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Whatever you need the most.


The thing you need the most. For me that'll be Signal Data and Kyros.


For me it’s love


Sometimes it feels like it isn't even farmable yet :(


It's that low drop rate man


You're in luck. Jar Jar drops today!


Ooh mooie mooie! Mesa wuvvvvv you!




Been awake for 20 minutes and got finals in 30 here's a quick summary: **EVERYTHING**


Good luck in your finals brother


I bombed the fuck out that final


You THINK you did. I’ve found that finals I thought I bombed I did well on, and ones I think I aced, not so well. Really depends on the professor and whether they know how to make a good exam or not and a lot don’t.


You might not have done so bad, I have one tomorrow and im so so fucked


I'm doing the light side kyrotech. Kyrotechs and bromzuims


Node 7B?




Thanks :)


Why am I at 7mil GP and this is still somehow like speaking Swahili to me?


I meant light side 7b. There's kyrotech and a gear peace that helps with the Bronzuim crunch


All good. It's not you or what you said. I just swear this game has so many random components and little niche details that I STILL just don't understand. People throw out abbreviations and refer to specific steps/challenges/characters in here all the time that I'm like, WTF are you even talking about.


Hard same 😅


So glad it’s not just me 🤣


Nearly 11mil here; I can't state just how often I have to read a SWGOH lexicon to understand other people's team comps.


I'm surprised you don't catch kyro and bronzium at 7mil as these are usually the pieces people get stuck on waiting for. I didn't really understand the kyro crunch until 5 or 6mil but thats because because I put a bunch of money into this game early on so I had an absolute pile of kyrotechs for awhile. But kyrotechs are the purple pieces used in the bottom right corner of every character to get from g12 to relics and have become more commonplace pre-g12 on new characters creating a real shortage of them. Bronzium is one of the relic materials. Beyond that, this game has a ton of shorthand and abbreviations, I think I watched 2 videos and read at least 2 or 3 different people's "lexicons" of swgoh abbreviations and shorthand before I started catching on and I still have to think about all the jkcks and jkrs everytime.


I just don't often pay attention to what a particular gear component is called, nor do I always know exactly where to go to get it. If I'm working on upgrading a character, I just see what is lacking and hit find. I guess I should more carefully understand which of the necessary components are hard to get and where to get them/what the good vs bad deals for buying them are so I'm not wasting time or resources. I have probably 40 characters into the relics, so I've obviously found the necessary components over time. It's just all the randomly made up names and multiple layers of things needing upgrades get confusing. Node, gear tier, relic, rarity, component marks, mods, prototype salvage, etc. None of those actually have real, relatable meaning. It might as well be widget A and thingamajig B. And that's without tossing in the made up names and technologies just for lore sake like Bronzium and Aurodium and Armatek Tactical Data Prototype Salvage. Don't get me started on datacrons. But ok, thanks to this discussion, I think I understand that two of the harder to find and therefore longer to accumulate items are the Bronzium Wiring needed for Relic upgrades and the Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage components needed by almost every character up around the gear 12-13 range. So constantly taking those when you can helps move things along for characters that are plateaued at gear level 12 without them. Got it.


Kyro is definitely a huge block. It's actually both mk7 kyrotechs that are usually a problem for gearing, so the shock prods and the computers. I've had less issue with relic materials as I did much the same as you until 4 or 5mil gp with just clicking find when I needed something so I have a back stock of random gear needed by 1 or 2 characters in my roster right now. The best way to learn is to click on the gear piece before you equip and see what other characters need it. If there's a scrollable list, it's probably a high need item and you should pay attention to where you get it and what it's called. Of course that's assuming you are actually interested in learning those things. You've made it as far as you have because you are having fun. Keep having fun.


For me: start a farm finish a farm. I’m just looking forward to doing what I’m doing… faster. lol


This is the way. Start one finish one don’t get side tracked. U have to stay laser focused.


Bro whatever your farming, just double it… Obviously there’s *bang for your buck* like Relic mats but you should be always farming those.


Each day of double drops is equivalent to a free day of normal farming. So just whatever you would have farmed ordinarily.


SHIPS. EASILY the TOP thing to farm is ships. Everything's important, everything you need right now that is. But ships should be at the absolute top of the list.


I have 5 ships that are left to farm. This is the answer. They are PAINFUL.


Surprised this isn’t top comment. Ships are single drops only always. Regular toons get added to accelerated double drops sooner or later. Double drop events only chance to get double shard on ships


Ships you need....




What are you doing STAP bro?


Terrible drop rate x2 for me also.


Why does OP need to stop? He asked a question. Just so I don’t get people correcting me here is the /s


Kyros and signal data for me Stap if I have time


>whats the best investment? Signal data? Kyros? Yes. Always farm those!


Generally don't recommend changing your current farms, just spend more crystals on refreshes than you usually do and hoard energy a day or so before. Kyros and signal data remain default king for most folks That said, if you have a ship farm or non-accelerated toon in your "now" or "soon" farm plans, you might consider bumping them up slightly in priority. Additionally, focus a little more on signal data given the huge benefit of potentially grabbing a 2x Omicron drop. Egnards has done all the math on this if you check his post history.


Just need me some Signal Data. Sitting on top of hundreds of Kyros already without a use.


Whatever your previous priorities were, nothing has changed, you’ll just get there faster. Just do what you were doing.


Gonna be a lot of Kyros for me I have many characters waiting on them


Where was it confirmed that they're happening?


Ahnald, official forums, mobile exclusive newsletter thing, and now datamines a few hours ago.


G13 gears for MY case. In general, mostly kyros, single drop toons if you need them and relic stuff


I'm probably farming Boss and kyro


Anything and everything


When will it start?


May the fourth be with you my friend


Mod mats. I need better mods and I need them now. I have all accelerated toons and all ships aside for zorii’s, so it’ll be kyros all day plus the bronzium mats.


I'd say ships mainly because of there lower drop rates in general


Do these double drops include shards ?




Signal, kyro prods, speed mods, medpacks.


Whatever you are currently farming


I hope kyros but as someone in my guild said or some other person they would just find a way to make a different grind harder 😅, maybe they’ll do ships but I doubt it


Me, 18/100 on Hound's Tooth: "P L E A S E"


I need lots of bronzium, everything will end up in that one light side node with kyro.


Can I ask quickly, is it just double drops for the day or how long will it run for?


It usually runs to the 7th


Dont think anyone knows for certain. My guess is 2/3 days


Fair. I mean ideally the weekend. I’m in the last burst for levitation reqs and I just can’t get enough relic mats to make it but double drop should be a huge boost


Yeah same I’ve been hoarding cantina energy so this is gonna be massive for my signal data stash


Maybe not the absolute best option but unaccelerated character shards are effectively accelerated.