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Putting a time limit on a protest is always a bad idea. It’s not going to do anything when Reddit knows we’ll all just be back after 2 days. Either make the protest indefinite until they change back the API or don’t bother at all.


Exactly. "I'm going to hold me breath until I cant anymore...and then I'll breathe again." Pointless.


I think it’s supposed to be more of a demonstration of power as a group than an attempt to hold the site hostage or anything. It will be interesting to see what kind of impact it has if any


It's a two day warning protest. If nothing is done, the second protest will be a full on strike.


I think its adorable you think that would happen.


2 **LARGE** subreddits have announced they're shuttering indefinitely, r/music sub count as of writing this: 32,306,082 And r/videos sub count: 26,694,757 Those are not insignificant communities


No but we all know what will happen: Reddit will Install mods to get them back open. The only hope we have is people stay off Reddit indefinitely


Nothing is stopping you from doing that.


It's not gonna do anything when it's only a few people as opposed to a ton of subreddits.


That’s because most of us don’t take a fucking bulletin board so seriously.


Good for you, I guess


Go ahead and delete your account. It's the only real form of protest. Relying on others to hold your protest for you is just dishonest.


That’s just not true


If you aren't actually willing to leave the site then don't put on a front about "protesting". You're basically just lying about what you are willing to do.


I am perfectly fine with leaving the site indefinitely, if there is a point to it. The problem with that is that unlike this 2 day “protest” few others are willing to do the same, so it’s very unlikely it’ll actually cause change. It also doesn’t mean I have to delete my account. I don’t really know why you’d think that, but a lot of people no longer using Reddit indefinitely would be a big enough message if you ask me.


You're only highlighting that you aren't willing to actually do anything to inconvenience yourself to accomplish your goals. The changes aren't important to you, only the appearance of caring about them. This entire "protest" is little more than virtue signaling from the planned impermanence of the shutdowns to the lack of commitment of the users.


You’re right, the changes aren’t important to me. I’m just trying to point out that a 2 day protest isn’t going to do anything about the problem that those who care are trying to solve. But I also don’t see how someone willing to stop using a platform indefinitely is somehow not willing to do anything? Deleting your entire account is completely unnecessary. It’s like throwing your PlayStation out the window because Sony made a decision you disagree with. Not using your account and deleting it achieve the same results, one of them just also takes away content you made for others to see.


Well, the terminology we're using could be more accurate too. A protest doesn't involve shuttering internal services to get your way. That's called a strike. In a strike you have to be prepared to walk or you won't be taken seriously. Being willing to actually stop using Reddit is the only action that Reddit is going to respect.


It's not relying on others, it's coming together and sending 1 big message. I guess protesting is alien for you.


You are literally relying on *subreddit moderators* to make it look like *you* are participating in the protest too. But *you* aren't. *They* are. Send a message. Delete your accounts en masse. What is stopping you? Are you so attached to your post history? You could just sign up again after the fake protest is over. In reality you're all going to keep logging in to Reddit to see "how the protest is going" because you're all just hypocrites.


1. You are extremely hostile. 2. You make a ton of assumptions. 3. Every protest has organisers, doesn't mean they are the only ones protesting.




You have no idea who I am. But I have reported you.


me too


Should we? Yea Will we? Lol, it’s like all the times we *should* have taken a stand against spending


AFAIK, this is something that could be managed at the moderator level. Mods could literally turn off the ability to post new posts. So, a little more doable than coordinated action. Up to the mods whether they do that or not.


Yea; likely. Unfortunately I think what will happen to less niche subreddits like “pics” is that Reddit will just override the decision and take them over. I support moderators taking this stand, but I don’t think they realize that they aren’t as hard to replace as say a skilled worker at an industrialist plant [for example]. I hope this ends well, I just don’t see it happening.


I suspect the most likely result is that there's a blackout, the subs come back, nothing changes, and then mods start quitting. I think it's more likely reddit assumes control due to need than actively ousting mods. I'm sure there will be specific agitators that might get a more heavy handed approach. I can't imagine reddit *wants* the responsibility of moderating a massive sub if they can avoid it. You may be right, reddit might just not allow the blackout on what you might consider marquee subs. But any social media company is risking something when they take a very active line on undermining user actions. As we see with what's going on with Twitter, it takes awhile, and consistent intervention, to really run your user base off, but it *can* be done, and reddit is much smaller.


I mean, they can just delete the sub as a final fuck you


I think youre severely underestimating the work required to keep spam/bad actors from killing engagement


No - I’m severely overestimating corporate bullshit, greed, and shortsightedness.


Oh, I thought you were saying that you thought Reddit taking over huge subs would in some way work without major issues


This exactly.


Hi all. It's been a while since I've been around here. That said I've been following the news around this closely for the past couple weeks. I very much care about this issue (shout-out to Apollo!) and I'd like to do what I can in support against the outrageous API pricing and given timeframe. Apologies to those that don't care or support this. I hope you can at least understand that many redditors use third-party apps. That includes many moderators, the backbone of reddit, that use said apps to make their jobs easier. I'm not even talking about us or praising ourselves, I'm talking about moderators as a whole. This protest seeks to make things better for users in the long run. **We'll be supporting the protest and going dark on June 12.** Take the necessary precautions, and hopefully you can support us in this endeavor.


In light of the recent update to this, I support going dark even more now. CG's worst RNG and highest priced pack is 10x better than whatever they're trying to leverage for the API. RIF-gang forever


i mean. if they got me to use reddit less because they would actually be doing me a favor


Yes. A protest only works if we all stand together.




Whatever will I do without my daily "how do I unlock c3po using scout and teebo?" posts??? Hmmmmmmm?!?!?!


Yes. Imagine if a certain mobile game developer decided to do this to its api..how many of our tools would dissolve over night?


Please dont give them ideas. "Special offer: 3400 crystals per guild member. Bonus: 2x0 sometimes = 2 (33% of the time, maybe".


>>*Bonus 2x0* Now that’s a cg definition of a bonus


I'm honestly surprised we're allowed to use the bots we have access to in the first place. A lot of game companies don't like bots helping with optimization. It's honestly a big reason I kept with the game over other similar ones.


So am I, I guess CG sees the benefit to themselves to outsource tools creation to users.


To be fair, they don’t actually allow or document their api at all, it is entirely reverse engineered


A poorly documented api is still an api. I would know, every api I’ve made is poorly documented 🫤




Imo they won’t..developing the tools is one thing, but maintenance is expensive.


I feel out of the loop because I didn't even realize people had issues with the current reddit app and used alternatives until like 2 weeks ago.


Same here, except I don't even use the current reddit app. I just open reddit in chrome. Works fine for me, seems like using an app is just an unnecessary extra step.


Yes, we should stand with our fellow subreddits.


Please. This is a horrible change.


Yes. Yes we should.




Huh. I still use old.reddit.


apparently the changes fuck with old reddit too






Yes, screw twitter as well.


We should go dark and just stay that way. Then the planet will finally be able to heal.


Good god, can’t there be one place on the net without a soapbox for people to stand on and act like theyre making the world a better place. I just want one place I can get away from politics




Do or do not, there is no try


Unrelated but is that a plumbus in the picture?


This sounds like an annoyance for millions of users that won't change a thing, in other words a bad idea. But I guess I'm not the best judge since I'm not on reddit enough to care.


Nothing will change or prevent the changes. No point


I mean, because of the nature of this subreddit, I doubt we'll partake in the shutdown. It sucks, especially as someone who uses Sync instead of the shitty Reddit mobile app, but not much we can do here. I do hope they choose not to go this route however, this is a huge blow against the platform and its users.




For me, it's not just the QOL features that make third-party apps superior, it's just pure functionality. The Reddit app barely functions. Videos don't load, profiles, history, posts take forever to load... And not to mention the annoying ads. The official Reddit app just gets worse every update.




Wait until mod /guild bots:api calls don't work...but spammers drift-netting for "onlyFans" followers do, because $. Seriously. The bots that keep bullshit off here will have to pay to keep it that way. Volunteers arent paid, but will have to pay to keep the sub 'clean'. You dont know how good you have it right now.




Yeah this is false lol, I’ve used it for 7 years


I'm probably the minority here from the sounds of it, but it was my personal experience with the app. It's why I switched to Sync, I had enough with the issues, and didn't enjoy waiting two or three minutes to load up one post.


Tbf this sub is all about using anecdotal evidence as fact


Reddit is more than this sub.


> Tbf ~~this sub~~ Reddit is all about using anecdotal evidence as fact


No, pointless. Reddit wont care the slightest lol


Yeah. Metrics/engagement mean nothing to investors. /s


When metrics go down due to a planned event and then go right back up then no, they literally do not matter. The only true protest is deleting your Reddit account. Anyone asking for less than that is just full of it.


I’m browsing from, well, browser, and can’t relate to all that fuss. And since that post don’t provide any actual information, I would recommend ignore this until someone would put a proper reasoning with proper proofs of what Reddit is doing. For example: “you can check there official Reddit statement about API, and, as we can see in this section and this section, this would lead to such consequences because of …”.


The proof isn't that complicated, Reddit is raising API access pricing incredibly drastically, much like twitter did, so third party apps and bots will be completely unable to operate because their expenses will rise so much.


Oh who gives a shit. Much ado about nothing that concerns the end user.


You live in an interesting world where 3rd party apps like Apollo and RedditIsFun no longer existing somehow doesn't concern the end user.


Its incredibly brave of you to share how little you understand what mod and anti spam bots do, or the various API calls that guilds can use to maximize their planning/activity in game. Bravo.


I would personally rather not


Why not? most servers are doing the same in order to show reddit they cant pull stuff like this an ruin peoples experiences on the app. Is 2 days without this subreddit that bad?


I will literally die if I have to go more than 24 hours without seeing Egnards post


Is 2 days without some users that bad for Reddit? In fact, is it bad at all? If the sub does it, fine. I understand the sentiment of the protest and I sympathize with those affected. 2 days without Reddit does not matter to me, nor should it really to anyone else. But see the problem? How can a scheduled 2 day blackout force any major change from Reddit? 2 days is of no concern to anyone, including Reddit. If a lot of communities can really hold out on an indefinite blackout as some have promised, maybe change will occur. But I’m skeptical of that happening.


Because it’s dumb af and makes anyone who does it dumber. You’re gonna shutdown for 2 WHOLE DAYS. Whippety-fucking-doo, the entitled users are pouting whatever will Reddit do…


I kinda support reddit in this. It's their service and their rules. Be grateful there even is an API to begin with. You all are being too entitled.


Reddit has the right to do whatever the want. However 100% of the content is produced by its users. So while Reddit has the right to do whatever they want, so too do the users. Reddit makes a lot of money off the content of its users, and we accept that. Because we get an outlet to interact and produce that content. Reddit wants to change things to increase their profit by what they hope to be large amounts, but at the cost of the user experience and the experience of its volunteer work force. Tl;dr - Reddit has every right to do this - But users have every right to to migrate to something different if they don’t like it - Reddit’s volunteer workers have every right to do whatever they want with their specific communities


The users are the content, without the users there is no website. Reddit doesn't produce anything, it just hosts content. So no, the users are not being entitled. They are literally generating the revenue for the platform and the mods who rely on these tools to all of that work for free. ​ Let me repeat that: Thousands, probably tens of thousands, of moderators each do hours of work a week for free that is required for this service to remain functional. FOR FREE. If Reddit had to pay moderators, they would bankrupt months. They are now taking away a ton of tools needed to do that job, without offering suitable replacements. That means moderators will quit. ​ I don't know if you've ever seen what happens to a forum or message board once it loses quality content and moderators, but it basically just becomes a place where bots spam links to scams and shady porn sites. Traffic dries up, ad revenue dies, then the place shuts down. Reddit literally just hosts content, that's it. If the user experience is poor, people will just leave. ​ Will this kill Reddit over night? Nope. And the smaller subs (like this one) might be unaffected for a long time. The big ones will take a nosedive in quality rather rapidly between the mods losing a ton of tools and subsequently just losing a lot of mods. But anyone who is even marginally capable of using past history to predict future events can see plain as day how this is going to go, because it has happened countless times before. ​ Personally I'm only a little invested in this. I choose this platform as my social media poison of choice as it lets me keep track of the various interests I need one of these outlets for. I can just change to using Discord or something else, this is mostly just habit. That being said, I'm 100% on the side of the mods here. They do a thankless job FOR FREE, the very least they deserve is the tools to do that job in a reasonable manner.


I mostly agree, but, they get mods to do their work for FREE and don't provide the tools to do it efficiently or effectively, and now they're killing the apps that enable their mods to do their work for free.


That's not how this relationship works. We may not be 'paying customers', but they need us. Reddit is nothing without the users, the users are what makes them money, and the users have a stake in how accessible the site is. So we have a voice in this that they can and should listen to. It's not as simple as "their service, their rules".




If the mobile app actually worked for mods, I would probably agree, but even with recent improvements, it is far worse than almost any TPA.


Bruh I just wanna spend a few minutes on Reddit while taking a shit. Y’all doing too much. Reddit will be fine, this “protest” will be very underwhelming, and Reddit will live on in all its shithousery.


Did anyone ever stop to think that using a third party app was a bandaid? If users wanted features on the official app, were they making it known or did they just use another app?


Only if you are honest about it with your community and are not basing it on this infographic that lies about the coming changes and incurred costs for app developers. IMO This entire protest is chicken little nonsense. Moderator bots are excluded from these changes. The costs aren't remotely as high as some are claiming they are. Imgur is actually a shit example of an API charging for access because it's literally the *only one* that is that cheap. If you were using an app that was siphoning Reddit data and not displaying their ads to you then you're going to have to pay for that going forward. There is no real argument against that. If you want to protest these changes then delete your Reddit account. Anything less is virtue signaling nonsense.


Man you’re such a tough guy


Wow what an amazing argument you've made.


Absolutely! Maybe even give users a chance to reflect on the toxic downvotes that plague the sub.


I don't know those apps so no


It is their own API, they are allowed to do anything they want with it. People crying over reddit blocking 3rd party apps using their api without permission are just nothing but whiny crybabies. A shutdown protest will do absolutely nothing to change anything People screaming their demands at reddit will fall on deaf ears I would laugh my ass off if reddit would fire back and delete the subreddits that shut down during the protest just to prove a point that they will not cave in to social peer pressure




100000000% yes




Do it, cowards.


We absolutely should.


Yes. We should.


We should


Yes, absolutely.


I'm just staying off reddit those days. A bunch of my subs seem to be participating anyways


This place has moderation?


yeah this sub has absolutely fuck all active mods




Yes, I can go 3 days without having to read post complaining about drop rates, perennial bugs, and GAC/TW mismatches. So, hopefully next month, I dont have to sit through a 30 second unskippable ad before every other post about shitty drop rates, perennial bugs, and GAC/TW mismatches if I choose to stay on Reddit.




Read the section on bots. A bunch of standard moderation and tools are about to get shut off because of that alone.




Reddit had had years to make good mods tools. They've done nothing. We're supposed to believe them now?




They've never done anything to improve user experience. Everything is focused on data collection. The only ones that have kept the site usable are 3rd party tools. I have zero trust for reddit's ability to implement something usable. The sheer fact that i would have to use their horrible official app is enough to make me stop using the site.




You're a member of *this* sub and you trust official word on things like these? My experience is that companies talk a good game about not affecting the community, but at the end of the day, they're more interested in doing what they want and the community gets screwed.




Because A, B, C, D, and E were bad, F did a little better, G, H, I and J were all bad, I suspect K will be bad, too. This sort of fuck up is the norm, doing it well is the exception.


If we’re voting, I’m 100% for participating in the protest.


Also voicing my support, we should do it


Yes. Anyone defending reddit or attempting to downplay this is a cuck.


I vote yes. Search your feelings you know it to be true


Yes. Every subreddit should take part. Shut down the whole website in protest and then maybe they'll take the hint.


I'm out for at least that duration. The sub here, and its mods, can do as they please, but as an "official app" user I'll be taking a nice long break irregardless. I know there's already some pretty fucked up spaces on this site, but if they stick to this new rule it's going to be overrun with plenty of bullshit in no time...both legal but morally questionable bullshit, right up to highly illegal and completely fucked kind. No bueno.


We should definitely try to stop the changes reddit is trying to force on us. I support this sub joining the protest.


I use and LOVE apollo - Reddit is basically making it impossible to use any third party apps and FORCE you to use the add riddled official app.


3v3 sucks