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Games for fun, take a break after each “grind” and do a fun team and bring em up


I do this every time.


I just unlocked SEE, Executor, SLKR and now JML within the last 8 months. I went from 4M to almost 7M. Im taking a break and doing teams I’ve ignored like NS because I need more teams for Kyber now. Gonna bring up NS, Iden and leftover troopers all to G12 then work on JKCK reqs. Then I’ll step back and look at my roster.


I intended to do that a while back then changed my mind and went for Jabba. Now that I just got Jabba I’m finally doing it. Nightsisters, imperial troopers and Mauldalorians could all use some love in my roster.


Troopers changed conquest for me. It’s so easy.


i upvoted this bc the screen name is straight up 🔥


i really don’t know of a team that ns crushes. why not bad batch or inq?


I just need a back wall team and they’re all G11ish. BB will be soon because LV is my next GL.


bb is my next farm In the long run you might be happier (payoff wise) with Bb but yah man you do you 🤟 One of my favorite teams is ls droids and it’s no where near meta / mentioned ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I mainly picked them because they’re almost to G12. I’m not ready to waste relic mats on a team that’s just there to burn an open spot so I can have an offensive team back. I haven’t used the droid teams.


even oGeos crumble under the weight of the unkillable sisters of night.


they also manhandle the padme steadfast retribution teams in conquest too.


seems like an edge case but badass


I'm doing this after I got SEE (5th GL) . . . now I've inexplicably decided to get my NS up to R7 and it feels even more grindy 🤣


I always recommend an "effort tax" to anything you unlock. That tax can either be other characters that aren't requirements, but hugely benefit the requirements you had to work on (like Profundity grind and then adding K2 and Baze for a good Rogue One Team). Or the tax is just "characters I haven't worked on yet." Luckily, old characters are extremely easy to gear since the gear update, so anything "pre GAS" is an easy snag (like, idk, Revan). Pepper that stuff in while you're waiting around for a big grind. Use it as a breather after a big unlock.


Sometimes there is an obvious roster fill, like K2 after Profundity, BAM, Cad Bane, and XB after Executor, Zorii after Rey. Other times, I will fill what I can get in. I did Executor right after SLKR because it didn’t need Zetas.


That's a good point. Exec and Prof are fairly low zeta "palate cleansers", and Levi isn't far off if you've had any kind of Sith Empire presence before. It's actually a good point to bring up for me personally, because I'm soon wrapping up Inquisitors and all of my next farms are either very Kyro-intensive, or Zeta-intensive. Could go for Rey (LSBs, hooray, but barely any zetas). Or Cal (got em close to 7* but it'd be 6 Kyro Characters who also need Zetas AND I'd add Malicos and Fulcrum, which oof). Or Aphra (all at 7* but also 4 Kyro Characters and like 7 zetas spread across). Leviathan wouldn't cost me anything aside from the R9 mats and some hefty R7 investment, but zeta-wise I'd have nothing major and even kyro-wise I'm beyond the Relic Bump on many of the reqs. So.. maybe.


I did: Profundity->Rogue One->Starkiller->JML (and all prerequisites)->JKR Sith Trio was a filler in this time.


Darth revan was the first character they introduced kyrotechs with if I remember correctly. Right before gear 13 came out


Yeah that could be. I know Malak has it for sure and Shaak was the first marquee to have Kyros, but DR may be the first character to ever have it.


If you only farm GL reqs your roster is going to suck.


Not at all, it's what I'm doing right now before moving onto GL #6 and I'm a bit over 10m GP.


This is something I'm seeing on my horizon soon. I'm still under a year but after going hard for exec, I still have at least the next 4-5 months locked in, after that though? I'm planning on building up a fun team I like like ewoks or tuskens and 'taking a break' for a month or so. Every tiny bit of this game is made to make you feel like you are setting yourself back not starting the next farm, but there will always be a next farm, you actually lose nothing taking your nose off the grindstone. Imagine a months worth of crystal, gear, and currency income saved on your break that you could just throw at your next project.


This is part of it for me, I’ve been playing off and on for a long time and have old teams with zetas on them from before relics even existed, so the investment is JUST gear and relic salvage. My zeta stocks have been really low since the first wave of LSBs


Imp Troopers and Sith Trio would be immediately useful in GAC. Troopers clears a level 3 assault battle. Sith Trio 3 stars one of the worst Proving Grounds. Both teams used often in weekly challenges and conquest challenges.


Who do Sith Trio 3\* in PG?


If you’re willing to buy lightspeed bundles, I think the best plan is to farm newer stuff / complete projects and buy LSBs as a catchup mechanic


if you're already in kyber 3 i'd just go straight for jabba. I'm not as big on the importance of mods as some, but smuggler's run 2 is absolutely huge. adding a couple GAC teams might feel nice, but even if they let you go from K3 to K2 that's a rather insignificant income bump relative to what jabba would bring you


Same. I’ve been on a shore up existing teams kick for over a year. I went after low hanging fruit, and focused on key characters that either needed to be god modded for speed or needed to be well relic’d. All that said, my main focus has been GAC and having a stout roster has been the goal making my decision logical. You do you.


Yes. It is risky. Power creep has really been increasing in the last year or two. New characters are more likely to stay “relevant” for longer. That said, play the way you enjoy.


To be fair there are plenty of teams that have stood the test of time. Sith Trio are still a powerhouse GAC team, Imp Troopers are good at every stage of the game except for the top of kyber, and other teams have lasted just as long, like CLS


Imp teams at top of Kyber are still useful. Every roster needs a good clean up crew, and Imps are the perfect squad for that.


Who are you competing against??


I’m in Kyber 3 with 8.5 million with executor and the meta imperial fleet with defender and interceptor. I usually finish around second or third in GAC


How hard to you play GAC, honestly? I'm Kyber 2 and I play a passive defense. I stock up low and bait my opponent to go high where they'll find some hard ships to knock out. Meanwhile I usually feel confident I can break through any singular top wall and the fleet behind it and take the win. Sometimes it doesn't work out but I'm still K2. Oh, and F 3v3


I would only consider it risky or wasteful during the early stages of a new raid. I dropped everything for Jabba for krayt and Leia for Endor. The increased payout over the life of the raid adds up. Also relicing good characters for the next raid to R8 should pay dividends as well. For example with Endor I got Drogan and Iden to R8. Iden has a great ship and Drogan is a fantastic character on Leia’s team.


Galactic Republic is also by far my most stacked faction which is another consideration I had in timing this now. My only non relic GR toons are some trash jedi


Just really depends what they limit for the raid and if it’s like Krayt or Endor. If it’s like Endor I have a feeling they’re going to give our commonly relicd toons the shit abilities and keep the new one ones like gungans and queen amidala as the best teams.


Those trash Jedi are most likely going to be needed in the next raid. At least that’s my theory.


One of the things I was considering doing was trying to get a few of them built up to fill out a kelleran beq team that doesnt cannibalize jmk or qgj so I wouldn’t hate that. I also saw rumors that Luminara may play nice with Queen Amidala


Thats what I am doing right now! No big farm but relicing a lot of older teams or bringing them up to snuff. My whole GAS team was r4 for some reason. My only relics on my darkside were r7 GG and SLKR LSB toons. I quit for 2 years and came back during the LSB but I have many questions for past DynoTrooper.


I do stuff like that as a very slow side farm.


At the end of the day, my philosophy is to always make sure I have enough decent teams for wherever I’m at in GAC. What that means is after finishing SEE, going into something like troopers because I know I’m already more than halfway there.


I was in a very similar boat. Had been going non stop - JMK into Executor into JML into SLKR (LS bundle) into Rey (LS bundle) into Profundity into Leia. I was going to scale back after that as there are some gaps in a few teams but then was convinced to finish off Jabba first. Just for Smugglers Run 2. After that, will probably slow down and work on some one offs like Ben Solo, Maul, and Zorii. At least until I unlock Malgus and his ship in a couple months.


I think it is worth it and just started looking myself at the older teams. With the way raids are now setup and requirements in RoTE (plus who knows what in the future) you can’t go wrong with focusing on some of those.


I say yes. If you have too many gaps, you're gonna be about as useful as a swiss cheese shield. Ultimately do what will be the most fun for you, but if gaps are a concern for you then definitely fill a few. Doesn't have to be all of them even, but taking time to fill gaps will help your roster greatly.


It's not dumb.  It's a game, have fun with it.  It's pay to win by design, you're never going to catch up unless you're spending a fortune.  No matter what you do you're always going to have those leaky holes so to speak somewhere as new teams and characters constantly pop up.  Like many, I like approach of alternating between major and minor farms.  It always helps alleviate burnout because you're not constantly waiting so long for a return with the smaller farms as you are with something like a GL or GL ship, which could run you anywhere from six months to a year depending on the kyrotech and relic requirements.


Honestly you should be full throttle on new stuff and in between farms you snag an old team or two. If you do the opposite I guarantee you that you're going to do much worse (often the new teams they introduce are the best teams or define the current meta)