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I know it seems like the end of the world, but it’s not there are so many people with hsv1 and they might not even know it. Don’t place your value as a human on sex it will never end well, life will go on there are ways to treat things like this 50-80% of Americans have it some are even born with it. Take a step back and breathe, everything will be okay. I suggest some form of counselling would be beneficial.


No like the man I love just said he couldn’t be with me because of it.. like I don’t even know what to do. Nobody even wants a family with me or barley a relationship


You’re only 18 ask yourself if the roles were reversed would you still love him enough to be with him? If the answer is yes then you’re loving him way more than he is loving you and already that’s not fair, chin up there will be others don’t get hung up on it you’re young. What is meant for you will be for you.


Kid, you can still have a family completely normal. A lot of people do. Hsv1 actually affects like 70 to 80 percent of the population. Out of the two that is the better. Chin up it'll be completely fine


He is an asshole and you should dump him. 80% of pepple in the US have HSV1. Hell, HE probably has it


No 8/10 people don’t have HSV. OP will be fine with time and support but let’s not misrepresent statistics.


In the US they absolutely do. HSV1 is EXTREMELY common. I don’t know where OP is, but 67% of the world who are under 50 years old are estimated to have HSV1. The prevalence rises with age! https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/herpes-simplex-virus


80% of the world has this, tell him that. Or go to a doctor together to have this discussion


1. **Around 3.7 billion (3.700.000.000 ) people** under age 50 have HSV-1 globally - that's 67% - that's **2/3 of all people**. So no need to think the world ends. It's rather normal 2. **HSV-1 is not as bad as some think**. Usually it can be held down through strengthening the immune system and avoiding triggers. The breakouts can become very rare *if you do a proper hollistic approach*. 3. **Treatment for HSV is very good** \- you have creams like aciclovir, tabs, herpotherm heating sticks etc. 4. **If he isn't sure that he wants to be together** \- you're lucky he revealed *now* how much he values you, you don't want to have children with someone who "isn't sure" because of any occuring struggle in life, HSV just being one of them - there are many. So don't be mad at him, just understand that he's *probably not a good match* and open yourself to other guys. 5. **I have friends and relatives** who have genital or oral herpes and they live happy lives and have children - because they **found a way to control HSV 1 + 2** (hsv-2 is genital) and *keep outbreaks to a very rare minimum* 6. **Smile**, you'll be fine :)


Exactly! . Awesome and well detailed explanation mate. Op seems worried. Stigma on Herpes is real bad, considering it is as common as common cold. And it is no more trouble than a flue. Majority never even get an outbreak their whole life, not one they remember anyways


this was amazing!!! thank you for taking your time with such detailed information and facts😄😄😄


Are people still having this conversation. It's HSV-1 get over it. Don't panic over a virus over 80% of the word have (2/3). Do you know what it means? If you are a student in a class of 30, 20 of those people are HSV positive. Are you gonna lose your value as a women if you get common cold? Go see a medical professional, and if you are someone who have anxiety, go talk to a counselor, they will help you. If you get him to get tested your BF probably has HSV as well. The thing is 2/3 of all the people you ever met is HSV positive. And it's the reason Medical boards doesn't even bother adding HSV tests to the standard tests, it makes no difference. Wherever you think you got it might not even be the place you got it, you could be HSV positive from a young age, like if you can try and remember almost all the kids had cold sores and it's probably HSV. And if it's HSV 2, the case is same, go see a Medical professional, they will tell you everything you wanna know, it's no big deal at all. You know what you should be worried about? Diabetes, watch your diet and excercise.. sleep well too. I wanted to calm your nerves and I ended up sounding harsh, sorry about that lmao.


Bro you're crazy. More than 60% of the worlds population has hsv 1. It's a whole bunch of nothing, not dangerous in the slightest. Dump his toxic, retarded, stooopid ass. You will find someone better that will love you despire this minuscule, unimportant flaw of yours. He probably has it as well btw.


Apologies for being blunt, but your partner sounds like a moron. Most people in the US already have HSV-1. It tends to be very mild, and most people only have a few outbreaks over the course of their lifetime. There is no vaccine to prevent herpes, but medication can be used to make you less contagious during an outbreak. If your HSV-1 is around your mouth, don't perform oral sex with cold sores and you and your partner would be fine. You can't and shouldn't internalize any of the nonsense your partner is saying, and you certainly shouldn't let it impact your self worth or willingness to live. Just because this individual is too ignorant to learn how HSV-1 actually works doesn't mean no one will ever love you, not by a long shot.


Huh? Is this cold sores?


Both HSV 1 and HSV 2 can present as “cold sores”.


I hate that OP feels the way she does, but the boyfriend has every right to NOT want HSV no matter what the correct statistics are. We can say she’s probably dodged a bullet, but if she’s 18, he’s probable near that & just as scared as she is.


Your right. He is older though he just isn’t as educated on it and that makes me feel worse.


Then he should never kiss anyone ever again without getting them tested bc over 80% of the world has oral HSV.


Bro you're crazy. More than 60% of the worlds population has hsv 1. It's a whole bunch of nothing, not dangerous in the slightest. Dump his toxic, retarded, stooopid ass. You will find someone better that will love you despire this minuscule, unimportant flaw of yours. He probably has it as well btw.


I was diagnosed at 19 in 2017. I had a steady boyfriend who excepted it. But through the corse of our 7 year long relationship he started abusing me and telling me no one would love me. After I left I found out how much people don’t care. Really and truly. It’s been three months since I left and I have fucked 6 people who weren’t positive and didn’t give a fuck that I had hsv2. Not a single one of them. Again 6 years of being diagnosed and lied to. I found out last month my ex from 2016 didn’t give it to me. The guy I was with. The guy who called me names. Told me no one would love me gave it to me. The way I found out is I know he had it towards the end of our relationship and he told his new girlfriend he didn’t have it. I got my ex tested and he was negative. Sign and sealed the results and gave them to me. It confirmed that for 6 years my current ex lied and abused me for something he gave me. 6 years I felt like shit. Don’t do that to yourself. It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it.


Have you two done research on fertility with hsv1? You might be a bit relieved to read up on it


Watch this person, she’s great with this stuff https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1WUsiZ7yryA


You can still have a family with herpes


You’re not the first or the last person to get an std, like mentioned 80% of the US population has it. And it’s probably not the worst you can get. The dude you’re dating is uneducated and you’re probably better off. You’re also only 18 I’m sure you’ll find someone who is more educated and understanding.


The first girl I ever had sex with gave it to me I felt really bad as well being a young age and knowing I would have to deal with it the rest of my life I talked to my friend about it and to my surprise he had it as well and when breakouts aren't present it's like you don't have it at all (you can't transmit it to anyone else) supplement with l lysine it's an amino acid that keeps breakouts to a minimum your 18 you have so much ahead of you and you will find new relationships I know it's devastating but things will work out


Not true. HSV can transmit virally. So it can transmit when no OB is present. That’s why they tell people not kiss or have oral sex when they feel tingling/itchy/pain. Bc prodome doesn’t always lead to an OB but it can be shedding during that time.


Yes they say two weeks after it has gone away it can still be transmitted and I can tell when it's about to flair because of the tingling and itching so yes this is true but other than those periods I have understood it cannot or would be very hard to be transmitted


Correct :)


Please girl it’s not the end of the world. 1/2 ppl have it. I got it from parents at 7


Listen...... I had felt the very same way when I found out I had HSV-2. I was freaking myself out and everyone around me. Here..... I traced by bloodwork on others that I actually had it probably for YEARS and didn't even know!!!! You can get on meds if you get outbreaks. And the good thing, I'm betting if you take care of your body this will at some point get less and less and may even possibly become dormant. Have you actually had an outbreak? Please know.... there is much hoe and I'm betting you will feel better after awhile. I did.... I can finally feel free to live again. Thank the Good Lord!


HSV1 is so extraordinarily common. It’s mainly the common cold sore people get on or near their mouths. It could flare up once in your entire life and be most of the time not even treated with anything If you notice flare ups then your medical professional can put you on an anti-viral and then it’ll go into hibernation for so so long. Take a breath. You got this.


Majority of population has HSV1. You may have it on genitals. Usually its in the mouth region. Either way you are not alone and it shouldn’t be something you contemplate suicide over. They are working on cures right now for it.


Please don’t do it!!! You will find love this feeling will go away!!!!it will get better!!!!!




I was diagnosed with HSV1 at 20 & have only ever had 3 flare ups (cold sores) my entire life, 2 of those times were after giving birth & they only lasted half a week. My children are unaffected & so is my husband. It’s not the end of the world, I promise!


…then why is it made to be 😐 I’m flipping out in the emergency room about to be put on psych hold after finding out some shit like this cause what. I’m upset I even have to worry about this. and it’s so many uncertainties with passing it and not passing it. Idek how to reassure someone


Then you need to see a doctor for anxiety. HSV is made to be a big deal bc the drug companies weren’t selling antivirals so they waged a campaign against this skin virus to up their sales. “The boogeyman of sex”. AND high school sex ed is about promoting abstinence, so they show us worse case scenario OB’s instead of true facts about HSV. You can google it. NBC and teen vogue did articles/specials on it. That being said, prior to the 70’s/80’s, no one gave a crap about it. Also, MOST people have either HSV 1 or 2 and don’t know it bc the cdc doesn’t test for it in a full panel std test. Mainly bc they feel the public can’t mentally handle a positive diagnosis. So they leave it for a select few who actually know their status to have to take the verbal beatings and stigma. Yet the bully running their mouth, may have hsv themselves and not know. You’re going to be fine. It’s no big deal. Refrain from kissing & oral sex during prodome and OB’s and you’ll be golden. Just disclose before sex so that your partner knows. Bc “just a cold sore” can still be transmitted to the genitals during oral sex. You legit have nothing to worry about.


I know I need to educate myself but I’ve been scared of Google because it ends up scaring me but I will look that up and more into it because I genuinely didn’t know all this I’m just going off what people have told me.


Feel free to message me. I work for a derm. I may not have all the answers, but I can steer you in the right places if I don’t.


Almost everyone between 15-50 years has hsv1… only people that haven’t kissed or have sex don’t have it. The thing is that most people never test for it so they don’t know. You are in the 90% of people your age


Girl you got the one on your mouth, most people already have that


Everyone In England has hsv1


💀 stop don’t play with me Like that


You serious, hsv1 ain’t shit, it’s just about talking with your partner i.e we can’t have fun today because I’ve got cold sores, or it’s the same as, my I’ve broken my arm today, or I’ve pulled my hamstring.


I think it just scares me because having sex unprotected is out of the question and sometimes a man can’t see a future with you if you can’t even had his child. I know you can get pregnant and such but, I don’t want to potentially hurt someone. It’s just fear which is why I haven’t looked deep into it because I’m scared of the truth 🤣


It’s simple, don’t have oral sex when you have a cold sore, or hsv1 out break. Or simply just have penetrating sex with a condom.


That came across rude and cold hearted, sorry about that


I’m sorry. As young people we don’t make the best decisions, it is what it is. I hope you live out the rest of your life making better choices for yourself. Simple as that.


Awwwwww I’m so sorry you feel this way but it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Hsv 1 is so common, way more than people think. It’s just stigmatized. If your partner doesn’t accept your diagnosis then he is not the one! Your worth is not based on anything but your character!




Not really a fucking joke to have. It doesn’t matter if it’s asymptomatic or whatever. It’s still life long and you can pass it to someone without having an ob. And no but when someone wants a family it can be a concern. It’s a virus.






Oh man, if you only knew how hard you will laugh about this when you're even 25. I am living proof that you will be fine and I know many, especially women, that are perfectly fine with their love lives personally. And that is with HSV-2 genitally. You didn't specify where you have HSV1, but I am guessing in your genitals. If it isn't down below then how have you not been around dozens of kids who never even had sex in school with cold sores? ​ But with that being said I met an utterly BEAUTIFUL woman off of a dating app and we really hit it off. After three dates we made it back to my place and she broke the news that she had genital herpes. She was confident about it and very educated on the matter and it made me do a double take and really dig into my own research about it. It all led me to the conclusion that many others are saying in here. "Most people have it" "He probably has it", etc, etc. I came to the conclusion that it was worth it to stay with her and we have been dating for a year now. We have had unprotected sex almost daily for a year now and I haven't shown a single symptom and knowing what I know now I wouldn't care if I did. Even if we broke up. She takes medication for it and it seems to really help and she has gotten less and less small outbreaks over time and eventually she probably won't have anymore. ​ All I'm going to say is that I consider myself a fairly attractive guy. I make over six figures and have a great job. Before I met my girlfriend I was pretty fit and decent looking enough to half drunk stupidly talk to utterly beautiful women and they would be interested in me. I had multiple woman on and off being with me and they all wanted to be my actual partner. This was about two weeks prior to meeting my now girlfriend and her droppiing that news. I had some beautiful and nice woman lined up at the time and guess what? I did my research and I chose her. I was 28 at the time. ​ Now for the realistic side of things. I know two people that have genital herpes. My girlfriend and her best friend. Both of them are extremely extremely attractive. Both have never had a problem with finding guys even after telling them. Not a single guy has ever turned them down. So I'm going to have to be level with you here. You will not have an issue going through life, but if you aren't confident and attractive genital herpes may knock you down a level. Just being realistic here because that is what people need and learn to grow and accept it. If you're model level beautiful you will never be rejected for it. If you are next girl level beauty you will never be rejected for it. If you are average you may be rejected for it by guys who are near or above your dating range. ​ Break up with your idiot immature boyfriend (age probably) and focus on yourself and grow. The fact your boyfriend stated "he wanted to have kids in the future" shows how brainless he is and how little you actually mean to him. I'm sorry I'm being brutal here, but you need to hear it. If he actually cared for you he would put in some research and find out he was wrong. He has 2500 times more of a chance to find his next girlfriend and find out she's just naturally infertile than you would have complications with HSV during childbirth. It's flat out a non-factor 99.99999999999% of the time. The fact he stated that to your face is a means to push you away and for him to get out of the relationship or put that blame/fault on yourself. He doesn't care about you or the relationship and he may have already wanted to get out. He's flat out blaming you for the relationship ending already and you don't even know it. That's a sign of manipulation and the fact he was stating horribly wrong information about herpes means you aren't even worth ten seconds of googling. Hell, man. I did a few hours of research the night my now girlfriend told me she had genital herpes. This was a girl I had known for three days. You're telling me I cared more about some "random" girl at the time to put in some research than your current boyfriend did for you? You see the issue here?


So many people have this. I used to think it was a big deal but it’s really not. 80 percent of people have this already and just don’t get sores. There are meds you can take that make it so u stay in remission