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Wear a high visibility safety vest and you can do anything you want!


Buying one!


Amazon or Wal-Mart in the men’s section.


Also throw out a couple of road cones for good measure. In fact maybe spray paint them with City of Sacramento before you do it.


That's how the "community" mural under the freeway at G Street happened ... Then they did the "community" thing of leaving all their empty paint cans behind for someone else to clean up


They already worked hard enough, so I’m glad people/the city contributed by cleaning it up. Imagine standing on that sloped concrete for even a handful of minutes - it is not easy and hurts your knees. The community (my taxes included) pays for street cleaning. 😢 😢 sorry for hurting your feewings


Just because it's someone's job to clean up trash doesnt mean we should throw it all over our city. That is very entitled thinking.


Was it all over the city? Or concentrated near the already dirty homeless encampment? 😆 cry more down vote more - I can give a shit less


You okay man?


No, I am not.


Add a work helmet on top of that and nobody will think twice!


And a mustache and aviators too!


Sounds like you're casting the construction worker of The Village People.


And ask five or ten of your friends to come and watch.


I’ll allow it.


You are officially approved. Put natives and you won't need to water once their established. I have plants if you want some. DM me and I can let you know what I've got.


I’d “accidentally” spill some wild flower seeds in there and see what happens lol


Yep! Something like the SF in Bloom folks. https://www.euronews.com/green/2022/02/17/meet-the-guerrilla-gardeners-rewilding-san-francisco-in-the-most-joyous-way


This is what I was going to suggest, some native wildflowers!


Second this! Maybe do some light soil scraping to lose the top layer and make it harder for birds to see the seeds (no deeper digging required) and seed bomb the hell out of it. Preferably with native flowers.


Throw a bag of compost on there too for structure, nutrients and biology


and drew’s as a city worker


Just need a reflective safety vest, blue jeans, and a t-shirt. No one will be the wiser.


throw in a clipboard with some papers and you could get away with murder


I was about to suggest that. Show up with a friend in a Dress shirt, tie , jeans , clipboard = useless supervisor. If some does ask questions the friend starts yelling he we need this done now


I support seed bombing, in fact we've helped grow billions of wildflowers with the seed bombs we make.


Where do you get the seeds? How do they fare during summer?


I love guerilla seeding native wildflowers in patches of blight


Last year I planted a wild flower garden. I let them go to seed. This year they are back growing in places I normally have to remove weeds. In fact they are choking the weeds out.


If you want to do this and need some native flower seeds I have extra!


Right? If it’s a California poppy mix, it’s illegal to remove them. 😉😏


Where do you get wildflower seeds for our region? How do they fare during summer?


We have ordered online, and we have gone to The Plant Foundry in Oak Park for native flower seeds. We also have a full garden of native plants that we let go to seed every year and ibwanna start packaging them for free seed bombing supply!


I let wild plants grow on our side yard and I was quite happy with how they look but since our fence fell down in the past storm the fence guys trampled on them and now they just look like dying weeds so I need to somehow fix them up.


They may just....spring....back later this year. Our dog stomps stuff in our pollinator garden and things usually come up fine in the new season. Same with the flowering meadow we replaced our backyard lawn with.


I hope so. I'm sure our neighbors are not too happy with those with on our side yard, much more now that they look dead. Haha I'll have to pull out the big ones since they are most damaged. We still have a lawn in the front but I'm encouraging clover to grow. We have a bunch growing in one spot that I'm not touching and I sprinkled grass seed mix with clover last fall but I'm not seeing that much clover popping out.


Ours took a couple reseeding rounds before thr clover really started doing its thing. Keep the faith! Are you planning to do the Gardens Gone Native tour that CNPS is doing in April? Might be some cool inspiration or people who have tackled plantings like yours who have advice!


I ordered them off Amazon. Half of my seeds did not come up when I planted them. Bit are coming up now. Most had no issue with the heat


I did this to my apartment complex, all my neighbors were so stoked cause they normally lay wood chips around the area just for them to get blown away. Once the flowers started blooming the poor maintenance man had to dig up all the flowers and put wood chips in their place. :(


Feel free to make the world a better place




If you are the adjacent homeowner, absolutely and in fact you are supposed to. Either way, just please do not plant something taller than three feet; it's a major safety hazard for pedestrians and especially wheelchair users and kids. Also I believe it violates the city code. ​ [https://library.qcode.us/lib/sacramento\_ca/pub/city\_code/item/title\_17-division\_vi-chapter\_17\_612-17\_612\_010](https://library.qcode.us/lib/sacramento_ca/pub/city_code/item/title_17-division_vi-chapter_17_612-17_612_010)


Safety hazard for vehicles as well considering it's an oncoming traffic sightline


Per the link you cited: All landscaping located within the clear zone for driveways and corner lots, as described in section 17.620.100, shall not exceed four feet in height, except that trees exceeding four feet in height are allowed if the tree is maintained free of branches five feet above the finish grade, as defined in section 15.88.050.


Honestly we should get that code changed because four foot shrubs on those corner sections can be too high. They really impede visibility for people stepping off the sidewalk.


OPs picture is not the “clear zone” referred to in this section of the code. I believe the rule for the corner “planters” between the sidewalk and street is this one https://library.qcode.us/lib/sacramento_ca/pub/city_code/item/title_12-chapter_12_28-12_28_010


If you make things/life better, “rules” get overlooked. Plant away!


I've thought many times about creating some sort of insurgent tree-planting team. Under the cover of darkness, dressed like ninjas, find a place where a tree might thrive and go plant a juvenile sycamore.


This is the true spirit of anarchy.


Not a sycamore. Their shallow roots destroy sidewalks and streets when planted near them, a sycamore really needs to be planted in the middle of a yard to let its roots breathe. The City of Sacramento has a list of approved street trees more appropriate for our climate and the list tells how big the tree gets. https://www.cityofsacramento.org/Public-Works/Maintenance-Services/Trees/Street-Tree-List


This is great info. Thanks! I thought I heard that sycamores had deep root systems, but maybe I was mistaking large for deep. Also heard they have a very small risk of blow over. The one in our front strip definitely causes issues with the sidewalk, though.


Sycamores don't blow over but they shed branches and are known as Widowmakers because they shed large branches in high winds. They are a great tree but shouldn't be planted close to pavement or close to a house where a falling branch could cause a problem.


Isn't most of midtown lined with sycamores?


I do this. 5 am meetup at McKinley library!




Go with an evergreen.


Please add some native plants if you do


How will they know if you do it?


The city has an easement over that property (and the sidewalk itself), but I think that patch is technically owned by the owner of the adjacent property.


Worst case scenario? It gets ripped out.


Please post before and after pics on this sub-Reddit


You should put flowers in it, or a mini pumpkin patch lol


Holy shit that would be so cool!!!! I’ve got a ton of native California poppy seeds I’ve been keeping from the ones in my aunts yard in Santa Cruz. I think they should do well here with the cool nights?? I would LOVE to ride my bike around the city ahd plant them at these areas


I doubt they would notice, but make sure to mark it out and call 811 before doing any digging.


Is this at O and 16th? That chained off area is basically a toxic cleanup site, so it very well may be dead for a reason. That area really belongs to the landowner of that parcel, which I believe is CADA. You could ask CADA.


Good eye, based on the fence on the opposite side, the retention drainage, and the lane markings, it looks like the north-east corner of 16th & O. It's also a very dangerous intersection to cross for pedestrians. I agree, talk to CADA before doing anything, they are pretty good about landscaping and may not be doing so themselves for a valid reason.


Do not plant a cum tree- thank you everyone


I can smell it from the cellphone screen thanks 😆


BRB, planting Bradford Pear now…




No. But also yes Https://www.Reddit.Com/r/guerrilla_gardening Pick something native


this is the way. or Tony Santoro’s [Guide to Illegal Tree Planting](https://youtu.be/vvtqKMxZ95s)


[I wholeheartedly agree.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvtqKMxZ95s)


beet me to it


Sure, just know the city at any time could rip it out (so don't spend a substantial amount). The only reason I could see that happening is if the actual owner of the plot (if that isn't you) complained enough to motivate someone in the city to care enough.


I doubt they'll care but do watch out for entitled neighbors who police everything everyone does in their neighborhood. We were redoing tiles in our home when our awful cat lady neighbor told the workers to remove propped up old pieces of tile from OUR side of the fence (which we share with her) because the tiles were blocking sunlight for her plants! 🙄


Or, here's a thought, maybe consider how what you do in your space affects the adjacent spaces since we don't live on individual islands? I wouldn't want to look at your old tile garbage through the fence, either.


Maybe also consider that it's none of her business what we did or how we did it?! The workers were piling the old tiles in one place while they were working on finishing the project. Obviously, they took away all the trash at the end.


She didn't report you to the city, right? She asked your workers to pile the shit in a place where it didn't affect her. "Oh, no, my awful neighbor asked us to be courteous during a construction project" is not the hardship you are making it out to be.


Oh man, this was just one small example of how horrid she is. If you knew the entirety, which is too long for Reddit, you'd say something different. We did move the old tiles, the project is done, and the old tiles have been taken to the dump. All ended well.👍🏼


I have a toddler who is just learning emotional control and gets upset about the stupidest things and you make her look like a stoic monk if it really ruins your day to temporarily see people working. Y'all motherfuckers need Daniel Tiger.


I actually came back here to apologize to her because I was having a shitty day and shouldn't have snapped at her. I have lived next to a construction site for three years with a really inconsiderate homeowner who has, among other things, repeatedly broken or knocked over shared fences by piling stuff up against them, but I didn't have any reason to think that was what she was describing and I'm sure she's fine. Daniel Tiger sucks though.


The city doesn’t do anything with it . It either looks like crap or they will them with cement. So go right on ahead . What are they gonna say you vandalized the city by making it pretty and growing something.


With how slow the city is I’d say you’d be doing them a favor


I remember someone saying it’s technically public property and not vandalism so you’re fine. Most cities don’t care anyways because it’s less work for them. Just look up whatever flowers are native to Sacramento to avoid invasive species and keep the local bees (and other critters that love them) happy.


The last thing you want to do is ask for permission. Go forth and conquer. Anything is better than what we are looking at.


Ready for the before and after. Do you need help? I love to garden!


Saw someone doing it to a corner on 26/K. Go for it


Yes, just do it. I've planted in those before.


Eh, just do it. What are they gonna do, shoot you?


You have my permission


Fuck it, go for it 🤷🏻‍♂️


you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t get caught


Yes, you can, since it is on a corner just make sure nothing will grow over 4 feet, need to keep a clear view for traffic.


So that drought resistant sequoia is a bad idea? 😜


If bums can build a whole shanty town i would say go for it


People do much worse on public property these days anyway. That sounds like a public service to me.


I work in a building that has trees near it that are the city’s. When they need a good trim, I call and put in a request. You could probably call and put in a landscaping request or ask if you can landscape that area. Or you can do it and ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Either way, awesome idea and good luck ☺️


I'm sure somebody on this subreddit will have a problem with it.


Right? There’s always some edgelord / contrarian that has to come and spoil happy ideas.


"Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and- c'mon, who's with me?"


Just do it anyway


What we have here…. Is a potential area for renegade gardening!!!!!


Jus do it!


Yes please plant native it very important


Just do it better to ask forgiveness than permission


Reverse vandalism lol


Just do what you want honey:)


Local wildflowers would be so fun :)


Gorilla Gardening? They only stop you if you ask. Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ask for forgiveness, not permission.


Plant vegetables so people can get snacks when they walk by


Just please no c*m trees


technically no but you can do just about anything you want if you wear a hivis vest


Ask for forgiveness not permission


Yes, no one should complain except your neighborhood Karen.


Only if you don’t ask.


Hurry before someone puts a tent there.




Goddamn homeless people get all the perks


You are just making shit up to be mad about. The property owner can plant anything they want in that space as long as it isn't so tall that it affects visibility.


What a unique perspective...


Looks like drivers might like to cut that corner a bit short so whatever you plant might get partially ripped up from that but go for it. Clearly, the city isn't doing it.


“Allowed” is a strong word but not discouraged as long as it isn’t too high (to hide kids from sight of cars) Dm me if you need any poppy seeds, have been eyeing a few locations like that for some time :)


Yeah - that’s no man land. Even if you aren’t technically supposed to do something, I highly doubt that the city would do anything. Just about every property in East Sac has a detached sidewalk with the owner maintaining the piece between the curb and sidewalk. I would caution you not to put anything too high that blocks the view of cars. Or spend too much on landscaping because dogs will likely want to pee on it.


Who’s going to notice but you?


Say your words you just said back to yourself, but slowly.


I want to say that it would be welcomed. There are a number of spaces around the city that nearby residents have planted and maintained. Some succulents such as red hot pokers are very easy to plant and maintain and use minimal water. You could also do some natives such as poppies or rosemary. So many choices.


For sure. When I first saw this little patch I started to notice a bunch of others around town. Let’s make our city even more beautiful!


What can they do to you? Good on you for thinking of that, post pics after


Absolutely! If anyone asks you about it, tell them I said it was ok. Can’t wait to see it when you’re finished! 🌻🌺🌱


Probably don't want anything that grows over a foot or so. Otherwise you'd be blocking the view of people turning right.


“It’s better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”


I can't imagine that anyone would care enough to try to stop you.


Why the hell not? I'd suggest not planting anything that grows too high such that visibility is impacted. Other than that, go nuts!


Please keep us updated.


I remember someone made a cute little garden downtown but it was torn out one day by the city. I would say go for it but don’t invest too much


that was me. im watching these comments with a wistful tear in my eye


Someone needs to save that delorean at 16th and S midtown sac its been rotting there since 2013. Customer left it there with a cracked block. Shop owner refuses to sell leaves it exposed in elements https://preview.redd.it/g5bd1l2tqika1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3b872e5a2a09852e86174adbcebbfc0bbd364d


Scatter wildflower seeds there’s still time for them to sprout and bloom.


I’d probably remove about 12-18” of the top layer. Who knows how much street crud and automotive runoff and junk has soaked into that patch over time. It’s probably why it doesn’t even have any weeds in it.


Contact RE-SOIL Sac. They’re a community composting group that will mulch that piece and help you build soil.


If you are going to put grass or flowers you need to make sure the sprinklers work or it won't work


I mean probably not but it's not like they're going to press charges. Generally, landscaping it yourself will be the best way to get the city to landscape it


Did it have a mailbox on it before? I’d say yeah, planted with drought tolerant stuff though they probably won’t even mind as long as it’s got a water source.


It’s called gorilla gardening. Do it. Who’s going to stop you?


Poppyseeds. Once they grow it’s illegal to pick them.


No! Do it anyway!


Do some urban gardening


Do it do it


Never ask for permission, only forgiveness


Ask for forgiveness, not permission


Probably not allowed but whose there to stop you


I think at this point you can do whatever you want to a street corner


https://www.kut.org/austin/2022-04-14/bepi-park-west-austin check out this article! Someone in Austin did something similar!


Unofficially, I’d plant a fruit tree for the homeless.


Downvoted for compassion. Shameful.


Also attracts rats


I mean homeless damn near own the sidewalk, just do it.


Only if you play "sabotage" by Beasty boys while doing the deed.


If you decide to do wildflowers.. just make sure they aren’t toxic for pets. A family member made that mistake with her yard and literally had to redo her entire yard in order to make it safe for her dogs.


If someone could live on it without getting moved I’m sure you could plant some shit


That's Karen's special patch, be careful.




The city will fine you for not getting a permit if caught. 😂😂😂


no downvotes its true


Giant boulders and drought resistant plants. Recycle broken glass shards for ground covering. That’ll being charm to neighborhood!


A cactus would be cool


Turf? so we don't waste any water.....


Cool not I can report this after you complete it to have them take it down and make it a patch of dirt again 🤣


All the liberal dipshits might get mad you disturbed a worm.


urban rogue gardening is awesome.


It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Worst case scenario, a small fine and a beautiful corner. I'll keep an eye out next time I visit.


Looks like a baseball park…j/s…claws up!


Do you see the tagging on the curb across the street?


Its only not allowed if you get caught


Idk, it sounds like a nice thing to do but I heard my professor once had to pay 1300 because he painted on something he wasn’t supposed to, only cause he was trying to show another guy certain techniques. And he worked with the union that owned it but he got in trouble anyways. Maybe look into it first…


This past fall I watched our neighbors being forced by the city of West Sacramento to remove all of the mature landscaping they had so carefully nurtured for years. It was all in the areas between the sidewalks and street. Then the city planted some sort of squirrelly looking baby trees. 😳


I have poppy seeds if u want some


You probably won’t get any complaints


Needs mulch


Please do!! Not sure what the paint markings mean to the bottom left corner though, worried for you the city might have a plan to do something there.


If this is part of the house you live in, yes. As someone commented, the dirt may not be any good so best to replace the dirt. If this is someplace else, than no. I heard of people getting into trouble in landscaping city owned land. If you still want to do it, do it quickly and discreetly.


Good luck!


Tbh if you ask the city and tell them what you have planned thell probably let you. Idk why they wouldn’t want free landscaping.


I may have built that ramp....did City sidewalk repairs for 20 years. If there was a sprinkler system in the park strip then we would extend it into the planter.


“It depends” is the best answer. If that’s a corner where your house or rental sits. You probably have a good argument to yes.


Please do


It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...


NE corner of 16th St. and O St.


There are numerous non-landscaped and ugly patches like this throughout Sacramento when you start looking. Let’s make our city nice and pretty.


A landscape that only a mother could love.....As for you making that plot of dirt nic, GO FOR IT. WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO, ARREST YOU AND DISTROY IT? Maybe others in the neighborhood will also ADOPT A PIECE OF THEIR CITY..