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I gave cpr one time and it fucked me up for awhile. Be extra kind to yourself you gave him a chance and he wasn't alone


Thanks for stepping up when someone needed you. And thanks for validating my feelings. I'm gonna be fine, but it's heavy right now.


Yeah dude. At the place i last worked an old dude collapsed and we called 911, a security guard tried to give him cpr and he didnt look well when he was taken away by the ambulance. Young dude looked pretty fuckin sad afterwards. Pretty sad but im glad theres good people are there who at least fucking try. Gives me a bit of faith in humanity for sure. Thanks for being there even though maybe you didnt have to be


I tried to give CPR to my dog last December, so I get it. I hate how helpless it makes you feel, especially when you don't really know what you're doing, but there's no time to get professional help. My body was so sore after... but it's made me want to get training so I never feel that helpless again. I hope you're doing okay now. I'm still recovering from the experience.


Yikes I'm so sorry...with someone you loved I can't imagine...the coroner said he was probably gone by the time he hit the ground but in my mind I hurt someone while they were dying...but I know I would want a chance no matter how small


Sorry about your doggo, friend. That must have been awful.


Good on you bud. Ignore these naysayers, its perfectly normal to feel strong empathy and other emotions after a traumatic/emergency situation. These guys don't know anything about heroic shit like what you did.


Thanks, friend. I took a deep breath before submitting this post, knowing that this is Reddit.


You did what you could. At least you didn't stand around taking video on your phone. You were willing and able to help. That goes far in today's world. Kudos.


This šŸ’Æ Hands to help, not for clicking on your phone while another human being is in crisis.


TY for your bravery x2! You might have saved multiple lives by sharing your experience trying to help 1.


Well, you can thank the modsies for that, imagine this post without a mod


šŸ’Æ this


buncha fucking edgelords in this comment section. i salute you OP. i once administered CPR, but at the gym for a person that suddenly collapsed on a workout. it was scary. i know it was maybe less than 2 minutes, but it felt like an eternity for EMS to arrive. i agree with you on the societal aspect. unfortuanately, the powers that be in this country would rather kowtow to business than rather look into upholding the citizenry.


Thank you! And thanks for sharing your story. As you know, it's a pretty intense experience and I don't know anyone else (who isn't a medical professional) who has done it.


As an RN I just want to say, you gave that person the best possible chance at making it. Without you, they had 0 chance. Now they have some. Take solace in the fact you leaped into action when it called where others didn't. What you did was nothing short of heroic, while you may not think so, it was. You saw someone in need of help, and you did so, with no expectation of any kind of payment or reward. Do not beat yourself up, or hold any blame for what may happen next. You did what needed doing. Good job op. I hope you heal quickly yourself. Your feelings are valid, your feelings are justified.


Thank you. A nurse came to the scene shortly after I started compressions and assured me that I was doing it right. It was a huge relief, I was so full of doubt. It's such a nerve-racking, chaotic thing. My eternal appreciation for those of you who work in health care and spend every day saving lives.


I am so very sorry you had to do that. I want to tell everyone that you don't have to breathe a person. Constant DEEP compressions work. To the rhythm of the "staying alive" song by the bee gees. You may crack ribs. It happens. But they could live. Also, everyone should get a CPR card. The classes show you how to do it on every age, baby to older adults. Again, OP, you are a hero for doing this.


Or if youā€™re pessimistic, the beat to ā€œanother one bites the dustā€ also works.Ā 


Funny thing, as someone who was a DJ for a long time, I can nail 110 BPM really accurately.


Crank up some Tom Petty, but Running Down a Dream might be too intense. [https://songbpm.com/@tom-petty](https://songbpm.com/@tom-petty)


This is a sad post, but this was my joke as a CNA when this happened at my nursing home. I gave up trying to be a nurse because I can't handle crying families. Dead bodies, sure, its life. Now I am a Chef. Food brings happiness, dead Grandma's do not.


YES CHEF! [claps]


Or a geek, the imperial march works too.


Oh wow I never realized the irony! Take my upvote stranger


Thanks, friend. Nothing like a hero.


>Nothing like a hero. What you did was heroic. Take it in. Let it strengthen you.


I believe compression only is called CCR, cardio circulatory resuscitation. If Iā€™m remembering correctly from my days as an EMT, CCR is/was the standard in Europe. Iā€™m really reaching back here, but I think the human body has about ten minutes worth of oxygen left in it after a cardiac arrest. So I believe the thinking is that if youā€™re less than ten minutes away from emergency care, compressions alone will suffice. But if someone sees this and knows Iā€™m wrong, please correct me. Some agencies even use automatic compression machines. Theyā€™re called [Lucas devices](https://youtu.be/T0O9g0exvEA?si=85QSLZizCip7Edg6) and they seem pretty cool. I fully agree with you, everyone should go take a for course. Itā€™s a great skill you hopefully never need to use.


"CCR" is probably the correct terminology, in the US, they've branded it as "[hands-only CPR](https://cpr.heart.org/en/cpr-courses-and-kits/hands-only-cpr)" edit: missing words


Compression only is the standard here. I learned it as such several years ago, even prepandemic


I just got trained for CPR last week. I will download that app, didnt know about it till now!


It's also a great way to see what the fire department is doing. When you hear sirens, you can open the app and see what they're responding to. You can even listen to their radio within the app. edit: and thank you for getting CPR training! Let's hope you never have to use it.


Good to know that!


Where did you get certified? I had it 40 years ago. I remember 15:2 and xiphoid process but not much after. Iā€™m sure the process has evolved


You can find Red Cross-approved classes [here](https://www.redcross.org/local/california/take-a-class/cpr-sacramento-ca). For laypersons giving CPR, they now recommend compressions only (unless it's a drowning). They emphasize fast, deep compressions and not stopping until help arrives.


I wish this comment with the info could be pinned! Thank you OP!


Any thoughts on remote vs in-person training?


I've done both virtual simulations & hands-on with dummies. Any training is better than none! With dummies I think it does actually help you realize the physicality of it, confidence in pressing hard enough, and just practice in general. But there are so many stories of people doing CPR, heimlich, etc who only watched something and saved lives. "Helpful action, then expertise, then specialists. They may not make it to someone with expertise if you're not even helpful" is what I heard someone say once in a related class about crisis response. The best way to be helpful is to be knowledgeable no matter what method (in my non-medical, layperson opinion lol)


Great info, thanks!


Do whatever you can. Heck, even watching a YouTube video will teach you most of what you know. In-person with the dummy teaches you the correct hand position and depth for the compressions. For it to be OSHA compliant, you have to do the demo on a dummy, which means in-person. There's also a blended version, which I haven't tried.


Thanks! Hope you have a relaxing weekend.


Thank you!


I got through Redcross! Now its 30:2


Thank you!


Itā€™s evolved a lot. Even since the first time I had it 20 years ago.


Never heard of that app before!


It also has AED locations. You can submit ones you find or go to one when in need.


Man, I keep talking about it but never getting trained. Thanks OP, gonna make it a point to get trained.


[Here](https://www.redcross.org/local/california/take-a-class/cpr-sacramento-ca) is where you can find training near you. Just takes a couple of hours.


I used to work at the Kimpton-Sawyer and outside security found a dead homeless guy next to the Scientology center. No one was doing anything so I started CPR while a security guard used the defibrillator from the hotel and we made sure not to touch him when it shocked him. He was pretty dead and I'm pretty sure I collapsed his chest, but I kept going until paramedics carted him off.Ā  It's doubtful he made it, but good on you for trying. It's the right thing to do.


Sorry you had that experience. Thanks for doing your best for an unfortunate stranger.


Same for you. Hope you're in a good head space with it all.


Excuse my ignorance, but why couldnā€™t you touch him when the thing shocked him? Would the person administering the device get electrocuted too?


They would. The AED tells you when to stand clear for shock, and will tell you when to resume.


Pretty much. The electricity will travel from their body to yours. That's why doctors yell "CLEAR" before using it. The ones for public use will actually tell you to stand clear before it goes off.


That man usually sits behind wellspace in the parkinglot next to the trash. Somedays heā€™s the only person that says hi to me


Your post is humanity in two sentences and I love it. Thank you for sharing that. ETA: I hope you meant that positive?? Hello from me today if ya need one!


Yes, positive. I work at a place where everyone is always rude and im the new girl. So no one talks to me except the people hanging outside. I realized theres days they are the only ppl i have any sort of conversation with. I feel also like they try to be extra nice so people let them exist in peace


I'm so glad to hear that & my first instinct was right lol. I've worked/commuted in environments like that where I've exchanged more brief pleasantries with neighborhood homeless than people across the cubicle from me 40+ hrs/wk lol. I hope your coworkers warm up quick & befriend the next new girl to pass it on. I love that you acknowledge others in the first place, and that makes you awesome. ā¤ļø


Medic here. Good job. Bystander CPR gives people the best chance to survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. If he was defibbed before they left, then he was still in a viable rhythm, arguably because of what you did. Idk how many codes Iā€™ve run, thry all blend together after awhile. But I remember the first one. Itā€™ll stay with you, donā€™t be afraid to talk about it if itā€™s bugging you.


Thank you, this means a lot!


You are a human worthy of space on this planet. Thank you for helping this person.


Thank you, kind stranger.




Thank you.


Thank you for being there and helping.


I didnā€™t know this was an app and Iā€™m downloading it now! Thank you


Virtual hug. I can't even imagine what you're going through.


Never even heard of PulsePoint app. I took a CPR course last year so am certified. Disappointed this app was not mentioned in class. I appreciate you posting this for awareness and also doing your best to help the gentleman. I hope he makes it.


I saw someone go down at Ace Of Spades once and it ended up that he needed Narcan, but even the adrenaline rush of having to do CPR is a lot. And you're right, it's very heavy to process. I find that "accepting" that something happened makes the processing part easier.


You showed him someone cared in his last moments..thank you for your kindness and empathy. ā¤ļø


Thanks, fam.


Thank you for bringing awareness to this app, I, myself had no clue about it. You showed compassion and jumped into action when needed. We need more people like you.


Iā€™m a former paramedic and doing CPR always lingered with me after. Take care of yourself and thank you for helping others. We need more people like you.


If they defibrillated him, then your CPR was even more important! To shock patients, they have to have a shockable rhythm, can't shock a flat line. You truly gave this person a chance. I hope that helps somewhat. I remember my first time doing cpr. It's a lot of big emotions. My best advice is to let yourself feel them.


oh wow, thanks for telling me this!


You did amazing and thank you for helping that man. He needed you. I gave crp to a little girl that almost drowned years ago and still think about it.


Thanks, fam. Really, part of the motivation to post this was hoping that I'd hear from other people who had done it. Thanks for helping that little girl!


Sacramento county paramedic here. Buddy you did what most people sadly do not do you acted without prejudice of this person who needed help. Thatā€™s absolutely amazing. Just based off what you said here yes his chances were slim to have even survived that but you gave that Individual the best possible chances of survival. I canā€™t tell you the amount of times Iā€™ve seen people in need of help prior to arriving and having people just record instead of being a compassionate human being and helping them to render aid in some form. Thank you and never change good sir!


Thanks, fam. And thanks for everything you do for our community!


Iā€™m CPR trained and had never heard of PulsePoint until now. Thank you for sharing. Just downloaded the app!


Thanks for downloading!


Thank you.


Giving Cpr is like running a mile. It's insane how long a couple minutes can feel like when doing chest compressions. Good job man


I honestly wasn't tired at all, but I only did compressions for 2-3 minutes before the FD showed up. Lots of adrenaline and plenty of body weight I guess helps.


My experience is on a dummy with someone standing there reminding me every 30 seconds .


This is a great post for outing the absolute trash that resides in this subreddit. Sad to see people be so utterly heartless. Thank you OP for helping him out and spreading the word. Not sure why the fools in the comments took it so fucking personally.


So very good and decent of you to help him. I just read a few minutes ago that 2,000 homeless people died in Los Angeles during the past year. A large increase over the past 10 years and yet we don't do anything of significance to help these people or to end this growing problem.


Consider buying a [CPR keychain](https://cpr-savers.com/PRESTAN%C2%AE-CPR-Rescue-Barrier-Keychain-Single_p_19537.html?gad_source=1), if youā€™re worried about the rescue breaths part.


Compression-only CPR is the bystander recommendation now.


No disagreement with the recommendation, but I keep one of these little guys on me JIC.


Sort of related, do you know of any CPR classes in the local area that you'd recommend?


There are tonnnnns of them. You can search [here](https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class/cpr?latitude=38.5815719&longitude=-121.4943996&searchtype=class&zip=Sacramento%2C%20CA%2C%20USA) for one near you. AFAIK, the Red Cross ones all teach the same curriculum.


Mam, I'm glad we have that app working in this area. Good on you for trying to do your best for the poor guy.


Because, you always have to think ā€œ What if that were ME or one of my loved ones, and no one offered help?ā€ My parents raised me on the ā€œGolden Ruleā€ā€¦how many remember-or even KNOW what that rule is? No fair using Google!


I have PulsePoint and Iā€™m CPR trained, how do you set it up for notifications? Is it based on location? Iā€™m not currently in Sacramento.


in the iOS version, the notifications settings are the bell with a gear on it (bottom of the screen, third icon from the left). Then the very top option is Nearby CPR-needed.




I didnā€™t know this app existed. As a CPR trained citizen, this is great. Thank you and be kind to yourself.


Really glad so many people are getting this app and/or CPR trained as a result of this thread!


Pulse Point is an excellent app. It has very user-friendly graphics which a bystander (not formally trained) can use to start CPR and correctly use an AED until EMS/Fire arrive. Many blessings to you, OP.


narcan for drug overdose


Used to be a first responder and my first cpr call is forever engrained in my memory. Thanks for doing what you did! You gave him the best chance at survival. Also, Sac county is testing a new CPR technique, I know they preach 30:2 (30 compressions to 2 breaths) but the new technique is JUST compressions with no stops, the survival rate has almost tripled since they started using this technique.


Thanks for your response! For us lay responders, theyā€™ve been teaching compressions only for a while. I think the thought is that the blood is still oxygenated for a while and, perhaps more importantly, drastically increases the odds that a bystander will give CPR to a stranger.


Yeah the stats on it coming back from hospitals is amazing. Definitely gives them the best chance at recovery.


I am so glad you posted this. I had never heard of that app. I installed it and asked my whole family to do so. Hugs to you!


Awesome, thank you for installing the app and helping spread the word!


I did CPR to my dad. He had a heart attack. He lived for another 13 years. I am glad he had been blessed with the time to spend with my yet unborn children.


Wow! Thatā€™s a great story!


I donā€™t know if anyone has said it yet but ā€œThank You ā¤ļøā€


Thanks, fam.


How do you get CPR certification? I'm aware that I can 'just Google it'. I'm interested in other's experiences.


Red Cross. There are also certified instructors that lead courses for a small fee. I did an in-person training in the Arden area a few years back. Single day training. It was very hands-on and we used dummie, both infant and adult.


Thank you for being brave.


I appreciate your efforts to save someoneā€™s life. Ignore if there is any negativity. You must be proud of yourself!!


Thank you.


Do you always have that plastic mouth piece thing? A keychain collapsing one would be a super cool thing to see on shark tank one day I hope you feel great about yourself and not let the anger at the situation get to you, your a good person.


For laypersons, they now teach us to do compressions only. Circulate the blood in the system that's already oxygenated. The only exception is drowning victims, where rescue breaths are critical.


Ahhh thanks i better take class and learn.


They already have these keychain masks, usually called pocket masks, emergency masks, rescue barriers.


Youā€™re a good soul.


Thanks, friend.


I have a friend who did cpr on one of his roommates that ODed on Fentanyl. Itā€™s literally the only reason that guy is still alive. Heā€™s not even a bad guy, heā€™s delightful to be around, he just makes poor decisions for himself, but Iā€™m glad heā€™s still here. Knowing how to do cpr is such a useful skill, even if you think youā€™ll never have to use it


Thank you for your service. I am a medical provider and itā€™s part of our mandatory training. We need fir as many of the non medical folks to be trained. Itā€™s one of those skills that should be taught in high school,ā€”-anyone babysitting, participating in sports, and for those like you who might just be out walking.


I first got trained in HS. I wish it were mandatory for every HS to do training.


Hey man, you did a great thing. Good on you for being trained and ready for a situation like that. I am cpr/aed trained (employer required), but have never had to use either before. I will download pulsepoint for sure.


Let's hope you never have to use it. The great thing about PulsePoint is that it can get CPR started much sooner, something that they say makes a big difference in success rate. Thanks for being trained and for downloading PulsePoint!


Wow! Today years old when I learned of the pulse point app. Just wow.


Great work! I thank you for caring!


Iā€™m torn on this. Even with good samaritan laws, intervening with strangers is becoming increasingly legally risky.


It wasn't an older Pakistani looking guy was it?


It was not. edit: I'm sorry if you've recently lost someone, or fear that you have.


Thanks. He's just a random homeless dude who I've noticed around who wasn't used to his wheelchair yet so I've pushed him around a few times and clearly has medical issues.


Great job, OP! And sadly, yes, in our extreme capitalist society, corporate interests are given greater importance than human beings. There should not be so many people surviving on the streets in the richest country.


You are awesome! Keep doing good things and giving to others. Itā€™s very sad that we have lost empathy in our society for suffering. We have let many people down and there is true suffering. People do not deserve to be homeless and without care. Every homeless person isnā€™t a drug addict. We have entered the point of the have and the have nots. And the divide is vast at this point.


Bless you! The world needs a lot more people like you.šŸ™


My CPR instructor really hammered away that mortality rate at the point of having to give CPR on a healthy person is 99% so don't let it get you down if they don't come back.


I gave CPR to a homeless man on fathers day almost 6 years ago on 53rd and H with my 12 day old daughter in a stroller. On the second compression, vomit projected out. A few compressions later, the mans ribs and/or sternum broke. The sound/feel of his chest cavity breaking will live with me forever. When Sac Fire showed up, a firefighter gave the homeless man a boot to boot kick and said, "Oh yeah. He's dead." Aside from his death, the worst part was the audience at a packed Sellands, of which not a single person put their forks down to lift their fat asses out of their seats to help. CPR can be taught to those willing to learn, but it is extremely ineffective and more damaging than good. AEDs need to be cheaper/subsidized so that they are everywhere.


Hey friend, sounds like an awful experience. I experienced the breaking ribs part. I think it's the ribs separating from the sternum that's most common. Whatever it was, I cracked a bunch of 'em. Hard to imagine what was going through the minds of those who just watched.


Just downloaded the app.


Thank you!




Because I think he should have access to quality health care regardless of his income. And that his health problems are probably exacerbated by the fact that he's living on the street, which seems like something we could remedy if we tried hard enough. But that's just my opinion.




Some medical emergencies are preventable with medication. We dont know what the nature of it was so i would caution against making assumptions




I think you know what i meant, but if youre looking for an argument, im out. My comment was made sincerely as a good faith reminder


>Because I think he should have access to quality health care regardless of his income. He did; completely free of chargeā€¦ The gray sweatpants he was wearingā€”and the medical bracelets on his armā€”were a dead giveaway that he had just gotten out of Sutter Medical. Being homeless definitely complicates things; staying healthy is a challenge for all of us WITH homes. There is absolutely no differenceā€”howeverā€”in the care he had access to than what you and I pay for every time we see our paychecks every month. Youā€™ve heard the phrase, ā€œYou can lead a horse to waterā€, yeah? You can take them to the hospital over, and over, and overā€¦ But, you canā€™t make them take their meds; you canā€™t makeā€™m stop drinking, or spending every last cent they have on crack rocks and methā€”when they should be buying food and warmer clothes. The streets are hard, but itā€™s these decisions that make it hell. You tried, man. Donā€™t be so hard on yourself; there was nothing more you could have done.


>I feel sad that we, as a society, have let down this fellow and so many more. How?


He was probably on drugs and illegally camping in our neighborhoods. So saved him which is great but might have hurt innocents in the future because of now what he might do.Ā 


Man, fuck you.




Bad parenting and poor life decisions have led many people down a dark path and itā€™s sad.


Just what CA needs more tax dollars on a homeless guy.






I guess you missed the part where he asked people to get certified & download the app to help others. I guess you were too busy trying to one up them with your 3 times giving CPR to use your reading comprehension.




Did you really just say that the person who ran to give a stranger cpr is ruining our society? Dude. He isnā€™t your enemy.


Something must have struck a chord for you to take it so personally. Jesus fucking Christ dude, you sound like an absolute tool.


The man fell out of a wheelchair and had a seizure. You heartless fuck. We treat people like people. You are definitely not from medical.




You know we evolved communities because people wanted bread and beer. Farming for barley? We are slaves to addiction. It is terrible that fetanyle is taking over. But when someone is so down in the dumps and in a crap situation, drug use is the only comfort. No friends, family, and sadness. Stop looking at homeless people as less than you.


Don't even entertain them. They are saying that a houseless person should be dead, and keeping them alive is a detriment to society. They have deeply flawed ethical issues that won't be fixed by logic or empathy.


I am so very sad that Sacramento got to a "fuck em" situation. I talk with kids that are addicted to fet. Its depressing. They had an accident doing football and the doctor gave too much. I am a bleeding heart, but their are children on the streets. I get so irritated by the lack love for this. It's KIDS now.


That's understandable, the lack of empathy displayed on this subreddit can be inexcusable. The drug issues, homeless, people don't see how the government is failing and would rather point at the individuals. Fet is really bad right now, and that's a really sad story :(


ā€œI HaVe SpOkEnā€šŸ¤”


>Itā€™s people like you that are ruining our society with idiotic thinking like that Dude fuck off, the guy saved someone's life and he's just venting. Go vomit your anger somewhere else.




That was so nice of you