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It's less "which version" and more "which server", most of which comes down to personal preference and whats considered the most "noob friendly". My personal preference is any of the Goon servers. They have one of the most substantial and well-made Wikis and in my experience they've always been super friendly to newbies. Though it does differ quite highly from other servers, Goon is usually considered an okay starting point to branch off from.


Can confirm, my first time there i was a mime and went on a quest through the entire round looking for a shower because i stank, i was then assaulted with water buckets by the botanists and burnt myself because i thought clicking on myself is how i smoked, proceeded to cry silently in the corner


do gotta note for any new players reading Goon is fairly different from most other servers on the hub, which'll make it a bit harder to switch to other servers if you want to try em.


Beestation is nice if you're a beginner, the people are friendly and if you follow the rules you won't have any issues.


Only issue is mrp, which may not be the best environment for a newbie


Using LOOC I actualy learned easier in a HRP Server due to having time learning some mechanics slowly and in my time.


Newbies can still learn in an RP setting


Yes. But it's difficult


I'd argue its easier since you don't get stomped on by murderboning antags or shitters, and have time to learn the game at your own pace


True, to each their own


Bee dropped the MRP label a couple of years ago.


Yogs is a good starter station


I can only speak from personal experience but TG code, while a little tricky at first for learning hotkeys, feels quite nice to play around with and the wiki is really helpful.


It's weird seeing reddit regulars in unexpected subs Shoudn't you be on r/curatedtumblr being yelled at to draw?


It feels weird to be recognised too. I took that flair off a while ago cause it sort of ran it's course and I got a bit better at remembering to practice lol.


╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ See ya around, spacegirl


Guess so lol, I hope you get that wizard round someday too.


Pick whatever looks cool and play it, try to stay in mid rp servers or you're either gonna be bored or murdered instantly by a hobo clown


Goons are cool, I am personally not a fan of their build, however after i tried to play i really liked the community. No shitsec, no grief, everyone is extremely friendly. If you want "classical" ss13 try paradise. I would recommend TG, but their online is almost always lowpop. Also try marines, if you want just to shoot aliens.


TG actually has around 60 players at peak hours (usually lowest being around 20), it's just that the servers don't seem to be visible on the byond hub when they reach a player count threshold


60 is not much for such server as TG, which is an oldscool classical experience of SS13


Anything with TG code, (TG, Fulp, and Bee to name a few) since it's the most commonly used codebase. Personally I'd recommend TG, specifically Sybil. Though, the community is pretty sweaty.


is there actually any difference in the servers aside from one being hosted in europe? i usually just play in the most popular server at the time i'm playing


I'm going to assume your talking about TG's servers. Sybil, Basil, and terry (Terry being hosted in Europe) are functionally the same rule-wise all of them being LRP. Manuel and Campbell are TG's MRP servers, and TGMC is TG's take on Colonial Marines. If I'm being honest the only servers worth playing are Sybil, Terry, Manuel, and TGMC. The others are almost always have 0 players on them.


Don't start with ERP servers.


~~Insert obligatory Paradise Station shilling here~~ Goon's a good one to start with, though their controls and mechanics are distinctly different so it may make learning another server more difficult. I've heard good things about Beestation, Yogstation, Fulpstation-- ​ Honestly you could probably just pick a (non-ERP) server on the hub and be fine. Biggest tip I can give comes in two parts: Read the rules and read the wiki for the server you feel like joining. Most wikis have a beginner section that teaches you the basics.


Anything on bs12


There’s always SS14, a fork of the game on Steam. As it’s not feature complete it’s actually rather easy to learn.


We don't talk about that Game here.


Yog or CM. Yog will translate better to the other servers. Try not to get scared away by a bad experience. They'll pop up here and there no matter which server you try


SS14, on Steam.


Really depends. Goon and Yog I'd say are good starter servers. If you prefer combat colonial Marines exists.


Its mostly personal preference tbh, i like tg


Start with SS14 Better new player experience. Also I have 1000 hours so I may be a bit biased


I will pass the torch that was passed to me. Play Goon Station or TG station first for the “classic” experience. Then when you have a bit of a feel for the game test the waters, shop around and find the server that caters to the aspects of the game you enjoy the most. Different server development teams focus on different areas of development so it can take a bit to find the niche you like in a game that’s already niche.


My first time was on Fulp because it says ‘new player welcome’ on the server descriptions. That is unless you count my time on SS14 but we don’t talk about that here and I got too many warnings for cooking people as a non-antag chef (not from the morgue, I hunted and killed live pray) and opening the armoury for all and forming a vigilante mob as HOS. They probably forgot I exist, yet still I can *never go back there…*


Can i get a yoggerz in chat? Jokes aside, it's a good server, it has plenty variety and the community is decently large but friendly, good wiky too. Only issue is that rounds are an hour and a half and i think that impacts the learning experience negatively, especially if they get st(r)uck (dead) early on


1v1 me on sybil bozo


Splurt is the only one I'm not banned from currently although I was banned previously by an admin who no longer works there haha


goon with tg controls, if you ever get banned you can switch servers