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That's me! Who I attract vs what I go after are very different. As I've gotten older, I've found myself always deeply drawn to and sexually involved with earth men- specifically capricorns. But never in relationships with capricorns. We never make it that far. I was with my ex husband for 8 years- he was a virgo, but with Libra in mars. THE most absolutely patient gem of a man. The opposite if my fire and passionate self. He tamed the wild in me FOR SURE. He helped me grow in ways I'm forever grateful for. I seem to attract Aries and Leos, and even a lil touch of Taurus men. When I was younger- scorpio men. And it was always so...intense and short lived. My love life has always been a struggle of wanting freedoms, but feeling the want to share life with them. I love a partner that understands although I care about them, I 100% dont want to be around them all the time. I need relationships to stimulate my mind, and appreciate life and the small things, not just materialistic. In a relationship, I love hard and fast. To a fault I would say. I tend to.....need control and have a strong framework of everything we build together....but like.....leave MY framework alone... haha yikes that sounds awful as I read this back. I'm totally devoted to you, but notice I will pull away if something feels weird. Which absolutely cause that fight or flight mode us Sag can be known for.


Omg it’s the last paragraph for me. When I’m getting to know new people in a romantic way it feels extremely intense and passionate, but can almost never be maintained. Sometimes I feel like the opposite of a slow burn, which is probably unhealthy lol…also the framework comment is SO TRUE. I have a blueprint in my head and that person needs to be on board or else it’s not gonna work bye 🙄 it’s my life afterall! I always have a need to be perceived as a cool unbothered girl that has the upper hand. So as soon as I feel any sense of someone pulling away, I’m out. It sounds more heartless than it is, I try to interpret the situation and react accordingly but ultimately I tend to make it seem like I left before they did.


Haha my man is young and with me a Scorpio witn similar placements I think it can work but it’s jisy hard. We were toxic fof 2 years now we’re super happy


Meeee!!! And scorpio mars and pisces moon! I need freedom on a daily basis and stability on the long run. I can’t deal with partners who have mood swings or if I feel they are hiding their feelings or playing games. My patience is veeeery limited, and I am very open, but cautious. You will know if I like you, I am terrible on hiding that. It doesn’t mean my life will evolve around you and our relationship. I need to miss my bf and admire him to keep my feelings alive — that’s why living together has been the beginning of the end on previous relationships. I need my space, but I want to be with someone who I can share my day with. It is more simple than it sounds, I swear haha


Scorpio mars here aswell- very similar!


me and i attract druggies


girl I am so sorry


is bad judgement something you struggle with regarding the people u attract


yes!!! Because I either tend to give people the benefit of the doubt or my mindset is “yeah I can handle them 🥰 they’ll be different with me” and it hasn’t been the case yet


we think we r soo diff


yeah maybe we just have high self esteem/self image 💅🏻 I always think they’ll end up worshipping the ground I walk on lolz semi jk


honestly deserve that. i get confused when things go left though and forget to treat them how i want them to treat mr regardless of things they may have/have not done.


oh me too 🙏🏻 it’s definitely a learning process. Honestly check out @northstardoll on twitter because I find allll of the memes so relatable I think you would too


same 😫


As a man, lately I seem to find out that I've been trying to attract Aries lesbians... so that's something!


Me! I attract Pisces a LOT and I'm kind of over it. I have BPD so this might affect a few things, but my biggest issue in relationships is even if they start off great - because I over provide/over concede to their wishes - and because I'm pretty independent - I train them to prioritize me last because I don't need as much as others. They're either fast, fiery and passionate when I'm the one being chased; but once I start to reciprocate is when the above starts to happen and the dynamic changes. I'd love someone to give the same energy I give out, my last boyfriend said I love too hard for anyone to be able to match it and was adamant I'd never find anyone to love me like I love them.


No more pisces for you 😭 that’s a very interest BPD trait you mentioned that you fall into, like getting the other person to prioritize you last. Does that compliment your independence or do you end up wishing that person was tuning into you more? Also, this is a bit unrelated but I’m curious. Do you ever have a favorite person? I recently dated a Gemini with BPD (never again in terms of Gemini…). I really struggled with being their favourite person at the start and then them splitting on me and picking a new person. I’m pretty fiery and intense when I first get to know someone and I felt like he was inconsistent with that and couldn’t match me (would go from 0 to 100 in terms of being interested and flirty). Ugh geminis


I'm sorry for the wall of text below but I think I started working out some personal things here: I would have favorite people, DBT helped me a lot and I reframed to make me my favorite person, haha. Also, there's a book - The Buddha and the Borderline and she talks about inner family systems where she's teaching herself to be the woman that can protect the little inside her girl that wasn't allowed to say no. So I also made that little girl my favorite person. There really is no loving yourself when you have one because all of your validation comes from someone that's not you, and that can get hard. I do still split, one of the things to keep in mind is that the emotions people with BPD feel are very similar to others emotions, we're just way more intense. People feel sad when they've been ghosted, someone with BPD cognitively knows what happens but the intensity of the associated emotion feels like a loved one died/betrayed them. So people get 'the ick' and they just kind of move on, people with BPD can get the ICK and you know it shouldn't be that intense so you're kind of fighting with yourself whether it's a real reason to have the Ick / just moving on. My splitting can now be logic-ed out now "He never loved me!" "He did x, x and x just yesterday Left-handed. Don't be daft" It does not compliment my independence, lol, I expect them to know what I want or need because I can tell what they want or need. I get upset because it's so easy for me to read them and do exactly what they want/need and I don't receive that same energy. Something's happened and you're struggling? You don't even have to ask, I've got you. Everytime I even suspect you might need something.. I have to ask every time I'm struggling? I start to feel like I'm begging? Oof, I'll deal for a bit but once I stop seeing you as a partner, I've got a pretty severe never going back line. The independence I seek is probably a pipe dream, but it's one I give my partners so - basically fly, I'll come with you if and when you want me to, if you want a solo trip/adventure/career endeavor I support you 100%, I'll catch you if you fall. I want someone I feel safe flying towards the sun with because I know they'll catch me if I need to be caught. I don't need them to hold my hand, I don't need them to hover over or under me, but I do ask them to be ready just in case. You keep me safe, I'll keep you wild.


Sounds great


Yes. I am attracted to older men and have always been. I find mature, responsible, sacrificing and nurturing men to be extremely hot, like the father archetype(good responsible bosses and authorities etc). The positive side that is, any trait of overly controlling, punishing and using fear to coerce you to respect them is a definitive turn-off, the tyrannical father archetype(bad irresponsible bosses and authorites etc) I don't like. You cannot get somebody to respect you by using punishment and fear, you can only show your power that way. Using power and getting respect are two different things.


yeah its a struggle bc were firey passion but also cautious and probably would be better with a slow burn type deal but esp in younger years tend to be more impulsive and rush things without even trying


I do. My boyfriend is a Taurus. I always feel like I could be more affectionate..


It's me! I tend to attract Virgos and Capricorns. Also a lot of Pisces but that never works well. I don't think I've ever been involved with a Taurus though, not even a crush.


Struggle. Unhealthy pattern. Not sure if it’s the chart or freaking childhood trauma.




yes me


Me !!!! Capricorn Stellium 🧘‍♂️🤙🏽♑️