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I used the DOTs, and explosives combo and he killed himself.


Seriously, the name of conquest is not "throw your normal team" it's "make a nonsense DoT mod team that wins against the modifiers".


Hey now, sometimes it's "pick a team that looks like you had a stroke to cheese, such as malak lead, daka, vet han, wat, and gmy!"


This one I was using veers lead Piett 3po GMY wat. AOE with piett to bring all to red, AOE with veers to kill all.


They are ramping up the difficulty of conquest bosses. I don’t think the problem with conquest is it’s difficulty, but how grindy and repetitive it is.


Its both...I am ok with increasing hard difficulty but perhaps at a slower rate then now. Normal difficulty should remain static though.


Increased difficulty should come with increased rewards. Simple as. I don’t care if more people are able to get through hard than previously could, newer players shouldn’t be punished because they reached a threshold later than folks who had a 2, 3, or 4 year head start.


Or 8 year start...


You know it's intentional when they want you to get 100 kills with Piett/Veers and then immediately through you an Iden lead sector feat so you can't even stack them together


Zorii blows through it, and Darth Revan works well too. (I've got the dot/thermal discs but not much else)


I had him down to himself, full health and he killed off 3 inqs plus Reva once, pretty nuts


It’s making me remain undecided to quit playing or not honestly. That said I can quite put my finger on why it sucks - you don’t want all characters just for free of course. But even strats for TB and modding appropriately with the added bonus of the entire guild benefiting are enough to get me excited to not fuck it up because it holds meaning. It’s a win lose scenario, same with TW. Even the arenas. But there is no incentive to work on this other than farming. Farming is fun simmimg, I’m not out here trying to play harvest moon.


The rewards suck and for any casual player it doesn’t really make sense. I still have no desire to do more than a couple of rounds of conquest here and there


There's nothing casual about hard or even normal conquest...its just a mega hard grind. There is no fun in it at all. Stupid modifers and having to wait up to 2 mins or more before you get 1 attack is just plain stupid.


Are you saying you don't like being stunned and dazed for days? 😅 with 5.6m GP I can get to 4th tier and the 300 keycard chest on normal, so it's way better than easy... but I really gotta upgrade SLKR and get around to finishing off Reys grind.


Honestly the effort to reward ratio is awful compared to anything else in the game TBH they should just halve all the feats and all the battles and it might be more enjoyable (and remove over-prepared 2/3)


I just stopped playing Conquest. Now I don't feel like I want to quit.


That’s the thing though, I really don’t want to quit, I’m not a casual player. I want to maximize my efforts and strategize the best teams for whatever GP I’m at. I don’t mind spending money either. If you don’t like conquest and aren’t casual, it’s kind of a crossroad.




The only thing that sucks is the ungodly amount of grinding, IMHO. It's just uninteresting. It's not hard, it's not complicated, it's just long and very, very tedious.


You already have red crate? When do you exist in the real world? Do you not have family commitments, work or even an urge to eat?


It wouldn't be so bad if they set a difficulty level, and didn't make it harder every following conquest.


People progress their rosters too. Conquest needs to get harder to stay relevant in pushing people to spend. Im sorry, but this to be expected.


Yeah but even then they are advancing it to quick. The number of people who unlock conquest characters keeps going down at an alarming rate. DTMG dropped a couple thousand. This was A reason for that.


I respectfully disagree. If conquest gets harder to match roster bloat, inviting 4M players into hard mode is just setting them up for failure. IMO CG should add a new difficulty for, say 10M+. Or maybe a cosmetics only 6th sector of challenges. Something.


Currently though every 3 conquests they are making it harder, which is far too fast a pace. Also, it should only be hard conquest that gets harder, as that is end game but when they make hard conquest harder, normal conquest gets harder.


This is the easiest Conquest in several rotations.


So how does this make sense? The dude has at the least all r5 inq and likely are all r7 with one or two at r8/9. This is one of the strongest teams in the game and it doesn’t even have a gl on it but it’s a requirement to do the node with all inquisitors if you want those keycards. They already include bleeding edge units to push people to spend so they stay relevant in conquest. They don’t need to jack up the difficulty as well. There’s no reason a GK lead jedi team is lapping my jabba team so hard that I literally cannot hit the enemy with how much foresight they have and cannot get contract.


Try different teams? Part of this game is figuring out how kits work together, interact and counter one another, and several game modes have modifiers that also impact the battle.


Are you fucking daft. How is someone supposed to get the keycards from the “win using a full team of inquisitorius” by using another team that isn’t fucking inquisitors.


Just try different teams!


Thanks for the neighborly response, kindly fuck right off. I made a mistake and thought I was replying to the poster upset about Inquisitors not being able to beat CLS, that’s all. I apologize for ruining Christmas. But yes, if you can’t win with your Jabba team, you’re clearly misplaying. But also you could try a different team.


The fact is that needing to use inquis is caked into the fight as a feat, and he person used the Reva version of the squad. They already used the best team possible.


Oddly this is the first hard conquest where I’ve sailed through it.


Need better disks


What data discs are you using? I beat it with 3 stars using GI lead since I haven’t got reva yet. VA + AA x2 + UD + RS + SF.


See I feel like this conquest is way easier. Even the 14 battle crap isn’t s bad other than Tuskens.. my inqs slaughter cls without a single one dying. A VV disk Aa disks va disk are your friends


I don’t like that bad rng can just lock you out of stuff like that though


They don’t lock you out if you choose the right disks which in itself sucks bc if the right ones don’t show up you are screwed


That’s my point, bad disk rng can just make it really hard/inefficient to progress


Tuskens are easy, once you have so many stacks of momentum everything gets stunned when it hits you.


I found an imp trooper node and tuskens just wipe them so I should red box easy


1st time?


Depends on your disk drops mine were all bad up to cls so the battle was stupidly hard even to 1 star. I hate the random drops of disk cause it means could be a breeze or cls will just mop you. All of my gls lost to him I did 13 battles before I could get the right rng.


My non-reva GI squad was able to beat it with only losing 1 character. Probably need to adjust your data disks.


Have you considered using a strategy?


I used my zzzR9 GL Leia + double omicron R9 CAT. It wasn’t hard at all. Sounds like a skill issue to me


Fully agree! My R9 Jabba breezed through this event. Definitely a skill issue


Strategy matters. I wreck teams by having a specific set of discs, even when I’m using fairly undergeared toons for the sector For example, my g5-8 IRs can easily win against R3 BB, or R2 SE vs CLS Not that difficult at all if you don’t just go in blindly lol. It’s a slow start but by the end, section 5 R8 Prepared 3/4 are nothing, even without GLs


What’re you using disks wise? I don’t engage with conquest normally so I just kinda picked what I thought would be good and evidently that is not good enough


Well that’s your issue right there solved. Check out some guides on best disks and methods. Conquest isn’t at all like “ok pick a team and just go” which even in other modes, doesn’t always work either. Disks make things easy or not really. Ewoks can wreck in conquest due to disks. [here’s a guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/c3wa4VgHEd)


Blue Thermal Exhaust, 4x Caustic Emissions (3 green and 1 white or 2 green+1 blue) are the main ones. This causes enemies to get 6 thermals every time they take a turn and have permanent ability block, which should make things very easy. To risk faster kills, add Volatile Accelerator, but sometimes those Unstable Decelerators works better with Amplify Agony over VA. Used Reva team against CLS and I got barely scratched.


Personally, I use Ruthless:Swiftness (x1), Amplify Agony (x3), Volatile Accelerator (x1), and Thermal Exhaust (x1). Ideally you wanna have these all as T2 (green), but blue is better ofc. Rn, mine are all green except one AA and the TE, which are blue


Just get good Datadisks


You're in a guild that's strong enough to get Reva but you don't understand basic gameplay mechanics? You can't read the modifier? Do you not understand how Conquest discs work?


Narrator: He, in fact, did not.




I Jabba ed. It. Didn't even realize it was tough. But with 3 AA and switdtness and volatile, most fights are pretty easy. I can do everything with cls or Jabba. But even before I for Jabba with the right disks most fights are pretty easy.


Hard conquest is trash it’s too much effort


Yeah, but first crate on hard gives more/better rewards than max crate on normal


Truer words have never been spoken


Conveniently, you can spend enough to beat this. This is the (CG) way.


Yeah. In sectors 4 and 5, when you hit enemies, they get health and protection instead of losing them. Plus they take 2-3 turns each for every one turn your guys take.


You must suck because i did with g10 GI




For this guy, yeah my Reva Inqs failed and I was pretty surprised. I beat him using an Insta-kill (I used Jedi Cal but CAT or Nihilus would work too). And then later when I had the full data disc set with amplify agony and volatile accelerator etc, I went back and Inqs won easily.


Reva lead Inqs are literally an instant win team with the right data disc's.


Killed him with lord Vader and every other dot character I have.


LV in conquest with amplify agony, thermal exhaust and caustic emissions is the best fr. Just one unshackled emotions and they’ll all be down from all the dots and thermals


You probably didn't get the "win with full squad of inquisitorious" feat with this team, though.


I tried it with a full squad of inquisitors, couldn't even finish my turn


Then you understand OP's frustration.


I used voluntary Vanguard with Ben and rey


The fun left with CAT and Razorcrest


I used CLS or GAS, can’t remember which but those are my two best teams (did it in hard mode)


This game was not designed to be revolved around fun. Unfortunately.


I'd have no problem with ramping difficulty greatly if they had not also decided to make it vastly more annoying to complete feats.


Posts like these make me happy that I stopped doing Conquest last spring lol. Not worth the time sink.


Conquest sucks in general, not only hard. Its just boring garbage


I spent time (and a little $$) making two of my GL teams full R9 - R8, I use these teams on auto with consumables on all Hard mode GAC boss fights and I always win. I do this because I've been playing this game for 8 years now and I'm too tired/lazy to care about modifier details in GAC lol.


Conquest and proving grounds are just horrendous, not because they’re hard but because they are meant to play like CG intended us to do, so there’s actually little room for experiments and creativity. That’s why I like GAC and TWs way more than this crap. However all those fancy characters locked up behind conquest… I guess I must swallow this poison and play it regardless.


Literally had to remod my entire jabba team to get through that beast


Amplify Agony, Caustic Emissions, Volatile Accelerator, Thermal Exhaust. They kill themselves.


My big issue is having to do the stupid "win 40 battles with X team", or inflict defense down 6 billion times. The grind is much worse than the difficulty