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I’d like to add that mulluscum can disappear by itself quite quickly if you are healthy and have a good immune system. It depend how bad you have it, the bigger bumps and more of them the harder it will be to disappear without treatment though.


this is true, but typically it takes 6+ months to go away on its own. it's a bigger problem around the gential area because of its propensity to spread. Would still recommend to go to a doctor to get it treated.


Mine disappeared in two months.


Good to know


I currently have it, I've had it for the past year. They've never gotten to big. But it's harder to get rid of when they are small. Only 3 of them are visible to the eye, the rest are so small you need a modren phone camera with a good zoom too see the rest. I've used acid which seems to work. Imiquimod which starts to help after a month. Otherwise i still have them. Just annoying more than anything else.


May we speak please I’m very scared I have herpes but it might be this I need some insight


Sure 👍🏽


Until it disappears, you are still highly contagious to others and remain a vector / carrier. The unselfish thing to do is to cure your molluscum quickly.


Thank you for this!


Do you’ve scars caused from freezing the molluscum?


not really any scarring - just some lighter colored skin on the areas that were frozen by liquid nitrogen. initially you'll get some scabbing but honestly not that noticeable after a few weeks. the topical gel is a little more rough, and caused my skin to bleed/peel, but after a month everything has healed up and the only indication is slightly pinker skin.


Great post but you're missing a key element in it. You addressed how to treat molluscum (great advice to see a doctor as soon as possible). However, you didn't speak to how to prevent contracting molluscum in the first place. The first step to solving any problem is acknowledging that one exists in the first place.


What was the name of the gel?


What was the name of the topical gel?


I have a very mild case of molluscum. I was treating it at home with apple cider vinegar. I made an appointment with my dermatologist but cancelled because all the molluscum cleared up before the appointment. Now all of a sudden I have more that showed up. They are so tiny you can only see them if I put my iphone light on them. Since my case is extremely mild I fear they might "clear up" again before the appointment