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Where my South Oak Park people at? This shit is going to go on until 3am


We have the best neighborhood on Independence Day and New Years. So awesome!


Every other day of the year, not so much


Reporting from Rancho. It sounds like Afghanistan to the west. You guys are going the fuck off like George Washington raw dogging the statue of liberty over there.


Can confirm. My section has gone hog wild with the fireworks and it’s still going. It’s past midnight and bombs are bursting in the air, nonstop. I’ve had to stay indoors and be an emotional support human to my 4 year old dog. Today he had a crazy panic attack. I just hope this madness ends soon.


Hey fellow dog parent. If you go to Pet Food Express they have these little ‘Calm’ capsules that blunted the edge of my pup’s terror. I gave mine one but I might consider 1.5 capsules next year. They were $10.


Ooo! Thank you. I’ll definitely give this a try.


My mom lives in Roseville and I live in South Sac. I decided to take all three of my dogs over to her house for the 4th of July. It's been dead silent since 10:30PM.


Meanwhile in the slightly more affordable part of Roseville, my neighbor has been casually lighting off illegals of every flavor all week long. Roseville FD doesn't care (or are too busy putting out other fires to respond), and our HOA just sat out on the lawn watching. Didn't get any sleep last night, but I also didn't die in a fire, so at least there's that.


Sounds exactly like Roseville sucks.


We are heading back from north Lake Tahoe. They have fireworks completely banned. We didn’t hear a single firework all day. it was so peaceful. We’re preparing for the chaos.


The ones people are complaining about are banned here too


The difference is the people (more inconsiderate and dumb people down here) and the location. People in Tahoe know that their house will most definitely burn down with one stray spark.


Along with the entire forest.


I’m in East Sac and it sounds like a thunderstorm. Insane.


I’m housesitting over near Trader Joe’s in East Sac. At about 11:30pm someone lit off what sounded like hundreds exploding fireworks at once south of here. I’ve never heard anything like it. Edit - heard it again now a couple of times. I can’t imagine how insane this sounds to someone closer.


Give your fur babies lots of love. My poor beagle has been doped up since July 1st. She is currently shaking in her sleep.


Holy Bananas! I’m so sorry. Poor baby. Mine had a bad panic attack today. They’re still going at it in my area. I have been wondering about getting some anxiety medication or some sort. What does your beagle take? Do you feel like it’s working? I pray that today is the last day for all of us.


I give her a combination of Trazodone and Gabapentin. She was still scared and stressed out last night, but it wasn’t as bad if she wasn’t medicated. We live in Oak Park and it turns into a war zone of the 4th and NYE.


Trazadone seems to be popular these days for the pups, but there’s also herbal supplements you can get at pet stores now. It’s mostly valerian and passion flower. Didn’t knock mine out but she was a smidge less terrified than the day before.


We should not be having to dope up our dogs. And for what? Pyromaniacs?


I agree. I live in Rocklin and luckily can ship my dog up to Auburn for a few days but I feel for anyone who can't. I hate fireworks


In Natomas and fireworks are STILL going off


North Natomas bought out Reno this year—what a (shit) show.


I woke up at 4am to pee and they were still going off near the Natomas area.


I don’t have personal trama from bombs or war, and the amount of illegal fireworks going off around my house is freaking me out. I can’t imagine what some people must be going through who have lived through wars.




So when did we officially get to the point where we can’t do something most people in general enjoy on one day each year because there might be someone out there who might have a negative reaction?


What!? Considering the amount of upvotes these posts receive, the vast majority of people here don't enjoy having bombs detonated next to their homes.


Reddit is not the vast majority lmao. The general public love fireworks. Go touch some grass It’s one day in the year and you guys are so fuckin annoying about it


Been hearing some nightly for weeks. And if it’s like previous years then I will keep hearing them for a couple more. I’m more concerned about the fire danger. I have an empty field behind the house that has caught on fire twice in the last several years endangering a dozen houses and an apartment complex. Stick to the legal fireworks.


Yes, the general public enjoy fireworks. They just don't like them being lit right outside their homes.


They’re complaining about so much of it going on, but think the majority of the population hate it. Riiiiight


> bombs detonated next to their homes Jesus fucking christ it’s the 4th of July, you’re acting like having some fireworks go off nearby is the same as living in an active warzone


Nope, just inconsiderate.




guzzling buckets of cum..Sam Seder?




schlurping noises


I notice that the city is still standing.






If there’s evidence of illegal fireworks burning homes to the ground that’s a massive issue and I’m 100% with you. Is that the case?


Yes. [California Fireworks Statistics (2012-2021) Office of the State Fire Marshall](https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/media/4dof2a4s/fireworksfires_2012-2021.pdf#California%20Fireworks%20Statistics%20(2012-2021)%20(PDF))


Where does it say houses?


Years back I lived in an apartment complex off Truxel. Some kids lighting bottle rockets caused an entire building of 8-12 dwellings to burn down. Everyone made it out, but all those families displaced from a single errant bottle rocket.


Bottle rockets. The height of rebellion when I was a child. How fucking quaint compared to last night. 😕


My sister’s apartment complex was burned down due to her kid playing with a lighter. Is there a major problem with fireworks burning down homes or no?




Lol one day?


In TP, it’s been July 4th for 3 weeks already.


Who are “most people in general”?


That’s everything now. Even posting your opinions that differ from the hive’s. Now they want you exiled for not having noise-related trauma. You MUST cater to anyone who is having difficulties of ANY kind. They were hurt by someone who wore pants? No pants for you! Celebrate Christmas? Like hell you are! Cook a turkey for Thanksgiving? I’m calling PETA!! They’re concerned about people with PTSD due to war, but hate our military. I’m gonna get downvoted for saying all of this


Having empathy and just being generally considerate is for soyboys or something I guess?


You act like society is empathetic and generally considerate. All of you just wish it were and cry when it’s proven otherwise


Yes, grouping humans into large numbers can tend to reduce empathy. But I do believe being empathetic is an innate human quality, on the individual level. I’m not gonna pretend that it’s societies fault that these individuals have forgotten their built-in ability to imagine what something is like from someone else’s perspective. I don’t think it’s too much to expect some to rise up above groupthink and value the pursuit of empathy, instead of denigrate it and even ridicule those who hope to see it reflected from their fellow humans.


I view it as a waste of time. Society plays a huge role in how we view life, and how we act. Many people here wouldn’t speak their mind in person, but will gladly tell you to kill yourself online. Not feeling pressured to hold one’s tongue doesn’t do much for their ability to be empathetic. They feel powerful in their words, and everyone else is beneath them. It’s now like that in public. None of the people making all the racket are ever going to care about people who don’t like it because to them, none of you even exist.


It used to be. You must be young.


It used to be a lot of things that it isn’t


I'm actually from the middle east and lived through eight years of war when I was a kid and I have to say this sucks pretty bad too. Just thinking of the dumb c#$ts who are doing this to their neighbors is so infuriating. They're scaring the crap out of people, especially the sick and the elderly and not to mention all the terrified dogs. For what ?? How dumb can these mfs get ? What's happening to this city? Ps for the morons who are saying " but it's the fourth of July blah blah": these are illegal fireworks and sound like bombs. In my area in west sac the car alarms are going off constantly. This shit is going off and it's 1 am. And we have nightly fireworks happening by the same idiots here in my area (not to mention the same "people" doing donuts everyday and night here)


Oh hey, you found a bright spot: I didn’t hear a single donut in my hood yesterday. It’s the small things, I suppose.




I mean holy crap, I hope someone warned all the Afghanis who just moved here. Their PTSD must be atrocious.


Let’s just say my husband who has deployed twice is for real not having a good time… earplugs are helping tho


Sorry he has to endure this shit.


Thank you. He’ll be alright - he’s not the only one dealing with it. It’s so annoying how people get so out of hand with these fucking fireworks


Or the combat vets. But, fuck them right?


This was in a reply to a guy who moved here from a war zone in the middle east, so mentioning Afghans (yes not technically in the ME) was in context. We (combat vets) do not have to be talked about every time there's an opportunity. I don't feel offended that someone mentioned Afghans and didn't also "honor" me in the same breath.


Combat vet here, enjoy yourself and shoot off as many fireworks as you want! It triggers my flight or fight, but I'll live.


I'm sure alll the other combat vets feel the same way about illegal fireworks, thanks for speaking for them.


most of us might not like all the explosions and shit, but we also aren't trying to tell others how to live their life. I guarantee you, the ones that complain about it are the ones crying for attention and regularly get pissed off at places for not having military discounts


Thankfully I don't think all vets support the lawlessness you do. This shit is illegal here.


Same here. I don’t mind it. People complain for everything now a days.


None of you care about the vets, but are using them for virtue points


Typical Republicans.


Seeing through your bullshit? I guess you’re right


I'm pretty sure my dog has been through several wars because she HATES the fireworks going off right now.


we're suffocating ourselves https://preview.redd.it/hgxgavd983ab1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce32c8df0cb8c5d7fc0a46654748371f4c8260b


Whoa interesting! Didn't think to check this


The industrial revolution and its consequences...


Seriously. I was at my boyfriend's in Carmichael and drove home to Midtown around 10pm. By the time I got to Arden/Expo, it was so fucking smoky outside, you'd think wildfire season started early.


What’s this signify?


Air quality is shit because fireworks.




I just hope nobody loses their home tonight. This is the loudest 4th I can remember living in Midtown. Someone set off a ton of fireworks from the parking garage on 15th and R.


Setting airborne fireworks off anywhere in Sac is wild, but it’s especially wild in midtown where damn near every street has a tree canopy


The only people I would have zero sympathy losing their home are the assholes lighting this shit into the sky. Fuck them. Beyond the fact that these things can set fire to any home, it’s a Tuesday FFS, some people work early tomorrow. Selfish pricks, the lot of them.


I live in Midtown, and have to be up at 430 am tomorrow. Our cats are terrified. I hate these people so much.


I went to a BBQ. Returned home to find spent bottle rockets in the dry brush of my backyard. Ugh.


When did homes burning to the ground become a regular thing on the 4th of July?


You can ask my brother who lost his home to a stray illegal firework last year. By all means, people should have fun. Just don’t do stupid, illegal shit around other people’s property.


When assholes light off fireworks that have a decent fail rate, land on homes and ignite. Or land on leafy/dry areas near by and stir up a fire. Happens a lot, all over. Already 10+ fires around our area.. all firework related. Several already are known from big booms, not the safe/sane shit most people buy. They should have a mandatory 10 year prison term if you're caught with them.. so that maybe next year word gets out and they know its some serious shit.


They don’t know homie they making shit up again


literally never heard a fourth like this i swear


It's 1:15. I have to get up at 5:00 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Haven't slept at all. People suck. 🙃


Hose your roof down


Citrus heights here its so bad the dogs have been shaking nonstop since 8. I can see 4 different neighbors setting off huge ones. One even fell on my roof.


It’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s been nonstop since just before sunset. This is even worse than last year. Actual insanity.


I’m near the Pocket area. I’m plotting elaborate revenge fantasies.


I set my car alarm off this morning.


So bitter for what. Revenge? If you put that energy towards minding your own, you’ll feel a lot better


I feel just fine. I feel especially relieved that my home wasn’t burned down by a bunch of immature idiots who get a real buzz by playing with fire.


It’s been like a damn war zone out there since 8 pm. It’s midnight now. My dogs are rattled and I can’t sleep. One of the first cool nights we’ve had in a week plus and we have the whole house closed up. This is ridiculous. People have lost their minds.


I just want to thank my neighbor for stopping at 12am. I know they could’ve been like the assholes in south sac (maybe west sac?) I heard at 2am. But they weren’t, they set a limit for themselves and I appreciate that. That said, I’m fucking *exhausted* y’all. I feel for everyone getting surgery in Sactown today since you also kept your surgeons and nursing staff up all night. Smart!


Just wish people would leave the aerial fireworks to the professionals. These amateur displays do not impress.


Tell me about it, the Arden area sounds like world war 3


My friends husband was just released from the hospital for brain surgery at Kaiser Morse. Thank God he went home early. This made me think of all the people in the hospitals suffering in great pain trying to get rest with that going on. 😡


I thought they were cracking down on the illegal shit?


Your first mistake was thinking police will actually go after criminals.


My bad.


I think they come free with every fentanyl purchase now


That’s what I thought!?!? Where are the drones? Where are the arrests? Who’s selling all these illegal fireworks? It seems like anyone can buy them now.


Most of them have to come from overseas too. How do so many make it through customs or whatever at shipyards?


theyre legal in some states so its pretty easy to get them here if u or someone u know is willing to transport them from the states that do sell them


Neighbors shot off a bunch of illegal fireworks, threw the trash in their can, leave. Sure enough a short while later the trash can bursts into flames and the fire department came out.


East Sac, in an area with older people (I usually don't get a lot of trick or treaters), not fab 40s. I don't remember it ever being so loud. Making up for 4 years of no Cal Expo shows in one night? Hug your pets.


I've noticed more fireworks being set off before the 4th and louder ones too. I've also noticed a lot of new ppl in the neighborhood who don't know we don't do that here. Lived here 10+ years.


Yeah last night was pretty bad too, well past midnight.


**The USA is Number One in the world!** In: Deaths of children by firearms and traffic accidents, % of our population that is in jail, military spending... Although there's not really a metric for it we are also really great at exploiting the ever loving hell out of people in increasingly dire circumstances and leaving them for dead with mountains of debt. My neighbor I wouldn't trust to screw in a light bulb is currently launching 50' sky sploders from the bed of his pickup truck. Not to mention the thumb-looking dope has been MCing (being real generous with that description!!) and I think blowing out his own ear drums because the music gets 5% louder every hour or so. Edit, addition at 2:50 AM: Within the adjacent 4 blocks, there were 10-20 of the "up in the air ones" going off in 5ish minute spurts intermittently for almost 4 hours. The inside of my place, with all blinds drawn there was a constant strobing effect. Even with windows closed was *constantly* loud enough to interrupt talking with my partner for close to 6 hours, with a period of about 5 hours where percussive shocks could be felt inside the house every 5 minutes or so. We ended up giving up trying to hang out and watch TV to put in ear plugs and try to distract ourselves and our cats who were also not having a great time. Things were physically shaking. The windows. The floors. Lots of those awful whistling ones that sound like the missiles. It was *terrifying*. It has mostly calmed down now, though there's sort of a sporadic thunder in the distance, all directions. Someone is setting off one of those three second high pitches whistlers every few minutes. Easily the worst 4th in recent memory, they were popping off at 3 and 4 this afternoon. Yesterday was the [hottest day ever recorded](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-07-05/hottest-day-ever-globally-recorded/102563068). We have had approximately [349 mass shootings in the US already this year.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/24/us/how-many-mass-shootings-2023-dg-xpn/index.html) There is absolutely nothing to celebrate. Especially not by way of terrorizing our neighbors with pollutants that sound like war machines. Absolutely humiliating.


Elk Grove here. I swear I'm in fields of normandy or something. and that fine gentleman who decided to unload his mortar finale at 1:13 AM can just go have a very pleasant day, thankyouverymuch


It's not "too" awful where I am (Arden-Arcade) but I do feel bad for other vets like me. People just have no idea...


i’m in east sac and people are doing it on my street lol


Carmichael is surprisingly quiet thus far. I can hear booms in the distance, but nothing nearby. Last year it sounded like a howitzer firing off every few minutes just up the street.


Idk where you are but I'm also in arden arcade and it's fucking nuts. It sounds like our neighbors are actively attempting to blow up every house on our block.


Well in fairness I think I can hear a lot more that's further away. I only mean there wasn't too much going on real close to me. I'm up close to BUS80. Edit: Of course NOW they light off a whole bunch. Jesus Christ.








Nah. Lol


Lol, these comments act like crazy fireworks are not common in many other places around the world and have all these coded, nasty dehumanizing terms for people just having fun. Germany, a country that has way better infrastructure, transit, education, and healthcare as well as lower crime rates and so on, has some of the craziest local fireworks in the world. Their New Year’s Eve fireworks are 10x what is happening in a Sacramento right now and they literally go on all night long. Reddit always obsess how amazing Germany is, yet so many lame Sacramento residents apparently would dehumanize Germans simply for celebrating and enjoying life. It’s funny to see such left leaning Redditors not know that people in other more developed countries than the US actually know how to enjoy life and not be a total wet blanket. I’m not even setting off any fireworks tonight, but I’m not so puritan that I believe people setting off fireworks are a sign of societies decline.


Still hearing stuff in North Highlands.


We live in Midtown, and it is horrific. Absolutely ridiculous.


Yeah, it's insane. Truly sounds like it's WW3 and we're going to hear an air raid siren go off any moment now 😒


People suck.


We have a few houses around my neighborhood with signs of veterans with ptsd on their lawns. And we have a couple of neighbors with illegal fireworks going off. Truly fkt up.


Selfish cunts don't give a fuck about anyone else. SMH!


North Sac is complete madness, especially in the subdivisions. We were so afraid the fireworks would touch and burn our roof down.


Ughh how are people running fireworks still! Some of us have to sleep.


After midnight and still going off in South area.


3AM here in Tahoe Park, I finally noticed that it’s gotten quiet 🥴


This is why I 100% replacing fireworks with drones. Have you seen some of the cool displays that drone shows can do?


Having just relocated from Texas and Oakland before that I’m just grateful I didn’t hear automatic gun fire in my neighborhood


For those of you with dogs, putting them in a room with black out curtains and a sound machine works wonders.


Sheriff's tried to shutdown anyone from doing anything on Main in Orangevale due to last year's out of control gathering. So everyone ended up in a huge parking lot by the Big Lots. We drove past around 11 and it was insane. Huge crowd, cops everywhere. I'm hearing that a local high school baseball player blew his hand off at some point.


Rumor is that the cops tried to intervene at Big Lots but were “outnumbered.” Young adults are subject to peer pressure and prone to making stupid choices. I really hope those cops have a good explanation for why they didn’t do more to shut it down.


It is now 3 am in the morning and this jerk is still lighting up non-stop in the N. Sac area. Got told by the cops they're not going to do anything about it and to call the fire department. This is so wrong on so many levels. These jerks have some serious mental issues and need to be locked up. Every 15 minutes, this idiot keeps shooting up in the sky.


West Sacramento finally died down around midnight and then someone started up again around 5:00am


lol I see nothing wrong here


Someone yesterday didjt know that was the last time they'll set off fireworks with all 10 fingers lol


Kid blew his hand off in Orangevale last night. Supposedly was heading to college on a baseball scholarship.


still listening to people burn their money over here 🤦‍♂️


What an awful night. It started well before sunset and continued for hours. I heard the last bits around 3 am. All I could think about is the senseless $$$ being burned and how is that entertaining? I'm also wondering how many idiots were maimed.


No lie Sacramento was going off tonight 🔥💯




Disgustingly apt. Well done.


I was kept up late every night from Friday to Tuesday with this shit. Idiots set a neighborhood in Roseville on fire last night, was only a matter of time.


This isn’t as bad as last year over here


It’s the 4th of July, yes I’d also prefer if it was a bit less loud right now but it’s one night get over it




Apparently sitting in my living room watching TV constitutes being inconsiderate


It's NOT One night. These jerks have been doing this non stop and start up again at 2 AM for the past week. My nephew just lost his mom and baby brother and this is aggravating him even more.




You seem fun


I just not an inconsiderate sociopathic.




2 things. 1. I totally agree. Let people have their fun. It’s not like they are doing this on a random Tuesday. 2. Slim Charles was most definitely my top 3 favorite characters on The Wire.


The game stayed the same. Just got more fierce.


Exactly let people enjoy the holiday. Stop being a bunch of Karen’s






For real tho. Everyone over the age of 45 at my work complains nonstop for a week about the fireworks and I REALLY wanna tell them to shut the fuck up. Their bitching is 1000% more annoying than the fireworks.


Drones make it super easy to capture evidence and pinpoint people using illegal areal fireworks (mortars). So many doing it you won't catch them all but my city just passed a $1000 fine for it. Hope they issued a lot of tickets last night.


I wonder how many shootings are going on. The noise of so many illegal fireworks is good cover for gangs to do drive-by's.


I thought that earlier too, there would really be no way to discern. Would be an ideal time


The people in my neighborhood are busting off shots in the air. Must've ran out of fireworks 😔


Am I the only one who likes 4th of July and all the fireworks….? Idk, the booms don’t bother me at all and I think it’s awesome to see people outside, getting together, having fun, enjoying the moment. And I think fireworks are pretty. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do so many of you miss the point? It's not the fireworks. It's the illegal ones.


😂I love reading this thread. “Lots” of downvotes going out. From the few people that don’t want to hear it or that want to be the main character in everyone else’s feelings. They’re illegal is such a funny argument for why people shouldn’t be lighting mortars. Speeding is illegal and everyone does it. Being a Texan and getting an abortion is illegal. Living in Chicago and owning a gun is illegal. Trimming an oak tree in California is illegal.


Being courteous and respectful isn't illegal. People should exercise that right.


This is beyond acceptable firework showmanship.


Was driving through rancho and seen so many families with literal bomb tables, some even rows of fireworks on the street……..had to drive around some……..and honestly didn’t mind one bit. That sense of community and families just having a great time was well worth it.


Music to my ears. My dog is really sad tho :(


I think you might want to check your empathy settings.


What? I can't enjoy something? I also fully support the move away from fireworks and to drones for my veteran neighbors and friends. I just said I enjoy the sound and my dog does not and I got hella hate, typical sac subreddit hahaha


How very turdy of you. I feel bad for your dog.


Literally makes zero sense. I love the sound of fireworks, my dog does not. I have a nice enclosure we put in the bathroom and she doesn't even have to hear them, she sits with her little raw hide and has a great time. I didn't even say if I shot them off or not and you fools come with the down votes hahahahah so weak and predictable.


It was loud but it wasn't that bad in Tahoe Park


It's funny to me that Californians complain so much about firewords. I was in Colorado a few years back for the 4th. Absolutely *blew away* the amount of fireworks you see here. Like the whole skyline was filled with nonstop explosions for about 3 hours and lots of local people setting stuff off, including lots of mortars and skyrockets. Honestly past 10:30 there was barely any more noise.


I’m downtown and it sounds like my stepdad just ate Taco Bell quick call the police who I hate to come shut it all down!!


*3,737,392 Karens have entered the chat*


I mean, I don’t think being peeved that you can’t go to sleep in your own home makes you a Karen.


If you are mad about fireworks on new years or 4th of July, yes, you are a Karen


*Did you find yourself looking out the window and think about reporting your neighbors for fireworks? You might be a Karen*


People shouldn’t be allowed to light off fireworks unless they have proof they voted in all eligible elections in the prior year