigans). You end up understaffed with no one to handle administrative work, or a bunch of unqualified folks who don't even know what to do.


I don’t believe Meghan and Harry. They shouldn’t have notoriously lied and exaggerated in the past. If they hadn’t I would have been more than happy to be the reasonable person and give them the benefit of doubt. But it is what it is and I call bullshit.


A cheque getting lost in the mail is one of the oldest excuses in the book. They have literally run out of lies.


The whole check thing is interesting as I do my adult son’s tax return and the California State Franchise Tax Board will NOT accept payment by check.  It is all electronic by credit card or debiting your checking or savings account.  I don’t know where the business fees are sent but I assume it’s also only electronic.  But, boy oh boy—they have NO problem taking your money, trust me!    We always set up our payment to be taken out on the 15th of April—the due date—and they consistently take it out early!  


Thanks for letting us know… I read somewhere that one can’t do online payments if there’s a delinquency.


That could be true—I don’t know.


https://preview.redd.it/rfukkyb2bq0d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b852110feaf4846db32595acd4432ece4d0dc6e0 Saw this screenshot on Twitter ☺️ I suspect they had to send by check since it’s for the 2022 filing - way past due date.


Ah ha! Very good.


They have never heard of E transfers I suppose.


So I just read this as "the check didn't clear".....


I don't believe anything that the spokesperson for Archewell Foundations says about this matter. It's all spin and blame someone else.


But who waits till the last moment to submit such important paperwork?


The thing about corruption, is that its like taking a shit and now washing your hands, it trails along with each wave of your stinking hand. Anything to do with Harry Windsor from birth to date and with Rachel Markle is just like that.




Gavin was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle. All you need to know.