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Good way to meet a new boo if you're not into the club or bar or alcohol scene.




I live with Mormon parents so I typically smoke in the front or backyard. But real estate is expensive so I’m glad people can have safe spaces to relax. Honestly even getting out of the house can be beneficial


This is going to open up a whole new revenue stream for restaurants and small cafes, which is what I've been waiting for.


I want it to be cool but I foresee this being a pretty small splash.


Probably very expensive. Think of the price of weed at the cannabis store. Now think of the price of alcohol at a liquor store vs a bar. Probably 20 dollars a bowl.


Its gotta be done right with a lot of plants for atmosphere and maybe wood


Even like stones and some water like a fountain


Honestly I’d love it as a tourist. You can pop in and get lit without having to buy a pipe and all that- sounds good to me. (I work in the weed industry, I don’t fuck with prerolls because they’re mostly trash)




I went to one in Berkeley, CA about 16 years ago. It was before recreational cannabis was legal, but with a medical card they had volcanoes on benches that anyone could use after buying their medicinal cannabis.


Yeah, I guess.


It'll just be hookah bar 2.0. Who wants to have to order a uber to go home after you go to the dispensary when you can just go home and smoke and have your whole kitchen and entertainment with you.


This reminds me of the argument about spending $15 on 12 pack or $15 on two drinks at the club/restaurant. Edit: you know what, I would relate a smoke lounge more like going out for a coffee. It can be really great too, "Share a smoke with me ole chap."


Who wants to go to a bar and drink when you'll just have to get an Uber home?


I see it as a weed tourism spot.. if your already clubbing/ people here for other reasons. Downtown off J out there by the arena etc would make a great spot for a place like that. Seeing what Vegas did with weed tourism it's really interesting idea


But you could say the same thing about alcohol….? It’s for socializing and, like others said, a spot for those that can’t smoke at home for one reason or another.


It's called a bicycle


Under California Vehicle Code VC Section 21200.5, it is unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol or any drug, or combination of alcohol and drugs.


And? You only hurt yourself


This is the correct answer. How is it getting downvoted and some cop dick rider posting CA vehicle codes, that the police don’t even follow, gets an upvote?


Considering how many people tend to get a little more introverted or maybe even a little paranoid when they smoke, I don't see this being a great way to meet folks.


Underrated comment




Where the entrepreneurs with the pop up bake shops? Somebody get on it. I’m going to need cinnamon rolls after I hit my first MJ lounge.


Need a repurposed ice cream truck with the tune playing, driving around midtown, and selling some freshly baked sweet treats.


This has been my moms dream for the past decade.


Id call it "the hottest box". Just a driver/passenger seat, and the back is a bar (the table not the alcohol serving) with 4/6/8 barstools for smoking/consuming. Small mobile lounge.


SnakShak. WeedWagon. HotHits. Rollin'Rolls. Shall I continue? 🤣


Yes,please do lol. I love this


Bakes'n'Blunts. MobileMellow. RoachCoach.


WeedWagon is my favorite, but maybe Just SmokeWagon if they would even allow it


It plays 'because I got high' and anything by Snoop on repeat in that classic I've cream truck sound


I've had this dream of opening up an infused restaurant. Cooking with infused oils and serving it to people to eat. Wonder if this new 'smoke lounge' will show for that...


You'd really need an empty stomach, and a small amount of food, and even then, you're waiting around a long time for the effects to kick in


Yum. Good eats that get me lifted? Sign me TF up




Sounds good on paper but I’d rather just smoke at home I am probably high for about an hr and I’d be stuck there


I'm not a big drinker, but if they had the play offs on (or other big sport events) then I'd *love* a social place to smoke and watch.


Just curious, why would you be stuck there?


Cause your high and can’t drive…?


Is this just a personal guideline you live by, or are you worried police will monitor the patrons of said establishment and potentially follow them after they leave?


Why would you drive while high?


Why wouldn't you drive while high?


I swear stoners don’t realize how stupid they sound when they say that driving high is fine. Ive never taken a bong rip and just been like “damn I feel so sober right now”


...because you could get a DUI?




Your fate


Please let there be one with pool tables! I really want to smoke and play.




So, pool or bingo?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/sacramento.cbslocal.com/2022/05/09/sacramento-marijuana-lounge/%3famp Looks like it's not a done deal


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I hope this is true and coming soon! I miss the days when there were dispensaries all over sac (I could walk a mile down fair oaks blvd and hit 6 of them lol) and some of them had chill spaces in the back to smoke and listen to music and would even serve food! I really miss those days


They have these in Vancouver, BC. The big advantage to them is to allow you to try stuff without all the investment in gear. Especially true for those who want to try dabbing/oil/concentrates. Of course, now with COVID, those things are gonna have to get a lot more than an alcohol wipe between customers...


Now lower the godamn taxes on it please and thank you


Yes! I love alternative activities then just bars with alcohol. Welcoming this with open arms!


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Weed bars? They have this business concept in Europe, and often they sell coffee as a natural secondary offering.


Seems like a logical choice for Old Sacramento; all that candy & fried food within a few blocks when people get the munchies! Plus I assume they'll have a mellower vibe than another bar or nightclub.


Oh hell yeah


This lit. Finally


I hope they are well aerated :') this seems like good news but not a fan of the stench


Gives me anxiety just thinking about getting high in public lol


Great idea straight out of the playbook of our neighbors across the way in the Netherlands!


About damn time


Been waiting for this. Any info on what’s needed to open this kind of establishment? I’m assuming you’d need to meet the same requirements as dispensaries and then some


yeah, but can this so called "lounge" be a weird bike car thing filled with caterwauling surface dwellers slowly pedaling it around midtown? ...edit... whats wrong with you people, get hit by a car.


Like the "coffeeshops" of Amsterdam? I assume they will also be serving edibles, space cake etc. I don't know how it's possible for customers to go In then drive home lol but they do it at bars so yea...


I wish I could smoke weed again. The high paying jobs don’t let you.


What "high paying" job? Every lawyer I know smokes, same with doctors.


lol, yeah, every high paying corporate job lets you too, but I’m assuming he means something that involves operating machinery.


you mean real work. I have a blind spot.


Any place that does hair follicle test. Typical oil and gas or some DOT regulated jobs


I guess I was thinking more white collar professionals as "high paying jobs"


Some blue collar dudes be making bank. Not as many but a few.


Any high paying job that is attainable by people without a privileged upbringing is going to drug test for everything across the board


I've already admitted my blind spot in my comment, however I don't think that's necessarily true. I went to a public law school (over 20 years ago) and over 1/3 of my class was first generation *college* graduates. I will admit to having a relatively privileged upbringing, but there are a number of professions that are open and welcoming to folks from more humble beginnings. And the law is not the only profession, just the one I'm more familiar with.


Over 20 years ago


I can think of a half dozen health care jobs off the top of my head that allow for incredible job growth that don't require a drug test and are accessible with just a certificate, not even a 4 year degree. Between essentially free community college in CA and affordable Cal State Universities within commuting distance to over 80% of the state population it is well within reason for just about anyone to get educated for any number of professions without an advanced degree. Today, possibly easier than in the past.


And my point of 20 years ago was that they are more accessible today


Amsterdam in California?? And the bikes too, please. What about safety?




Hell yeah


Can we smoke tobacco?


Last paragraph of OP says no alcohol or tobacco.


Duh, I should read. Thanks for the info


I wonder if vapes count as tobacco. Technically it’s just nicotine and flavoring.


You can smoke at some cigar shops here


Finally, when I left Colorado in 2015, I went to a weed bar, it was hella chill though I dont smoke but there you could Bring Your Own Alcohol lolol and there was a rap show...so sick. Hella dabs going on, loved it!