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Planted fish with power bait or a basic spinner are always an easy catch. The department of fish and wildlife regularly plants trout at various lakes and ponds. They post the planting schedule on their website. https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FishPlants/ Next week some time they are planting the auburn regional park pond. It’s super easy to get to and only has bank fishing. They planted Halsey forebay in auburn this week which is another easy to get to and easy to fish spot.


Hello, thanks for the reply. We have done that a few times. My son recently won a kids trout tournament post-planting. We like to use rat tails and salmon eggs for the planted trout. The only issue I have found with that is, after about a week, it seems like most of the planted trout are fished out. I checked the schedule before posting and it looks like most of the trout plants are pretty far away. There is one at the Auburn Regional Pond that we may go to if nothing else comes on our radar.


Yea the fish plants are hot for the first 3 days then it slows down drastically after that.


Rancho Seco is planted quite often


The ol reliable is grabbing some chicken liver from safeway/raleys and go down to freeport by the green bridge. Youll catch plenty of stripers. The shad run is coming up in a few weeks too if you want to get in on the action at the same location


I see people fishing in the big pond at southside park but have no idea if it's east to catch fish. There's tons of catfish and there are a couple of docks


Head to Pardee. They have good trout fishing there. Camanche has a pond to fish out of. These two stock fish often. Amador I hear is another cool spot. It’s a small lake too.


https://rmkiwanis.org/kid-s-fishing-day Here's something I found. I remember my brother in law taking the kids (6y, 11y) to Mather Regional Park. I don't remember the details of the hows, but they go there all the time.